
Data Collection Quotes

There are 313 quotes

"Sooner or later we'll get that data and once that correlation is established, it will then be necessary for the people in laboratories to come up with pathological explanations."
"You see something you don't understand, rather than jumping to believing the most exciting hypothesis, you say, 'Alright, how do I collect better data to understand what's going on?'"
"This amendment specifically speaks to the collection of data of health and safety on Frontline and vulnerable communities that would be nearby these sites."
"If you are a real scientist, you should say, 'This object is so intriguing. I would like to get more data on it.' It's really exciting."
"Gathering data is a form of surveillance; in order to do it, you have to be in a position of power over the person whose data you are gathering."
"It'll be important to the right people someday. I don't expect to prove anything; I just want to see actual data collected that can be used someday by someone smarter than me."
"I am a COVID-19 contact tracer in New York City, and we ask people everything: sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, and culture."
"You'd be shocked by the amount of data that's collected on you."
"Capstone will gather data about this crown-shaped trajectory known as a near-rectilinear halo orbit. The path provides an unobstructed view of Earth as it orbits the moon's poles..."
"Impact recorded, science can now be accessed from one of your accelerometers deployed on this body."
"Internet service providers collect and sell a horrifying amount of sensitive data a government study concludes."
"We can pretend that we are the smartest kid on the block by closing off the shutters on our windows and not looking out. And that, of course, is a self-fulfilling prophecy because if we are not searching, we will never find anything."
"The role of science is quite fundamental. Science is supposed to educate us about reality, and that is done by collecting evidence."
"Collecting data about yourself is really important."
"Meta will finally be able to build a far more detailed profile on everyone."
"Just the massive amount of data to be sent back to Earth for analysis is going to be astounding."
"Um, so with Starship, whatever with everything still being experimental... a wet dress rehearsal or really any chance to gather data is probably very much appreciated by all teams involved."
"It would make you uncomfortable for the same reasons that the average person doesn't like the idea of their data being collected by third parties that they didn't consent to."
"Smart cities are just full of all these sensors that constantly pull in more and more data...to advance what's often referred to as the fourth industrial revolution."
"It's picking up like tons and tons of stuff every day."
"What's never going to go away is the need to create more ground truth, to actually make observations, to take human, to make living things, to take biology and actually ask questions that yield new pieces of data."
"It's very advantageous that we test out multiple audiences so we get a broader range of data."
"Even if I just break even, that's still gonna benefit us because I'm gathering a ton of Facebook pixel data and I mean at the end of the day no risk no reward baby."
"So what Tesla is saying is they're saying we're okay with staying with level two let's say hands-on driving because we're getting the data that we need to massively improve the system over time."
"Forget the clinical trials, it's ongoing data on a daily basis that's still being collected, still being accumulated, still being analyzed."
"The marijuana data collection act requires data collection and study of the effects in states that have legalized marijuana."
"Thank you for taking the time to fill out the mythical census, very helpful to know even more about you without having to sit down with each one of you individually."
"One Chinese citizen discovers a hidden spy tool attached to the back end of his Android device. It reportedly scans and collects data from all connected devices in the household."
"People don't really realize that you're collecting data throughout this whole process as well which is super valuable."
"What web scraping is: it goes out and pulls down all of the information that you want from a specific website."
"Imagine all of the data from the entire planet."
"Facebook might know more about you than you do."
"A mechanism meant to be a front-end for massive information gathering."
"I find set useful when the user is collecting lots of data all at once."
"China's ability to collect data on global cargo flows is worrying the U.S."
"We can take our future into our own hands and collect the data ourselves."
"It's been a huge amount of work just to gather this DirectX 12 data in Watch Dogs Legion and Horizon Zero Dawn. We're talking about almost 1,000 benchmark runs for this investigation."
"GDPR says you can't collect it without permission."
"Let's change the whole system. Let's actually collect much better data on these applicants. Let's have them do very different things, and then we can make the right decision for the most talented people."
"When you find the Mark II GTI of your dreams the chances are it will not be as clean as this example however this car will show you a benchmark example."
"Start now, get data, and it will become a useful benchmark."
"We collect today for tomorrow, not just yesterday."
"Every single thing that you do online is going to be collected and stored indefinitely."
"They collect everything so yeah what's horrible about this is that anything you do is to make a permanent indefinite record."
"One of the biggest challenges with polling right now is being able to reach the folks whose opinions we are measuring."
"It's a good day today, we added some more data to the pile which is always what you want, and that's a good thing."
"There's success in having a failure... the test was about Gathering data."
"We see observations like Ryan Graves did off the east coast of the US in 2015, that's just the reality, we're collecting a lot of this data."
"Facebook gathers obscene amounts of personal identifiable information."
"Over five million people have died now according to the Johns Hopkins, which is basically a collection of all the officially government release data from around the world."
"We've collected enormous amounts of data from the use of these nodes, including network traffic and how they do withdraws, how they do deposits—every exchange is a snowflake—but it's greatly informed our engineering efforts."
"You do not make decisions on blood pressure from one day's worth of data. You need time. So help your doctor, write it down."
"Do the hunters have a central place to collect data on monsters? Yes, it's called the repository."
"That's what you call people up on the telephone, you get their information, you pump out a survey. This is what those that we hold."
"There's a fine line between collecting telemetry that helps you improve the operating system and trying to conceal that from the end user."
"Elevated surveillance is literally every piece of everything that they can possibly find."
"Every single car they add to the fleet is a data gathering tool."
"We are now close enough to collect all sorts of scientific data and, well, we will send it back home."
"Every interaction with everybody on every social network... is feeding a system that's learning."
"The internet of all things will collect data on everyone and virtually everything."
"Life is about collecting experiences, collecting data."
"Getting flights just for the sake of flying sometimes it's just good because you get more data on how the vehicle performs."
"That's such a scientist way to think, I'm collecting data."
"At least we tried to do our best to collect it, when in doubt collect it"
"Less is usually more when it comes to collecting information from people online."
"Google is incentivized to collect as much data as they can directly from you through the browser."
"Google in the past has been caught going through your emails to collect personal data about you to better serve you more targeted advertisements."
"ProtonMail's privacy is pretty good. They really don't collect too much information."
"Smart pavement...can collect information about things like rough surfaces, snow thawing, and even accidents."
"I think about these really abundant outcomes that are potential from machine learning, data collection, augmented intelligence and consciousness."
"The longer we look at our screens, the more data companies collect about us and the more ads we see. Ad spending on social media has doubled in just two years to more than 31 billion dollars."
"The goal here is to collect information."
"We're collecting a vast amount of data from the air, sea, and deep field to enhance our understanding."
"Eyes wide open, measure everything you can about health with any kind of dietary pattern that you do."
"...how can we introduce like different like conceptual elements and I think something that's underrated here is like you know you can... it exists the information exists it's just like no one has collected it and like you get a real-time collector for you."
"Weigh and measure the fish, put a tag in it, get a GPS coordinate, and let the fish go."
"Collecting new data for model retraining is essential for preventing model decay."
"Collecting emails is one main thing to get out of this."
"It's going to collect enough data to create the largest map."
"Collecting good data is critical."
"The closer we fly, the more data that we can get, and that's ultimately the measure of success here."
"If everyone who is pulling stuff up out of the ground and metal detecting responsibly sends in the information for where they found everything then we can look at those patterns across the whole country."
"We sit there and we just Hoover in all their data."
"We want your data, not in a creepy social media Facebook kind of way, but in a, you know, what are people finding? What are they experiencing, and how can that help us help others?"
"They have the right to know exactly what is being collected about them and when they have the right to access the information that's collected about them and to request that information to be rectified or erased."
"SIM collects data from many sources within your network to provide real-time monitoring and analysis."
"Data minimization means that we're only collecting the minimum amount of data required to perform a function."
"Ultimately the foundation's goal is to catalog the entire city."
"Understanding those is great, but you don't need to necessarily know those in particular, but what you want to be careful of is when we're thinking about how to collect and sample data, we want to look out for inherent biases."
"We need to ask yourself some key questions of what is our goal what data do we need to collect to support this goal and once we've collected this data how do we test them to show whether or not we've achieved our goal."
"All three instruments will provide complementary data and will improve upon the collective understanding of Earth as a system of systems."
"I collect database on wall there PPs and PPKs. There's a guy named Norm who and other forum members that collect serial numbers and have a database on navies."
"Controls help create a better experience for the user and collect the appropriate data."
"Surveys are a great way to gather feedback from a lot of people all at once."
"Surveys are an incredibly valuable source of collecting information."
"So whilst you're riding we're going to be swinging the wind around you and that gets us better data."
"Mars rovers still returning data."
"You want to gather as much data as possible."
"Collecting the right data and then iterating on all of these things."
"The key elements that make data collection tools effective are that they collect data directly from the primary source, exclusively for the stated purpose, and instantaneously when there is a requirement."
"Data collection tools must be reviewed to eliminate vagueness, ambiguity, and unintended bias."
"Collecting data from customers is essential as it helps improve various business processes."
"Forms make it so easy to give you the necessary data that you need for your spreadsheet."
"OSM avoids tracking and collecting of personal data making it privacy focused."
"Our SIM can collect a massive amount of data from a variety of sources, like our network devices, our identity management system, our mobile device management system, our CASB, and our endpoints."
"In the methodology section, demonstrate a basic understanding of research methodologies. Indicate what data you will collect, from whom, why it's important, and how you will analyze it."
"Conditional visibility is another really interesting aspect to smart forms."
"If a map supports data collection workflows like the one that is currently open you can complete those inspections and capture new data directly in the map all this you can do with the support of location tracking."
"People seem to be more relaxed today about allowing that kind of data to be collected and used."
"The interview questions helped you to collect data from participants. The research question is the one that you have to use the interview responses to address, right?"
"I've set up some data collectors and these are things that will run directly on the bright data platform."
"The beauty of a form is that it allows you to put the onus of data collection on a third party."
"The field of Statistics exists because it is usually impossible to collect data from all individuals of Interest or from an entire population."
"So, those types of collection can also be used by retail stores to better understand you. You know, online, every click and behavior is captured for better understanding to target you. Now, offline, with cameras and sensors, you can also be captured and tracked."
"All sensors constantly collected raw data converted into readable information."
"Google everyday collects mountains of information about its users while they are actively engaged with a Google product or even when they are not."
"Facebook's lead ads allow you to collect contact information such as name, email address, phone number, and more."
"Anytime you have those responses in your forms you're going to see that timing along with those responses."
"Walmart collects over 2.5 petabytes of data from 1 million customers every hour."
"Make sure your surveys are short, they complete in five minutes or less, right? If they go longer make sure there's some incentive for people to complete because the longer the survey is the higher the dropoff rate will be as people go on with the survey."
"Each Atlas from the flight records it leaves behind gives this country information we need to reach this goal."
"Google tag manager is often used when you have multiple destinations for the information that you're collecting."
"The most important thing is to establish a position or to pass a guard or whatever, but on social media the first thing is to take data from your audience."
"Know your audience and use the terminology that makes sense to get the data you're trying to get."
"We shortened 230 questions to 40 questions."
"That was an amazing dive and we collected a lot of data for Jody's study."
"...if something were to go wrong during this re-entry we want as many paths as possible to collect that information that data just to again just continually feedback into the Starship program to make each flight more reliable more successful."
"I managed to get standardized data by setting up cameras at each enclosure and coaxing the lizards through different gaits; this helped us understand the characteristics of both normal and lame individuals."
"We're going to accumulate as many headlines as we can and then run sentiment analysis on the text of those headlines."
"At the Guardian, we collected a huge amount of information about the world, because we published graphs and maps and infographics."
"At the start of that project is collecting data, and I outlined and detailed how important it is to work with APIs to collect your data for your data science project."
"Nothing beats good data. You should think about what data you need before you take it."
"Collect as much as possible because this data will become the factors in your statistical analysis down the line."
"There are regular time series, which are basically samples taken at fixed intervals."
"However, collecting this volume of data isn't easy. However, it takes the guesswork out of deciding if our customers are getting a great experience."
"Respect for participants is really also very important to establishing a safe space for the data collection."
"Big data refers to a large and vast variety or scope of data points that is being gathered and collected at extremely fast rates."
"It captures who collected the data."
"Most data being collected these days has some location component in it."
"This is how we web scrape the data; this is how we build a simple web crawler."
"The label is where we'll be storing our questions the way we want it to appear to our data collectors."
"I could write a web scrape script and then loop over every single Harry Potter character very quickly and create a dataset."
"It's kind of neat to see some of that data being collected after the fact."
"The team considered the experiment a success, given the wealth of data collected and the unusual occurrences documented during the flight."
"What distinguishes responsible companies is that they collect ESG data in a much better way."
"Kobo Toolbox is a web-based platform where you can just go in, create your account and it's free of charge."
"You can collect data in real time; you don't have to wait for people to get that data and enter it into a computer."
"Or did I also mention that you have the ability to collect your data offline and synchronize it whenever you have some internet?"
"Simple, robust, and powerful tools for data collection - exactly what we came here for."
"You can add questions, notes, prompts, and other fields by clicking on the plus sign below."
"How many people are in this household?"
"Record the GPS for this household."
"This question will be valid only if the following conditions apply."
"Kobo Toolbox is totally free and it's for the humanitarian organizations and development sector to use this tool and obtain clean data."
"If you have ever collected data using paper forms, you know the hassle."
"This software provides a single powerful tool to collect data from your entire business IT environment."
"The higher daily ad spend that you have on your account, the faster you're going to collect the data."
"Samples that are collected every five minutes are stored for one day."
"Samples that are collected every two hours are stored for one month."
"Samples that are collected on one day are stored for one year."
"Always understand how the data was collected, what the assumptions in the analysis were, and whether they're satisfied."
"Web scraping is basically the idea that we want to collect data from websites and parse it into a meaningful format."
"That allows me to collect all this data, and that's really awesome."
"Most of the privacy violations going on in your life come from your conscious decisions to use products that are collecting data about you."
"Practical privacy just starts by understanding how your data is collected."
"Anecdotes aren't data. But in fact, anecdotes are the beginning of data."
"Every single time a customer comes to their business, you're going to be getting them to collect their email address."
"We collect a lot of data via advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning that help us proactively to monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize the network."
"Wardriving is a process that allows us to combine Wi-Fi data with geolocation information."
"The general principle is pretty clear: you collect data, you learn a model, you train a policy against that model."
"Collecting training data means I need to have a set of inputs and their correct corresponding outputs."
"It's incredible the amount of data that looking in the future, you know, and not just a sprayer but every single piece of farm equipment that has cameras on it, how much data we could collect while driving across the field."
"We're going to get some results or collect some data from this experiment right here today."
"Science isn't black and white proof; we collect data from the physical world."
"...if you're building your evaluation design from the very beginning you can build in both the will among your participants to collect the data that you need and also know that you are collecting the data to meet the outcomes of interest..."
"The amount of data that we got just in one night was enough to allow us to see very cleanly both of these galaxies."
"The whole idea of Prometheus is you collect anything you can imagine as a metric first."
"Collector for ArcGIS is a map-centric data collection field app."
"We should only collect information that we need... with a purpose of delivering health care to the patient and running our hospital."
"Scientists gather and report data."
"An introductory paragraph tells them something about who you are or who your organization is, why you want the data, what's going to be done with it."
"Primary data is first-hand data that you collect yourself."
"It's just so important that we just get as much additional data as we can get."
"Data extraction is the process of collecting relevant information from studies and organizing it in a way that will enable analysis and synthesis."
"The iterative gathering of data makes the AI more robust."
"Using questionnaires to gather information from people is a valued quantitative research method."
"This multi-band scanner is able to collect information from inside the atmosphere on temperature, precipitation, moisture."
"This is a really cool feature that's going to tell the camera not just to recognize people and vehicles but also to collect certain information about them."
"We give you the ability to provide a website link and the HTML pages and PDF documents will be collected."
"Data is the scientific word for information collected during an investigation."
"Know your intended flavors and collect the right data and back yourself."
"Live and launch pretty much gets you sales but also pumps the traffic needed so that you can collect the data."
"Forms are the easiest way to collect data from your users."
"We perform health and fitness tests to get normative data, establish a baseline, and assess risk."
"We're using the PIT tags that allow me to use some more advanced ways of collecting data from the fish."
"...the laboratory that really our society is becoming, thanks to this huge amount of data that is being automatically collected about all of us."
"A Pharaoh scan is an electronic device. It uses a laser beam and mirrors to collect millions of data points. The data points are then put into a point cloud."
"Open Telemetry is basically the ability to collect all three pillars under one unified SDK."
"Open Telemetry by itself is the method to collect data and to distribute it."
"We will begin by creating a program that can collect data from a physical device and plot it on a graph."