
Commemoration Quotes

There are 617 quotes

"We commemorate the Busby babes and what was without doubt the biggest tragedy in our history."
"The power to help us remember, grieve, and celebrate."
"When a couple meets on campus and falls in love, they nail their shoes to the tree and write their names and anniversary on them."
"A statue...captures a person frozen in time while at the same time acknowledges that the reason there is a statue in the first place is because that person is timeless."
"The Centenario, named to celebrate what would have been Ferruccio Lamborghini's 100th birthday."
"We need to preserve history... we need to commemorate important ideas because somebody is going to come after us and try to erase it."
"MLK day was supposed to be a unifying moment around which all Americans could unify."
"Let's make it grand even for those who have died."
"It's not just enough for America to say that George Floyd's life matters, we have to show it."
"We're trying to raise money for police officers that have died in the line of duty."
"RIP little bird, you'll be in our hearts to the bitter end."
"There is also an annual celebration of her life in the cathedral every 29th of January to mark the anniversary of her internment."
"Veterans Day commemorates the men and women who served in America's armed forces."
"Rachel's family ended up creating the Rachel Morningstar Foundation."
"Presidents Obama and Biden together again to commemorate the 12th anniversary of their landmark health care law, the Affordable Care Act."
"She gave too much, and cared too deeply for us not to honor her memory with action."
"A significant moment and one I think it's right that we mark."
"It's called Burns night and is named after Robert Burns, Scotland's national poet."
"November 5th should be National Reparations Day."
"We pray for fun in the spirit of competition and we also pray that we remember the meaning of this day."
"But my friends, we are here today to commemorate, right? This isn't a death, this isn't... well, no, it isn't a sad time. We are celebrating."
"Huge shout outs over time for honoring Dr. King's legacy."
"March 26th, which could be tomorrow depending on when you're seeing this, uh, has been declared Leonard Nimoy day in Boston in recreation of the Boston-born Spock actor."
"The man got mad love in life and was shown mad love in death."
"They had FBG Duck death parties, that's how much it meant to them."
"One Piece Chapter 1000 commemoration special project."
"Stories like this deserve to be remembered, and people like Ava deserve to be talked about."
"You just don't get much sadder than this, rest in peace Jacqueline Avon 81 years old"
"All students who died in the shooting would be granted degrees in their fields."
"We can't let these individuals who lost their lives be forgotten."
"I definitely don't want these events to be forgotten... remembering the lives that were lost."
"Shadow Bane might be dead and gone but its legacy lives on for all of us to feel and see."
"This is about Unity, the United States, and us coming together to mourn those who died."
"My sincere condolences go out to everyone affected by the events of 9/11. Researching for this video has been emotional and I'm deeply sorry for your loss."
"Juneteenth is a moment to commemorate and remember the resilience of our people."
"He signs also for all those who ever marched with him and fell at a hundred barricades, who died for all of us that with peace we may build a wiser world."
"On the one-year anniversary of the disaster, a passing train dropped 85 roses on the spot, one for each victim of the crash."
"This is history, family. These images are going to be around for the next well 500 years, family that will forever, these pictures are going to be around forever."
"In the aftermath, a statue of Foster as the Mighty Thor was erected in New Asgard."
"It was a sad but a very proud night for all of us here."
"The Queen's Green Canopy... plant a tree for the Jubilee!"
"Yesterday the country paused to remember how Rosa Parks refused to move."
"Saint Nicholas, beloved in his life, after he died on the 6th of December 343 CE, people would honor his memory."
"I might go Thursday night to the 58th anniversary of the Comedy Store."
"Their monument does not merely commemorate the sacrifice... It contains him. It is him."
"The world is a little less bright without her words."
"Luca's out here changing lives...July 6th is officially declared Luka doncic day."
"Your show was a very commendable, compassionate, astute, and eloquent recap of a life well-lived yet taken too soon."
"Tonight's events will highlight the magnitude of loss that this milestone marks for the American people."
"The rocket also includes dedications to teammates who are no longer with us."
"What this MOC is commemorating is the fact that we have been able to go back after peace is taking place in Vietnam."
"That's what people are telling us here. They want to celebrate George Floyd's life and look ahead to reimaging what America will be and what changes he will bring."
"The legacy of People's Temple is, and I quote, to cherish the people and remember the goodness that brought us together."
"Italy is celebrating Dante's work and heritage on the 700th anniversary of his death."
"That day we saved 20,000 people, and I think that's what we have to remember." - Fire Chief Joseph Pfeiffer
"The world is stopping to remember a woman who changed her country and the monarchy forever."
"This is a time for rejoicing, but it is also a time for us to remember the fallen."
"The queen was a life well lived, a promise with destiny kept."
"Sirens blared across Israel and the country came to a standstill earlier this morning for Holocaust Remembrance Day."
"Hopefully I pronounced her name right and rest in peace to her."
"He marked the occasion with a huge military parade."
"It's just a beautiful way to commemorate that."
"January 6 will forever be associated with one of the darkest days of American history however I'm so grateful to President Biden that on January 6 2023 two years after the Insurrection at the U.S Capitol he presented us with does metal."
"President Biden today marked what he called a tragic milestone. 1 million American lives lost to COVID-19."
"Placing this on a coin is in a way trying to canonize or codify an image or a concept."
"My issue is he's a soldier. He died a soldier and he deserves to be treated like one. Not just thrown away and forgotten." - Kim Waddell
"They gave Dr. King a holiday, but they gave Malcolm X a stamp."
"His passing on February 8, 2023, is a great loss to the music industry."
"The national day for Truth and Reconciliation... that is powerful."
"They really were giants. We need statues for these players."
"Memory... there's no better way in my view than a statue."
"This is a memorial to celebrate the Soviet space dogs and their contribution to the space race and space information in general."
"At Catherine's funeral, she would have so many people there that there was barely standing room."
"Colonel Fisher would pass away on the 16th of August 2014 at the age of 87 as one of the most decorated pilots of all time."
"My sister died six years ago. I've never been able to physically show her a tattoo to get her approval."
"The Morse code train station in New Orleans Square plays the first two sentences from Walt Disney's opening day speech of July 17th in 1955."
"Interesting the next one would be in June dedicated to D-Day wow an 80 anniversary that's actually happening this year..."
"We have literally found the world's greatest dustbin. Get a statue, build a statue, build a statue, build a statue outside Old Trafford for Antonio Conte, Fellaini, Lukaku, Young, and now Sanchez gone."
"It would be a real testament to his memory to get the left back together."
"Respect and love to all of those who have fought, laid down their lives for their country."
"Veterans Day honors those who serve, who live."
"McKenna Lee was a good commander and a good soldier. We honor his memory today. So say we all."
"The battle for your brain is a great book you should read."
"My friends, we co to celebrate an extraordinary man."
"He lived a productive full 88 years. What a life."
"No verdict can bring George Perry Floyd back to us, but this verdict does give a message to his family that his life mattered."
"Let George know that his name is going down in history. He will now be a figure that we will take the knees off our necks."
"The campaign that followed was a long and bloody one and made martyrs and saints beyond count." - Caption Narrator
"Andrew Telfer would like to use his shout-out to take a moment of silence for all of the things that have been cut open and destroyed by What's Inside."
"It's still a big tentpole Marvel event film but it's wrapped in this love letter to Chadwick Boseman."
"This court honors your loss, honors the people who died."
"Challenger in my mind it Reigns Supreme because all these other shows everybody likes Discovery latest Endeavor they could all look the Challenger for the blueprint also of note today is 42 years to the day since the first flight of sts-1."
"We are celebrating 2,500 years from the historic battles of Thermopylae and Solomons."
"We remember not just our own fallen, but all those who've ever served."
"Though he never quite got to see a Pluto bound spacecraft realized part of his being has now been closer to the world than any other piece of humanity."
"Them standing there together unveiling a statue, not being able to build a bridge would be the saddest thing." - Amanda Ellis
"2019 is going to be very important... these anniversaries are important to remind people of how we've built on the shoulders of giants."
"Let's leave a red heart in the comments for both Brinley and Connor whose life was allegedly taken away way too young."
"I think it's much more likely to be a mausoleum. A mausoleum is a place that's dedicated to the memory of a deceased person."
"Celebrating the continuation of the Brock Yates legacy."
"It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced."
"Unlike real-time ray tracing, our merch actually exists to commemorate the most memorable quote of the year."
"We want to make sure that we're honoring people."
"Let's do that, all right? Rest in peace, DMX."
"I think we're thinking carefully at the moment about how we can mark the anniversary..."
"She was given to us one moment in time and the moment that she was given to us she gave her best."
"This fight is for you, from me, for America... September 11th, 20-year anniversary, first responders, firemen, please thank you for everything you do for us, for this country." - Tito Ortiz
"People in that moment wanted to talk about Kevin Samuels and wanted to cherish what he was to the community while he was alive."
"Each one had a story, a story that deserves to be remembered."
"I never would imagine... to commemorate the time that they themselves spent locked up..."
"It's important to think about... it's not a celebration, it's a commemoration."
"Pilots, the crew, and the passengers of ifo 21 who paid the ultimate price for oversights made by the 86th airlift command."
"I have asked this emblem should be known as the Elizabeth Cross. This seems to me a right and proper way of showing our enduring debt to those who are killed while actively protecting what is most dear to us all."
"The golden statue was erected in their honor. It was so huge, tremendous."
"California’s Governor issued a proclamation for a Steve Jobs Day to be celebrated."
"We still honor them to this day as they should."
"The museum's founder Sir Alfred Mann said that it was hoped that the collection would be so complete that everyone who took part in the war no matter how obscurely would find therein some example of the sacrifice that he or she made."
"When we feel like we've done something that is worth celebrating, we sometimes immortalize it onto a special poster."
"The name Alexander the Second, Tsar Liberator, is still commemorated during each service in every Bulgarian Church."
"Legacy of the '99ers and the 20th anniversary celebration."
"Not as many cases of seppuku nowadays, but people still turn up to help commemorate the tale of the 47 ronin."
"Sometimes we will wear this watch to commemorate that memory."
"I flew it from the exact same spot exactly a hundred years after he did."
"We're here today in Dorset where roughly 70 to 80 genuine World War II vehicles have come to form what could be the last convoy of its kind to commemorate events in this village 78 years ago before D-Day."
"The journey towards the creation of these commemorative coins began with the establishment of the American Revolutionary Bicentennial Commission in the year 1966."
"This Monday, Memorial Day, marks the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre, one of the single greatest acts of racist terror in U.S. history."
"Terry passed away on August 23rd, 2023, at the age of 79."
"This is the moment that we'll remember that the journey began with you."
"The commemorative order of St Thomas of Aon seeks to commemorate and recreate the spirit of the ancient military and religious orders."
"Magic Kingdom Park is a tribute to love and dedication displayed before you for 50 years, proving that just because you are gone does not mean that you will be soon forgotten."
"Abraham Lincoln and the term of Gettysburg would be forever associated in world history with the enduring acclaim of the two minute speech"
"Every third Monday of January is celebrated as Martin Luther King Jr. Day."
"It's very important that they are commemorated and their service is not forgotten."
"Approximately one year after the murders of the Short family, a bridge was renamed in Jennifer's honor."
"She was last seen on Mother's Day, May 10, 2009."
"And more than 75 years later, is truly worthy of our remembrance."
"It was exactly what everyone needed, for the kids, and for the memory of my father."
"As both a commemoration for its victims and as a warning to future generations."
"It's too late for that. But in memory of the countless victims among your people, I ask us to observe three minutes of silence."
"Hundreds of mourners clap, cheer, and cry as they release festivals of white balloons Into the Blue Sky."
"This display here is consisting of every single one of the factory employees who have sealed away a message inside of the Lego suitcase piece to be opened in 10 years in 2032."
"May 21 is still mourned by the Circassians as the day of Tsitsekun - the Circassian Genocide."
"Passover is a celebration of freedom."
"We have to fight; Passover is the season of freedom."
"I flew that flag for him and had a plaque made out of it and gave it to him, he still got it in store."
"April 8th as Rex Manning day has some significance, they chose that day because that was the day Kurt Cobain was found."
"The $100 million masterpiece was ordered to commemorate the FIFA World Cup in Qatar in 2022."
"It was in some ways the most thrilling, it might have been their most terrifying, the most meaningful, whatever it was. They still get together 60 years after the fact to commemorate it."
"There are a lot of things we can do both to commemorate the moment but to contemplate what the moment means."
"It's literally supposed to commemorate love, you get it? So I feel it's worth celebrating."
"All the buses gave trouble-free running and proudly carried GB plates and commemorative notices for many years afterwards."
"Beautiful watch to commemorate a fortieth... can't get much better than that."
"Certainly the ultimate goal is to take this airplane back to D-Day, to the coast of France in 2019 for the 75th anniversary of the invasion."
"The idea was a solid gold commemorative piece of the achievements and successes that you've had in your life that are unique to you."
"Well for me on remember's that you know I like to commemorate the thousands of soldiers that lost their life over the history but personally I lost many friends through this Afghan war and I will definitely be thinking about them."
"It is considered to be the beginning of a national consciousness for both Australia and New Zealand."
"It surely would have gone unmarked had it not been for those former slaves who were under that balcony on June 18th, 1865 and who kindled that flame and kept it alive."
"So, if this was in May in 2023, it's going to be in June in 2024. So, Jerusalem Day is an Israeli national holiday that commemorates the reunification of East and West Jerusalem during the Six-Day War in 1967."
"This special tribute Edition is a commemoration of the original Broncos in the 1960s with the paint styling cues taken from a condiment section."
"Whenever we commemorate the Civil War, we commemorate the revolution."
"...on this 60th anniversary of her passing, let's remember Marilyn alive."
"What are the Hunger Games for? Commemorate the end of the war, commemorate the dull, dull, dull."
"They've held many vigils, they do memorials."
"It's incredible when we used to commemorate things, how much effort and time we put in."
"She is such a tremendous part of our history."
"The gods knew this was a day that would live forever."
"Let's do it in memory of everyone who got us here."
"Well, you can tell it's special because it says 10th anniversary on the doors and on the badge and you get this orange stitching and solar Orange which I kind of really dig actually."
"It's great to see we've captured a piece of history."
"To this very day, Fun Man Yi's memory is kept alive every year when citizens of Hong Kong celebrate her life on her birthday with a candlelight vigil in the center of the city."
"Juneteenth made a national health day."
"Tulsa's Black community is not celebrating the centennial of the massacre; they are mourning the loss of their community and the loss of opportunity."
"We did something really good, I never want you to forget that."
"It is the carnage at Gettysburg... that forced the United States Government to create the first national cemetery."
"A remarkable thing occurred at Yankee Stadium a few years ago where they commemorated the perfect game and they reenacted the last pitch and Don threw it and you caught it and then you go upstairs and David Cohn goes and throws a perfect game."
"The idea of the Unknown Soldier came to an army chaplain David ralton who had served on the front line during the Great War."
"It was September 29th, the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, the protector and guide of War Fighters since time Memorial."
"...the Triumph of human hope is remembered every year at Granville."
"Every man who went, every man who lost their life, so phenomenal, the sacrifices that everyone made."
"This is a day we shall never forget. God bless us all."
"This may be the most beautiful Jesus Omega has ever released, especially on the bracelet created to commemorate the member in Olympic Games in 1956."
"Come to Gettysburg and meet more even more soldiers with these incredible stories to tell us and enjoy your visit and reflect upon what you learn here."
"Healing, reconciliation, closure, and peace over two weeks in Vietnam on a historic honor flight."
"Before arriving in Vietnam, Old Glory Honor Flight gave each veteran one mission to take a specially created military challenge coin and place it somewhere in the country."
"The captured Japanese airstrip is named Henderson field for major Lofton Henderson, a marine aviator who lost his life defending Midway Island."
"It is more befitting for us to fast on the tenth of Muharram to commemorate the legacy of Musa alayhi salaam."
"I just think this is such a fun way to commemorate travels."
"The city of Macon honored its native son by unveiling a memorial statue."
"400 years ago, the travelers on the Mayflower set foot on what is now Provincetown... Tonight our focus is on those who arrived on the Mayflower."
"A good statue will live on for generations, it will keep your story alive."
"I survived 2023, we should make a t-shirt."
"It's not just one moment in time being remembered today, but many."
"President Woodrow Wilson declared November 11, 1919, as the first national commemoration of Armistice Day."
"In 1954, President Eisenhower signed legislation formally establishing November 11th as Veterans Day in America."
"How does your series stand out from others? It could not only just be through WEBTOON but just like the style of writing in general."
"The Soviet Memorial stands as a central monument to the victims of war and tyranny."
"To commemorate the spirit of the Easter season."
"The Passover Memorial commemorates the event when God passed over the houses covered by the blood of the Lamb."
"On the 17th of July 1998 80 years to the day of the murders The Remains were interned in Saint Catherine Chapel at the Peter and Paul cathedral in Saint Petersburg."