
Genealogy Quotes

There are 808 quotes

"You come from some huge thing like this... if you go back to 1650, you very quickly have almost over 4,000 people... all of whom are one 4,096th of you."
"Remember this for later. Now, before we go on, we have to understand what this is. This is a royal family descendant tree."
"The gist of the series will be to discuss humanity itself... think about how many millions, if not billions, of unnamed people you descended from on either side of your family."
"Genealogy asks us to stop thinking about our present society, beliefs, structures, etc., as if they were just destined to be this way."
"If one of your primary interests is in meeting potential relatives, you're going to find this section very interesting."
"I would take this passion I had from the time I was nine years old in genealogy and I would get eight prominent African-Americans and I would trace their family tree back into the abyss of slavery."
"Understanding the history will help you find your family."
"You're going to want to learn a little bit about the geographic areas where different Indian tribes lived and then compare that with where your ancestors lived."
"Always just seems to go so fast, doesn't it? But one of the things that I just want to remind you of again is start with what you know and work your way back."
"Genealogy isn't just about climbing a family tree; it's about coming to know my ancestors and who they were and why they made the choices that they made."
"Our job, or our fun, is to find the records and all the little pieces of evidence, all the little pieces of the jigsaw puzzle, and put them together to build this picture of our family tree."
"You are descended on your mother's side from the Nubian people."
"Your family tree is a little bit more like a jigsaw puzzle where you don't have the box, you have no idea what the completed picture is going to look like, and there are all these pieces out there that you have to find and put together."
"It's a matter of finding the right pieces and putting them in the right places so that you can make the picture that is your family tree more complete with every piece that you add to it."
"When I start digging into the evidence, that's where the story comes out, and I don't just want to be able to fill in a big family tree; I want to be able to understand the stories about these people and their lives."
"This becomes a whole new adventure in genealogy because we're doing our research in a really focused, very directed way."
"What we were trying to do is use the new sophisticated tools of genealogy, ancestry tracing, and genetics not to take our people back to the future, but to take them black to the future."
"Yes, you are almost certainly related to at least some nobility of the area in which your ancestors lived."
"Well, we never would have solved the case without genealogy."
"Adam was my 84th great-grandfather... Queen Elizabeth would be my forty second cousin... Jesus would be my hundred and thirty ninth cousin."
"You won't know about unless you look at their genealogical records."
"So the idea of many nations of that region could trace their lines back to just a few males is not inconceivable and this data would correlate with the Genesis record."
"You can trace his human ancestry, who of Jesus, who is God overall."
"Every step is really important on this. It's a family tree."
"This 32-year-old homicide was solved because of the forensic work and genealogy work due to the limited amount of DNA that was available."
"The story of Scripture is like a particular couple and their exponential increase in descendants."
"The loss of the 1890 census was an irretrievable devastating loss for people who study things like demographics and genealogy."
"The state now owes it to the descendants of people to provide them with answers and some sort of redress."
"The Star Wars family tree is a pretty big deal."
"Mary didn't matter because the blood doesn't come from the mother."
"One of the distinctives of Noah... his genealogy had not been contaminated by this Mischief of the Fallen Angels."
"This was genealogy, this was DNA once removed, maybe it's not as reliable as other DNA testing."
"While genetic genealogy can trace your great, great, great grandfather, it's also a cold case cracking tool that is bringing justice and closure to families faster than ever before."
"Our family trees must connect, our parents must be more related to each other than we think."
"Every adjustment, every change in the family tree - it's like a living legacy."
"Investigators discuss the findings of CeCe Moore's research. Would the mystery of baby boy Doe's identity finally be solved?"
"Jesus was a Jew from the tribe of Judah... from the family of David."
"A lot of the West Africans and black people are descendants from Bani Israel."
"The British royal family descended from King David with all of these reports reporting that the Queen of England had the monarchies lineage tree and had faith in it."
"But further back, Helen has uncovered a little dynasty who ran Buckmill for at least three generations from the 17th century, the Bengefields."
"Exploring this comfort crisis idea really overlaps perfectly with this scarcity brain notion."
"It's the kind of resolution genetic genealogy can give us."
"There's a mystery there. Okay, I see. Right. So when did he die, where and where did he die, and did he die right or did he leave the family right when he went to California? So there's a lot of questions that need to be answered."
"These guys are awesome, I would like to know a little bit more about their lineage and their history."
"You can literally count off generations in your DNA and come up this gigantic family tree and it shows history."
"Future royal family trees will be far less intertwined."
"I've got my first clue about my family's Origins before they arrived in the Midwest."
"My 41 times great grandfather was living in the 700s and the world was very different then but in some ways it makes you realize time is elastic."
"Linda is searching for her biological father. 'You gathered all of this together and what does it tell you? Nothing adding up, more questions.'"
"Matthew's genealogy ties Jesus' lineage back to two of the greatest figures in Israel's history: the son of David and Abraham."
"Join us on October 4th, free on YouTube at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time to join in on Project Genealogy today."
"What is genealogical is concerned with the value of our origin and the origin of values."
"This week saw another table of time-traveling treasures shedding more light on the lives and times of our ancestors."
"It's fascinating to learn more about our family's history."
"Just to find out more about his paternal grandmother Alice, Ian's heading north to Cheshire where she lived with her husband William Mellem."
"You gonna know if your ancestors were slaves or not. That's number one. And number two, you're going to know where they were located. That's knocking out two birds in one stone."
"It just adds such a warm personal depth to the study of history, studying your own family."
"Luke is a gentile. He is not oriented to that. He's oriented Christ's Humanity. He starts his genealogy in effect with Adam."
"Deoxyribonucleic acid technology has become a strong tool in finding family roots, tracing lineages, and migrations very accurately."
"The pursuit of African-American genealogy is challenging but rewarding."
"You can connect to all these distant cousins."
"Every genealogy in the Bible has missing names; no genealogy is exhaustive."
"Now these are the generations of Isaac."
"Greek genealogies like that of Acusilaus of Argos often begin with significant events such as floods."
"You know, I love a good family tree."
"More is told of a genealogy than of the Day of Judgment."
"Connecting to relatives: Armenians finding relatives through DNA testing."
"When your love is pure enough, you couldn't care less about somebody's genealogy, you know."
"Arthur was born late on the 19th or perhaps early on the 20th of September 1486."
"And David, your connection with Davy Crockett? I've been telling everybody that I know I'm related to him, but I just can't really prove it. But now I can tell everybody I am related."
"It's a confirmation, and it's great to have this information for our family, to be able to tell it in a positive manner."
"I mean, how many people can stand here and say that they're directly related to someone who's such an important part of history."
"According to them, the Bush boys, George W. and Jeb with an exclamation mark, are second cousins five times removed from Wild Bill."
"For the first time in history you can figure out how you're related to almost any other human being on Earth."
"I found myself having lots of fun fleshing out my family tree."
"The purpose of Matthew's genealogy is not to specify the number of father-to-son Generations."
"How many of you know you're all related to Adam?"
"How many know you're all related to Noah?"
"Genesis 11 verse 10 explains the genealogy of Shem. Shem was a black man in Africa. Abraham too was black. Abraham born in the city of a black man called Nimrod, grandson of Ham."
"We've now covered the family trees of eight U.S presidents on this channel."
"The news that Julia's maternal roots went back to Henry McDonald Mitchell Jr. sent shock waves through the room as laughter mixed with amazement."
"And they called his name Obed: he is the father of Jesse, the father of David."
"Using DNA databases, we can find living relatives and ancient ancestors from all around the world."
"Your last name comes from what your ancestor used to do back in the day."
"And after some days my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech, And she became pregnant by him and bore a son."
"Americans are always trying to find out if they're related to someone in Europe, if they were Dukes or Kings or something."
"I discovered a bunch of new relatives and even learned that my great grandmother was born just a state away in Asheville, North Carolina."
"This is a family favorite picture, my paternal grandfather Private George Alexander Downey."
"The secret vault is the world's largest compilation of genealogical Records ever to exist."
"Genealogy is better than cotton candy on top of a fountain of chocolate. You'd never believe who it says I'm related to!"
"If your mother is Jewish, you're considered Jewish. And you could actually track the DNA and everything else like that."
"When I come to England in the future, I want to go there and research a lot of my family history there and go by that cemetery where I know my fourth great grandparents are buried."
"This is just an amazing revolution in archaeology. We can now go into a cemetery and we can say this grave is the daughter of the person in this grave."
"The thing that blew my mind was finding these unknown family members with pictures and even work records dating back all the way to the 17th Century."
"So, for a guy who died, who was born in 1805, died in 1844, how does he still have living true great-grandchildren close to two centuries later? Right?"
"I'm white as can be, so I ordered the kit and found four half-sisters."
"Genealogy is a big part of what the church does."
"This person is the first person, if we all trace our family tree back, it would be the first person who's related to everyone in the present day."
"We're not just, we don't just have separate family trees. If we look at our family trees, we are far more connected than you think."
"Apparently, everyone in the world is somehow related to Genghis Khan, so I'm just here to visit family, hello cousins."
"Jesus had the genes of Abraham, the genes of David, and everybody from them all the way down to Mary and Joseph."
"You want to learn about your family, the best way to do is the first and foremost, you go to your mom, ask her every single thing about your family you know."
"This means that each individual's DNA trace gives us information about all their thousands of genealogical ancestors. This is an incredibly powerful tool in helping us to understand who we are and how we got here."
"Genealogy helps you find a connection to your past and to your ancestors. And you feel like you're a part of history."
"The presence of this extended genealogy that Luke provides underscores in red Luke's concern that the history and the account that he has given is not of a mythological figure."
"The DNA detectives is proving that we all have links hidden in our blood to places and people we could never have imagined."
"These were all the sons of David besides the sons of the concubines."
"Verse 8: 'Kush fathered Nimrod. He was the first on Earth to be a mighty man, a mighty hunter before the Lord.'"
"It's clear that we're going to begin to tease out how people are related to each other and it's something that really is only possible with very large sample sizes high quality data and new sampling strategies."
"Mary's genealogy traces back all the way to David, bypassing Solomon and Jeconiah."
"My brother's oldest daughter, Renee, came with us and um previous to that we had met a man who came from Rexingen, which is where my parent, my mother came from."
"If you've got DNA, you need to find the humans who DNA that belongs to. Have they done that?"
"We're hoping that eventually we can find some of the individuals. How cool would that be if you're sitting there in Germany and they go, 'Hey, we found your great-great-great-great-great-grandpa in Jersey'?"
"How did Jesus's lineage go back to David? Because his family tree comes from the blood of line of David which family tree."
"The bulk of the African American gene pool comes from West and Central Africa."
"His entire family tree traced back to a single couple, Philip and Joanna of Castile, who lived in the 16th century."
"Documentation is important to remember that while birth, marriage, and death information is important to your application, it is the connection between the generations that's the most important."
"Naturalization documents can be a very rich source of information about where your ancestor came from."
"Probate records are critical to confirm relationships, especially to discover and confirm maiden names and to find lists of children."
"Exploring your family history is pretty fun."
"Timelines also help me see family movement and so not only as am I looking at where somebody was in a point of time like in a census record or any other record it helps me recognize when a family is moving."
"You do family history and temple work and spend time learning their story, and you're probably going to find that their story becomes a little more clear as you see your own story unfolding in life."
"You're 100% correct um I found a book I found a book I was looking online and a uh Maritime book seller had a book of um printed about now I'm guessing here about 1910 filled with photographs of the descendants of Fletcher Christian on pit Karen Island."
"So, one might be justified in suggesting that this is problematic. If the Nephilim were wiped out at the flood, how is it that their descendants somehow lived on in these other groups later in history?"
"This fourth generation is very important because from these people you get some of the most important names throughout the Pacific."
"It was like solving a puzzle, connecting the dots between different individuals and their genetic ties."
"With this, Moore knew she had finally found the missing link to the family tree."
"Jesus had to come just like us, traveling through 42 generations to get here."
"Jesus, the son of Abraham, the son of David, came down through 42 generations."
"Use logic and reasoning. So often in genealogy, we forget the logical part of things."
"Every clue is a step toward the answer. Some clues are big, some clues are small, but everything you learn about a John Smith in the same time period as your ancestor puts you one step further to telling who your John Smith is."
"Using the shared matches tool on a match gives you a shared matches list."
"They're your target group. They are the people that are holding the answer to your brick wall."
"...to help you find the best mystery matches within your DNA match list that are going to help you answer your question."
"...the superpowers of the shared matches tool are to first help us identify international ancestors, second spot discrepancies in our family trees, and third they can reveal endogamy."
"Full trees are pretty easy because hey, there's the common ancestor, it's right there."
"There's even a yDNA family project for the spear surname, so if you have a surname you want to research you can go to the FamilyTreeDNA website and see if there's already a yDNA family project for your surname."
"Just as if you're doing research, what we call traditional paper trail research, you have to start with a research goal. If you don't start with a research goal, you're kind of unfocused, you don't really know what you want, you don't know what you're looking for."
"If you have really clear family history goals, then when you come to an event like Roots Tech you know exactly what kinds of classes you're looking for."
"Thanks to the discovery of DNA and genealogy, more cases than ever before are finally being solved."
"DNA is a fantastic method for descendancy research absolutely."
"We ought to be able to come up with like some kind of method that would help every genealogist every time in every situation become unstuck."
"Identify the nuggets, so of all the information you've gathered, what is going to be the most valuable for your specific research goal and pull out those nuggets."
"Mapping doesn't take long but it requires you asking these two questions: what records exist and where can I find them?"
"What's striking is that the genealogy of Luke actually doesn't even stop with Adam for it continues all the way back to God himself."
"This is just a quick entry just to kind of show you an example this is from the Genealogical Dictionary of Maine in New Hampshire this is for the Dearborn family."
"No matter what time of day it is for you, you can come and bring your favorite beverage and join us here for a conversation about our favorite topic, which is of course, family history."
"Really smart genealogists have so much to share and so many of the strategies and methodologies for genealogical research are applicable across the board."
"So grab your tea and your bonnet and let's head back to the 1600s with Lindsey Fulton."
"...uh, 17th century New England is the most looked at people in terms of genealogy."
"That's actually really encouraging because many people, I think, will shy from colonial research, that era thinking, 'Oh, there just must not be much.' But like you just said, it's the most researched time frame, so that's great."
"Don't reinvent the wheel. You know, don't drive yourself crazy trying to trying to find all this information on your own. You have to stand on the shoulders of those that have come before you."
"So, always look at it with a little bit of hesitation because there's always possibilities that mistakes were made. But at least, take a peek at what's already been done first. That's so important."
"The impact of your work in genealogy might just be much greater than you think. Thank you."
"DNA testing is amazing. Every time I identify a match it feels like my ancestors are raising their hands and greeting me."
"To someone, a simple record could be that long searched-for answer, that clue to who they are or that undeniable hope for healing."
"It's natural for a person to want to know about their biological roots."
"Genealogy is the highest form of spirituality."
"I have really tried to keep the branches quite direct and straightforward."
"Family tree research is never complete, so I'm going to come across something in the future that I'm going to be really excited to put in this folder."
"Ladies and gentlemen, did you hear that sound? It was the sound of a family tree being changed."
"These are the generations of... an important expression because actually the book of Genesis gives the families."
"Apply a four-step approach to advance your research: creating a family tree, talking with family members, extending your family history with genealogical research, and using the power of DNA testing to discover your family history."
"The more manuscripts that we have, the more we can start tracing the genealogical relationship among these manuscripts."
"In just a few hours I was able to build my family tree back to my great great great great great great grandfather and grandmother."
"The records created at the time that person died ironically tend to be very illuminating about where they came from in Ireland."
"To be successful in Irish immigrant research and tracing your Irish origins, you're very likely going to have to expand your mind beyond just looking at your direct ancestors."
"The townland is the smallest official government jurisdiction in Ireland; it's your rural address in Ireland and it's what we're really looking for for most immigrants as their townland."
"Church registers become extremely important for Irish immigrant research not only because they can tell you specific places in Ireland that your ancestor might have come from, but because they're going to give you witnesses to marriages and sponsors to baptisms."
"This isn't a novelty, this isn't just nice to know, this is a need to know."
"Enoch is the seventh generation from Adam."
"The opening title sequence depicts the Targaryen family tree flowing on Valyria's model of Old Valyria."
"These are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth."
"The four women that are named by Matthew in the genealogy of Christ are four of what we would choose to be most unlikely candidates to be in that line that would bring forth the Savior to the world."
"Who you are isn't defined by your genes or your parents, only you get to decide who you are."
"The more recent your common ancestor, the more related you are."
"It's such a cool way to do a family tree that is not typical."
"The power of genealogy to connect us to our past can be personally transformative."
"Genetic genealogy allows us to look back thousands of years to discover our guests' deepest origins."
"If you have any Ancestry subscription, you get the DNA tools for free."
"With him for sire and her for dam, what should I be but just what I am."
"Hi, my name is Connie Knox, a lifelong genealogist here to help you go further, faster, and factually with your family history research."
"The whole process here is going to focus our research question down to the line in which we are researching."
"Now we're getting it down a little bit more, then we would prioritize those cousin matches to where we're now getting down to just a focused branch of people that we are working on."
"I promise you, when you start learning to target the ancestors that you want to learn more about, you use your DNA cousins to group to that target."
"I am a lifelong genealogist here to help you go further, faster, and factually with your family research."
"We have some very strong evidence that Gustaf Henry Gustav Henley's father's surname is Davis."
"Knowledge is power, and DNA does not stand alone; you have to use traditional genealogical techniques in combination with the DNA research."
"It's time for you to go find your ancestors, hopefully using both traditional genealogical research and some DNA techniques as well."
"Keep on climbing your family tree."
"One of the things about genealogy is that it's a great place to continually be learning."
"It keeps me moving, it keeps my brain working, and I love that about genealogy."
"Genealogy is changing so much, there's so much to learn."
"I'm constantly learning something new and failing occasionally at it."
"I work on my own family tree, talking about different things like DNA results and finding DNA matches in my tree."
"Dealing with some of my brick walls because I have them too."
"I'm going to pull somebody out of the census and we're going to build their tree."
"Sometimes we need to build another tree or sometimes we want to kind of restart our tree."
"We're going to start today building a tree like a clean tree."
"I'm here to help you take your genealogy to the next level."