
Hypothesis Testing Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"A hypothesis is a testable statement...it's testable, for the hypothesis, and we can then go on and test this."
"The purpose of conducting a normality test is to check if the data is derived from normal distribution...the test results will confirm either you should reject or fail the hypothesis as there are chances that non-normal data may produce misleading results."
"Your hypothesis becomes a theory when all other hypotheses have fallen away."
"Will we ever find it you have to accept the evidence and if it turns out that I wasted my life working on the wrong hypothesis is so be it what I really want to know is what is the universe made of."
"In science, we work to disprove the null hypothesis. If we fail to disprove the null, then the null is accepted to be true."
"Be prepared to have many false breakthroughs which don't survive the glaring light of rational scrutiny the next morning; you have to dare to imagine many false beautiful theories before you hit on one that works."
"Good science always operates by allowing all hypotheses on the table."
"You can test a hypothesis ... what happens if ... our data, may be crappy, but it's still data and it allows you to go further with 100,000 people, 50,000 people, 500,000 people."
"Evolution would be absolutely open to something coming along and proving it wrong."
"It's not enough to claim that the evidence is consistent with a hypothesis. It has to be discreetly tied to the specifics of the hypothesis."
"Science is meant to take us beyond just our senses... it's about forming hypotheses and testing them."
"A model is not a hypothesis test. A model is a hypothesis."
"Try on more than one explanation, there's always going to be a different hypothesis."
"Science is not about proving things right, it's about proving things wrong."
"Whenever you have these kind of hypotheses, whenever you have these ideas, it is always a good idea to test them out."
"If it's true, let's go down this as a hypothesis: If they're using someone else, why would they do it?"
"It's contradictory hypothesis testing, that's the logical property, so both cannot be right."
"They must find a single valid hypothesis and disprove all the others."
"The act of talking about all possible hypotheses is the scientific approach."
"The case for lab leak theory is that circumstantially, you've got a lab that does this exact research."
"Science: when a scientific hypothesis comes about, people try to disprove it, not just prove it."
"Science works by making testable and potentially falsifiable hypotheses."
"This hypothesis exists for a reason because it's a hypothesis, it makes predictions, it is falsifiable."
"If we assume the alternative hypothesis is true, we would reject the null hypothesis because it's definitely not within the non-rejection region."
"Science requires you to try to prove your own ideas wrong."
"God is not a useful hypothesis because how do you test for a god?"
"The great tragedy of science: the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact." - Dr. Stanley Goldenberg
"The beauty of science is that we don't believe our own hype. We set a hypothesis and we're just as happy to have it disproven as we are to have it proven."
"A simple falsification doesn't work because complex systems tend to falsify every hypothesis."
"We're free to do some outrageous theorizing, but ultimately it needs to be testable."
"The core property that renders a science legitimate is hypothesis testing, generating testable hypotheses that make predictions that can be theoretically falsified."
"All hypotheses should be testable and potentially falsifiable."
"Science doesn't care about your beliefs. It simply proves hypotheses or nulls."
"Regression is a great way to test hypotheses like whether the number of ice creams increases as it gets hotter."
"The lab leak hypothesis has not been falsified; it has grown stronger."
"Science is just verifiable data and you do experiments with hypotheses and they're either shown to be correct. Hypotheses are not science, however, it's just a bunch of left-wing terminology."
"Science tests repeatable events... the supernatural is a completely unfalsifiable non demonstrable hypothesis that does not adequately explain anything."
"Pick the hypothesis. So pick the K that is the most probable so that we minimize the probability of misclassification."
"I'm testing a hypothesis. That's what science is."
"You hypothesis test and you know what you don't want to do is imagine that because you have a model that predicts the way things will behave that you necessarily know what they are."
"You're really at a point where you have enough data to present the hypothesis."
"Testing hypotheses bring science humility. Without it, you just have another arrogant science."
"We should test our hypothesis and then take the results very seriously and learn from it."
"Hypothesis testing uses statistical analysis to determine if the observed differences between samples are due to random chance or true differences."
"In other words we do not reject the null hypothesis it didn't manage to get us in the rejection region."
"So our p-value associated with this sample was point 102 being greater than 0.05 we know we do not reject."
"The more hypothesis testing you have in your product, the more experimentations you do, the more you're learning about your product."
"I just wanted to explore all these things and see what I could find out about the extent of human performance ability so that that's what I did uh I I wasn't a hypothesis tester."
"Confirmation bias occurs when you start looking for evidence to prove a hypothesis you have."
"So what does a one-tailed p-value look like? Well, it's not so much about what it looks like, but what kind of hypotheses would lend itself to a one-tailed p-value."
"So because we're only interested in rejecting this null hypothesis one way, the p-value reflects that factor."
"So it's interesting, you've actually got two different scenarios here. In the original one we looked at, we were hoping to get high p-values to show that there's no difference between the groups on all of these baseline characteristics."
"And then we wanted to see low p-values when we were looking at the outcomes between the groups. And indeed, that's what we found."
"So that was really the first introduction to this sort of vague idea of a critical value beyond which we're going to be considering p-values significant."
"Since the p-value is less than the alpha, the null hypothesis can be confidently rejected."
"The null hypothesis denotes no change has occurred. If it can be rejected and the variance is lower, one can claim success."
"You're testing a hypothesis, which is a very good thing to do in science."
"If the null hypothesis is proven wrong, the alternate hypothesis must be right."
"Type 2 error occurs when the null hypothesis is accepted when it is in fact false."
"The null hypothesis cannot be rejected, thus one cannot reject the fact that there is no significant statistical difference between the two means."
"The null hypothesis is the hypothesis that there is no significant difference between two groups or variables."
"Rejecting a null hypothesis means that there is some difference in the data in the experiment and that the variables did have an effect on the particular outcome of the experiment."
"The power of this method of inquiry that we call science says, 'Give me your idea, give me your prediction, I'll see if it's true. If your prediction is falsified, then your idea is false.'"
"The science is what we can use to test our intuitions or our hypotheses about whether something is helpful or not."
"Just because a statement is true for the first 10 million numbers you've checked does not mean it's always true."
"The data to support this hypothesis are not particularly compelling."
"You want to reject the null hypothesis because that means there is some structure."
"The result is significant, and so you can reject H0."
"The act of testing a hypothesis might lend support to this hypothesis or it might totally disprove it."
"The central limit theorem forms as the backbone of many hypothesis testing."
"There are wonders to discover and hypotheses to test."
"Treating controls like hypothesis not like a given, not like an axiom, like a hypothesis to be tested."
"If the P is low, the null hypothesis must go."
"The only logical conclusion is that hey, the drug works, and for that reason, we reject the null hypothesis."
"We're still going down our journey in learning about hypothesis testing."
"As a scientist, I should not think too much about what we believe but whether it's possible to test it."
"You might not be able to rule out that Elvis Presley was murdered, but you might be able to rule out that he was run over by a bus."
"I cannot overstate the importance of the value of a hypothesis and an experiment to verify it."
"When you're trying to evaluate a hypothesis in science, you're not really looking for confirming evidence, what you're looking for is disconfirming evidence."
"Challenge everything, every hypothesis must be tested to destruction."
"We are continually creating and testing hypotheses, and this is how we learn."
"Power is the ability of the test to correctly reject a false null hypothesis."
"The null hypothesis assumes that nothing's going on and it usually carries equality."
"A theory needs to be able to be falsified."
"A type one error is when the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis accepted, but the null hypothesis is actually true."
"A type two error is when the null hypothesis is accepted and the alternative hypothesis is rejected when in actual fact the null should have been rejected."
"Why do we need hypothesis testing? It's important to understand why you're learning this topic in the first place."
"The idea about the hypothesis testing is that now that I've made a hypothesis, I can now test this hypothesis by using an experiment of some kind."
"In hypothesis testing, you're basically trying to find out is this one that's correct or is it this one which is correct."
"Preliminary research supports the hypothesis; however, the latest test results were not conclusive."
"A significance test is used to determine if a claim that has been made about a population parameter is true or false."
"If the p-value is below the significance level, you reject the null hypothesis."
"Type 1 error is incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis, and type 2 error is incorrectly failing to reject the null hypothesis."
"Low p-value: reject the null hypothesis; high p-value: fail to reject the null hypothesis."
"Is there statistical evidence that the proportion of people who want a park in 2008 is greater than in 1998?"
"If you give me a prior that we believe the data is equally likely to have come from each one of these five hypotheses... then the posterior is just going to be one over five times the likelihood for each one of these Mews."
"The probability of the hypothesis given the data is what we call the posterior probability of the hypothesis."
"The probability that we get an approximately correct hypothesis is greater than 1 minus delta."
"AB testing helps us also to validate certain hypothesis about what changes will improve a product or service."
"Remember, we're looking for strong evidence that Robin's coin is unfair."
"If your P-value is less than your level of significance, that's when we reject the null; we do have evidence that the alternative hypothesis is true."
"It's not just randomly doing experiments; it's about having clear hypotheses of what you're trying to figure out."
"The null hypothesis is that X does not Granger cause Y, and if we reject the null hypothesis, then X Granger causes Y."
"Type 2 error describes a situation where you fail to reject the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is actually true."
"Power is rejecting a null hypothesis when it is false."
"The whole idea of hypothesis testing is really central to science and the idea of scientific evidence."
"The p-value tells you whether or not you should reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis that the slope equals zero."
"Because it's so rare, it's lower than the five percent significance level, it suggests that there is evidence to reject the null hypothesis."
"The best hypothesis for phylogenetic trees fit the most data: the morphological data, the molecular data, the fossil data."
"The more a scientific theory can withstand attempts to test its assumptions by hypothesis testing, the more confident we are in the validity of that theory."
"The chi-square test is used for hypothesis tests concerning the variance of a normally distributed population."
"Anytime you want to do a statistical hypothesis test, you need to go through a set of steps."
"In science, you never accept a hypothesis; you fail to reject it."
"If a hypothesis is not tested on a diverse sample, this claim is an assumption and may not be generalizable."
"If the t value that we've observed is sufficiently unlikely, then we reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis."
"Under a null hypothesis that the mean historically has been four, do we think 3.84 is so different that we should be concerned?"
"A scientific hypothesis is true or false."
"The full scientific method is broken down into a couple of steps: observation/the question, research the topic area, your hypothesis, tests with experiments, analyze the data, and report your conclusion."
"The probability that there exists some hypothesis in H such that the empirical error minus generalization error is greater than Gamma, is less than equal to K times 2 exp(-2 Gamma square M)."
"Power is the capacity of an experiment to correctly reject the null hypothesis."
"The null hypothesis is that all means are equal."
"The P value gives us the exact or marginal significance level where we would just be indifferent between rejecting and not rejecting the null hypothesis."
"Hypothesis testing can be a chapter that a lot of students don't enjoy, but hopefully after this video, you won't find it too bad."
"The critical value is the first value to fall within the critical region."
"Hypothesis testing is a procedure used by statisticians and scientists to accept or reject statistical hypothesis."
"Analysis of variance can be used to test the equality of three or more population means."
"What's the probability of observing what we did in our sample or something even more extreme if the null hypothesis were true?"
"Global null hypothesis says that whether your independent variables are contributing towards finding out the probability of someone completely free of cancer or not."
"A chi-square test is a statistical test that allows us to see if there is significant difference between the observed and expected ratios."
"When your p-value is less than alpha, that's when we reject the null and say this is significant evidence to take on the alternative."
"Our hypothesis is in general, a spam message should have higher cosine similarity on average with other spam messages than ham should with a spam message."
"So, this question that calls for a yes/no answer is a hypothesis testing problem."
"Pharmaceutical companies use hypothesis testing to test if a drug is efficient."
"What I'm trying to do is to say, well okay, you have to be here that there's actually a very low probability that just by chance you end up being here."
"If the test is equal to zero, it doesn't mean that h0 is true, it means that I fail to reject h0."
"The comparative method is an effort to use similarities and differences between political units as a basis for developing theory, for testing hypotheses, inferring causality, and producing reliable generalizations."
"The null hypothesis would say that there is actually no difference in the values."
"Draw valid conclusions from the data where you're either going to accept the hypothesis, modify your hypothesis, or reject your hypothesis."
"Every genuine test of a theory is an attempt to falsify it."
"You cannot deduce these things, you have to hypothesize these things, and then you have to test your hypotheses experimentally."
"What will happen once you reject a null hypothesis of an ANOVA problem? That means you are accepting an alternative hypothesis."
"...to provide causal proof you need a hypothesis around a mechanistic etiology of the disease process, you need some experimental evidence to support your hypothesis, and you need to show an intervention that works by having an impact on the thing that you've been looking at."
"Power of test is the probability of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is false."
"Power tells us what's the probability of rejecting the null if the alternative is true."
"Planned contrasts are kind of contrasts that you've designed to test the hypotheses that you originally set out to test."
"If your chi-squared value falls below your critical value, you fail to reject the null hypothesis."
"Rejecting the null hypothesis H naught when it is true is defined as the type 1 error."
"Failing to reject null hypothesis when it is false is defined as the type 2 error."
"The probability of correctly rejecting null hypothesis when it is false is called the power of test."
"The power of a test is rejecting a null hypothesis when it should be rejected."
"So, I want to test whether my data has some Gaussian distribution so under the null all I know is that my X's are Gaussian with some mean and some variance Sigma which I don't know."
"A hypothesis is a tentative explanation or answer to our own question that we can test."
"I'm going to test whether P is in some parametric family, for example, binomial or not binomial."
"The rejection of null hypothesis indicates that there is a long run relationship between the variables."
"The context of justification refers to how a hypothesis is supported or justified by testing and evidence."
"In an experiment, we can suggest a cause and effect relationship."
"In order to guarantee that the generalization error of the hypothesis is less than the best possible generalization error plus two times gamma, it suffices that the number of training examples is greater than this."
"The p-value is less than 0.001, which tells us that we can reject the null hypothesis."