
Negative Outcomes Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"AI has generated wild video concepts, fake scripts, spooky deep fakes, and terrible business ideas all generated from the depths of hell."
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Sometimes you have good intentions on making communities better, and they have negative policy outcomes."
"Coup attempts... History says coups are not good."
"Every character comes out the other side of this game worse off."
"There's just more ways for things to go wrong than things to go right."
"Shia LaBeouf's actions have likely ruined his career."
"If you go about this the wrong way, you'll get bad results and you'll just have a miserable time trying to make these turn out well."
"But like many things that go viral, Chef Pii's sauce was quickly caught up in a controversy that left a bad taste in many people's mouths."
"Eventually, shit's gonna hit the fan... when it does, it's gonna suck."
"The lonelier you are the more doggedly you will seek out a partner and the more negative outcomes you're likely be faced with."
"We don't need the government to solve every problem for us because when they try to solve problems they just make it worse."
"You start to lose hope, you start to have a negative perception of things, which now creates negative results for you."
"In terms of its effect on policy ranging from social policy to war I think it's been mostly negative in fact often extremely negative."
"Overthinking is not something that we should allow in our lives because the result is never good."
"Relentless engagement with uncharitable communities generally brings nothing but suffering."
"Negative videos are like super all pistols. Yes, it can fire and hits target, but there's always a chance it'll blow up in your face instead."
"Like when you get to those surprises bad things happen."
"It's fractal wrongness, no matter what they do, it turns out to be the most detrimental decision."
"There is nothing to show for the majority but chaos, cruelty."
"With a bit of luck his life was ruined forever."
"Their fruits are poisonous. Whatever goes on in there, what comes out is not good."
"You're just digging yourself deeper into a hole."
"Things go so badly for him that he does something really catastrophic."
"This is the start of something that gets really, really bad."
"Therapy helps me make the balancing act of work and life actually an, not an act but rubber to the road."
"Identity politics is backfiring hard on the Democrats."
"Forced compliance will only make things worse for everyone."
"This is just not good news overall for the initiative."
"Bad optics, bad media leads to bad policy often."
"Ultimately, I just think it ends up in a really dark place."
"An absolute travesty, gonna go down as one of the biggest F ups in gaming."
"For every choice you're making, I'm taking it positive and I'm taking a negative from that."
"Wherever socialism is, death and despair will always follow."
"It just stomps itself down the drain, you know what I mean?"
"The aftermath of the Monster Study revealed that some children in the experimental group developed speech problems and experienced psychological distress, highlighting the ethical violations and harm caused to the participants."
"Prepare yourself for bad news." - Retired U.S. Navy submarine Captain David Markey
"The actual harm being caused by that in many estimations is far outweighing the benefit."
"The longer you let it go, the worse health outcomes you're going to have."
"History will judge it... I think it will be judged increasingly more poorly. It will not age well."
"Everything Trump touches goes to you know what."
"That's mental... bad news bloody been bad bad guy got away with a bag full of stuff."
"Even if you get it right, you just end up losing on another one afterwards. It's so bad."
"Nobody wins if people are dying prematurely."
"Marriage can be the worst thing in your life, it can be an absolute living hell."
"This wasn't the thing. This definitely wasn't the thing."
"Everybody is losing. It's the worst human science project I've ever seen."
"There's absolutely nothing good that can come from this, I just don't see a good outcome."
"People are sick of all the doom and gloom because it happens more than you might think. This is gonna really suck."
"It's where they are taking you; it's nowhere other than a terrible hand."
"When this bloodbath comes, and your friends are sitting there... they are a bad trader."
"You can't move away from marriage's sanctity without negative consequences for society."
"I doubt even if you provide the proof now considering the damage you have done it will lead to any positive outcome."
"The more you play with it, the worse it gets, the worse it got."
"Zero out of 10 none of this is going to lend itself to positive outcomes later in adulthood."
"We are bound by our fantasies and they will come true in the worst way possible."
"Change is not necessarily for the better the change in Turkey in the last 20 years is negative the most important change in the Arab world Islamic radicalism in the last 100 years is negative."
"That's disappointment right there, yeah, that's the worst thing you could possibly find."
"If you don't manage your insecurities or acknowledge them and they go unchecked, they can become highly negative."
"Anything I've ever done in my entire life that I did for money first turned out horribly wrong."
"This is what we like to call the death part."
"There was a point on the internet where we let people discuss whatever and it resulted in threats to families of dead children."
"Society's pressure on masculinity leads to negative outcomes."
"We absolutely know the outcome of exploitation of children online; none of it is positive."