
Education Importance Quotes

There are 256 quotes

"Education is so important for society because it's one of these areas where if one segment of the population is more educated, everyone wins."
"It's so important to study and to focus on it because it helps you get to the next level, and education is the key to everything."
"Education is so important at that age... those formative years K through 5, K through 6 are so important."
"Please do not be like me... Education is important."
"The more people we have educated, the more safe the families are going to be."
"The future of education is extraordinary, and it's extraordinarily important because what we need to recognize is that education is the asset our community is built upon."
"There is absolutely nothing more important to a civilized society than educating its children."
"Teach financial literacy in high school; the kids will freaking listen."
"We must be fervent when it comes to education."
"Once you've done that for every company in your area you'll now start to see some similarities you'll get to see if everyone wants to have a formal education are there certain certifications that everyone would like you to have."
"Education is the most important investment we can make in our people."
"All these things create opportunities for those who are financially educated and prepared."
"We don't want kids to miss the education they're going to get."
"Education is a central Battlefield upon which this country's future will be settled."
"Education is the most important piece to the future of our society."
"If we don't build educational institutions, we have no future in this country."
"Knowing and understanding Math, Science, and Computer Science unlocks whole new worlds."
"This is why financial education is so important."
"Every kid should learn math. It's training you to do something really important."
"Inspiration for why everyone needs to stay in school!"
"People should be doing a better job of educating the populace."
"I think it's actually irresponsible for schools not to teach this kind of information..."
"I really do not recommend dropping out of school or starting social media at a super young age... it is important to have a real childhood and to have a real education before you get into this."
"Education is key. It opens the windows of opportunities."
"The one fundamental skill your child must absolutely master to succeed in life is reading."
"Education is an investment in the future, and upon that cornerstone, we must build."
"If you can afford to give your kids a world-class education, do it because education really matters."
"Education, education. That's when you are talking about Utopia when you're talking about reaching a progressive, more fair, more Equitable Society it has to start with education."
"3.091 is the most important class you will take at MIT. It's true."
"It's okay to be gay or trans, and everyone should have to learn this."
"When knowing how to learn is considered a core life skill that no one's actually willing to teach."
"Teach people to be articulate because that's the most dangerous thing you can possibly be."
"Once this Association is accumulated enough the lies between film and reality aren't very far separate for those who don't receive an education that teaches them what these tropes are and how they affect people's thinking."
"You lose the battle if you don't educate people."
"Hey everyone, try hard in school, do your best because school is important. If you don't thrive in school, you can end up like us, and that's not good. You're gonna end up a dummy like us, right? We're not very smart guys."
"Education is now a national civic duty. It is not a privilege it is a civic duty."
"There's nothing more important than your financial education, especially at this time in this place in history."
"Anything that ends with expertise begins with education."
"Foundational literacy and numeracy are indispensable prerequisites for all future schooling and lifelong learning." - Professor Indu Kumar
"The ultimate determinant of our success as a nation would be our ability to sustain a virtuous and well-educated citizenry."
"This is resistance, this is where it starts, and it starts with education, right? We gotta educate ourselves and I think all of us here get it."
"There's nothing like the campus. If we've learned anything, it's the computer will never replace the campus."
"Education plays a very important role in our life. If you have good education, it's an advantage."
"An uneducated person with a lot of money is eventually going to be broke because educated people are going to come along and steal it."
"Get into schoolwork because if you don't have the books you will not get scholarships."
"We all have an idea of what our dream job looks like but someone's not just gonna hand it to you odds are you're gonna need at least a bachelor's degree to make that dream into a reality."
"Education can change your life, so start your journey today."
"If we don't educate our children, all of them, then this is still going to be our country."
"Doing nothing for college, I would not suggest."
"Education is so essential; you have to be educated on fitness and health to become more fit and more healthy."
"Make sure you have both education and sports."
"Never leave your academics because sports. Both are important."
"Creativity now is as important in education as literacy."
"What are we wrong on? We want kids to be able to go to school, we want them to be able to get a good education."
"Education over everything. Because you can get so far. I know now the current trend is to be a social media influencer and things like that, but to have something to fall back on, like that's golden."
"Our children are the future and their educators are the frontline workers tasked with caring for their well-being."
"The gateway to the 21st century is technology literacy, and technological literacy is based on numeracy."
"Being proactive as a student is one of the most important things we can do."
"But it does require parents being involved and being engaged."
"Education is very important. Whether you're in a trade school or college or wherever, extra education is great."
"Education is important. We can't ban books. We can't keep ignoring our history."
"There's no substitute for proper science and education and research and knowing what you're talking about."
"Education in Jamaica is an important thing, I think it was important to him."
"I never want to hear 'When will we ever need this?' because you didn't have to sign up for this class."
"When I was before when I was watching the El Clasico that kind of dream of mine was playing in this game and now I have opportunity to play in El Clasico in Madrid and is the huge dream as well but it's also the huge challenge."
"Educating our kids is not only the right thing to do, it's the most important work in America."
"Giving people that knowledge is is the is the most important thing."
"Continued education is super super important."
"Education regardless of what you're gonna major in is important, so they want to see that you do try and you're a dedicated student."
"People tend to not think about what stagflation could look like because they haven't studied it."
"If you don't know history, you are entering a realm of limiting beliefs."
"Education and learning are what we need, not motivation and inspiration."
"Just cause you did not take geography class does not mean you are allowed to get away with saying dumb [ __ ]."
"A potential partner's education level is usually the first thing any woman specifies."
"I feel like in the future all the jobs are going to require really high levels of education."
"I think it's very important to me to succeed in college this semester."
"Education is one of the main things that's gonna free our people and I needed to stay in school and I needed to get higher education and then come back to my community and serve them."
"Education is what levels the playing field for people and we've underinvested in it for decades."
"Education and training are going to be absolutely crucial."
"Educate yourself enough that you can actually provide them with education and subvert their ignorance."
"Education is essential; don't buy into the idea that you don't need it."
"Education is what levels the playing field for people."
"Education is one of the most important things in the world, but the debt for education is the biggest scam of the world."
"America has to get a grip on education the citizens have to be educated and engaged and voting day should be the beginning of their engagement not the end."
"I'm obsessed with my kids getting the best possible world education they can get."
"We have to start with science literacy for children and young people."
"Honoring our elders, educating for the future."
"Before you spend all those years studying something and going into debt, it's very important to figure out what the best college degree for you is."
"Let's stay focused on the goal... ending predatory behavior and that usually starts with education."
"The importance of the teacher-student relationship is perhaps the most important thing."
"There are no shortcuts. At the same time, if you're thinking about spending all that time and energy, doesn't it make sense to equip yourself with as much knowledge as you can?"
"I think education always comes first. If you educate people, they can then make better decisions in the crypto space and if they make better decisions in the crypto space, everyone wins."
"When you educate yourself, you anchor yourself in a history that pulls you to move in a certain direction."
"Educated decisions usually come after taking the time to educate yourself."
"One of the biggest ways of expanding your productive potential is to have an educated, healthy labor force."
"Teachers rock, and society would crumble without you."
"True functioning democracies require an educated population doing what's best for their nation, and if we can all understand that, we'll never truly be immune from propaganda."
"Understanding money is key to financial freedom."
"Once you have education, you can be anything in life."
"Scientific literacy is more important than reading literacy."
"if you stay at school and you do hard on your tests then you won't have to become a robber to make money"
"Educating the populace is crucial. An educated populace can't be fooled by deceitful tactics."
"You have to invest in learning how to invest because the school system fails you."
"The most important thing to prepare is to get educated and then take that education... and take some action."
"We need to put the teaching of American history and civics back into its rightful place in our schools."
"We've got to keep kids in school. But that's really important."
"The lack of knowledge is one of the main reasons we have too many things we see here. So, as far as I know, there are two universities in this country which are teaching Quran, Hadith, and other Islamic sciences."
"I think education is the number one thing in all of this."
"An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people."
"Be educated and understand what's happening out there."
"Education is important, not just general education. Our education has a great connection with the human mind, human soul, human spirit."
"It's cool to be smart, it's not cool to get in trouble."
"You first have to start by investing in yourself, not just in your education, although that is very important."
"We need an empowered educated electorate... knowledge is power."
"Understanding what the polar vortex is and why it's a big deal is crucial."
"Sexual education is a fundamental part of sexual reproductive rights."
"Equality says everybody gets the same thing. Equity says everybody gets the same access."
"We've got to go to school, we've got to open up, we've got to open up our schools and open up our businesses."
"Educating yourself is going to allow you to do way more in the lifespan of your career."
"Financial education is more important now than ever."
"Don't let something as simple as a lack of education hold you back."
"When you're not properly educated, you start to get your realities mixed up."
"Education is going to be key. We need to educate our kids and tell them they actually can have a very positive, beautiful future."
"The most dangerous person in the world is an educated person that understands money."
"It is education that's going to be the most important thing in freeing our people."
"Representation is so important when it comes to sex and sex education and gender and queerness in whatever regard."
"Survival and maintenance are equally as important...with a little bit of education have the tools and survival and maintenance and recovery that you're going to need in the worst-case scenario."
"Financial literacy is probably the most important topic."
"An informed, educated population are what make our society what it is, what it has the potential to be."
"Education by far the most important single investment that any society makes."
"The biggest thing you can do is educate yourself."
"Teaching children is the most important thing."
"It's something that needs to be instilled in people that not what to think how to think right from early early early ages but um but if it's not done right it just becomes another level of indoctrination and that's that's the hard part about it."
"Nobody's too cool for school, kids. Stay in school."
"Because knowledge is power and we can't hope to fix something we don't understand."
"People can change through accountability and through educating themselves."
"Invest in your own financial education; it's crucial for making informed decisions and avoiding financial pitfalls."
"With proper teaching, it is a force that can be utilized free of corruption."
"Being really transparent and doing your education before you put your money in is so important."
"Math and science... are actually tools that are gonna help you solve problems in industry and help make life better for everyone."
"Education must be the top focus for any group to improve."
"I think if you're gonna say a financial literacy class is important, a physical education class is important as well."
"He's got a master's degree in penal law into the ring he's in law school right now but he's in boxing school right now."
"You teach a young man, you teach a community. But when you teach a woman, you raise a nation."
"If you didn't learn simple fraction, will you learn algebra? No. It is those who have not learned enough that call their previous teachers dull."
"He emphasized the importance of education as he believed that if adults were empowered, children would follow suit."
"We should be teaching our kids and their kids."
"So, books matter more for high attendance, they matter the most."
"Education is so important no matter who you are, where you live or what your ability and circumstance is."
"I feel like our generation is kind of at the forefront of the generations where you can't at some point decide you're done learning."
"Education is very important, my peeps. You heard? And yes, I share my info with the sergeant so he knows who we bees and what we bees at."
"Literacy is extremely important. The most important job in the world is a teacher, but they're the least paid."
"Educate and inform the whole mass of people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our Liberty."
"Education is key because I used to be a cigarette smoker for about 10 years."
"Kindness and education can help change the world."
"Foundational learning is crucial for success."
"Masters are preferred qualifications, minimum salary $15 an hour."
"Math and science may not be subjects that come naturally to some kids, but you need to learn 'em if you want to succeed in this next century."
"I feel like we got to push more education because there's too much of a division where it's like well those Negros things are better than us because they're going towards math and science."
"The democratization of opportunity, education, and communication means humankind will be in a much better position."
"If you're in jail, then you're not out getting an education understanding what's next."
"It's important that everybody gets educated on what's going on... how do you do your own research and how all the things you want to know."
"Trust me, no matter what, you should study every day."
"The real danger is ignorance that is the biggest problem and ignorant can take a toll that no evil can take."
"There's never been a better time to educate yourself."
"Get your education first, then do your ministry."
"Investing into people's self-development, progress, education, and experience."
"When you want journalism, Kotaku, you want actual journalism. You know, actual stuff that people go to school for, that people study, an actual craft and an art."
"We need a smart educated people to solve our difficult problems."
"Part of our job is to educate parents about what really matters for the child."
"A good school at the right time is one of the most important tools going these days."
"Education is just as important to dogs as it is to kids. In both cases, the earlier, the better."
"Education, knowledge at this point in our coloring journey, is the most important thing that we can possess."
"The education system in China is highly competitive and plays a crucial role in social mobility."
"It's important to have like a basic understanding of math."
"I appreciate all that you're doing for the community too. I talked about education being so important earlier, and I really respect and appreciate all of the education you're providing for the community. So thank you for doing that."
"The importance of high-quality education for a well-functioning society is profound, it's obvious."
"For female athletes, we kind of know the percentage of going professional is very low, so we always embrace... get your degree."
"I think it's important that we learn and we educate the audience."
"There are only three things that matter when the future of the future is changing and when you urgently need to respond to that fact: education, education, and education."
"If a person is not educated in life, they can't go far and they can't take their community back."
"Education has always been key, important; it's our tradition, our tradition is education and knowledge."
"If you are white and you have not devoted years of sustained study, struggle, and focus on this topic, your opinions are necessarily limited, superficial, and uninformed."
"I promise you will not be the next Charlie D'Amelio, please take your ass back to class and get to work."
"Education is critical. Governments, private enterprise, and parents are realizing that an educated workforce is a prerequisite for development in today's global economy."
"Education is an important part of everything."
"Unless the opportunity is brilliant, you got to stay in school bro, you got to finish High School."
"Better education is the answer to a better future for us all."
"The only way out of poverty is education."
"This is why our history classes are so important."
"It's like you don't know what you don't know and that's why the financial education is so important."
"One of the most important things is our stress is education."
"I recommend that you get your engineering degree first."
"Education programs in high school are so important; that's why free access to information, books, book bans, streaming services, documentaries, all of that stuff is so important."
"Technology has played a role, but the underpinning of this is education at the end of the day."
"It's very important that we protect the children from the collateral effects of keeping them out of school."
"Dropping out of school is correlated with a lower life expectancy."
"Focus more on your grades, focus more on studying."
"They were both devoutly religious, they believed education was the key to success, and they put their love of family above all else."
"We're fighting for the lives of our children; we have a responsibility to see to it that they are properly educated."