
Humanitarian Efforts Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Water Boys is dedicated to providing clean water access to over 1 million people worldwide."
"That through the support of NGOs, 1779 children were reunified with their parents in the United States under past court orders over the last 30 days."
"Decades after her death, Princess Diana remains an iconic figure, her style, charisma, and humanitarian efforts continue to be celebrated."
"The humanitarian operations spearheaded by the IDF's temporary ceasefire serve as a beacon of compassion."
"The aim is to make sure that we save the maximum number of lives and protect the vulnerable."
"The world economic forum, Klaus Schwab's humanitarian organization, steps in, makes an agreement with Sri Lanka."
"Congratulations to humanity for your work which is going to give benefit to people who are suffering right now."
"It lives on in all the Americans who've dropped everything to go someplace they've never been and pull people they've never known from the rubble, prompting chants of 'U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A!' when another life was saved."
"Even if you were poor as hell, in fact, humanity managed to hit new highs in charity, dirty healthcare, and innovative philanthropy almost on a daily basis."
"The church humanitarian program has blessed the lives of more than 27 million people."
"There's something quite life-affirming in the way Eastern Europeans are doing everything they can to look after their neighbors."
"He made it his mission to save as many innocent lives as he could since he felt that he would never be able to live with himself if he ever gave up."
"Kirby delicately balances the scales between preventing enemy advantages and facilitating humanitarian relief."
"Don't worry about how many, try every day to save one."
"Some ways of helping to reduce suffering are far more effective than others."
"By visiting the killing fields of Angola, Diana was able to draw the world's attention to the millions of unexploded landmines still taking their toll on the young and innocent."
"It's about helping these people. Before I start, it's about helping these people to me."
"We just have to help. Save. Feed. Employ. Educate people."
"Emergency medical camps, we had many just like this."
"Our focus is not to try to save people from a hell in the afterlife that we cannot see, but to save people from very real hells in this life that we can see."
"Imagine if we could be the turnaround generation that actually started putting humanity back on track into that space."
"You, First Lady Melania Trump, have gone one step further and saved lives. In closing, I'd like to say thank you to the First Lady and the First Family."
"In her humanitarian efforts, Diana was working with at least a hundred different charities. Diana's charity work made her even more loved by the people."
"We all have to be better humanitarians and more focused on peace and prosperity."
"We must continue to work towards establishing a humanitarian corridor in Ukraine for these people."
"I'm here to help peace for Humanity come...I know what I'm here to do now."
"No matter what happens, you're already saving these lives."
"These hero rats have already helped clear 13,000 landmines from Mozambique."
"The United States has fed and freed more human beings than any other country in history."
"The United Nations does extraordinary good around the world -- feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, mending places that have been broken."
"Be certain that you do not die without having done something wonderful for humanity."
"It's the question of using our time and/or money to do one or more of the following things: to save the most number of lives, to reduce the most suffering, or to mitigate the worst risks of future death and suffering."
"I think we did a really good thing for humanity. This is only a step in the right direction."
"I'm trying to heal the world, make it a better place."
"Live up to the humanitarian. Find a way. Do some research. Create those win-win situations."
"I think it's almost 4000 people getting clean water every day and hopefully next year it's five thousand people a day or seven thousand people a day."
"You actually helped millions of people lighting Africa right, brought electricity to places that have never had it ever period."
"Black excellence is us at a level of something that is number one competitive... It's everything from what's going on in the humanitarian space."
"While we are helping each other fighting for freedom and for human dignity, this is something which provides us this feeling that we are human beings."
"Bernie is fighting for humane immigration policy."
"You save one child, you save the world... we need a movement, a global movement with global solutions for a global problem."
"What we're saying is there is um a possibility that there are pieces to this puzzle where we might be able to help save children."
"They're saving little kids' lives. That's a big deal."
"I have faith in us to at least try to free as many people before the earth sneezes."
"We're just trying to save a million people. Yeah, we're not trying to make a million bucks."
"Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes."
"I made this. Oh, mean. Gotcha! Get away from me."
"President Biden has signed the latest aid package for Ukraine, providing a massive $40 billion in military and humanitarian aid."
"You want to help others, extremely humanitarian."
"What we are doing is a great act of mercy and of love."
"We've not only evacuated fifteen thousand people under Operation Pitting, but we've supported since then four thousand six hundred more."
"Rescue mission: stopping horses from the slaughter pipeline."
"You cannot save the world, but providing clean water is a great service."
"Rescuing isn't just about saving lives; it's about restoring hope."
"Bill Gates took his fortune and decided he was going to try and wipe out malaria with it. If that's not given back to humanity, I don't know what is."
"She dedicated her life to helping others and we should all be proud of her positive impact on vulnerable patients."
"The greatest thing you can do in the world or greatness is to use your gifts in the service of God and use your gifts in the service of humanity as a devotional act."
"I believe we won't be able to save them all but I think we can make an incredible difference."
"His school meals program in Germany fed more than 3.5 million children."
"That attempt to make the world a better place."
"Curing a thousand people of blindness... It's just so precious and so important."
"It's about humanity coming together for a common cause."
"But that's exactly how it happened, you know, 800 years ago when Jayanika wrote the Prabandha Chintamani, it's a great poem and it's also history."
"He's doing more for humanity than anyone has ever done before."
"Moving mountains by properly allocating resources, feeding the hungry, healing the sick."
"We need to do all we can to help those in need."
"Saving civilians, saving lives is the real goal."
"Helping other human beings and feeding the hungry and providing medicine... requires no religious umbrella covering it."
"Solutions for humanity: rebuilding society and making it better."
"317,853 people have already been evacuated from the territories of active hostilities."
"He could choose to work them till they dropped then ask the SS for replacements, or he could start feeding them out of his own money."
"Julian Assange and what he was doing with WikiLeaks was specifically for the benefit of humanity period."
"Why don’t we think about a massive program of genetic testing or whatever it takes, to reunite these kids. That would be something positive."
"It emphasizes the idea that the Justice League of America is as much a humanitarian team as they are a combat team."
"We can never eliminate suffering, but we can make steps to reduce as much as we can."
"Ukrainian soldiers find the time to rescue and look after furry, feathery, and scaly friends."
"You are a humanitarian, wanting to heal and uplift."
"He dedicates himself later throughout the game to being an on-the-ground humanitarian."
"Let's break through, let's build more rescue centers, let's rescue more kids."
"He instinctively understood the need to improve living standards around the world."
"Curing a thousand people is a great start, but there's still more we can do."
"We don't fight wars over delivering food to the people."
"Impact the world, do something for humanity, because that stays when you're gone."
"We put our arms around the whole world, we are such a humanitarian."
"The league turned its primal energies to the humanitarian field."
"Over these 120 years, the prize has been awarded to hundreds of people who have truly made outstanding discoveries and made incomparable efforts to make humanity live better."