
Political Controversy Quotes

There are 716 quotes

"Did Donald Trump incite an insurrection on January 6th, 2021? Absolutely."
"I've had a fair bit of that over the last number of years. I mean, I was very unhappy with the Canadian government's language law provision, Bill C-16, and my comments about that caused a whole sequence of chain reactions, I suppose, that changed my life completely."
"Piers Morgan...had his CNN appearance cancelled because he criticized the media for not talking about the Biden laptop scandal."
"This weekend bombshell: The Washington Post is reporting that Donald Trump had called former Arizona governor Doug Ducey in late 2020 to overturn the state's presidential election results."
"White House spokesman Kaylee McEnany was locked out of her account for tweeting about the Hunter Biden laptop story."
"We are trying to get petitions to provide legal immunity for Barack Obama because he killed an American child without charge or trial."
"How is it political to ask where Peng Shuai is? How can that cause a political problem between the UK and China? It's absolutely not."
"President Trump won by a landslide. We are going to prove it." - Sidney Powell
"This is a fraud on the American public. We did win this election."
"There's no evidence of fraud, and yet from the very beginning, they started talking about fraud."
"The truth is that America was kicked out of the counting room and a billionaire was allowed in."
"The events of that day were going to be used by both sides to shut down any criticism of the 2020 election."
"And that’s why in this very room in January of 2013, they had this huge—this huge controversy between—the Republican Party did the 'autopsy.'"
"The whole thing with the dossier was a total setup."
"The real problem is Ilhan Omar's comment, not Ilhan Omar's viewpoint."
"China was widely criticized for not allowing an independent investigation into the origin of the virus."
"The greatest threat to American democracy was the militarization of law enforcement against Trump's campaign in 2016." - William Barr
"Naomi wolf... you know, most liberal person you can imagine and she got excoriated when she said, 'Hey, vaccine passports, this is a bad idea.'"
"Trump was right about election cheating, exposing a faction of smart yet radical left lunatics destroying the nation."
"The indictment repeatedly charges that the Democratic party's electors were valid, while Republicans' were false."
"Leftists demand privacy rights in public places but deny actual rights for those with opposing opinions."
"If Mexico is paying for it... why is the government shut down?"
"This indictment is an attack on the Free Press, but so many Americans are too blinded by the idea that Assange is colluding with Russians."
"Holding up security assistance for domestic political gain was crazy."
"President Biden willfully held classified documents not only in his garage but multiple places as he was vice president."
"Richard Burr suddenly decided to sell virtually everything he owned."
"How in the hell dare he raise that? Frankly, when I was asked the question, I thought to myself, 'Wasn't any of their damn business.'" - Joe Biden
"At no point has anybody been actually convicted or pled guilty to collusion with Russia regarding the election."
"You've got the Trump administration, the Trump campaign trying to disenfranchise black voters in Detroit."
"The judge who was overseeing a legal challenge to the Arizona Senate's audit of votes recused himself from the case less than 24 hours before the scheduled April 26 hearing."
"This group here is engaging in fascist techniques to shut down people's rights in this country."
"It means actually that the people who died were killed by police violence not by Trump supporters."
"Can Donald Trump still be guilty even if he's not running the organization?"
"The attack on January 6th was a direct and predictable result of Mr. Trump's decision to use false claims of election fraud to overturn the election and to cling to power."
"Isn't it interesting that those that want to cancel the referendum and break their word now claim to be on the side of democracy?"
"The fact that he said Russia should invade one of our allies and he would encourage it. It's just outrageous, extraordinary."
"Trans-Pacific Partnership? Oh yeah, that pissed off Republicans and Democrats."
"Cuomo killed 15,000 people, and nothing happens."
"Maybe there was fraud, but they have changed the state laws that allowed cheating."
"I'm sorry, that's corruption. This is a targeted attack on the president of the United States. When he calls it a coup attempt, he's absolutely right."
"Alright, you know Marjorie Taylor Greene is down for somebody bombing the White House, maybe the Capitol."
"No matter how much they're lying about this or trying to call this an Insurrection and tell us to ignore that the majority of the American people do see the truth about it."
"The media have been covering this particular issue for the last day and a half...Trump administration alleges without evidence that the Iranians are behind the bombing of ships."
"Donald Trump is still trying to steal the election and he is still failing and still losing."
"No one's saying that Hugo Chávez came from beyond the grave to switch ballots in Wayne County, but what they're saying is follow the trail of where these systems are and the questions that are raised."
"I err on the side of the elections are probably fine, but I don't think there's like Chinese ballots being flooded into the system."
"This is every controversy: Trump says something wrong, the left oversteps way too far."
"Trump is defending a white supremacist who murdered two people in cold blood."
"Even ignoring all of that, we've got something else going on here. We have a state court applying this to a president."
"It really does speak volumes when the former prime minister's husband gets a peerage."
"The EPA is an attack on the motorsports hobby, an insane overreach."
"Nancy Pelosi is behind what they call an insurrection on January 6th."
"He embraced an illegal scheme... that the Vice President could reject Joe Biden's electoral votes during the joint session."
"It should come as no surprise that Joe Biden actually delivered part of the eulogy to the head of the [__] KKK."
"All over the country, people are together in holding up signs 'Stop the Steal' to understand how we will challenge this fraud."
"This election is about great voter fraud, fraud that has never been seen like this before."
"It was a coup attempt to destroy the presidency before its tenure had expired."
"It's very weird that on election night Trump was leading by all of these votes and then by the end of the election he was not leading."
"Evidence of election fraud mounts as the mainstream media and Democrats loudly insist Joe Biden is still the 2020 winner."
"It was a coup without a doubt and it was an attempted coup for the last four years."
"This is the real deal Justin Trudeau is being busted for literally handpicking Senators."
"Fake electors were also meeting elsewhere in the same state capital at the same time on the same day."
"Trump's alleged efforts to remain in power despite losing the 2020 election were if proven an unprecedented assault on the structure of our government."
"I never told John Bolton that the aid to Ukraine was tied to investigations into Democrats, including the Biden's."
"Any trial of this action during a pending presidential election will impact the outcome."
"The idea of indicting a former president in the United States is deeply troubling."
"When Rogue prosecutors start indicting the leader of the opposition party, that starts to look a lot like a threat to democracy."
"Oliver Stone managed to get the House of Representatives to admit that the Warren Commission report was a joke."
"Think about the collateral damage that was caused not only in our own country but around the world and in Ukraine by this scheme to aid the President’s re-election effort."
"This election was rigged, and we can't let it happen again."
"Trump had just tried to overthrow the government and so lenders were understandably skittish about handing him a giant wad of cash."
"The left is freaking out by the very idea of the audit because they know if it shows substantial fraud, it will vindicate what Republicans have been saying."
"There's no evidence that Trump has ever used the n-word."
"There's a lot of contact between Trump people and Russians."
"The whistleblower complaint has accused the president of soliciting foreign interference in America's election."
"Closing down Parliament in order to force through a No Deal Brexit is not democracy, it's dictatorship."
"Kanye West is a problem for the left and for Democrats because he cannot be controlled and corralled so easily. He is, by his own words, a glitch in the system."
"The president of the United States and a candidate was spied on. I really hope it aggravates people."
"The Latte Salute: the greatest American political scandal of the 21st century."
"It's batshit crazy to think that the election was stolen."
"Did FBI agents actively encourage and incite crimes of violence on January 6th?"
"Nobody today is living with peace. I mean, let me just touch on for a quick second how [ __ ] despicable Marjorie Taylor greenness um this is not a woman who you know should be out there sending Hunter Biden dick pics."
"Surely we can agree that it is dangerous and profoundly irresponsible to have taken these documents from the White House and left them unsecured in Mar-A-Lago." - Jerry Nadler
"Critical race theory is about telling the truth about America, and we got like 30 states who want to bar critical race theory."
"It's interference with the election. It's election interference. Never been done like this in the history of our country, and it's a disgrace."
"That's what all of this is practice for, all of this stuff that they're doing now."
"Wearing a mask has become political... Surgeon General is begging you to wear a mask."
"Climate change is now accepted and understood by everyone except the president-elect."
"Trump's path to legal victory involves freezing certification in multiple states to prevent Biden from reaching 270 electoral votes."
"I understand that the attacks against Jeremy Corbyn were politically motivated."
"Former president Donald J Trump is constitutionally disqualified from again being president."
"New Jersey is on fire and you don't like it because there have been no fewer than three, I repeat three, separate judges..."
"Who allowed Rudy Giuliani to come into our legislative body in the first place? They allowed him to use it as a guise, as a way to legitimize lies and conspiracy theories."
"I'm calling on Governor Kim and our attorney general Chris Carr to investigate and prosecute Fanny Willis and end this Witch Hunt immediately."
"Judge previously removed Fanny Willis from 2020 election case for political bias."
"Fanny Willis is going after Donald Trump for his tweets, seems like this could absolutely Boomerang and could potentially hit big."
"If you have some liberal interest group that sues your state on some concern about the election law."
"Does it sound a little bit dishonest for the FBI to have brought in Flynn under the auspices of having a friendly little conversation and then sandbag him with false charges?"
"Is there any way to accurately say that Donald Trump won the 2020 election?"
"Out now the CIA and everybody's coming out and saying no no no no we warned him we told him this would happen he didn't listen."
"When they finally got the CrowdStrike leader under oath, he said they had no evidence Russia was behind it."
"This is the story of 200 and 201, this is that time South Park almost started a war."
"I truly believe that Tommy Robinson is a kind of political prisoner and this case touches on freedom of the press."
"Michael Cohen: 'I regret the day I said yes to Mr. Trump.'"
"The cover-up is almost worse than the original crime."
"It is confirmed, the federal government is lying to you, they are withholding evidence from January 6th defendants."
"When Donald Trump gets up and says that he's being railroaded... there is real hard evidence that he lied repeatedly." - Nick Ackerman
"Do you realize you are describing a coup?" - Navarro
"Churchill was backing the extreme end of an unpopular cause and the impact was devastating."
"It wasn't Britain's kidnapper... she's an Iranian."
"Joe Biden's on tape bragging that he leveraged a billion tax dollars to get a prosecutor that was investigating Hunter Biden fired. And son of a bee, they did it."
"But why hasn’t Antony Blinken labeled it a genocide?"
"Failing to challenge a presidential self-pardon is as good as an endorsement of Donald Trump."
"The entire election frankly in all the swing states should be overturned, and the legislature should make sure that the electors are selected for Trump." - Sydney Powell
"Jared Kushner: suggested the pandemic fatalities of New York were 'their problem,' considerable circumstantial evidence that he is not of this earth."
"Former presidents will be unduly harassed by meritless Federal Criminal prosecutions."
"No collusion... that's not what we learned this morning."
"I went down to South Carolina and said that the flag that was flying over the state capitol, which was a Confederate flag, was-- that I shouldn't be involved in it, it was a state issue. It was an act of cowardice. Straight talk."
"Is there any factual basis to support the allegation that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election?"
"The president confirmed that in fact he did raise the issue of wanting some sort of investigation into Joe Biden when he was in communication with the President of Ukraine."
"This is an attack on women to try and convince women that their sole political power is anchored on their ability to kill their children."
"The evidence is clear, a largely foreign funded targeted and coordinating attack on critical Canadian infrastructure is hurting Canada and harming Canadians."
"If science takes on political dimensions I know because if we could come up forget the controversies over the vaccines mandatory and not if we could come up with a cure imagine how wonderful that would be."
"What they did, what the Obama administration did, is unprecedented. It's treason. So I'm very happy for General Flynn. He was a great warrior, and he still is a great warrior."
"The White House has been far more aggressive in its claims that congressional oversight can be limited, curbed, and constrained by the executive’s desire to keep things under wraps."
"The President, as is claimed in 'The Washington Post' reporting tonight, made some sort of claim to a foreign leader, a promise that was regarded as so troubling that it prompted an official to file a formal whistleblower complaint."
"Six-week abortion ban... one of the most politically toxic things I can imagine him doing."
"Pat thinks it was total extremism and racism for Trump to want a paltry 5 billion to build his border wall."
"There is significant evidence that there was meaningful voter fraud."
"Trump attacking Yovanovitch on Twitter somehow amounts to an impeachable offense and witness intimidation, according to Pelosi."
"The truth is this raid wasn't about documents."
"Trump's $100 million lawsuit: the former president suing his own niece and The New York Times after a bombshell report on his taxes."
"Hillary Clinton left our soldiers to die our Americans delighted to die in Benghazi and that is something you can never allow to happen ever again."
"The Russians had two objectives when they attacked... demilitarization and denazification."
"It looked perfect and when they hit it boom the place pop because they figured well these guys been doing jobs to everybody else they're not gonna win but they did."
"If it's illegal for Donald Trump Jr. to get information on an opponent from a source that is not a US citizen, how can the Clinton campaign pay Fusion GPS to gather information using a former British spy?" - Glenn Beck
"Now that everybody involved, except the Trump campaign, I think, admits to exactly what Russia did here, can we now look at what they did to see if they had help?"
"What exactly are his qualifications to be chosen by the communist Chinese regime to manage 1.5 billion dollars other than the fact that he is a blood relative of the Vice President of the United States?"
"It's a tragedy that a social media company can ban a sitting president."
"I will say right now what is countering to me is what the Attorney General told us that when Robert Mueller made the decision on obstruction he did not take into fact that he was talking about the President."
"Evidence exists. Democrats are saying ignore this."
"The media lied, the Democrats lied, the social media companies lied, and they have contributed to a corrupt family's dealings with Ukraine and even China."
"We're trying to eliminate from happening signature verification, stop having poll watchers, Republican poll watchers being bullied and not allowed to go in and do what they're supposed to do, watching the ballot county process."
"People being fascists isn't the problem. Hating fascists is the problem."
"The Clinton email system was one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency."
"This is an example of the largest excess of a legislative undoing in Congressional history."
"Keep planting seeds and telling people about Jesus, God bless you."
"There's now more evidence against Joe Biden, he sexually assaulted a woman, than there ever was against Brett Kavanaugh, like a lot more evidence, okay?"
"It's a rigged election, let's see how it turns out."
"Democracy was murdered by the Democrats who were telling you that democracy is on the ballot."
"Donald Trump relied on John Eastman and Giuliani and other lawyers who told him that this was not a crime."
"The Biden Administration targeting and harassing political opponents."
"Ed Snowden is one of the greatest whistleblowers in our history."
"A terrifying development... a sitting United States senator advocating explicitly for a no-fly zone."
"The leadership of the Labour Party, basically everyone discussing this, which is by saying this is the most shameful day in Labour Party history ever, you ignore all of the people with Iraqi heritage."
"We now have new evidence that there was a multi-part conspiracy to overturn the election."
"Don't tell me that if I don't march in a parade I'm a homophobe, and if I don't like critical race theory I'm a racist."
"President Trump plotted with a lawyer named John Eastman and others to overturn the outcome of the election on January 6th."
"This bill should have passed unanimously, but unfortunately, some members are more concerned with appeasing the teachers' unions and radical activists in their party rather than standing with parents."
"Trump did not encourage it, that's the big difference between the two."
"Confirmation is not exoneration and these newest revelations are disturbing."
"Hunter Biden and James Biden receive millions of dollars from companies connected to the Communist Chinese regime."
"The American people hate critical race theory."
"Donald Trump worked in some way with a hostile foreign intelligence service that he himself broke no law in doing that."
"Donald Trump knew the big lie was a big lie. They used it also as a big shakedown, and a ripoff of his supporters to keep money rolling in."
"That was an attempt, essentially, to use subterfuge and trickery and coercion to overthrow the will of the people."
"Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails. Was that true?"
"The media's narrative is that Trump is ignoring the science, but Trump isn't actually ignoring the science."
"Mitch McConnell has called for Tracy Stone-Manning, Biden's nominee involved in eco-terrorism, to be removed from her nomination."
"Fauci lies, Rand Paul shows the documents proving he lies at the hearing."
"I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected."
"How do you impeach a president who didn't do anything wrong?"
"I haven't heard one person say these three words: Trump is innocent."
"You still are not going to acknowledge the fact that the defund the police concept was brought up by and constantly reaffirmed by some of the most powerful Democrats in America."
"I oppose vaccine mandates I think that there has been a lot of rampant government lying in mistrust appropriately so to the American public because of how badly they handled this issue."
"This deserves an apology. Donald Trump should apologize to Sadiq Khan."
"claiming that there was election fraud when there wasn't is actually the greatest damage that individual one has done to the United States."
"Russia gate was staged, it was fake, it was a hoax."
"An FBI supplemental background investigation that did not include an interview of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford nor the witnesses who corroborate her testimony cannot be called an investigation."
"They lied to you about Donald Trump, they lied about Brett Kavanaugh, they lied about children in cages... they even lied about walk away."
"Why on Earth would the Democrats ever feel the need to have to cover up their corruption?"
"We learned yesterday that you had Trump's general who took the fifth when asked if he believed in peaceful transitions of power."
"Department of Justice must immediately explain the reason for its raid."
"The great lie is that women all hate Judge Kavanaugh and think that no corroborate of evidence is necessary."
"People like Jimmy Dore and his wife have been lying about Nina Turner and also discouraging members of their audience from supporting her."
"It turns out the specific stupid reason at the moment for sabotaging the post office is in fact to also sabotage the election and by extension, democracy."
"We keep everything on offshore servers in Iceland. If the data is safe, then Iceland could you just WikiLeaks that stuff. But else can you do there except reveal politically embarrassing emails?"
"The corruption of the Biden family is a major issue for our country."
"Critical race theory is a threat to our country."
"How did Hillary Clinton get away with it when everyone knew and no one did anything?"
"Americans rejected the rigged election [__]."
"Anti-Zionist anti-Semitism denies Jewish people a right to self-determination."
"Your husband was involved in illegal spying against candidate Donald Trump to try to help Hillary Clinton get elected in 2016."
"The Texas House passing a controversial voting bill... setting the stage for restrictive voting laws in the state."
"There was a plan, the Eastman memo, there's the receipts."
"It's very clear, like I said, there's the memo, the Eastman memo, there's the receipts."
"Everyone is so upset about the lies from the Democratic party but nobody had to hear about the lies about stealing the election."