
Scientific Explanation Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"Sooner or later we'll get that data and once that correlation is established, it will then be necessary for the people in laboratories to come up with pathological explanations."
"You're going to be up against the fact that the description of three generations was very hand-wavy and unsatisfactory."
"That’s evolution, Gunter, whether you like it or not."
"The world exists and it's governed by various laws, quantum mechanics is among them, and all we should do is take the mathematics of quantum mechanics and calculate things about the world and test those predictions."
"Curvature of spacetime is essentially the same thing as the effect of a real gravitational field. The real effects of gravitational fields are tidal forces."
"The climate was controlled by the clouds, the clouds were controlled by cosmic rays, and the cosmic rays were controlled by the Sun. It all came down to the Sun."
"In the electrical view, this sudden arrival of charged particles from the Sun will explain what otherwise would have no known cause."
"The existence of life is made possible by the growth of entropy."
"An increase in weight comes from an accumulation of mass, not an accumulation of energy."
"The laws of physics and the fundamental constants of physics have a value which physicists can measure but they can't actually explain why they have that value."
"This is because the water and the oil have different densities."
"It doesn't know about politics. It doesn't care less. It is a dumb viral RNA based program that leaps from human to human." - Dr. Chris Martenson
"Once you stop injuring the endothelial cell, it comes back, makes enough nitric oxide. You can not only stop the disease, you begin to reverse it."
"Science is now in a position to answer... why there's something rather than nothing."
"It's like a fingerprint... it comes from bat coronavirus." - Dr. Li-Meng Yan
"Chemical reactions can go forwards and backwards at the same time."
"Water's not wet. Water is water and it gets things wet."
"We are trying to explain everything you see in the cosmos."
"Here are the building blocks. Let's talk about the forces."
"To anybody in the world out there, if you can explain the existence of massive amounts of molten steel at Ground Zero, I will give you seventy thousand dollars cash."
"The gradual part of this whole thing. Nothing in evolution suggests that all the changes between a descendant and their ancestor must happen simultaneously."
"Chemistry isn't random so no it's not at all like dropping toothpicks and randomly having them form letters."
"So, the mRNA vaccine... it's really very simple."
"In a small Spanish Town, it has rained blood. Yes, standing in the street when it rained blood would have been absolutely terrifying while it was happening but luckily it was just some microorganism kind of stuff."
"Your biological sex is determined by what your body is doing."
"Helium can lift stuff because it is less dense than air."
"The real scientific explanation of chupacabras might be even creepier than the legend."
"It explains so much what we see in actual genetics in an amazing way."
"There's actual science behind all of this stuff."
"Putting that into visual light terms, you would be able to see that during the daytime quite easily while it was nearby."
"What wanes is the antibody response, which is the direct neutralizing effect on the virus."
"Quantum field theory is the best description of the universe of reality at a deep level that we currently have."
"The laws of physics are the way they are not because there's some beautiful mathematical theory that tells us they have to be, just because if they were different we wouldn't be here."
"Only a few of those bees in that swarm are armed and loaded and able to knock out the virus."
"The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle may finally be close to being solved."
"It's called the ecliptic plane because that's the only circle around the sky where eclipses can occur."
"Gravity, all gravity is, is density. Heavy dense things fall down and light non-dense things rise up."
"This is actually a very solid explanation and technically is the best explanation we have right now."
"You are strong and that you are the character you're waiting for."
"Warm water will not freeze, and it melts ice."
"Fallout could mean the residual radioactive particles that rain down from the atmosphere after a nuclear explosion."
"Core overheating can only occur due to receiving additional energy from outside, from external Cosmic influence."
"Evolution is non-random selection. There's a purpose to it. It is the opposite of a random process."
"You cry when you cut onions because breaking the skin releases enzymes and sulfenic acid. When they combine, they produce a gas that spreads through the air and irritates our eyes."
"It is now believed that this sound was caused by an iceberg running aground off Antarctica."
"This is the maximum entropy configuration that the gas can go into."
"The universe is expanding everywhere, and it's not just expanding uniformly."
"These methyl groups are put right down onto a gene to inhibit expression or the methyl groups are removed and then gene expression is turned on."
"The answers to these questions lie in the complex behavior of quarks and gluons via the rules of quantum chromodynamics."
"The Big Bang exquisitely explains the expansion of the Universe we see today."
"Hurricanes gain their intensity from the heat of the ocean, you know, the science."
"Archimedes' principle is as follows: The buoyant force on an immersed body has the same magnitude as the weight of the fluid which is displaced by the body."
"Gravity does not pull; space pushes." - Michio Kaku
"What physics is telling us is that everything comes down to geometry and the interactions between elementary particles."
"Buoyancy is an object's ability to sink or float."
"Objects sink because they are more dense than water."
"The wavefunction is a mathematical formula...gives the probability of finding a particle in a certain position."
"Biocentrism is the only humanly comprehensible way to explain quantum phenomena."
"Superconductivity is an emergent phenomenon which you cannot describe in terms of individual electrons."
"The reason why I'm telling you this is because every body part every you know muscular region throughout your body does not have the same ratio of beta to out for adrenal receptors."
"So things are moving at 70,000 miles per hour basically it just causes chain reactions right and so I'm starting to get nervous he's telling me about this stuff and I'm like okay."
"Gravity is really just things traveling on straightest lines possible in the curved space-time."
"The colors that we see aren't really there... They come from a weird trick of physics."
"But if it's not polarized or if it's the opposite of the Earth's polarized magnetic fields that's what does damage like the Carrington event."
"Green fur is rare but it can be caused by biliverdin, the bile pigment found in dogs' placentas."
"However, Richard Dawkins argues something as bafflingly complex arising in nature must have had always had a very simple starting point. For example, how could the human eye have had a starting point like this?"
"It helps in the releasing of neurotransmitters, hormones, and mucin by goblet cells."
"You couldn't explain the uniformity, the regularity, the stability of the universe without it."
"Gravity is the effect of the bending and warping of space-time."
"Fundamentally, his argument... you're reducing the angle... making the angle more acute... so you meet less resistance."
"What is it? You all know what it is. It's a black hole."
"Laser light, however, is different from regular light because it's made up of a single wavelength of light, and that single wavelength of light all travel in the same direction to form a narrow beam that's extremely focused and precise."
"So when we have our glass upside down with the water and then air below it, surface tension is able to hold it in place and allow the interface to exist with waves, provided the wavelength is less than 1.7 centimeters."
"Matter is energy equals mc squared so matter literally is energy and matter can become energy and energy can become matter."
"That's been the mainstay of how a lot of geology has tried to explain these things."
"The electric field is essentially force per unit charge."
"You don't need a mysterious force to explain why things go down. It's just density and buoyancy."
"U total is just another word for the total kinetic energy."
"The correct scientific terminology for what we collectively face is abrupt climate collapse."
"The virus has to keep its basic properties to transmit, replicate, and grow."
"Evolution perhaps makes a bit more sense for explaining the biodiversity of life on Earth."
"Evolution explains everything, everywhere you look in this world, any form of life."
"It's not spiritual woo-woo, it's physics. It's simply physics, that's it."
"All the science I'm showing you can be explained by cymatics."
"Sodium benzoate is very soluble in water, but benzoic acid isn't, so as it forms, it starts to precipitate out."
"Potential in physics is simply a separation of charge."
"Not being able to explain something does not prove that it didn't happen especially when all the evidence points to it having happened."
"Motion is often described in terms of force. Force determines acceleration, which is a statement about change."
"What is powering what you call magnetism is dielectricity."
"UV light promotes the oxidation of these membranes which causes them to fail."
"Because what theories do is they explain facts. They unite them."
"Magnetism is the dielectric field fundamentally."
"If you believe in an incomprehensible amount of time, given enough time, all the little changes we see will add up to the big changes for evolution."
"Gravity can be described... as a massive object pulling something toward it."
"Thanks for the correction. In quantum field theory, virtual particles are thought to play a role in many phenomena, including the electromagnetic force, the strong and weak nuclear forces, and the Higgs mechanism."
"Cells come from other similar cells... why could it not go from algae to a simple sea sponge and so on into the evolutionary history of life?"
"The ions get accelerated through this and shoot off into space."
"You can only predict things based on what you currently know. I can't believe I have to explain this to an adult, let alone a scientist."
"...Big Flash of light simultaneously the protons and deons are flying up into you know interacting with the electrons in the cloth and producing this three-dimensional photographic negative image right there on the cloth."
"We've learned a lot also about the causes of this, the tempo of dry-wet seasonality and dry-wet expression of climate over many, many years is the result of what's called orbital precession, related to the wobble of the Earth's axis of rotation."
"The animals in the pachyrhinosaurus bone beds probably drowned because it's the best explanation, it's the simplest explanation."
"Now, with that information, we come to number three: water. And I've alluded to that. Water is the key. And in particular, if you have pore pressure."
"...this image that you're seeing on the screen is a false color image. So, we've assigned colors based on the temperatures going from the coldest parts of you, which will be blue and black, going all the way up to the hottest parts of you, which will be white."
"Physics says it has to do with induced currents and fields and things."
"...and the pain reduction lasts for at least six months now how the mirror neuron system is involved in here is I don't go into but obviously it must be involved thank you."
"The theory of cosmic inflation serves as a compelling explanation for the state of the early Universe, providing a plausible explanation for the uniform temperature of the cosmic microwave background and the distribution of galaxies."
"The shroud image is the result of an accelerated dehydration and oxidation of the linen fibers composing the cloth, but only in those areas immediately surrounding a body."
"And finally, the last part of the pillar of the theory of evolution is the idea that much of evolutionary change, although not all of it, is caused by the process of natural selection."
"One of his ultimate aims is to argue that the human world is as susceptible of scientific causal explanation as the natural world."
"Electrons revolve around the nucleus in fixed circular orbits of fixed radius and fixed energy."
"...the pressure of the center of the sun is approximately the gravitational constant times the mass of the entire sun squared divided by the radius of the sun squared to the radius of the sun to the fourth power..."
"Treatments or conditions that result in increased cell death produce increases in the pre-G1 cell population, also known as the pre-apoptotic phase peak."
"I think metformin very rapidly reduces AMPK in the body depending on the tissue you're looking at and in hepatocyte for example it activates AMPK within 15 minutes in primary appendicitis."
"It's really in a two-pronged mechanism that AMPK is stimulating ULK1 function, both by directly phosphorylating it and also by decreasing the amount that ULK1 is phosphorylated by mTOR."
"We've gotten to the point that we can explain a lot of what we see around us now, and then you work your way back a billion years."
"Buffers resist changes in pH. If you start with a weak acid, then you're going to quickly rise in pH for just a short time until you have formed some of the conjugate base in solution."
"And even though scientists can explain how some of them happen, that doesn't make the stories themselves any less worthwhile."
"What Darwin's idea of natural selection showed is how a series of 'how come' answers can eventually support a 'what for' answer to the question of why."
"Mysterious? Not really, not scientifically mysterious. Unusual, yes."
"All light is made up of these things called waves."
"The Big Bang is simple, controversial, and the best guess scientists have for how existence came to be."
"What you want in a buffer is to have a weak acid conjugate base pairing that allows it to be a source or sink for a strong acid or a strong base to keep the pH constant."
"The theory of evolution is not satisfactorily explained observations."
"This was long known before Einstein and was the first one to explain this."
"I love it when very simple theories explain a lot of stuff."
"Louisa explained that when the meteorite hit Caranas, the shock wave caused the groundwater to heat up and vaporize."
"The Bermuda Triangle, once a symbol of the unexplainable, stands as a testament to the power of scientific reasoning and rational thought."
"What I want to do today is to compare these two types of probability and hopefully convince you that how probability features in quantum mechanics is fundamentally different to how it features when we only have partial information about the system."
"Oxidative phosphorylation happens in the mitochondria and is where we generate the bulk of our ATP."
"So if you want to describe this rate law, you'd say it's second order with respect to NO, it's first order with respect to O2, and what is the overall order for this reaction? Two plus one, three."
"I'm going to talk about the science behind why this is the case."