
Career Options Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"I want every little girl to think that she has the option to work in venture, not necessarily go into it, but have the option to."
"I think that is a mistake to cancel it. I think, you know, the more options talented players have to get to their dream, the better."
"He's sick of looking at me and all that listen I'm not just saying it this kid works his butt off to achieve where he's not today he don't need boxing this like he's got all the revenues to go down but he loves this."
"That's the thing, for everyone thinking 'yeah, but they could all just go to AEW,' it's not that easy."
"All options are on the table for Tom Brady, he's got to feel damn good."
"If I can't get into IITs at least I can get into management, right?"
"You can be a CEO, you can be a scientist, you can be a doctor."
"Just because you went to medical school, law school, or no school, it doesn't limit you from trying other paths."
"We got a bunch of options here, so we got chef, hunter, or security."
"This is really where your eyes open to understand that at some point I don't have to put in all this footwork but I have to get there in order to start experiencing it."
"I kind of suit that actually, I think that's a viable option. I would say scientist looks pretty good on me."
"Certifications man... the person that doesn't have a degree and got a certification in cybersecurity makes well more than anyone else."
"Dexter had options, career paths that could have ensured Dexter Morgan became one of the most effective and respected investigators to ever live."
"So, we are now introducing the freelancer career. It is a new style of career and we are launching with three freelancers."
"I can do anything okay. I can be a famous writer, producer, actor, director, dancer, crab fisherman."
"There's always a choice. If Chris Evans can be in two Marvel properties, so can you."
"How much we didn't grow up with entrepreneurship being an option?"
"There's so many underlines of things you can do to still be involved with music and actually pay your bills."
"There are many jobs and opportunities out there that you don't need a degree for."
"College path is just one of the paths it's not a necessary path it's just one of them especially for CS employers really don't care that much whether or not you have a CS degree they want to see proof that you know what you say you know."
"So I'm looking into options for doing something remote and also part-time."
"It's great that there's another option especially for wrestlers who want healthier schedules or better pay or just another option."
"The sheer magnitude of job options left Braceria in a state of awe."
"Do you guys want me to play for the Steelers for at least one season and then leave after that, or do you guys want me to retire?"
"There's just different lanes of Tory and you know no pun intended but there's just different lanes that I could take it and I take it through so many different lanes but it's still authentically Tory."
"There's no experience like being a founder, but you can also have the confidence that if all failed, you could go back and get another professor job."
"It's almost like you're thinking, well, what else can we do with him? You know, can he be a commentator? Would he want to? I don't know."
"When you say you're a data scientist, you can do so many different things."
"Another great way to make money in Vietnam is either you're an entrepreneur or an executive or a position of both."
"Another way to make money is being a high skilled Workforce such as a pilot."
"And if I decide to not do this as a career, well, there's still money to be made on the side working on your buddies' airplanes at the airport."
"You have more opportunities than just being a regular psychologist."
"If all you feel like you can do is be a rapper or a ballplayer, and that's what I think is so great about what Cudi said, is it kind of lets you know that there are other options out there."
"Personal skills play a crucial role making fields like sales, marketing, and teaching viable options."
"Like most engineering fields, electrical engineering is hugely broad and you could work in multiple different industries or sectors."
"You're going to have a number of options to choose from; the job market is very very variable."
"It's never going to be too risky, and you do have a lot of different choices and different options outside of this degree when you graduate."
"You could be a doctor, a lawyer, get your master's, you could be a journalist, a fireman, a pastor."
"If you don't want to climb ladders, then I would say there's going to be a ton of desk opportunities."
"Business is very broad; you can literally go into anything if you major in business."
"If you are looking for more flexibility, the ability to set your own schedule, to make as much or as little money as you wish, these are a bunch of jobs that a lot of you guys will be interested in."
"Just because you study history does not mean you have to become a teacher, does not mean you have to go to graduate school, there's plenty that you can do outside of academia and outside of teaching."
"I could still go back to Medicine if I really wanted to."
"You are the child of Nigerian immigrants, so your options are doctor, lawyer, or engineer."
"If you specifically want to work on social, then you can look for CSR as one of the career options."
"You can do almost anything with a chemical engineering degree."
"It's very broad. Civil engineers can work anywhere and with anything."
"Is this an organization where I can actually grow and not only go vertically growth, but explore things and have different options?"
"H4 has a lot more freedom, guys. People can work as in flipping a burger in McDonald's, they can be a Microsoft CEO."
"You can flip a burger in McDonald's, you can own McDonald's, you can be a Microsoft CEO, or you can do any business."
"There's a lot of opportunities and options as a PA as far as what medical field you want to go into."
"Career-wise, women have more options because they tend to be better educated."