
Blogging Quotes

There are 938 quotes

"People love them. He posts a blog and within minutes you see hundreds of people responding to what he's written. This is incredible."
"The reason its passive income is because a blog post ranks in search engines and gets searches and clicks day after day, month after month, year after year."
"Affiliate income is no joke, and there are so many people making six and seven-figure incomes just from their blogs."
"It's hard to keep up with every single video, but Key Talk is the most hilarious blogger they got right now."
"Starting a blog and putting myself out there on the internet has completely changed my life."
"The live Journal blogs are well worth checking out. The posts range from eerie and ominous to just random everyday thoughts, and the banter between the sisters and even their grandma and the comments is really fun and endearing."
"For you people who like to do a lot of blogging out there, Great Mag is a very unique style blogging theme..."
"Don't be worried about creating the best possible blog post the first time you ever write anything."
"The best thing about blogging for SEO is that once you rank, you'll be getting free, consistent and passive traffic from Google."
"Blogging success means different things to different people."
"If you're not blogging whether you like it or not you're not gonna end up generating all those extra conversions."
"There's powerful blogging tools to showcase your project photos, videos, and progress updates."
"There's so much to say that I think I'm going to have to split this into two updates because my fingers are legit going numb."
"Being a blog writer is definitely a good one to look into."
"Creating blog posts is a great way to promote products to people."
"So if you're thinking about blogging you definitely need to be in self-publishing also."
"Creating a blog is a much better strategy than constantly paying for ads."
"If lobbyists have to register and Report, why shouldn't paid bloggers?"
"You never know where blogging is going to lead you."
"Stop comparing yourself... If every single person in the world could make a ton of money from their blog then every single person in the world would be doing it."
"You are meant to write a book of some kind or have a blog."
"Why is this white dude so close to them like that? And why is he running the [ __ ] blog?"
"As I was mentioning earlier, it's really crucial to have a blog or to have a website that you can get people to come back to."
"I’m going to show you how to write a blog post that drives consistent readers to your blog."
"This right here is going to revolutionize that space, that blog and industry, and it's going to change how people participate in the space."
"He did it in a single upload, he did exactly what I had written about."
"Be yourself. It's the best advice any blogger can get."
"That's the secret of life: finding something you love and turning it into an eternal vlog."
"I'll have the full recipe and directions over on my blog as well so either take a screenshot of what's on the screen or make sure that you go check it out if you would like to make it."
"I'm Mackenzie Marie, a lifestyle blogger. I'm here tonight at the Kellogg House to tackle this alone."
"The next and maybe most important thing I'm going to show you is how to embed ads into your blog."
"Selling your own product is kind of next-level blogging."
"Blogging has been really fun for me because I let people in my life."
"I found young black women and black men who wanted to learn blogging, saw me on Love and Hip Hop, believed in me and believed that I was going to figure it out."
"There's never gonna be a right time. Your blog isn't gonna be perfect enough. Start now."
"This is where you'll be spending a lot of your time writing your blog posts for your site."
"One of the most popular posts on my investing blog still gets thousands of visitors every single month from Google."
"Making money blogging is about using a lot of these separate ideas we’ve talked about in the video, putting affiliates and courses together to sell through the blog."
"I actually loved the first Kelly Kids blog. I thought the first Kelly Kids blog was very personal."
"Write a blog post to teach others. Sharing your knowledge solidifies understanding."
"Well, no, probably not daily vlogging forever."
"It's also gonna make the page load way way way faster some of my most successful posts ever."
"But our 3,000 word posts take a long time to produce and we can hit bigger keywords with them so we're writing these short 1350 word posts on average that we call a response posts that just laser focus on these little specific questions."
"It's gonna be an action-packed year full of vlogs and content here on the channel."
"Thank you as always for stopping by and spending some of your week here with me."
"We created this blog to normalize the conversation around not just getting rich but actually staying rich."
"Blog every day...if you leave a trail behind of thoughtful examination of your world, you can't help but get better."
"It's all about the accountability. If you say you're a blogger then why would a blogger be lying blatantly on someone?"
"Starting a blog was like a really good small step towards getting over that initially."
"Printables pack for fall 2022 linked over on my blog."
"Thank you so much for everyone that voted for me as the best of the best hair blogger."
"Blogging is one of the best ways to drive traffic, revenue, and/or leads."
"The community has decided that a one-line coda community blog platform is a good idea."
"I struggled... I was trying to blog in one arm and falling asleep all like doing the same time."
"Starting a blog and building an audience is the most valuable education you can get in your early days."
"I want to be a mom blogger who happens to be a doctor."
"Create a blog about something you're passionate about and you can make money from the adverts."
"If you see a blogger doing sponsored content, it really, really helps if you support that post."
"Whatever God gives me, I want to freely put up on the blog for all of you."
"Unleash the Power of blogging with Squarespace's blogging tools."
"I'm a full-time blogger earning over ten thousand dollars a month on average."
"If you do this, you can find that on my blog."
"The blog is the entry point to unlimited revenue streams: affiliate marketing, ads, sponsorships, courses, coaching."
"Blogging: the first step to building something big, being known, and making hundreds of thousands a month."
"Blogging is not writing, it is assembling content in a systematic way to appease humans and search engines."
"This case is going to be a case to set precedent for blogging in America."
"She's kind of mean... maybe we'll give her mean. I bet she's an insider because she writes these blogs."
"We've been daily vlogging now for like nine days in a row. It's been so much fun!"
"Gwyneth Penry's blog: an unknown creature that exists."
"I just made the mistake of watching a wee bit of my border vlog."
"A blog is a really good digestible um project to work on. It's simple, it's not going to take too long, and you're going to learn a lot from it."
"But this is a great way to come up with some written content and then you can take some of this content and then what you want to do is turn that into your own blog article."
"I'm about to drop my blog, me going to Turkey."
"It's a really cool thing, you can also get a mailbox."
"And voila, just like that we have created our first blog article."
"I actually started my first blog because I wanted to talk about video games and none of my friends would listen to me."
"We're just getting on with blog, blog, blog, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas."
"Blogging helps so much, by the way."
"By the end of this video, you will have a website all set up and running, you'll have your blog running, you'll know exactly what content and what articles you're going to put out for the next six months to a year."
"You now have a full blog set up and running, all you need to start doing is putting content on your blog."
"For your blog post, you can literally add in any type of content that you want."
"Blogging is a fantastic passive income Source because the traffic does not depend on you constantly writing. Even if I were to stop writing altogether, the money would continue to flow in for a very long time."
"Let's build a Blog using Next.js with Tailwind for the CMS."
"What's the point of going viral and bringing hundreds of thousands of visitors to a blog if none of them will buy from you?"
"You should treat your blog as a customer acquisition channel, not a traffic acquisition channel."
"Creating the blog that will drive customers to your business."
"Paid promotion is an absolute must if you consider your blog a business tool, not a hobby."
"Most bloggers have a so-called 'content promotion checklist' that they reference when promoting every new article that they publish."
"You write great stuff, you get read, you get rewarded for creating engaging content, and it's just like it's a fantastic platform."
"Believe me, I travel all the time. I literally had the thought, I was like maybe I'll start a travel blog, you know because it's like it's not hard to do."
"Blogging is a good way to get from like 0 to 10K a month."
"Create your own blog and embed your videos. So in the case of machine learning, here we have an example, 'Machine learning: What is it and why it matters.' So this goes nicely with the video."
"Around 2009 I started getting really into home decor blogs."
"I spent the last half an hour in the lounge writing a blog post about the trip with all of our tips."
"It's actually the most profitable part of our business is blogging."
"They're fascinated, I know, right? Fascinating. My blog is like the number one source for Nevermore, awesome. You have a blog?"
"Let's fill up the publication with a little bit of content by creating a new post for your substack website."
"Blogs are still a powerful tool for SEO and can bring in customers for free over time."
"Like it's all blog posts with code and like examples of like how to do this and like some of these projects aren't even videos. Yeah, just I mean here's how I did this, like here's the code for it."
"One post a week will do. You just want to make sure it's really, really good."
"Before I show you guys how to add in blog posts for your website, I want to explain why is it so important to do so."
"It’s kind of exciting to have a blog post of yours gain some traction like that."
"My first blogging experience, it's cool, it's a cool experience to let you guys know what's going on in my life."
"She's a blogger on Mundane Faithfulness. She's deeply honest and authentic and raw. Really, it's just hard to believe. I don't know how to explain it besides that."
"I was tweeting a lot and I was blogging on my own and like tweeting the blog links."
"I'm a fashion blogger. I love changing outfits."
"Eric and I don't eat out very often because I'm always kind of testing recipes for the blog."
"...there's so many bloggers out there there's so many youtubers out there it's hard to get the traffic if your stuff isn't really good..."
"Content quality matters more. Links do matter, of course, if you're going to start blogging."
"It's really important to use the best on-page SEO strategies if you want your blog post to rank."
"Our blog post is now ranking on the first page of Google. This single post generates 5000 visits a month."
"To promote your blog, use keywords like 'write for us,' 'submit an article,' 'contribute,' 'guest posts' on Google to find websites looking for guest bloggers."
"It's a really exciting feeling when you guys get your first sale and your first commission on your blog."
"Build an affiliate website with blog hosting and a good affiliate plugin."
"I love food bloggers so much because I love food as we all know."
"Adapt your approach to blogging to thrive in the ever-changing landscape."
"If you're struggling with a blog, it's probably for a number of reasons. Most often not enough backlinks, not a good content strategy, it's too wide, or the content's not good enough."
"Once your blog has about 15 to 20 niche related long form articles, you can think about submitting your site to Google AdSense to be approved for displaying ads."
"We truly hope that with everything that we have shared, you can remove the noise, save a ton of time researching, eliminate any refund process, and focus on what's important to grow a successful blog."
"You only need a couple of them in different categories such as web hosting, domain name search, keyword research, SEO, web design, analytics, content creation, graphic creation, email marketing."
"So in this video, we will try to streamline all the essential blogging tools in hopes that we can save you hours and hours of research and maybe also help you avoid getting into products you wish you didn't buy."
"I'll spill the tea on my own blog."
"One great way to use your blog is to answer potential customers' top questions with your posts."
"So get your blogs right and they can be a great source of traffic and also conversions for you."
"Our goal is, after watching this video, you'll be left with a clear process that you can use to write high-ranking blogs that bring not only traffic and leads to your website but can also be a great way of picking up links as well."
"The general rule of thumb is to imagine your best salesperson talking to your best customer. That should be the sort of level that you're pitching your blog at."
"I would not have any of my businesses if it was not for my blog."
"I started my blog and this YouTube channel for people just like her."
"I felt like being a TV host sometimes you were talking about people and I didn't like that. But I was like a beauty blogger, lifestyle blogger. You're actually doing things that help other people."
"I'm really about to become like a food blogger."
"The pattern is completely free on the one dog woof blog."
"I don't want people to read my blog, I want them to write their book. I don't care if anybody reads it, just write your blog every day. It's like morning pages but better."
"The act of blogging every day is a generous way to confront your fear."
"If you can't afford your own blog, my advice would be to get your own blog."
"Blogging is a gold mine for boosting SEO for a number of reasons."
"Writing online cured that intellectual loneliness for me."
"Blogging can be a fun hobby or a great business."
"The potential is endless when it comes to blogging."
"There's no harm in starting with the free version of WordPress.com."
"I actually wrote a sort of guest post for TechCrunch on the potential of retweets."
"If it was easy, everyone would do it. Everyone thinks that blogging just entails going and writing a quick blog post about what you ate for breakfast and calling it a day. That is so far from the case. It is so strategic. You need to be organized."
"Publish your blog post right away. No one's gonna be looking at your blog, and the longer that Google has to read through your information, the faster that you're going to get ranked, which ranking is so important."
"improving bloggers reputation was another objective I had"
"The income from blogging is 100% dictated by the skills of the individual blogger and their work ethic."
"I recently got the idea to make a WordPress website so I could share my writings with others and offer my readers practical advice."
"Start just get a warehouse and just blog, just vlog and have fun."
"I just embraced it and I think what really helped me is when I started blogging and connecting with other women."
"Starting a blog is dead and it's not possible to do right now when it couldn't be far from the truth."
"As your blog grows and you continue to increase your page views, you will have more opportunity to monetize your blog in many, many different ways."
"If you want me to elaborate, you can go read my blog posts about it. I'll leave a link in the description."
"I started with a Blog. Blog is something that has actually helped me do this as a job in the first place."
"You got something you want to put out there, it's free. Blogger.com, free. I don't give a [ __ ] if every week on Monday you just put out, 'It's going to be a great week. These are the things I'm going to do' and blog it, and I guarantee people will start reacting to you."
"So, you see, the power of blogging, it was worth it to write and Murmansk became cleaner."
"Find a niche that you are passionate in and if you can be there for your readers every single week consistently, you have a real shot at this."
"If you like to travel, you could be a travel blogger or a food blogger. Who doesn't like to go to nice restaurants and blog about them?"
"I think I need to take over Andrea's blog this week, because JP did it last week, and I was like, 'I'm having FOMO. Total FOMO. And I need to be a bigger part of the blog, 'cause it's like my highlight every week.'"
"Blogging as consistently as I can radically improved my ability to write regularly."
"Thank you. The philosophy behind that is I want to show people where we're going and get them to really understand as soon as possible when they click on a link to go to my blog what they're going to get out of it."
"Writing a blog was totally different from screenwriting. I wasn't writing to sell anything. I enjoyed the process because there was no pressure."
"Squarespace makes this whole blogging process extremely easy."
"Create your own blog and write about the thing you know. That kind of gives you the edge in that area."
"Last year we raised over half a million from the blog and it all went to charities."
"The bloggers didn't have so much of real-life business to feed off of."
"It was completely unexpected, and I went from two, three hundred followers from my blog to a hundred thousand people there for thrifting, upcycling, and just all things sustainable style."
"I am not a foodie blogger. I do not do like cooking or recipes or anything like that, and that is nice to kind of mix it up a bit."
"Make sure to head over to the blog."
"How funny is that? I mean, nowadays we blog isn't even really in our vocabulary anymore. I mean, the blog turned into Vlog. I mean, blogging seems so..."
"Blogging... stood the test of time."
"Blogs are a very popular way of attracting more visitors who can eventually become customers."
"You know, I used to be a food blogger. I tried to do more travel stuff, but once a food blogger, always a food blogger. It can't leave you, man."
"Documenting your life is such a cool thing. That's why I always think that everyone should have some type of blog or something like that."
"Guest blogging really does help and it goes a long way."
"Learning how to write a blog is just a general skill set that I believe is going to advance you in any business that you do because you're always going to need to have written content in whatever it is you do."
"In this video I'll show you how I create 40 blog posts in one hour."
"Let's do 40 blog posts in one hour."
"...this video is largely inspired by a series of blog posts made by danny otticker, the guy who invented tabular editor."
"Yes, I had been making money from blogging for about a year before I quit."
"If you do have a blog or website then you should know that getting backlinks will be one of the most important things you can do."
"Blogging has an extremely low Financial barrier to entry compared to many other business opportunities."
"If you haven't published at least 30 blog posts on your website and you're wondering why it's not earning you much, it's probably because you just haven't published enough."
"Blogging is not a get rich quick scheme."
"Blogging is the best way to build sustainable income that you're in control of."
"Every blog post you create is like a mini lesson."
"I learned a ton building my blog from zero into a seven-figure a year business."
"If you're interested in learning more exactly how i make over 300 000 a month blogging what blogging is in the 2020s how it's more of a science than an art make sure to watch my free blogging masterclass."
"We all start blogs with an end goal in mind. Passive income, time freedom, you know, five thousand dollars a month. Whatever we want to achieve, we can do it."
"Blogging is more about assembling content than writing it uniquely every time."
"So as a new blogger, you're gonna have a pretty good chance of ranking in search results from the get-go."
"It's really just pushing through, setting goals, working a little bit every day on your blog for the first year, and focusing on the right things at the right time."
"Creating an information product that is completely automated... is one of the best ways to make more money from your blog."
"Blogging is one of the best opportunities we have right now."
"Since you're blogging, I'm assuming subscribe to this channel."
"Quality and consistency beat quantity and speed when it comes to blog posts."
"Persistence is you keep pushing. Consistency is you have to do it on a regular basis. So if you're blogging, blog once, twice, three times a week."
"Blogging is not about you. You're not going to be successful if you start a blog and just write about yourself or your personal stories."
"If you blog twice a week for 17 years, you will be a moderately successful Pacific Northwest technologist in an obscure space of some renown."
"I'm also on TikTok. I'm not on TikTok as much and I'm going to start blogging again, I promise."
"That worries me about the future, I think blogging and what's happening is the future."
"Book blogs were huge, and publishers were just like, ‘Oh, here's this new tool that has emerged,’ and it didn't occur to them that that was going to disappear."
"If it's in the blog, let's talk about it. Let's put it on the table, own your narrative."