
UNIX Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"I like the fact that the terminal is UNIX-based."
"What distinguishes UNIX system from any other system is the degree to which those building blocks can be glued together."
"The system provides this mechanism of the pipeline so that I can take programs and stick them together one after another to get my job done."
"What's important about the UNIX system is not so much what Ricci and Thompson put into it as what they were able to leave out of it."
"Because tool building is such a way of life on the UNIX system over the years we've developed tools that actually help us make other tools."
"Linux isn't a version of Unix; it's a clone of Unix, or today they like to call it unix-like."
"This is a really cool UNIX-based system running AIX."
"The first indication that there's licensing issues with Unix."
"One of the things that the Unix developers were very concerned with was security from the get-go, making sure that data on the system could only be accessed by people who had a need to do it, that people couldn't do things to damage the system."
"...Peter Deutsch and and Butler Lampson they like slashes and so they just kept that when they moved it to Bell Labs they're like okay well this is a Unix thing now and we're gonna have slashes too because you know that's how that's how we roll..."
"The Unix operating system itself, which is written almost entirely in C... of 13,000 lines of system code, only about 800 lines at the very lowest level are in assembler."
"The Unix kernel's design implemented performance, thus instead of having a very small kernel that simply provided an IPC mechanism and some basic resource collision avoidance, this kernel actually provided all the device drivers, all the scheduling, all the memory management."
"Maybe you've heard the term in Unix, 'everything's a file,' like the default system, the prog file system."
"Unix sockets are a bit like a mix of pipes and network circuits."
"It was a company that wrote software for mainframe computers running the various versions of the Unix operating system."
"UNIX allows us to treat I/O devices like files."
"The only way to create a new process is for a process to copy itself."
"This copy-on-write scheme allows modern UNIXs to very cheaply fork new processes without having to copy a whole bunch of data."
"When a UNIX system starts, there's always a first process called the init process."
"UNIX refers to any operating system which imitates that original UNIX."
"Linux and Mac OS X are the most widely used variants of UNIX today."
"The Unix philosophy: small, concise, and composable programs so we want things that are reusable."
"We're talking about the oldest surviving Linux distro in continuous development which is also the most Unix-like."
"Unix philosophy great for ad-hoc prototyping."
"With that portability, Unix conquered the world."
"Linux is the spiritual successor to Unix."
"What expert Unix guys are great at is not knowing things but in figuring things out."
"The Unix timestamp utilizes the one hertz incrementation for every day since the midnight of the 1st of January 1970."
"UNIX is sort of a do-it-yourself operating system."
"UNIX is particularly unique because it runs on microcomputers, minicomputers, and mainframes."
"UNIX is very easy to network so that you can connect these different brands and sizes of computers together easily."
"UNIX is multi-user, meaning that more than one user can access several different programs at the same time."
"Because Unix is so old, it's had a lot of time to evolve."
"The notion of the pipe in UNIX essentially decouples the source and the destination."
"Control D means end of input on Unix. It's how we tell cat or any other program that there's nothing more for it coming from the keyboard."
"A Greybeard's Worst Nightmare: an exploration of how modern Linux technologies like containers are shaking up the core traditions of Unix-like operating systems."
"That's why you have to understand the Unix environment itself and be able to work on the terminal, work with command lines."
"Webmin is a web-based interface for system administrators for Unix. Using any web browser, you can set up user accounts, manage Apache, DNS, and all that good stuff on your server."
"The real advantage of UNIX is that it's multi-user and multitasking."
"The default behavior of UNIX is that it really trusts you."
"The ability to pipe the output of one command into the input of another."
"UNIX is a great fit for bringing the compute to data."
"UNIX has given us the gift of simplicity that allows us to solve this ad hoc problem dynamically and quickly."
"Why can't we take the UNIX philosophy to Big Data?"
"...one of the early philosophies of UNIX was to try and keep it simple."
"A shell in UNIX is a program which reads from a terminal and then interprets what the user entered as a command and executes that command."
"Unix just had a 50th birthday back in January the first of 2020."
"A channel... represents a way of communicating. It's like a Unix pipe; it's a one-way channel you put stuff in one end, it comes out the other."
"We're always trying to find some little tweak that will change UNIX in a subtle way to bring a benefit."
"It's faster to type than click, and the ability to compose text streams comes from the Unix era."
"Programs should handle text streams, because text streams are the universal interface on UNIX."