
Scientific Process Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"It's not a matter of being right or wrong, the data will either support or refute the hypothesis."
"When things go wrong, you have to bear in mind it maybe we got something wrong along the way or missed something."
"The storytelling aspect of science is important, and not only for the general public, actually, but in writing scientific papers themselves."
"Science makes mistakes, but a self-correcting system is in place."
"In the end, the Piltdown Man hoax is a story about how science gets done and how it can self-correct."
"The way in which we judge scientific theories is inescapably reflective, messy, and human."
"It's never shameful to be wrong in science. A lot of the best science was done by people being wrong and proving first if they were wrong and then why they were wrong. What is completely toxic to science is to be fraudulent."
"It's more or less the scientific process, and when it's done right, it helps us to get closer to the truth."
"Science is a process of approaching and solving problems or empirically driving your way towards figuring out what's going on."
"The whole idea of other scientists reviewing manuscripts is kind of like the gold standard for academic publishing."
"The reason we have peer-reviewed scientific publishing is to ensure that conclusions are supported by evidence."
"Science is not about polling too. All it takes is one to be correct."
"...updating data is not the exception in science it's the rule..."
"Be prepared to have many false breakthroughs which don't survive the glaring light of rational scrutiny the next morning; you have to dare to imagine many false beautiful theories before you hit on one that works."
"Science isn't about being perfect. It's about catching your mistakes, refining your data."
"The evidence is really what dictates where you go when you research and your discoveries are sometimes serendipitous."
"Every experiment that he did physically, it started off in his mind before he did that."
"Science is very hard and it takes years to make the insights and the progress to build a medicine to take to people."
"Making an engineered virus is not a trivial matter." - Angela Rasmussen
"Science is fluid... if there's a new scientific society that says I'm wrong, that's what you're supposed to do with science."
"The scientists will find out on that frontier what is working, what is not, and if at any given moment you gotta jump in, you can jump in."
"Failure is part of the process... being a scientist is part of the process."
"Does this embargo process help do good science or does it slow down the science that could be done?"
"I always love it when people explain the steps that lead to the discovery."
"Science works with individuals making discoveries."
"Experiment lead to other experiments lead to successes you couldn't even imagine."
"Scientists are often wrong but they are aware of it. They admit that they're wrong and then as a community move forward."
"That's how science works, here's my data, and then they'll change their opinion, but that hasn't happened."
"For science to work, you have to have an open exchange of ideas." - Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
"Science usually doesn't have easy clear-cut answers and it's a gradual process of building evidence."
"Science doesn't actually move forward in terms of Eureka, like a lone white male changing everything by himself with a stroke of Genius. That's not how science works."
"Here we have scientists putting out these kinds of numbers and we have people saying oh well, you don't know at all and with if someone reverses their guidelines okay because we learned more information that's a feature of science not a bug."
"Science isn't a big book of facts, it's a process of finding things out."
"Science is built upon ignorance... it's necessary as the circle of knowledge grows."
"Science is an iterative process, things change, we incorporate new information."
"That's before I get too excited about all this, that work has to be done to either eliminate that possibility and put us back where we are with this amazing date or maybe there's another explanation."
"Air is our enemy, so this is good for degassing and it's good for blending."
"Converts sunlight into energy. In the darkness after sunset."
"It's always going to be a journey, there's always going to be every answer you get leads to more questions."
"The first step in the scientific method is observation."
"Science is not done by consensus; you make a scientific claim, I can replicate or verify that claim."
"Your cortical thinking has to get really effed up to is a scientist to say you know what's more important it's not the individual scientist it's the scientific consensus."
"Science is about making mistakes because the biggest mistakes yield the biggest breakthroughs."
"I think one of the tragedies of scientific publishing is that you never learn the backstory of how somebody came to do something a certain way."
"Peer review is basically a modern invention to deal with the fact that there's a lot of people trying to do science now... it's a negative influence for many many reasons."
"Science is a slow, methodical march of experimenting, publishing, peer review, acceptance, and then expanding on that idea and starting the process all over again."
"Alcohol and surfactants mess with the hydrophobic hydrophilic balance that keeps these membranes stable which kills the virus."
"Evolution itself is a process of mistakes... that every now and then lead to something special."
"A fascinating, complicated mechanism: oxidizing water."
"Experiment can be going to a certain place at a certain time and seeing if a prediction takes place."
"We are going to set this in here for 24 hours."
"Many scientists are very excited when there's some new anomaly."
"Neutrinos have been discovered and this amazing back and forth between theoretical ideas and experiments that were devised to test those hypotheses is a testament of the robustness of the scientific process."
"We have a process by which Evolution can work that we know works that we can see in a laboratory that we can see in a field."
"Science is far from this totally neutral valueless enterprise. The conceptual frameworks, the philosophical assumptions, the ideology that we filter the data through has to be something that we're self-aware of."
"It does seem that the scientific process, at least in some fields, such as biomedicine and psychology, have big problems."
"In addition, replication can also cascade."
"Science is done at meetings where there's peer review."
"But there's almost always, and that's how science works, it's almost never 'this is the truth and there's no other way around it'."
"We're not doing science until multiple people access them until we question our ideas again and again."
"Every time we do a test, we learn something new."
"Protein preparation is a must do step."
"The scientific method is a collection of data based upon observation through experimentation."
"Science is the systematic transformation of the unknown into the known."
"Science isn't just a thing where it's like okay, you get an answer and that's it, it's over, end of story from one study."
"It can be frustrating at times when experiments don't work, which is quite a lot of the times, believe it or not, but it is incredibly rewarding, and I have learned a lot."
"The Clarion call of the scientist is not 'Eureka!' it's 'Huh... that's funny...'"
"The joy of science is you get to try to figure it out."
"What I'd like to show you now is how HMBC really lends this, makes this into a much more systematic process."
"Being able to find that you can't replicate a result is every bit as important as showing that you can."
"Nature gets the last word, and ugly experiments kill beautiful theories."
"The water changes from its initial state which is structured to ordinary water; it undergoes a transition, an abrupt transition, and that transition allows the proteins to undergo the folding."
"All we have to do is line the reads up to recover the original genome sequence."
"The more science we do, the more factors we eliminate."
"A lot of science is failure before you hit the jackpot."
"We have successfully dissolved all of the salicylic acid."
"You define your set of variables, you go out and set up the apparatus, you conduct the experiment, you record the measurements."
"That's why this process works; it's a real special application of Hess's law."
"This is the way science works; we're going to chew on these data for a long time."
"We've now started creating a vacuum."
"Science is an evolution and it's about reducing uncertainty... it's a discovery process."
"Why is it so much fun to do research? Because this is the kind of story that gets repeated over and over again."
"Science is a process to work towards gaining knowledge and not an absolute truth generator."
"If we get those crystallization conditions just right, we can get this mess to form these beautiful ordered structures."
"Peer review is the worst form of advocacy and argumentation about science, except for all the others."
"We're going to export everything that we need for running molecular networking feature-based molecular networking on GNPS."
"Most of science is about failure, and most things don't work."
"The nature of science is to better understand the unknown and to do that, our scientists need data."
"Photosynthesis is split into two different parts: the light-dependent reactions and the light-independent reactions."
"It's a process of trial and error, we make a conjecture... and then we go out there and we test that conjecture."
"The process of keeping your object of interest in the field of view and imaged on the detector throughout the tilt series is called tracking."
"The first task in calculating a 3D reconstruction is to align this tilt series."
"Scientists want to see small P values because small P values equals rejecting, which equals discovery, which equals publications, which equals promotion."
"We would come to exactly this point, and this is where we would start a 2D classification run."
"I can be proved wrong, and that's what science is all about."
"Rate of deposition of thin film is proportional to the sputter yield."
"This is step one of unraveling this mystery. This is a task that will take many years, if not decades, to fully complete."
"Exfoliation remains the process that produces the lowest number of defects and was the method responsible for graphene's discovery back in 2004."
"Science does best when it puts things out there for other scientists to challenge."
"The most important step in the scientific method is that we actually collect data or carry out an experiment."
"The essence of the method is quite simply to see something, wonder why it happened, design a way of testing your thought of what happened, and move on from there."
"Science is all about trial and error."