
Visual Art Quotes

There are 568 quotes

"2015's Macbeth is without a doubt one of the most visually striking and impressive films ever made."
"Art doesn't have to mean something; it should just be visually awesome."
"I've got to say, like the art for this is fantastic."
"Despite its serious flaws as an art book, these are far far outstripped by the amazing art itself."
"Hilux was handcrafted with clay and digitized with a crunchy pixel look, unfolding and morphing in ways unlike anything I've ever seen."
"Art can stand just on its visual appearance as well. That's okay."
"Rise of the TMNT is a visual orgasm from start to finish. It's the best 2D animation on a TV budget I've watched since Kill la Kill."
"Create stories with your images. It's very important."
"Endgame has some absolutely stunning visuals."
"The cinematography in this film is absolutely mind-blowing."
"Lisa Frank... there's just something really special about it... gives such strong feelings of childhood memories."
"The camera obscura gave people a fascination not only with the rejected image but with the idea of manifesting a scene."
"It's amazing to see such a passionate debut title from Studio Psy. It elegantly blends addicting and engaging action combat with daily mechanics while providing beautiful visuals and excellent voice acting."
"I consider Blade Runner 2049 to be one of the most beautiful movies to have come out in the 21st century so far."
"Overall, 'Into The Spider-Verse' is an exhilarating movie visually and in story and in concept."
"It's a visual masterpiece with jaw-dropping visuals, a perfect soundtrack, and a great cast."
"Almost every single shot in this movie looks like it could be a painting."
"The Last of Us is an exceptional game with stunning visuals, engaging gameplay, and a gripping narrative."
"The more you focus on the details, the better your finished image is going to be."
"Legend is unquestionably beautiful to watch, absolutely brimming with elegantly realized worlds, costumes, and creatures."
"That cover is one of the best covers I've seen; simple but job well done."
"It's like flowers have appeared in complete three-dimensional solidity before your very eyes."
"Boulder's Gate 3 is an absolute work of art visually."
"I feel like nearly all the shots in the movie kind of look like masterpieces in their own right."
"Every image is just so wonderfully exaggerated."
"Some of the best animation I have ever seen."
"That shot was stunning, it's like a desktop background."
"Point Blank is just a really a visual masterpiece."
"Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words."
"Wow, that's crazy pancake art ever. Let's go!"
"It creates levels in the visual aesthetic that you're just not used to seeing."
"The visuals from this film are absolutely stunning both in design and animation quality." - Reviewer
"Overall I feel this film is more about presenting itself as a visual piece of art rather than a written book." - Reviewer
"Neon Dynasty looks insane, the artwork's crazy."
"The artwork, with its aggressive style and permanent sunset orange palette, is utterly gorgeous."
"It's a visual masterpiece that highlights the incredible talents of its performers."
"Every picture tells a story, doesn't it? Every frame."
"Captain Falcon, that was an amazing render right there. I love Captain Falcon's render in Smash Wii U."
"The animation is gorgeous... this movie is breathtaking."
"The cinematography in this music video it was the most visually pleasing music video I have seen in quite a while."
"The eyes are one of the most expressive parts of a character."
"The ghost of the brown lady is said to be floating down the stairs in this painting."
"The monsters are genuinely creepy, the sound design is unsettling, and the background art is dripping with horror."
"Bokeh is essentially all about the aesthetic quality of the out-of-focus pulse of an image."
"This piece is so sick, I love love the shades of kind of jade green and red."
"Like all the titles to come from Supergiant Games, this game has beautiful visuals, a great soundtrack, good storytelling, great voice acting. It just fires on all cylinders."
"My god, is this movie beautifully photographed and it just looks incredible."
"Persona 5 is a celebration of the series and its history. It's a powerful thing to convey visually and to experience as someone who played the games from start to finish."
"The maps in Stick War 3 look absolutely beautiful, they are works of art."
"I think it will give us a little bit of a stained glass effect!"
"This is absolutely stunning. To be honest, it's one of the best looking pieces I've ever seen."
"Vanillaware's beautiful hand-drawn art really shines, no matter what console or style he goes for."
"These are really nice visuals, but they are not making me, you know, jettison my knob in delighted amusement."
"It’s storytelling with emotional logic as opposed to plot logic, with emphasis on visual poetry."
"Genshin Impact features stunning imagery that could trick most eyes into believing it's actually 2D artwork."
"Such a phenomenal game with fantastic visuals and game design."
"We finally have a character who looks like an Alex Ross drawing."
"Enjoy these clips of beautiful rainy Manhattan, I hope it feels as nostalgic for you as it does for me."
"This heartbreaking expression of alertness and fear in Felix's eyes is unbelievably striking."
"This is what they look like when they're done. Look at that, that's a work of art."
"The Brian De Palma movie, even if you're not interested in the story, it's a really great movie visually, technically."
"The longer I look at this picture, the more I laughed."
"The animation on display here is just constantly overachieving."
"At its best, Westworld is ambitious, thought-provoking, and visually beautiful."
"Saving the frames is nothing compared to giving us that Wonder shot."
"Skyfall is one of the most beautifully made movies I've seen in the last 30 years."
"Annihilation: 'How do you explain that?' Visually striking, thematically bold, deeply odd."
"Completing the scene is just a matter of patience; the more effort you put in, the better it looks."
"This is perhaps one of the most visually striking games of the generation."
"Big thanks to Jeffrey Palmer who does the living card animations."
"It's such a beautiful representation of life."
"It's a brilliant movie, visually incredible, so I think it deserves the praise that it's getting."
"Every single frame is pure eye candy. You could literally skip to any moment in the movie and take a screenshot and frame it, and it's art."
"Love the detail and the shading and the shine on all their art pieces."
"Sunday Gold came in out of nowhere and immediately caught my eye with its gorgeous art style."
"We're basically gonna blend it into the background, painting over it, and you guys will see what I mean right now."
"It blends Nolan's best traits into one which are his ability to tell stories cinematically in a unique way and his way of creating a visually immersive experience."
"I like the flames, the watercolour flames here."
"The art is absolutely magical. Chobits is just those One of a Kind series you know."
"O-Kiku's samurai armor in this chapter looks boss. That is some really, really good art, really cool design."
"The animation and visuals were the real main event here."
"This is just one of the greatest shots I've seen in a long time."
"Celeste blends gorgeous pixel art, a moving story, and some of the finest platforming yet seen in any video game."
"Blade Runner 2049 was like an absolute masterpiece and this movie is just spectacular looking like from beginning to end every shot is a piece of art."
"The way that she uses that one form, which is a sticky bindi, to create something that's so extraordinary and appealing."
"It's going to be totally up to you, a visual preference on your part."
"The more branches you have, the fuller this tree is going to look."
"Visually stunning... the stylized Graphics made exploring truly an experience."
"The animation of Frozen 2 was breathtakingly gorgeous."
"Let's just take a look at this one, that is some sweet art."
"As gorgeous as the game was visually it was actually the CD soundtrack that had made it really stand out."
"A tiny self-portrait of the painter himself hidden amongst the liquid."
"It's a more kind of descriptive experience to consume not only the artwork but to pair it with the written description and narrative."
"The imagery he uses to bring whimsical poetry into visual forms is essential to the experience of a Dr. Seuss work."
"The artwork is actually very nice, now that I'm looking at it again."
"This is an absolutely beautiful looking skin, like splash art. This is super super super pretty."
"The aesthetic of the game is wonderful, the pixel art is really great quality."
"One of the most magnificent pieces of animation I've ever seen."
"There is so much detail packed into these shots."
"Scarlet Tower actually has a lot of work put into its pixel art, its spell effects, and making the game look absolutely fantastic."
"This visual art style married with really strong sound creates a very convincing and strange high fantasy setting that is unlike anything you've seen or experienced before."
"The animation never mind let's just talk about how beautiful this movie is."
"I'd love to see these animated shorts, the Sonic Mania opening is just so good."
"It's just static frames with darkness in between."
"The art style... felt like watching a comic book really come to life."
"It's one thing to see this stuff in real time but to see every frame so meticulously detailed at a tenth of the speed is breathtaking."
"Fantastic art designs, story, and characters more than make up for it."
"Gibbons' carvings are almost the equivalent of still-life paintings."
"A strong character design often combined with visual context can reveal a lot about that individual."
"I don't know why I like it but this just looks good every time you take a picture."
"Every page, every panel is just beautifully laid out."
"Wow, so much drama, so much panels are awesome!"
"I thought it looked aesthetically pleasing. Someone should frame it."
"Can you imagine though... Movie quality animation of a jacket dude."
"Rebelway isn't just about effects; it's about creating beautiful, striking images."
"Ultimately, it's about creating beautiful, striking images."
"Oh wow 456. what this is so cool man yeah wow that looks like a photograph look at this pancake art."
"That soft wave of color and the diffusion is done incredibly well."
"Final Fantasy quickly became known for its absolutely stunning CG cutscenes."
"A little Heron is broken in just the right place there."
"I love everything about this opening while not all the visuals are as smartly pieced together."
"It's just perfect. The art's beautiful. That's gotta be one of the best looking Hearthstone card arts ever."
"Certain sounds can be music to the auditory senses, some of the visualizations I'll show you today are much like music for the visual mind."
"It's kind of like a 3D album cover because if you look at the borders it's almost like you're looking into the actual pinball itself."
"Beyonce released her self-titled album, forever changing the music industry. It is a visual album, and each song is accompanied by a music video to reflect the song's theme."
"I just love their album art because it's just so consistent."
"Under the sun is definitely the most beautiful game on this list a simple sand skiing game with fantastic art."
"That's sick guys, and look at that art, it's so cool."
"The point of a massive print... is to punch viewers in the face."
"I really like the art style, this game's hand-drawn style all the enemies remind me of enemies from Cuphead."
"Superbrothers Sword & Sworcery stands out with its bewilderingly alluring pixel art graphic style and a soundtrack capable of firm captivation."
"The cinematography of the movie was insane."
"This whole movie is visually stunning."
"How to take people where they'd never gone before, you know, literally musically and visually."
"Photorealism: How realistic output looks like."
"Music has the capability of doing something that visuals just cannot do."
"The visuals haunting, the cinematography superb, the subject matter heavy."
"Razorback is an astonishing film; you go in expecting a movie about a giant killer pig and instead are treated to a visual feast."
"The cinematography in this show has been absolutely gorgeous."
"Adding layers to an image can help direct the viewer's eyes around the frame to create a more interesting looking image."
"Graphics on these things really attract me; it's the artwork on it."
"These animatics highlight the collaborative effort of artists, animators, and designers in creating a visually stunning film."
"When I'm actually color grading, I rely on my eyes, I rely on my hands, I rely on feel."
"I gotta say too the lighting's especially in this setting is incredible and the way that the camera is framed and how the light is sometimes pouring in and it creates these dimensional spaces within the space reminds me of you know a comic book."
"Demon City Shinjuku might just be his most visually elaborate film."
"Making these subjects visually appealing actually requires more than just technical accuracy. It involves considerations such as composition, lighting, color, texture, and overall artistic interpretation."
"This is a lively, informative scene, visually informative I mean, and interesting in that way."
"It's like a classic painting. I'm just staring at it, just looking at it with my eyeballs will give me physical biological reaction pleasure."
"Paintings are meant to be seen and not smelled."
"Creating a complex and satisfying visual image."
"...create more of a shadow and that just kind of gives me some visual interest."
"A good album cover appears to people who don't know your music."
"There are some moments of high contrast with great silhouette kind of moments and other awesome lighting contrast with the color."
"I love the sprite art and I think that Jaws looks fantastic."
"The cinematography in this movie was fantastic."
"A thin white line like a can's width appears on the right, it moves gracefully then exits left, curving like a snake or a fast train transparent over 10 feet long."
"The imagery and formations are breathtaking!"
"What makes a perfect game? Detailed handcrafted visuals, fantasy environments, and a wide variety of animated characters? Or is it more about the game mechanics, physics for interactions, and AI to make the creatures feel alive?"
"It's a symphony of complementary motion."
"The sprite work for this game is flat out jaw-dropping."
"The locations, the cinematography, the iconic score."
"There is no movie with more powerful images this year."
"...the real is my favorite ATS video so far for sure it was so beautiful it was so fun it was what I want from a music video hands down 10 out of 10 perfect video wouldn't change a thing..."
"Look at this beautiful animation."
"It's a constant preoccupation with finding something visually poetic."
"Fashion magazines have incredible photographs of drapery and cloth and arms and body language."
"Love that song and of course loving the visual."
"Look at that artwork there, wow that is amazing."
"Animation compared to what we've seen in the old stuff, it's amazing."
"The dynamic camera movement, it's beautiful, it's really quite beautiful."
"I was literally stunned by the images that I saw of black people and more specifically black women and the brightness of the sun the blue of the sky the ocean the sand the crisp white of their clothes the rich brown tones of their skin."
"Your film was so beautiful. Every frame was like a painting, every single frame."
"You are always pushing the envelope of drag, you are always giving us really good images to look at but also really stunning performances to watch."
"I mean, look how beautiful the lighting, the orange Hue, the right amount of steam and smoke, the camera angles... like it's perfect."
"The cinematography is incredible."
"This is art, this is perfection, my eyes are blessed."
"I'm really big about sunsets, so I'm just gonna go ahead and make it look a little bit orangey, like the Sun is setting."
"It's the greatest combination of like images and words in a book that I can think of."
"It's so much fun to see him experiment visually."
"The music's so good, it looked good, the visuals, they still look good today."
"It's ludicrous but visually it works; they have a visual logic to it."
"Powerful imagery and that was like, you know, that's Marvel method."
"I love the way that it renders that out of focus background."
"The visual storytelling is incredible here."
"It's so beautifully photographed here."
"It looks almost like a photograph."
"The visual impact of these images is undeniable."
"Each shot in this film looks like a beautiful photograph."
"It's incredibly visual and atmospheric, leaving a lot for the viewer to chew on."
"Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, right?"
"The technology is truly surreal, it's visually captivating."
"He can most definitely draw some visually arresting backgrounds."
"The artwork is stunningly crafted."
"A static image lets you control all elements of the story you want to tell."
"Some of those photographs are like almost like a novel in themselves."
"It's more like what the eye sees rather than what the camera captures."
"The graphics in this game are beautiful."
"I hope this gives you proof that color has an immense meaning in visual art."
"It makes for a beautiful faux fabric image and we get two for one."
"The sharpness, the detail, just everything about it is beautiful."