
Social Conformity Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"I wasn't okay with it and I knew that there were some people who weren't okay with it in private."
"Sometimes we mask so much that we forget how to just be ourselves or who ourselves is because we've been cutting off little pieces of ourselves for so long to fit in."
"It's a little risky, not everyone's gonna bite me, but I'd I need it, I need to try and keep up with everybody."
"Realizing that you don't have to dance the same dance that everyone is around you."
"Most people just want to fit in. Yes, you want to settle in and fit in and feel like a part of something."
"I just so desperately wanted to be like the girls that I saw at school."
"It's almost like it's like some kind of weird counting heads phase you must come out and bend the knee to what we say chill dude."
"If you're not gonna burn bridges, you're just gonna be a [ __ ] trying to fit in."
"It's safer to repeat a falsity than to say something true that could get you in trouble."
"They walk hand in hand with the world because they're afraid to be looked at as the odd one. That's right. Don't you know if you got a mind to walk with God, the Bible calls you a peculiar people. That's right."
"Everyone around me, like, hated the color pink, and like, didn't like anything that was popular. And it's like, you like Hannah Montana? That show's for babies."
"So many people just want to be told what to do and follow the herd."
"I don't understand how there is such a degree of conformity and you're now seeing... they're literally pretending that it didn't happen."
"What they want is not really equality, it's some sort of conformity."
"I feel like we in such a time where it's like if one girl have a bag everybody got the same bag and everybody got the same outfit on but you have such a personal style."
"Asking questions shouldn't be something that is considered a negative and that it is really like you don't want to be a sheep because if you're a sheep you're going to be put out to pasture probably sooner than you're ready."
"The false consensus bias... if most people aren't vegan... people want to do what everybody else does."
"Most people don't hold opinions because they were reasoned into them, they hold them for protective coloration."
"This is a story about taking risks, about wanting to stand out while simultaneously wanting to fit in."
"Be yourself in a world of people trying to tell you what to be."
"It's tempting to keep just keep your mouth shut because that's the safe way, but then what if they think I'm in favor of that?"
"The more nonsensical the ideas are, the more they operate like a uniform. If they're everybody, you know you have somebody who's very committed to a cause."
"China is not creating the world's largest and most capable navy simply as a coast guard."
"If you don't fit within that [vocal majority], then you know, let it go."
"You can't stand out and fit in at the same time."
"Social proof says if I don't know what to do in times of uncertainty, I will do what others do."
"If you don't fall in line, you will be canceled."
"Surely that's better than trying to fit in... and trying to appease more people and being that people pleaser."
"A man should never be afraid of speaking his mind even if it goes against the public opinion of the masses. Not adhering to social conformity just because they are becoming trendy is, on the contrary, an act of courage."
"Not adhering to social conformity just because they are becoming trendy is, on the contrary, an act of courage."
"Psychologists generally regard disobedience and resisting pressures to conform and join others in cruelty as two of the most important findings in heroism."
"Courage and things, there's not a lot of it around at the moment because everybody wants to be liked and nobody wants to speak out."
"If you don't conform to popular opinions but ask questions and think for yourself, you get campaigns. Welcome to Twitter."
"Once again, we're seeing if you step out of line in Hollywood, everyone will start to disown you."
"Stop conforming to them and tell them to shut the [ __ ] up and conform to you. Take your power back."
"It meant that if the conditions were contrived just right, people tend to conform to whatever role is given."
"We either learn groupthink or start screaming bloody murder."
"If you don't see me out here making waves, I gotta air about me. I don't play the game the way they want me to."
"If you're not disturbed by this, you are a lemming, you are a coward and a fool."
"We've all pretended to embrace ideas we didn't have or be someone we weren't for the sake of scoring social brownie points."
"The pressure becomes so great to adapt and do what everybody else is doing."
"No fun, no masks, no hats, everyone looks the same. Welcome to 1984."
"It's okay to feel a bit lost and want to fit in, but pretending to have a serious mental condition really isn't the way to go."
"I'm very proud of Pete for going against the crowd and refusing to claim his rewards. That shows a lot of character."
"We don't swerve from the standard to get along with nobody."
"Being a square is probably the most popular thing, the coolest thing that a dude could do, is probably the smartest thing a dude could do today."
"Being yourself is so important in this world, guys, because people are just sheep most of the time."
"Cult-like behavior is you're not allowed to have a thought that goes against the group."
"The enforcement mechanism for progressivism is political correctness."
"Don't let government or corporate wokism bully you into being a sheep."
"All I wanted to do was fit in. And I think a lot of us put up masks to try to fit in and be accepted in society."
"Keeping a secret so you can blend in, it's what a lot of queer people were doing around this time in real life."
"The individual conforms to what the rest of the group is doing despite they know the truth in their head."
"Bandwagon effect: It's the tendency to do things because many other people do the same."
"No one likes to be wrong and no one likes to be ridiculed, so there's not much strain from the herd in today's world."
"All you want to do is fit in, especially in high school. The last thing you want to do is be different than everybody else."
"When everybody's doing something, that is probably a good reason not to [ __ ] do it."
"When nappy didn't make white people happy, our mothers burned our hair."
"Just because everyone's doing it doesn't mean it's okay."
"Here's the moral of the story sweetheart if you're different you're gonna get left behind fit into the crowd and Bully anybody who's different from you"
"I'm just into the individuals... I don't move with the herd."
"I don't need to fit in. Fitting in is being conforming to everyone."
"Don't dim your light. How are you dimming your light in order to fit in?"
"Shaking up the horde mentality is a good thing."
"Most people are trying to fit in most people are trying to get the approval of everyone around them and a lot of people want everyone's approval."
"Nobody's going to like you if you just fit in and act like a sheep."
"When you are trying to hold a story that is violently at odds with the surrounding social beliefs, usually over time you end up kind of gravitating toward the perceptions of the people around you."
"The racism continues because everybody is so racist... somebody who comes in and is not racist, he has to become racist in order to fit in."
"There's no point into doing that because I feel like we've all kind of gone through that before trying to be somebody we're not trying to fit in trying to join this group."
"People conform to social pressure and then themselves pressure other people."
"Internalization is changing your beliefs or your behavior to fit a wider social group because you've internalized those beliefs or those behavioral norms and think genuinely that they are your own."
"Compliance is agreeing with the group externally, while keeping your personal opinions."
"The more that your habits align with the expectations of the tribes that you belong to, the more attractive they are."
"Individuals will conform to a majority even when wrong."
"Conventional confirms rules and follows pleasing others."