
Clean Water Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Water Boys is dedicated to providing clean water access to over 1 million people worldwide."
"Clean drinking water in today's world should not be a privilege. The United Nations even classifies it as a basic human right."
"More than anything, I am so excited for all the people around the world who will have access to clean drinking water, because you purchased this product."
"Liquid death also donates five cents from every can sold to help clean up plastic pollution and bring clean drinking water to those in need."
"This will be the largest investment in clean drinking water and wastewater infrastructure in American history."
"The deal makes the largest investment in clean drinking water in American history, replacing all the nation's lead pipes and service lines."
"Little guys like this are getting clean water so they're not getting sick anymore."
"We want everyone in the world to have access to clean water and to the basic standards of living that humans have to make life better."
"I'm committed to having clean water standards because if you don't have clean water, we lose our status as a tourist destination."
"So now we can have unlimited clean water, because we can just boil the oceans; we can now have lights that children can come home and study; and we can educate them, because they’ll also have smartphones that provide them with knowledge."
"I think it's almost 4000 people getting clean water every day and hopefully next year it's five thousand people a day or seven thousand people a day."
"Clean water is so important and it's the basis of so much... we feel like that was money well spent."
"What are we feeding our children? What's our responsibility to give them a clean glass of water?"
"Your health starts from the discipline to take clean water."
"You cannot save the world, but providing clean water is a great service."
"I just don't want people to have to drink poop water. Is that so hard? No, it's not. So if I can let people drink clean water, I'll be a hero."
"Mr Beast just made a hundred new water heads that can now be reserved and provided so people can stop drinking out of local filthy rivers."
"Clean water is a human right, and the fact that the citizens of a major city in the US don’t have access to it is more than a shame."
"Everybody is entitled and everybody deserves and everybody should have clean water."
"I'm proud to work with a brand that encourages those in pursuit of something smarter and shares a vision of universal access to safe and clean water."
"We're talking about like drinking clean water yeah oh you be using Brita."
"Clean water is not a black and white issue, is humanity issue."
"We proudly donate a portion of every purchase to support clean water projects around the world."
"...Amir Shahid... he is someone I met in Geneva in the last few days and have talked incessantly with... he's a young man who works for the WHO, he's incredibly interested in philosophy but he is practically interested in bringing clean water to the world and he is unmissable."
"I always say super simple clean air clean water clean food and I say it again clean air clean water clean food."
"He literally just built a hundred water wells in Africa and gave half a million people access to fresh water."
"Water that you can pour into this big reservoir and then it comes out, you can put Coke in there and it'll come out clean, you can put red food dye in it and it'll come out clear."
"All of us want clean air and clean water and healthy children and an opportunity to get up and to become somebody."
"With your help clean water is on the way."
"Everybody deserves to have good clean water."
"Every time any of us turn on a faucet... it's all clean water."
"If you got clean drinking water, the Bible calls you rich."
"We do want to ensure that we have clean water."
"She's going to be the president of Waterkeeper Alliance, bringing clean water to everyone around the world."
"Waterkeeper Alliance is a global nonprofit that is focused solely on clean water."
"We have a right to clean water, and if we have to fight to get it, we will."
"Line your pockets, line your coffers, we expect it, in fact, at this point, we welcome it, just give us clean, cold water."
"Only one thing has ever saved more lives in human history than vaccines, and that is clean water."
"That is four gallons of beautiful clean spring water coming right off of Freedom Ranch."
"These drillers are providing for their families, and their jobs mean that other people get access to clean water."
"We're able to grow big deer and put clean water in Taney Como Lake where they grow big trout."
"Just be thankful that you're living in a country where you actually have clean and safe drinking water accessible on your tap."
"We want clean water. Sewage in rivers is unacceptable."
"I want people to understand how critical it is to have clean water and how much joy that you can get from playing in a stream."
"We need safe clean water and air."
"Clean water should be a bipartisan priority for everybody."
"Clean water and sanitation is one of the United Nations sustainable development goals."
"Clean water I think is probably going to be one of the biggest problems of the future."
"With help from the public, the Springs initiative is working toward a more promising future for our treasured springs, so that clean, fresh water will be freely flowing for generations to come."
"This water is so clean, it's actually not that cold—a great place to go swimming."
"We believe in a world where everyone has clean water to drink."
"Everybody deserves to have clean water."
"I have love for the people in Otter Creek and I want them to have clean water and good things."
"It's been about two weeks or so since I've installed this water system; it's nice clean water, and it's always there when you need it."
"We believe we can see a day on earth when everyone has clean water to drink."
"We will not stop fighting until everyone on earth has clean water to drink."
"We will continue to fight until every single person on this planet has clean water to drink."
"I'm gonna solve this in my lifetime; I'm gonna come back and work to make sure that a billion people get access to clean water."
"We know how to give everyone right now on earth clean water."
"Growing infinitely means more people get clean water."
"The stated mission is to see a day on earth when everyone has clean water to drink."
"If you got clean water, you're blessed."
"Please join us in providing clean water for developing communities in Africa."
"A recent World Health Organization study tells us that out of a world population of just over 6 billion, 3 billion have no sanitation and one billion have no clean water."
"This system of clean water that allowed Philadelphia to grow into the city it is today was not only the brainchild of Master Mason Franklin, it was also designed by one Freemason, Benjamin Latrobe."
"Clean water is a human right and we should guarantee that."
"People are now drinking clean water because of you."
"Scott is the founder and CEO of Charity Water. Many of you may have heard of Charity Water over the years; they do an incredible job with the way that they share the stories of what they do, which is helping bring clean water to every person on the planet."
"Everybody on Earth should have clean water to drink."
"They have one that gives clean water to certain populations. One for hunger. One for human trafficking. And one for mental health."
"It's important to modernize our infrastructure and make sure kids have access to clean drinking water."
"I am going to give the rest of my life to try and end what I see on earth as the biggest problem facing people, which is the lack of access to clean water."
"Our goal must be clean, affordable, accessible public water for all, everywhere, for all time."