
Content Impact Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"The choices you make in content creation, the stories you choose to amplify have a ripple effect that extends far beyond the boundaries of your channel."
"People watch two minutes, they watch 30 seconds, whatever our numbers on this thing, something like 75% of the people watch the full hour and a half."
"Earned media is an incredibly powerful tool."
"869 videos over half a billion views 3 million subscribers you know if you take the total number of video views you divide that by the total number of videos the average video doing over 600 000 views."
"Your channel and content have helped me through some dark times."
"If you get a million views of video not all million are hardcore fans but there are going to be hardcore fans as a subsection and the bigger the gross number assuming content doesn't suck the bigger the dedicated."
"People take things too seriously but you're also, like, you can tell by your views, you're killing it, people are loving it, like, you guys are."
"It's good to see that his content makes people challenge themselves that much."
"A photo's worth a thousand words, what's the video worth?"
"Every new set of eyes is an opportunity to help a video get a bigger boost in the algorithm."
"Negative engagement on a video is as valuable as positive engagement."
"If just one of you comments that this helped you, then it will have been for something."
"Shout out to everyone who checked out my last video, 120,000 plus on the last two videos I've done."
"Content creators showcasing high damage numbers with powerful constellations influence player spending."
"SAO both benefited from, and helped spur on the service's growth."
"Content consume what makes you happy, what makes your life better."
"Your content has helped me become a little bit less depressed and more motivated to live."
"The very first day I watched your video, I'm like nah, I need to go to the viewers like I need to take my journey seriously."
"If the viewer wants to watch the original after watching the reaction, it's beneficial. But if not, then it's damaging."
"People are scrolling past a hundred tweets a minute. You need something that's gonna make them stop. So putting something sparkly on their timeline is gonna make them pause and read what's attached to it."
"If you're able to get 200 000 people to watch 30 20 minutes of a video what the [ __ ] if you get a million people to watch you for 30 seconds come on it's different it's different it's not gonna hit the same."
"It's given them some kind of extra steam... it's inarguable that they did get a little extra audience that has now stuck around."
"Tucker Carlson is back at it again, dropping absolutely thermonuclear content on the internet tonight."
"This clip ended up getting more exposure than anything else I've done on my channel."
"Understanding your audience's problems and ambitions to the greater degree that you can do that, to the greater degree of impact that you will have."
"It's also gonna make the page load way way way faster some of my most successful posts ever."
"The videos that have ended up making the biggest impact on my channel were the ones that no one else had ever created."
"YouTube has been changing, and in the last few months, the algorithm has changed significantly for the worst."
"Once something's on social media it's in a sense it's there forever."
"Your reviews are so important in helping us grow our audience so that we can help more people live healthier, longer, and happier lives."
"That is nuts to me that people actually sat through and watched that whole thing."
"Whenever I would put out content that was related to making money, that video would always be like a top three out of the last 10."
"Retention doesn't matter as much as people think it does... it's just viewer satisfaction, it can't just be retention, you know."
"150,000 people watched that video during just the course of this stream, and that's mind-boggling to me."
"Millions and millions and millions of dollars have been gotten by viewers of this channel."
"Your content means to me... it helps me with my anxiety."
"Reading this and seeing what has happened honestly, I do feel very appreciative."
"In terms of milestones, when you're building a channel especially from your shed, to think that when you livestream, I mean, you've had how many? Twelve thousand people at one time watching, that would put me to decent football stadiums, I think."
"I've been going through a rough time and you always cheer me up."
"If that intro gave you goosebumps let me know by hitting that like button."
"It's not even the shock content you have to worry about, it's the psychological training of kids."
"Past streams do not impact the visibility of future streams."
"Whether or not Dankela is genuinely right-wing himself doesn't really matter. What matters is what kind of audience this content is going to resonate the most with."
"That's the only way it's going to work is she just loses subscribers and loses views that's the only way it's going to work."
"Knowing that you helped someone get through the day or made someone feel better... I'm really thankful that you guys are enjoying my content and you're having a good time."
"Your content helped me through a rough part of my life."
"It's just weird to think about how many people are watching. That's the point I was trying to get at."
"Honestly, if I have 1,500 subscribers and I wake up to a video with 5,000 views, you are doing something so good."
"If anything that I am producing or any content in general that you are consuming is hindering your life, your happiness, and your mental health, it's not worth consuming."
"I want my viewers to feel good when they leave my content."
"Wow, this was deep. Thank you so much for watching."
"In the last two weeks, the average viewer of this channel has gotten five to six thousand dollars of hard cold cash in their hands."
"If my content is reaching them, that's huge success for me."
"And if it mattered to you for a good thing, I appreciate you and thank you for watching."
"Our clients on average experience a 300% increase in sales after three months after uploading our content."
"I'm so happy that my content has done that for you and hopefully a lot of other people."
"I take that very seriously, and I'm grateful."
"If one person watching this video gets something out of it, then that would be enough for me."
"I have hundreds and hundreds of testimonials of guys who say, 'Hey, your content really made my life better'."
"I love hearing that because you were confirming to me that my videos are doing their job."
"The impact on your channel from making content should be that people watch it and enjoy it."
"I never would have thought that my content would be watched all over the world the way it is."