
Professional Support Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"It's extremely motivating. We want to help healthcare professionals live better lives, we're trying to help them find and do their best work."
"Don't leave your mental health to chance or the amateur advice of well-meaning friends and family."
"The two most important people in your life are a good CPA and a good insurance agent."
"It's literally made for you and people like you. If you're doing golf full-time, whether it be professionally or on YouTube, if this is your full-time job, you're going to have access to it."
"We have this idea of a co-pilot... we can have that for every profession."
"It's a luxury for a voice actor to have that much support."
"Welcome to Pretty Basic Therapy. Professional. Changing lives."
"He was an amazing resource for me to come in, be like hey, you know what I kind of saw this happening I don't know if you want to pay attention to that or that so that really helped me."
"Thank you, Lincoln Electric, my sponsor for this."
"You got myself and eight of the professional traders that are willing to walk you through this, you got 10,000 members from all over the world from all walks of life that genuinely give a damn whether you succeed or fail."
"Wishing you and the duberg team the absolute best."
"Balance mental health with professional help and share progress."
"Support the infrastructure and expertise that's already here."
"We want to take a moment to thank you agents for your continued support and passion."
"With you by my side, my troublesome work was a little less dull than usual."
"I'm so thankful for her. If you're watching, you saved my career. They should give you a raise."
"She quickly became the one person I counted on during my shift."
"I've made it my mission in life to help people succeed in their careers."
"The benefit of having any kind of medical professional for anything, but especially brain stuff, is that you just have this person that is the archivist for your brain."
"For the first time, it really feels like I'm in a solid, reliable team."
"Talking to a licensed therapist who has the experience and knowledge to give practical guidance."
"Stephen, I'm your doctor. You're a doctor. I'm here to help you, Dr. Harrow."
"I've helped so many people um in the early stages of their careers that like I'm like I'm really."
"Support people who look like me, not out of charity, because both of these gentlemen are experts."
"Aditi is one of the very few who's consistently been there working alongside, working with me, helping me."
"Thank you for the opportunity Eric, I really appreciate this and I'll never take your support for granted."
"This transit can be very supportive in those professional fields."
"That's what we're trying to make happen, right, we're trying to help you get past that ATS and into the hands of somebody who will take a look at your credentials."
"This is our jobs. We worry about this stuff... our real mission is to help clients become more at peace, less stressed out about their financial picture."
"Get yourself a really, really good strong accountant."
"I'm here to tell you that you are not alone in this confusing industry and whatever you're doing to become whatever you want to be, I am sure that you're already doing great by attending events like this."
"Along with our team of professionals, we're going to be able to guide you through our whole experience."
"I could tell you really cared and you were really concerned about my well-being even when I left ESPN."
"Having Fortis to spearhead everything and give me the directions is awesome."
"Every single big club in the world has a sport psychologist, first one ever come on, no sporting director."
"Help me out, come on please, you've become an amazing lawyer. Good job!"
"The YouTube team, the whole YouTube gaming team, my partner manager Dominic, and not like they're in the stream or anything so I'm not like trying to suck up but Elizabeth as well, they just go so much out of their way."
"We're very confident that this issue will be resolved since we have strong legal partners."
"There's always going to be something that you can miss, so having a good team around you I think is really important."
"I love Rich and I don't know if I've ever said this on the show but I legitimately really really respect and love Rich because he got me my very first guest spot that got me paid work."
"...the best professionals are approaching tinnitus care...what are you hoping to see here in the next five to ten years...take better care of individuals who are struggling with tinnitus."
"Certain things here need a qualified professional to guide you through it."
"BetterHelp is not a crisis line, it's professional counseling done securely online."
"Having a professional, um sort of in your court whether it be a therapist or a coach or somebody like that to be able to bounce all of this around with I think can also be really helpful."
"If you have any questions about any of the techniques, please contact us through Cybersight."
"It's for everyone who works as a professional in entertainment, period."
"I do back that 100%, if they're the best at the job."
"Join over 2 million people who have taken charge of their mental health with an experienced professional."
"Having a good accountant and a good attorney beside you is going to be worth more than gold."
"That's why I love Quip and why they're backed by over twenty thousand dental professionals."
"A great agent gives you all the news and helps you through the process."
"He showed me the ropes; I couldn't have got along without him."
"They really want to help notaries be successful, so they give you a free notarial website."
"It's an awesome field, and I love the way that everybody supports one another."
"I help people overcome their challenges professionally behind the scenes."
"With over 30,000 therapists in their network, you can make sure that you get the best help possible."
"Lawyers are to offer colleague support and ideas and strategies."
"I'll happily work with you, so yeah, thanks for the continued support."
"Seek professional assistance, that would be the one I'd be recommending."
"You've taken the first step by saying it out loud, now make sure you get proper support from people that are qualified to help you."