
Emotional Process Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"Grief and depression, while they can feel quite similar in certain ways, are distinctly different processes."
"Grieving can be overwhelming but necessary... Only then can we move past the pain."
"Grief isn't containable in a day or a month or a year."
"Falling in love again is a process, not a light switch."
"Let them go, it's going to take them a while to gather their funk."
"Healing is like tearing off a band-aid. We dread it, but once you've done it, it feels so good."
"Grieving can be a beautiful experience if you let it. Allow yourself to surrender to the grief and just feel it."
"It's almost like grieving somebody who you knew was gonna pass on and you just had to find a way to cope with that situation."
"When somebody dies, you feel shitty. You feel shitty for about a year. But that doesn't mean you dealt with that death."
"It takes time for your heart to catch up with your head."
"There were six endings to the process... every step of finishing, there was this kind of saying goodbye."
"The loss of a relative is hard, there is no time limit on the grieving process."
"Anger and resentment fuel the process of heartbreak."
"I didn't force myself to forgive any of these people."
"Letting go of what I didn't like, grieving what I loved."
"First, the pain, then the rising. First our pain, then our rising."
"He is re-experiencing the wound for the purpose of healing it once and for all."
"It felt like a relationship, you know. I didn't want to just stop cold turkey on it."
"Surrender, healing, and releasing need to take place."
"Accept the wallowing phase. Let yourself. Honestly, it didn't even feel bad, it actually felt good."
"In authentic forgiveness, you may never actually forgive, but you're simply going to allow yourself to let the process unwind and see how you feel as time goes on."
"You'll move through your own unique phases: sadness, denial, what ifs, acceptance, and even excitement."
"Eventually, those feelings will settle and subside, and it won't be as intense after a while."
"Grief after narcissistic abuse is a process, and it's messy and it's painful, but it is a process."
"Trust in the Lord, remain focused on the Lord, and set the Lord always before you."
"It's important to go through the grieving process."
"Grieving is about the loss of something and then the growth of something new."
"It's a genuine grieving process for a lot of people leaving Mormonism."
"So unplugging from the idea that you should lose weight is a process with a lot of ups and downs."
"You're gonna grieve, it's gonna suck, and it'll get better."
"It's hard to let go and I guess in some ways you never really do let go."
"Closure is not a one-time thing; it's a process that happens at periodic intervals."
"Forgiveness is just not saying 'oh yeah, it's okay, I'm over it.' Forgiveness is different."
"Potential to heal, but still a lot of emotions to process."
"It's not a switch that you can just say, 'Yup, now I trust you again' or 'Now I forgive you,' it's like you have to actually feel it."
"Love always leads to love. This process produces love."
"You have to allow the healing process to happen."
"Buying a home can be a very emotional process... it's very exciting to see that home online... you want to buy it."
"Have you guys ever had a prolonged breakup where it took like you knew it was over but it took a little while cuz you're still trying to work on it?"
"Embrace the grieving... let the process take whatever time it's going to take."
"You will not recover, you will not reconcile, but others you will with time."
"Coming out can be stressful, liberating, and taxing, all at once."
"Even when you find out that the person you thought you were in love with didn't exist, you can still grieve the loss of that person."
"I mean, you can know very well that someone's not good for you and there's still a grieving process, right? There's still transition, especially energetically."
"Letting go is a free fall, and there's trust involved."
"When a person passes away, their feelings don't stop, but there's an appropriate time for all of it."
"They've surrendered to this love, but transformation takes time."
"It's like you could be going through like an emotional cleansing. So if you have been feeling really emotional, maybe this person has been as well. It's like you both have been going through a very specific heart cleansing."
"Show them compassion while they go through this process."
"Love and opportunity, but things still need to be healed and worked out."
"You really can't surrender something until you deeply feel it."
"I'm feeling at the moment, which is fine. It's all about the process."
"I think that a lot of us want to jump to forgiveness very quickly because we want to move on."
"The divorce happens emotionally way before it actually happens on paper."
"I don't know if I'm properly grieving, but I do know that I am grieving."
"You had to open up a wound, feel all those emotions to heal. That's what it means to heal."
"When we are betrayed, we always go through the cascade, especially if we have even an ounce of empathy, compassion, or decency. We go through the cascade."
"You're focusing on the process between the couple and you also focus on the person's emotional process."
"After Ayahuasca, there is a period of grieving. You're gonna grieve a lot. Healing isn't sunshine and feeling great. It's actually feudal position in the corner of your bedroom crying your eyes out. That is healing."
"When old energies go, what do we do? We grieve them. And sometimes when we grieve things, what happens to our emotions? We fluctuate between being happy, we fluctuate between being sad, we fluctuate between being angry."
"I think she wasn't sure that that was going to be the end when she wrote you're losing me and I think when they actually broke up and she released it from The Vault earlier this year that was like the nail in the coffin honestly."
"Is there a wrong way to grieve? No."
"Forgiveness usually starts in the mind and then migrates to the heart."
"It is a grieving process to even go to see an REI. It means admitting that you know what things aren't happening naturally and you have to mourn the loss of the fact that you know what you're not going to have a child the same way that your friends and family you know."
"I'm not afraid of what he or anyone else will think. I still can't get over it. Granny Toad Sage says I need to forgive myself and I'm trying, but it's gonna be a process. I can't do it all at once. I need time."
"Forgiveness is a long, tender, hard process of the heart."
"It took a while to fully detach my heart from that relationship."
"Grief is really weird. Sometimes we grieve before a person's passing, and sometimes grief can hit us way later on in the future."
"From denial to anger to bargaining to depression, I think you finally reach acceptance."
"Grief doesn't go away ever. It just goes in waves."
"Grieving isn't linear. It's up, down, up, down, up, down."
"Moving on is a process not a decision nor is it an event."
"You guys have been very defensive about this healing process."
"Grief is indeed a journey without a destination."
"You can't make them feel differently in a snap; they have to reflect, they have to look at things and see how they feel."
"Saying goodbye is hard, but it's a process that takes time and patience."
"Sometimes you have to let people go through the anger that we didn't succeed and then bounce back."
"We cannot jump from understanding to forgiveness."
"Everybody has a whole grief process and we all grieve differently."
"It's really part and parcel for how we heal."
"It takes a while for you to fully get over that person."
"Honor your sadness... letting go of something is a grieving process."
"It's like the storm before the calm; this is the decompress before the intermission."
"We see him go through the five stages of grief."
"Regret is a natural part of the grieving process."
"There are many ways to grieve, no one way less valid than the others."
"Not all periods of sadness mean something's wrong; sometimes a period of sadness is exactly what you need to go through."
"I mean, I'm sure it's a bit of an emotional process for people to go through this, you know, distancing themselves from something that they loved so, so much and meant a lot to them throughout their whole life."
"Therapy can get kind of messy sometimes; people can start to cry, they can start to yell, they can feel very vulnerable."
"Healing comes from grieving deeply."
"Getting over an ex is like getting over someone who's died; it's like a grieving process."
"Before we let go, we must first loosen our grip."
"The stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. DABDA."
"Letting go doesn't automatically mean you forget."
"Denial, questioning, anger, bargaining, acceptance."
"When a relationship comes to an end, there's always a grieving period for both parties."
"Grief is not linear; it comes in layers."
"We let things go when we're ready to."
"It's hard to let go of things, you know."
"I loved her, I love her, I release her."
"You cannot fast track getting over someone."
"After a period of denial and grief... then comes acceptance, and after acceptance comes freedom."
"Don't rush through the grieving process; it's important to feel what you feel, emotions are valid, they help us understand something within, they're informative."
"It gets better and better and you cry a lot but that's all part of the process too of healing from grief."
"This is releasing and letting go."
"You've got to surrender to grief, you've got to let go."
"Everything that you wanted to hang on to that had to go, everything that made you feel like you were going to die if it left you... the process... has already started."
"You're going through the stages of grief right now."
"It's important to mourn loss when you have to mourn loss."