
Historical Research Quotes

There are 416 quotes

"This is why you should look into the history of a house before buying it."
"Dr. Bruce Cooper was the last surviving member of the Tracer operation, and without the incredible passion of researchers, historians, and explorers dedicated to uncovering more about the operation, his story may never have been told."
"These postcards are far more than just surreal art; they may serve as visual clues to an unsettling and overlooked chapter in history."
"The most we can say is that we can be confident that these centers were the sites of major feasts and gatherings."
"When we do a deep dive like this, I usually go as far back as I can to try and find the earliest stories so we can trace this evolution, and watch as the gods we're familiar with now start out as wildly unfamiliar figures before growing and changing with their societies to eventually become the figure we recognize today."
"If you are trying to destroy the records of a civilization that built in stone, why would you use fire?"
"The evidence needed to prove the conjecture of 1780 required the technology of the 21st century."
"We're now here to finish Basil Brown's job and uncover the true extent of the villa that gave Castle Hill its name."
"The more we find, the more we understand scribal culture better."
"In conclusion, let me just say that Arthur Posnansky brought many important aspects of Tiwanaku to light."
"No texts have been found that are younger than 70 CE, indicating that this is the time when the scrolls were hidden in the caves."
"Carbon 14 dating tells us that the parchment was made between 1404 and 1438, putting an earliest date on when this book was written."
"My specialty is the 20th century, but I've come here to Jerusalem to find out what life was like in the 1st century."
"All four samples gave matching results; with 95% certainty, we now know that the parchment of the Voynich manuscript originates somewhere between 1404 and 1438."
"You start looking into the numbers, the geometry, the placement in the landscape, and the astronomy and this kind of secret tradition emerges that is only kind of encoded within the site itself as you know how to decode it."
"Looking for Arthur, I have found a world far more exciting and far more real than any romantic tale of knights and shining armor."
"I wanted to take it one step further than she did when it comes to historical accuracy."
"If the dating of this site is legitimate and as I hope I explained I think there are very good reasons to say that it is it proves that humans were in the Americas during the lgm."
"Excavations at the site were led by Tom Dillehay back in the 70s and continued for the next few decades."
"I'm uncovering the hidden history of the British seaside resort."
"When I read two or three books about the same topic, every one of them will have a different date for when something happened."
"But it's already clear that the Qumran site was a place well connected with nearby communities."
"Each artifact has a story, it has an object linked with, and the more we excavate, the more we find."
"By using satellite images, researchers are now able to look beneath the dirt, beneath the thick trees, and see where ancient trading hubs lay buried and forgotten."
"If history is going to be scientific, there must be standards of ethics in research and interpretation."
"The mystery of where the Vikings came from and why they attacked has now been revealed."
"It's this information that brings the people back to life, that allows us to reconstruct their lives."
"The proposed minimum size for void detection is as small as a single pyramid block."
"No exact records of what the buildings look like or even where they stood but that's set to change because time teams been given the unique opportunity of investigating both these sites."
"AI could help unlock the contents of old scrolls that previously couldn't be opened."
"Mysterious network of medieval tunnels discovered beneath a 12th century abbey."
"The historical discovery would end in defeat."
"Susan Allison elaborated on Yacutecum’s story in an article published in the September 15th, 1934 issue of the Vancouver Province, writing, 'The real Indian name of the amphibian now known as Ogopogo I never knew.'"
"Within that treasure zone, a tunnel was recently discovered at 98 feet deep, only adding more credence to their theories that everything they are researching is connected."
"Historical accuracy requires attention to detail."
"I think the time has come that we do in history to find the biblical characters."
"I really would like to delve into the actual history of this event a little more because it's very, very fascinating."
"Whoever created Puma Punku had very advanced lost ancient high technology."
"Shipwrecks such as this one provided a crucial look into past events and a fascinating glimpse into history."
"We're so excited about that because the work that we've done in the Pilbara has shown that at 3.5 billion years ago, the same age as the crust on Mars, this ancient life on Earth was thriving in active hot springs."
"Probably some of the biggest information that we have from the ancient DNA analysis is the confirmation of a brother-sister marriage at the beginning of the dynasty."
"After figuring out the dimensions of this object, they discovered it was almost exactly the size of the Temple of Poseidon that Plato described."
"Naked Science is on the trail of Plato's lost city of Atlantis."
"But in today’s Biographics we will attempt to clear at least some of the mist shrouding the life of Master Sun."
"In 2018, archaeologists and historians conducted a research project at the site of one of the most legendary battles in European history."
"Researchers are on the case to learn more about the people who created it."
"This site matches far more aspects about the description of Atlantis than any other proposed site from around the world."
"At this point we really do have a pretty good idea of what was going on at Qumran but obviously the final publication will be able to add a lot to that."
"But it's hard work learning all the secrets of our forefathers when all you've got are two rusty pennies and a bad drawing on a cave wall."
"We're going to investigate these artifacts and sites, and we're going to get to the truth."
"The sphinx may be significantly older than the dynastic Egyptian civilization."
"The Rosetta Stone made it easier for researchers to understand and decipher hieroglyphics."
"These findings prove that tuberculosis is at least 3000 years older than scientists previously thought and helped to shed light on the disease's bacterial evolution into modern times."
"That's tremendous we found a contemporary building but we still have to find our ship."
"Ancient Egypt has been nothing short of a trove of treasure for Humanity since researchers and explorers began studying it and even today somehow we're still mystified by the way they lived all those years ago."
"Even though I'm standing right by something they built, the only things that we've found that have got anything to do with the people are these tiny bits of beetle."
"I'm staggered we may actually have something Bronze Age in our sights."
"I definitely learned a little bit more about some of the options and especially some of the more indirect possibilities for the Bronze Age collapse."
"We came here looking for an Iron Age capital, and in one tiny area of our site, we found a Terrace of round houses."
"Shock concluded that the oldest portions of the Great Sphinx known as The Core Body must date back to an earlier period at least 5000 BCE."
"New research is unlocking the story of her life by uncovering the evidence contained in her bones."
"On the way to a greater understanding of the history of humankind, researchers end up finding places they never expected."
"Hopefully as the evidence and knowledge regarding said sites grows we will hopefully one day fully decipher the mysteries of not only Cappadocia but our own past as a whole."
"Its purpose and origin have been under debate for years. We may be able to get some answers from its namesake."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls present a paramount research opportunity from archaeology to religion to linguistics."
"The jar tombs offer valuable clues to uncover the history of pre-Islamic Isfahan."
"We've uncovered the story of these Iron Age tribes."
"The Royal Navy started it and the Americans continued experimented with it, it was actually a genuine idea at the time."
"Words have been added at a later date, a post-production addition."
"Not only reveal who they actually were but explain their religious beliefs their technical prowess and indeed how they built them but most importantly for what purpose."
"An eight-year project has discovered a secret tunnel beneath the third largest pyramid within the area autono which archaeologists suspect will lead to a royal tomb discovered in 2003."
"Now scientists are digging up dirt to uncover how these real life monsters were forced to fight for survival."
"Frank Goddio embarked on his most ambitious mission knowing about Thonis from the ancient accounts."
"It's incredibly useful to go back into history and see who these people were and what they were actually trying to accomplish."
"I've been searching for the truth about our past for years."
"These results are significant in that they show how modern technology can be used to answer fundamental questions of archaeological importance."
"These ostraca... constitute an unprecedented and complex new source of information for Egyptologists."
"We can get a great deal from geophysics, early maps, and rare pictures."
"This is the beauty of archaeology, that you're allowed to evolve your theories."
"I think it's very likely...that this structure was present in the ancient city Mr. Cabot was exploring."
"It's really incredible, there is material there for research for another few generations."
"This did not come as a surprise to literally anyone that humans were present in the southern part of the United States long before scientists had previously said so."
"Project SUNSHINE, a 1950s study on the effects of radiation on human bodies."
"For the first time in history, archaeologists in Israel have found the exact place where Emperor Titus and his Legions breached the walls of Jerusalem."
"Archaeologists are still busy at work trying to unravel the secrets of Pompeii."
"This discovery is prompting researchers to re-evaluate our understanding of Fallen Angels, Giants, and the legend itself."
"This manuscript offers us a glimpse into the violent and complicated world that we're only just beginning to truly understand."
"One wonders if nagamati six were found isolated from all the others what would Scholars have done with it."
"There is at least a portion of the genome present in this individual from 37,000 years ago that survived through time until today."
"Even though so many questions still remain unanswered, the glaciers finds show that man used the Alpine passes even in the Stone and Bronze Ages."
"I've absolutely loved digging deeper into the history of wargaming and cartography in general."
"Now, there's renewed interest in excavating this area, something that might, again change what we think we know about our history."
"In recent years excavations at prominent sites like Tintagel Castle revealed early medieval trade links all across Europe and beyond."
"Patience may have been the indicator of what food the vendor sold back then."
"The lost city of the snake Kings: 'archaeologists recently uncovered a pair of mysterious tombs in the ancient city of holmul.'"
"The foundation dates from 500 A.D but analysis of pottery fragments confirms the foundation under the pyramid is 300 years older."
"Rumors spread of the Smithsonian catching wind of these mysterious relics, dispatching a team of some 30 scientists to document and explore this Monumental find."
"This discovery has completely changed the way historians look at rock art in the UK."
"The discovery made in 2018 uncovered over 60,000 Mayan ruins."
"Archaeologists have spent years looking for the tomb of Genghis Khan, but they might be wasting their time."
"Archaeology system: uncovering the mysteries of dig sites."
"Hold on, we're going to find an awful lot more about these manuscripts."
"I believe many runestones found across the United States make up the final unwritten chapter of the Viking sagas."
"So, all I am pointing out is that the books are connected, and we can actually trace whether or not the historical Peter did certain things. He seems to have missed that point."
"It's just hard to say exactly how old it is."
"What started for me as a mystery of a single symbol, the Hooked X, has turned into so much more, including a search for new clues that we're finding right here in their humble church."
"This is the inside track on one of the greatest archaeological detective stories ever told."
"Golden's thorough exploration of the past is going to prove incredibly useful for our future."
"I want direct access to eyewitnesses... so I can have the best history possible."
"Best thing anybody who's going to be an investor could do is to spend a fair amount of time reading past issues of newspapers."
"In every artifact lies a piece of history waiting to be revealed."
"Finally, we're getting a holistic picture, the missing link between the seventh century Arabs, the Nabataeans, the Quranic Nazarenes. How did they then become the Abbasid version of what we now know today as Islam?"
"Absolutely confident that we've got our Anglo-Saxon hall."
"Perhaps the most crucial thing in exposing historical inaccuracies is knowing when to quit and avoiding bringing even more chaos."
"It's so frustrating the documents only tell us that the sacristy was somewhere on the north side."
"To tell the true story of the skeleton, a DNA analysis was conducted."
"Many researchers throughout history have concluded that there was once an advanced race of humans which were in worldwide communication with one another."
"No gatehouse at all, no gatehouse, no road, no boundary ditch, none of what Stuart thought was going to be here..."
"I would encourage authors to marinate in the sources."
"Never ever adopt the mindset that you have all the answers especially when dealing with lost history. This is hubris and the world will have its way eventually and make a fool of you."
"You will not find anywhere a more critical and objective sifting of the evidence than in Dale Allison's work on the resurrection."
"Archaeology is literally the study of ancient people and places, but the irony is that there's always something brand new to report about it."
"The Germans after all were pioneers in remote viewing and other types of psychic research."
"Cleopatra's Palace: Rediscovered after being lost to history."
"Their work on the famine has been very important."
"The osteology does... these shield maidens that are talked about in these regards... are very much real."
"It's looking more and more likely that the mummy belonged to a group such as the Chiang Kai who inhabited these valleys close to the Pacific Ocean."
"We're now able to excavate trenches here with our hands on the technology which not only helps us to record in completely different ways but also to be able to access that information as well."
"The team has succeeded in lifting the veil of time."
"turns out people have been suffering from ear infections for thousands of years"
"For years, I've been searching not just for the Templars and their treasure here in America, but for the true history of this country."
"We've got a difficult job ahead because we could be looking for any number of different types of furnaces."
"It startled me to realize that this is not simply a study in Old Testament ancient history."
"If church folks did the research into the historical accuracy of the biblical text, churches would go out of business in three months."
"Tutankhamen's treasures hold many clues that may help explain the existence of a curse."
"Graham's research finds no curse of Tutankhamun, but earlier tombs do contain threats to violators."
"There is overwhelming evidence for the location of Noah's Ark."
"The ground penetrating radar revealed a regular internal structure beneath the surface."
"Perhaps one day Peru will reveal its ancient Secrets an astonishing collection of ancient evidential items and rediscovered historical factors have allowed the argument for an once lost history to have existed all but now a foregone conclusion."
"The city will provide us a unique look into the lives of the ancient Egyptians at the empire's heyday."
"The discovery and research surrounding this town have shed a lot of light on Egyptian culture."
"French scientists Pascal Cotte shocked art critics in 2015 when he revealed his findings that the real Mona Lisa may have been hiding behind the famous masterpiece all along."
"Ice cores including those ones from Kilimanjaro can often shed light on events in human history."
"Archeologists have often used the services satellite images to help identify potential excavation sites or other possible locations to find historical artifacts."
"A team of archaeologists excavated at least 30 bodies, including 20 adults and 10 children, who were buried just 1.6 feet (50 cm) in the ground."
"From the decipherment of their written language, we know now as Linear B, we can tell that they did indeed speak a version of Greek."
"These papyri already provide unrivaled insight into life in ancient times."
"Gobekli Tepe remains a mystery yet to be solved, a secret sight so important that it could unlock the answers to understanding humanity's complex ancient origins."
"Jonas Salk was able to randomize 400,000 kids. We are 70 years in the future."
"Of all the great figures of antiquity, none are as frustrating for the historian as Socrates."
"Artifacts like this remind us that historical narratives are not set in stone and that just one new discovery can dramatically change our understanding of the past."
"Wouldn't it be fantastic if we could prove that those roundhouses were in use at the same time?"
"Underwater archeology holds the keys to our oldest evidence of civilization."
"Given these clear findings were published 55 years ago, it's quite amazing we persisted with the misguided notion that seed oils could ever be healthy."
"But that's not all. There's another old newspaper article from January 11, 1911, detailing how this verse isn't in the Bible despite everyone thinking it is."
"So based on all of the research of this that it seems as if Poseidon was just Enki creating the Atlantean civilization..."
"Discovering new events... in Native American history."
"Experts now believe that Gobekli Tepe, the world's oldest known temple, was the handiwork of hunter-gatherers."
"The urns which date back between 800 and 1350 a.d are helping archaeologists better understand the funerary and burial customs."
"The mid and late 1980s saw the involvement of two esteemed academic figures: Harvard psychiatrist John Mack and historian David M. Jacobs."
"This area is called Negroland which says a lot, but if we look deeper, we can see where they took the slaves from right on the slave coast which was labeled, what? Yes, you see it, Kingdom of Judah."
"This study changes the perception of who a Viking actually was."
"I'm trying to really go back in history and understand more of the history of this land."
"Antarctica holds Clues to Humanity's past present and future that have yet to be fully explored and understood."
"Later expeditions did find potential signs of a female castaway on Gardner Island."
"So by excavating Buckmill, we hope to learn just how this powerful mill would have shaped the lives of people around here, possibly for a thousand years."
"But further back, Helen has uncovered a little dynasty who ran Buckmill for at least three generations from the 17th century, the Bengefields."
"There's only one common denominator between them, and it happens to be a reference to the oldest calendar known to man: the 600-year Anunaki Ner."
"The reason I really like this book and the reason I have Michael on the program is that he gives in-depth evidence and illustrations."
"The excavations at the 18th Dynasty Palace in Avaris provide archaeological evidence to support Amenhotep II as The Exodus Pharaoh."
"Piecing together the story of history is a hard job, and the further back in time we go, the more difficult it gets."
"The wreckage of the Arctic was never found. She lies somewhere off the east coast of Newfoundland, likely with very little to mark the spot on the sea floor where she fell."
"These discoveries are helping experts better understand the everyday lives of the region's past societies."
"Methodology: Tracing evidence of widespread Torah observance back through the first century CE to determine the emergence of Judaism."
"We're now starting to look for evidence of Anglo-Saxon settlement."
"Unraveling the mysteries of Atlantis through ancient texts and modern science."
"We've finally confirmed the position of the horde almost a mile from where everyone previously thought it was discovered."
"You've got to be willing to let the historical evidence speak for itself."
"It's always fascinating to dig into the roots of something so large."
"We simply grab the bull by the horns and put a trench right across these three ramparts."
"The theory that this little cove had a trading link with the Middle East is backed up by the fines made in Matt's trench such as the Roman coins and Turkish pottery."
"Scientists all around the world dedicate their lives to learning more about our past and unlocking the secrets of the universe."
"Luke is seen as an incredibly reliable historian."
"Isotope testing of the Boston Bowman suggests they could have spent some of their youth in Wales."
"This possibility of a lost ancient high capability civilization could and should have a profound impact on our society."
"It's the end of day one and we're now almost certain this is what we hoped it would be, a Bronze Age henge."
"So let's begin with a brief unpacking of all of the alleged mass grave sites in Canada so far and the actual information we have on them."
"Containing more than 211 burials, National Geographic reported that the graves are giving archaeologists an opportunity to investigate the origins of the Philistines and their assimilation into local culture."
"Now researchers think it he could have been witnessing an event that nearly ended the world."
"Identifying the guns from which the balls were fired left little doubt in historians' minds."
"Lessons and past nightfalls and the single candle illuminating the script before me becomes shorter by the hour. When it flickers one last time and leaves me in darkness, the scrolls remain, the secrets remain undiscovered. Push forward."
"The discovery that the earliest civilization was in Africa led white scholars to do a quick turnabout."
"More importantly, these new discoveries in the jungle may be the beginning of a significant change in our understanding of the Amazonian past."
"Fawcett, a real-life Indiana Jones, spent 30 years searching for the ruins of ancient cities in the Amazon."
"The attacks and maps are proof enough, safe to say that there was a mysterious City near Cardigan Bay that sank 700 years ago."
"Researchers have stated that they have discovered the table which the Ark of the Covenant rested on inside the beth-shemesh temple."
"Imhotep likely knew what he was looking at; he was probably just as gobsmacked by the engineering, the sheer difficulty, beauty, and symmetry of the hearthstone vessels as we are today."
"Some researchers believe that Noah's Ark is absolutely real."
"I love to work through the history of interpretation, from early church fathers to modern times."
"The experiment proves the destructive power of Hitler's smart bomb, even without the benefit of explosives."