
Psychic Quotes

There are 322 quotes

"The psychic that I go to has predicted everything that would happen in my life accurately for the past year."
"This is a strong psychic or spiritual connection; you may feel like you've known this person before."
"She closed her eyes and told those in attendance, 'I feel a coldness. I see death. Look above my shoulder and see who it is.'"
"Your psychic abilities are going to broaden; your third eye is going to open even more."
"Your guides are going to share their psychic gifts with you."
"Challenges make you stronger, embrace psychic abilities."
"Bishop's resistance to psychic influence makes it harder for telepaths to get into his head."
"This person is so psychic, they can feel your energy."
"You are very, very intuitive at this time and you have a lot of psychic gifts."
"This is all about psychic energy, trusting your intuition, also being on the right track for your dreams."
"Bob Saget is a Taurus Sun, Virgo Moon. Virgo Moon is incredibly psychic."
"The mind can affect results even from many miles away."
"I was able to remote view any word that I desired... and I allowed it I was almost so detached."
"There's a psychic connection here that is really drawing you both in."
"You impacted them in a way of their psychic ability."
"You have some type of ancient sacred power with your intuition and your psychic abilities."
"Is it possible for somebody to have psychic abilities? Yes, I believe that."
"It's deeply associated with dream magic, astral projection, and psychic development."
"I am a psychic, not demonic; I didn't get my powers from Satan, I got them from Jesus."
"I must confess, I'm a bit psychic."
"A new person enters your life, a relationship begins, a new phase, and heightened psychic ability."
"Telepathy is their usual means of discourse."
"You show them some magic, something very psychic."
"This person is intuitive, they're psychic, they're empathic."
"I'm open to doing private readings for you, however, I do have a little bit of a waitlist."
"You're an empath, you're psychic yourself."
"There's a very strong psychic connection."
"You guys are doing big things; you're psychic, you're gifted, you're healers, you have a purpose."
"She spent her life receiving visions and connecting the living with the dead until she died at the ripe old age of 80 of natural causes."
"By the time Rosemary our psychic testified against him the witnesses and jurors were utterly silent everyone was amazed at what she had to say."
"In 1991, Rosemary testified that she had psychic knowledge of a man's innocence in a sexual assault case, and he was acquitted."
"Your abilities will be in chance, so the first thing that I would say to your soulmate is that you are the psychic one."
"They feel like you nourish them, they think you're psychic, deeply empathic, and deeply intuitive."
"For centuries, phony psychics have used a version of the cold read to dupe gullible customers. It's nothing but good observations combined with educated guesses and generalities."
"I'm the greatest psychic in the universe, of course I can block them!"
"This is going to be an incredibly psychic year for you, a very powerful year."
"He began to discover that his readings could outline treatments for Shell Shock veterans, and nobody else knew what to do with them. There were a lot of them, and those who followed his instructions got better."
"Synchronicity for example is you're thinking about Joe and Joe calls you on the telephone and you say to yourself aha I knew it I'm psychic."
"Psychic things can be changed, and because we get these warnings we can do things."
"Every Monday there's going to be a new psychic reading video here on my page, so make sure you're here every Monday around 9:00 a.m. Eastern time."
"It was almost like my unconscious tie breaking off freed me, and so psychically freed her too."
"Remote viewing is the practice of visualizing and gathering information about a location or other target from a separate location using only the power of the mind."
"You are already psychic, intuitive, and capable of connecting."
"Psychic wisdom is invaluable, even if it defies logic."
"Everything's Energy Information that vibrates or moves. 99.99% of it is psychic, so you already are being psychic."
"She's the most powerful psychic we've ever come across, like a huge margin. The judges are losing the war for this city."
"...my mom could see the future, right? She's a psychic and she was like, 'Listen here, David, one day, we're gonna have a daughter named Lace."
"You are a Divine being having a human experience. You are psychic, boo boo."
"You'll find more than just a fantastic psychic sci-fi cyberpunk seinen here."
"Everyone is psychic... Being psychic means you know what's right for you in the moment."
"He's also somewhat psychic and we get glimpses of his visions through his artwork."
"One research study found that he was right 85% of the time in many of his readings."
"You're psychic through one way and that is through receiving psychic energy."
"Everything that this person is sending towards you, this High Priestess just gets blocked, it literally gets blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, because there's no energy stronger than your own."
"You're speaking my business, they don't like that you are accurate on something, someone here is highly psychic, someone here is just very intuitive and can read BS, smell BS from around the corner, down the road, cross it, go across the bridge, can smell it."
"I thought I'd do a reading for you guys today. I know you love looking at your person's thoughts and feelings."
"Humanity's psychic evolution is said to have accelerated pace."
"We are all psychic, we just have to learn how to use it."
"If you die and the government brings me in to solve your (beep) murder? Psychic."
"Remote viewing is when you have the ability with your mind to go into just like the airwaves and be able to tell."
"What's wild is there's no way of predicting what a kid is gonna be like because every kid is so different, every human is so different. Um, the only way you can know that is if you are psychic."
"The possibilities for psychic types are endless, but some are more likely than others."
"You guys are extremely, extremely psychic. Remember, your whole theme, your whole energy is that you can't shake this feeling. So, some of you are single and you know that your person is coming and you can't shake this feeling."
"They did feel that deep kind of being pulled to you that the moon represents, and that feeling of psychic connection."
"The art of scrying is essentially the art of staring aimlessly into a surface or an object for the purpose of allowing subconscious and psychic images to come to the forefront of our mind."
"At their best, they're psychic. Water's the element of psychic phenomenon."
"Water is the element of psychic phenomenon. At their worst, they're scaredy cats. They do what I call MSU - making stuff up."
"Psychic Jeffrey Hudson performed psychometry on fossil remains at the Stark Fontaine caves, claiming to have recorded ghostly sounds."
"Understanding the obstacles is only the first step, now it's time to ignite your psychic fire."
"Every time you deny and bury your psychic gifts, a part of you withers."
"He smiles and thought that in fact, in addition to the fact that he is a person with enhanced physical capabilities, he is also a psychic."
"They know what it feels like to connect to someone on that deep level, that almost is otherworldly, it's almost psychic."
"Psychic self-defense: Dion Fortune wrote this detailed instruction manual on protecting oneself from paranormal attack."
"Some of you guys, your purpose is to be a psychic, a medium."
"The presence of a Neurot Tyrant can be felt at considerable distances, creating distortions in the mind of prey."
"People with psychic sensitivity can be viewed as having a greater connection to the light within themselves than the rest of us, and they can tap into that reservoir of power in various ways."
"...welcome to your reading if you chose the Moss Agate L stone or if you chose the third eye tarot and these are your messages so welcome today we are asking how that person on your mind is currently feeling about you and about the connection..."
"It never leaves me, it never leaves you, your psychic ability, your natural form of intuitiveness is inside you."
"Welcome to this Syfy psychic image tutorial."
"...you need to make sure that you are being psychic and keeping in touch with your intuition and listening to those little messages you get from spirit about someone's intentions."
"They say you're very intuitive and damn near psychic."
"I'm very psychic, very intuitive."
"Inspirational and powerful, this elite unit is formed as psychic battle brothers."
"Next year I'm starting a psychic Channel period."
"What you see in front of you here is exactly the reason why we developed our psychic app."
"We all have the four claires, they're our psychic toolbox."
"Hang onto your hat because the psychic downloads that you could get now are very profound and highly prophetic."
"You could be psychic and this person maybe you do something like psychic or something as a career with the 10/10 coming through there either way I do think you inspire this person like they they like you on with a crush level but they're keeping a lid on it for some reason"
"She states that he is an A-rank psychic, her ability energy drain can suck the Life Energy out of anyone she touches."
"He's even had a car that had his own personal number plate on: 'psychic.' So I think everybody was a little bit in awe of him, and there was no reason for anyone to believe that he wasn't genuine."
"Paranormal investigation in my opinion as a psychic medium is way harder than doing a private reading."
"Brother, but what if it was like a fortune teller? Like, would you go to a fortune teller? What if it was a fortune, okay, as such of a good one, good one. No, like a psychic when you go to a psychic, no, no, why not?"
"The people who encourage you to be psychic and transform your life."
"Your connection is so strong, it tends to throw off a lot of psychics."
"Our psychic senses are becoming much sharper, and we are evolving into beings with stronger healing abilities."
"...psychic to the point where you're going to be feeling this person's thoughts and emotions, energies, and vice versa."
"Dude, I swear bro, like I swear that I had no idea what. Dude, I am psychic."
"Remember, don't let any psychic or anybody tell you what it is. You decide what it is. Don't give up your power to anybody."
"At some point shortly after the call I remembered the psychic’s 'Someone with a name beginning with the letter M' statement."
"Stress lowers your frequency, making it harder for psychic phenomena to penetrate."
"Receiving those messages and tapping into just those messages that were coming through for you guys and I was seeing visuals and images clairvoyantly that I myself had never seen before, you know what I mean?"
"There is one final twist in the tale... the mysterious name Barbara Stone given to police by Christine nearly 20 years ago becomes another psychic hit."
"Christine's involvement in the Jackie Poole case hits the headlines... her psychic skills have converted Tony Batters into a true believer."
"I'm psychic. Come to my house, I'll prove it."
"Junior, you must really be psychic."
"I think I'm psychic because I know things before they happen."
"It would be the first time in U.S. legal history that a psychic would take the stand and describe how her visions helped to solve a murder."
"It's part psychic type because it's got some subtle fantastical or magical qualities to it."
"Psychic protection is all about the intention."
"Nothing can harm you or come against you when you have your psychic Vision in full force."
"We're psychic to the tea intuitive to the tea."
"Kima's subsequent significant role featured her as Tanya Baxter, the mother of the psychic teenager in 'That So Raven.'"
"Mugwort tea is amazing when it comes to dream work and psychic powers."
"A psychic isn't really predicting the future; they're sensing the energy that exists at the moment the prediction is made."
"Clairvoyance actually translates as clear seeing."
"Trust your gut instinct, that's your intuition, that's your psychic abilities."
"Scorpios are one of the most psychic signs."
"Pisces are so psychic because they are really open."
"She is the healer, the compassionate soul, very intuitive, and really ends up diving in deep and uncovering her psychic abilities and gifts."
"Mercury in the twelfth house is the next psychic house; these people are very intuitive, very perceptive."
"Cancers are so psychic, they have a built-in psychic sense, a sixth sense."
"Tune your antennas, Gemini, because a psychic rebirth is on its way."
"The goal of psychic development is the self, there's only a circumambulation of the self."
"Interpretation is what actually pulls out people's psychic abilities."
"We're fighting in a psychic Maelstrom."
"Cancer risings are highly psychic, highly receptive to other people's emotions, and very emotional."
"Psychic abilities are a gift, but they can also be practiced, learned, and mastered by absolutely everyone."
"Since the start of recorded history, psychic abilities have been documented, exposing the supernatural gift that some possess to look beyond the physical world and reach into the spiritual one."
"From his trance state, he explained that he got his information from two sources: the inquiring individual's mind and the universal consciousness."
"What then is psychic force? What is occult science? A developing of the abilities within each individual that has not lost its sonship or its relation to the Creator."
"She's our age but she's not a kid psychic, she's a hero in her own right."
"You can't take the psychology out of psychic experience; all of it is happening in here, so you need to understand the lens through which you are perceiving everything."
"The US military actively recruited and trained psychic spies in a program known as Stargate."
"We cannot understand the real nature of the mystery of Golgotha unless we have a clear understanding of the distinction between psychic man and spiritual man."
"This person is a natural intuitive psychic person without their liking."
"Do our minds possess untapped psychic powers? Can we move objects without touching them? Can we communicate clairvoyantly with the dead?"
"You have high telepathy gifts, maybe remote viewing, and clairvoyance."
"The following book, Your Psychic Powers and How to Develop Them, was originally written for circulation privately among the members of a number of psychical and spiritualistic societies in New York and vicinity."
"We are all more or less mediumistic or psychic and need only to cultivate our powers in order to develop them and bring them into maturity."
"You have no idea how hard it is being a psychic."
"Your psychic awareness connects to all humanity."
"It emits psychic energy to observe and study what's around it, and what's around it can include things over six miles away."
"Psychic ability, trust your intuition."
"...not everybody who claims to be psychic is dishonest."
"...I was a psychic as a rock, and maybe rocks have psychic ability because I started learning to pay attention to what I was experiencing."
"I knew I am a psychic, literally."
"A desperate father turns to a psychic for answers."
"You're going to be shocked about a new psychic ability, your psychic abilities go to the next level."
"Refine your psychic senses; you are about to see further, higher, and deeper through space and time."
"You might have these psychic or intuitive abilities people just don't understand."
"He is unlike any psychic we've ever seen; his readings are real, raw, and 100% no BS."
"The most ingenious, persistent, and fantastic complex of fraud in the history of psychic research."
"She never charged anyone for a reading, no matter what."
"Everyone's had that knowing, that feeling, that's your soul tapping into your soul is your psychic ability."
"She is a psychic with the ability to read other people's thoughts."
"It's a psychic and I love psychics, so I think that this is going to be insanely fun."
"That's our word for the night: telepathic."
"Her powers are psychically based and primarily take the form of precognitive nightmares and premonitions."
"This can also be very good for psychic healing and bonding."
"You really are very psychic here, very intuitive, in touch with your emotions."
"Everybody can develop psychic abilities if they choose to do so."
"In each case, through much-heralded psychic means, he eventually led the police to their reward."
"You're a Mystic, someone who is psychic, someone who's in touch with the Divine."
"We are at the threshold of our knowledge of the latent psychic powers of man."
"Clairsentience... that is clear feeling."
"Claircognizance is clear knowing."
"Her manifested psychic force was even capable of overpowering a peak sixth level martial artist."
"We are looking at the psychic Masters of the Universe."
"If you can use this to wring out other people's stuff... you can become more psychic, more powerful, and tap more into flow and synchronicity than you ever have before."
"Not one room is without its own ghosts or psychic manifestation."
"Congratulations, you're a psychic, and my condolences, you're a psychic."
"Love is the reverberation of the imprint in the heart of every element of the psychic convergence of the universe."
"Twins for sure, like they have like a psychic connection."
"Psychic Pokemon have always been among my favorites."
"You feel the psychic pulse open a flood of memories."
"If you've ever spoken to a psychic and they've actually told you things that nobody could have known... that's where people start to sway more into understanding that there is something that we don't understand, there is something that we don't see."
"I forgot my wallet at home. A normal person would be freaking out right now, but I'm a psychic."
"The psychic stuff, just love seeing that contrast especially in the same drawing."
"A psychic's cryptic clues create more questions than answers."
"The faith itself, although originating in the psychic, where you already know what you truly are."
"The work we did at Stanford Research Institute investigating psychic abilities... we did that for the CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, NASA, and many other intelligence agencies."
"Rainbow moonstone... is very connected to the moon, so it's very good for enhancing your psychic abilities."
"You guys have some sort of psychic connection."
"You're protected from bad dreams and psychic attacks."
"Magnus attempted to warn the Emperor, however, in doing so he shattered the psychic defenses of the Imperial Palace."
"Intuitive psychic consciousness involves tapping into the subconscious mind, understanding symbolic language, and opening up to experiences that defy conventional explanation."
"Intuitive psychic consciousness opens up a world where the boundaries between the known and the unknown blur."
"I believe that psychic gifts and abilities... it's like learning how to play the piano."
"Understanding which claires you receive with and then how to strengthen them or how to shut them off is super important."
"We are talking about psychic experiences or experiences of the soul, things which appeal to the spiritual nature of man."
"Blue apatite is associated with psychic perception, it helps with motivation and ambition, self-confidence, and self-acceptance."
"There's some sort of psychic connection between a dragon rider and their dragon."
"Psychic abilities are nothing more than learning how to tap in more consciously to what your subconscious mind already knows."
"The Eldar are ancient and inherently psychic beings, and even a single such soul burns like a sodium flare within the unreality of the warp."
"You are extremely spiritual and extremely psychic, and you have such an incredibly strong intuition."
"You are getting more sensitive here, your gifts are getting stronger."
"I've never believed in psychics, don't know much about them, but I know that she was right on and she helped us."
"We'll be investigating claims that your pet can somehow read your mind and discovering whether we all have a psychic sixth sense."
"A unique combination of psychic ability and compassion allows Rina to hear those who have no voice."
"Dreams... are gateways to the psychic world, portals through which our conscious mind can access the deeper, more enigmatic layers of existence."