
Magnetic Field Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"Your heart produces enough electrical energy to create a magnetic field surrounding your body in 360°, extending beyond the skin out into space."
"Cattle tend to align their bodies in a north-south direction...Scientists say the Earth's magnetic fields may influence the behavior of these animals."
"The Earth's magnetic field...without it, we wouldn't be alive today."
"Many creatures...can sense the Earth's magnetic field, from sea turtles to whales and dolphins to even ants."
"Jupiter's magnetic field is the strongest of any planet in the solar system, created by electrical currents driven by its fast rotation."
"Jupiter's magnetic field, the strongest in the solar system, is a testament to the planet's dynamic internal processes and immense power."
"His most significant was the groundbreaking generator that was powered by nothing but the earth's magnetic field, and was able to power several appliances in his home."
"Magnetic field is literally a shield that protects us from a lot of things out there in space. Without it, we're not going to survive for very long."
"Dr. Nicholas thovany's research illuminates the path ahead, enabling us to understand the causes and potential repercussions of our planet's weakening magnetic field."
"An exoplanet with a magnetic field 4 million times stronger than Earth's."
"Compasses point towards the north because they align with Earth's magnetic field."
"Moon's magnetic field Chang's recent lunar exploration not only revealed hidden lunar Secrets but also pav the way for Innovative insights into our Celestial neighbor."
"The Jovian magnetic field is 20,000 times stronger than the Earth’s magnetic field."
"Her magnetic field is the strongest on the planet and the fact that she has a double mind but not only that she has access, she has the key because she has the melanin."
"Conductors placed in a rotating magnetic field will become magnetized and if allowed to rotate will follow the moving magnetic field."
"Earth's magnetic field: a flip-flopper through time."
"Earth's magnetic aura: safeguarding against space's onslaught."
"The secret of Earth's oceans: a second magnetic field revealed."
"Something strange is going on with the Earth's magnetic field."
"Mars has a rotating magnetic field and not only that, it spins on its axis almost at the same exact speed of Earth."
"As the field becomes weaker and weaker, the effects of space radiation will be felt at lower and lower, and progressively lower altitudes."
"Life without the magnetic field is hard to imagine; an absence of the magnetic poles could be disastrous for many species, including us."
"The magnetic field for this particular cluster seems to be extremely strong."
"One of the big mysteries of planetary science is why the Earth has a field and others don't."
"The solar wind encounters the Earth's magnetic field, deflecting charged particles around the planet."
"The presence of the magnetic field originally helped make Earth a cozy planet for living creatures."
"Atoms in groups of atoms adjacent to this nucleus that's been exposed to this magnetic field, this affects then the amount of electron shielding."
"...the presence of the magnetic field is extremely important to life on the surface of the earth."
"The magnetic field also protects us from cosmic radiation, preventing particles from reaching Earth."
"It explains why the Earth has a stronger magnetic field and a much more iron-rich core."
"The Earth's field has changed in sign or polarity lots of times in the past."
"Simply put, the magnetic field allows us to exist."
"The force is perpendicular to the velocity and the B field."
"It's the momentum of the particle divided by the charge times the magnetic field."
"The oscillating magnetic field does not cause any harm; the induced electrical fields cause the heating."
"The biggest advantage presented by three-phase AC is the establishment of a rotating magnetic field central to the operation of electrical motors."
"Our magnetic field deflects particles, storms, and cosmic rays from the Sun."
"Magnetars have a magnetic field that is a trillion times stronger than that on our planet."
"If we coil it up, that will also increase its magnetic field strength."
"If you're making measurements where you want to expose something to a constant magnetic field, this is where Helmholtz coils come in."
"Right at the center, we're going to get the maximum magnetic field."
"The Earth's magnetic field is just like a giant bar magnet."
"Ganymede's magnetic field creates beautiful auroras in its rarified atmosphere."
"The Jovian magnetic field is much stronger than Earth's."
"The earth has a very strong magnetic field, but it's getting weaker."
"Understanding how a coil of wire concentrates a magnetic field inside of it is how a lot of our modern technology works."
"So B is measured in Tesla, and the meaning of a Tesla is that if you have a 1 coulomb charge moving at 1 meter per second, perpendicular to the magnetic field B of 1 tesla, it will experience a force of 1 Newton."
"The magnetic field of our planet plays an important role in protecting us from dangerous radiation."
"The motion of molten metal in the outer core is what's responsible for generating Earth's magnetic field."
"The electrical symmetry of the magnetic field around the heart creates peace."
"Earth's magnetic field hides a fascinating story; it's getting weaker day by day."
"You learn a lot about the thermal evolution of a planet by knowing that it has an active magnetic field generator today."
"The Earth's magnetic field reversals... on average every half million years or so."
"One Tesla is equivalent to 20,000 times the Earth's magnetic field."
"This magnetic field... is very important to life on the earth."
"Magnets have a magnetic field... the space between the lines represents how strong the field is; the closer the field lines are to each other, the stronger the field."
"What is this invisible force that controls charged particles moving near the speed of light, directs the flow of matter in the cosmos, and creates a magnetic cocoon protecting life from the sun's deadly radiation?"
"Earth's magnetic field has these same lines of force connecting its North and South Poles, creating this global magnetic shield."
"The Earth is surrounded by magnetism produced by its own magnetic field."
"The Earth's magnetic field is what allows us to navigate using a compass."
"Electric fields are caused by a changing magnetic field."
"The aurora is like a donut around the magnetic pole and as it gets stronger it pushes towards the equator."
"The magnetic field of Uranus is not only deviated at an abnormal angle from its rotation axis but it does not even pass through the center of the gas planet."
"Proxima B could withstand these radiation eruptions if its atmosphere is thick enough or has a magnetic field like our planet."
"Alpha particles are positive and beta particles are negative, so they would be affected by the magnetic field in opposite directions."
"The position of the rotating coil when the alternating output voltage is at a maximum value is when the conductor is moving perpendicular to the field, cutting the maximum number of flux lines per second."
"Pole reversals are of course common, we've had 183 pole shifts in the past 83 million years."
"The idea behind this is to come in resonance or to amplify that kind of energy with the help of the earth magnetic field."
"The Earth magnetic field is very important to make it work, and it works like an antenna."
"We need to look for the magnetic poles moving and the magnetic field weakening."
"The explosion of nuclear weapons at a proper height above the earth could inject into the magnetic field a large quantity of relativistic electrons derived from beta decay of the fission products."
"Mercury has a significant, and apparently global, magnetic field."
"Pulsars have very strong magnetic fields which funnel jets of particles out along their magnetic poles."
"The SI unit of magnetic field is the Tesla."
"We're really shaping the magnetic field around the surface."
"Magnetic field swirls around current."
"They want to understand why the magnetic field is diminishing and why the Earth's magnetic poles are drifting."
"The magnetic field is weakening, and the magnetic poles are drifting."
"The dipole field does not fall off like 1 over R squared; it falls off like 1 over R cubed."
"So the earth's magnetic field shows God's loving kindness in providing a safe place for us to live."
"Our planet's magnetic field partially produced by its rotation would disappear."
"Without the hot molten core, Earth wouldn't have a protective magnetic field."
"Jupiter's magnetic field is 14 times stronger than Earth's."
"In a few special materials, a non-zero Hall voltage has been measured even in the absence of a magnetic field."
"The sun's heat, its incredible gravitational pull, and an extensive magnetic field made the sun the heart of our solar system."
"The sun's magnetic force can be witnessed by the human eye as the magnetic field interacts with the earth's atmosphere, creating auroras."
"...it helps us uncover the magnetic field of the black hole and the accretion disk..."
"The magnetic field has jumped from 0 degree to 180 degrees. There was never, ever any transverse field around which the atom could precess and change its orientation."
"This rogue planet is 12 times more massive than Jupiter and its magnetic field is 200 times more powerful."
"Magnetic north has moved as much as 60 miles."
"We are protected by an invisible magnetic field that comes from the center of the Earth."
"Mercury's magnetic field is 20 times stronger than Venus's."
"And what we really want to do is build a model of the sun's internal way of generating magnetic field."
"That's the magnetic field of the sun. If it's white, it's magnetic field is pointing toward you. If it's black, it's magnetic field pointing away from you."
"The magnetic field of the sun is unbelievably complicated compared to the relatively smooth field that we have here on the Earth."
"This generates the magnetic field large enough to race far past our Earth's atmosphere out into space."
"We are using very strong magnetic field and there are associated precautions which has to be taken."
"In the vast expanse of space, we find ourselves amidst the throes of solar maximum, a phase characterized by the sun's magnetic field undergoing a reversal while solar activity reaches its pinnacle."
"The magnetic waves created permeate through the Earth and out into space, blanketing the planet in an invisible force field."
"Like a guided missile, the fox harnesses the Earth's magnetic field to hunt."
"We want to measure the magnetic field around Europa too, essentially repeat what Galileo did but do it a lot better with 45 flybys."
"Jupiter's magnetic field is around 14 times stronger than the magnetic fields found on Earth."
"The main culprit in that is the loss of Mars's magnetic field because without the magnetic field the atmosphere got stripped away by the solar wind."
"Studying Ampere's law, students collect data from the magnetic field of different solenoids to determine the magnetic permeability of free space."
"The magnetic field is created by the movement of a charge."
"The amount of magnetic field I have to apply to the material is called the coercivity of the material."
"The electric field is oscillating up and down, and the magnetic field is oscillating backwards and forwards."
"Saturn's magnetic field is 570 times as powerful as Earth's."
"We are protected; the Earth has a magnetic field."
"The magnetic field has reversed many times in geological past."
"Positive susceptibility is called paramagnetism, which means that you apply magnetic field and magnetic moments created in the material under the influence of that field line up in the same direction as the field."
"Jupiter's magnetic field is a cosmic mystery whose strength challenges our understanding of planetary physics."
"The Weber per meter square is the SI unit of magnetic field of induction, also known as Tesla."
"As one increases the strength of the vertical magnetic field, the intensity of the turbulence increases."
"The Earth's magnetic field is weakened at the location of the triangle, this field works as a shield which repels solar particles."
"We use Maxwell's equation, and then from Maxwell's equation we obtain the expression for H field."
"Imagine a coffee machine; the water will be the axion, the coffee is the photon, and the beans on the top will be the magnetic field."
"The rotating magnetic field is produced by the several relay coils."
"The Earth's magnetic field protects plants and animals from being bombarded by solar radiation."
"Every 10,000 years, the magnetic pole switches."