
Data Management Quotes

There are 1662 quotes

"We have 10 million doctor profiles out of the 15 million doctors in the world, kept up to date every single day with everything about them, and it's really changing the way the healthcare ecosystem connects with each other."
"We don't want to use all of our data; we want to split it."
"As we manage customer data and as we develop our company's brand, remember we're working to strengthen and grow a relationship."
"It's effectively replication. I can take the data on-premises and replicate that in Azure and keep it up to date."
"One of the questions that a lot of beginners ask me is, 'Maash, how do I save my data in Angular?' Well, you don't."
"Your images need to be kept safe... your images have to be stored in a way that isn't cumbersome... your images have to be accessible."
"The material master is a central data object in the SAP system."
"If you're an accountant, you could tell your clients like, 'Hey, send me your stuff, just make it explode in seven years because I don't need it legally after that time, and I don't want to be holding your data in my storage service.'"
"Relational databases allow you to easily join tables together and combine the data."
"The company information page shows your data and file storage usage, active licenses, and organizational details. It's where you can update address and language preferences."
"We exchanged 43 emails with this data collection company."
"Get in the habit of constantly saving your work."
"...updating data is not the exception in science it's the rule..."
"Always save your project first thing and always save while you go."
"Data is the core of Facebook. It's the one thing that led them to becoming a trillion-dollar company."
"That's how you use and share data between different components using a service file."
"Advent of 5G and connected devices and as customer transactions increase so will the challenge of managing data and getting actionable information in real-time."
"MongoDB is very well suited for handling data with a wide variety of relationships."
"Sorting and filtering are useful when you're doing analysis on a bunch of data."
"Pivot Table is a way to summarize a large group of data."
"You can backup your phone's data and app data onto your computer."
"Sorting and filtering are great things to use the Macro Recorder for."
"A streaming platform serves as the central nervous system for data."
"I always format on the camera to get a very clean starting point."
"In some cases, you may want to quickly identify all the name errors in an Excel worksheet."
"Digitizing operations involves processes, employee empowerment, and data management."
"So you can think of this as a node in a data stream where you can implement policies on how you want to deal with a queue overflow."
"This is like a tiny little difference, but it can save you a lot of data."
"We're even getting the bands that have no album records, which is what we want when we run this query."
"You can also filter tables as well, for instance, to see only the Oscar-winning films."
"Opening and closing the record set is just as simple as opening and closing a connection."
"Direct storage is for allowing your GPU access to your storage um it's not like uh it's not like a GPU accelerated raid or anything like that."
"What if you had added education after you already had real data in there?"
"The more I/O bandwidth we have, the more that you'll be able to stream in that detail without noticing the difference."
"Power Query memorizes all of these steps for importing, transforming, and cleaning, whether we add new files or need to come back here later."
"Forget the fries, NVIE Lab is using AI to serve up a tide of data with your meal..."
"It's very important that you know what the nature of the data you are expecting is."
"If your data set is pretty small it's probably not worth writing the fastest best designed algorithm as possible just write it the simple way, the correct way, and get the answer quickly and move on."
"Immutable data removes complexity. Mutable data, it's just like mutable data except it has like one fewer feature: you can't edit it. It is simpler. And anytime that we can solve problems by making things simpler, like that's a beautiful thing."
"A database allows their users to enter, access, update, and analyze their data quickly and easily. They are a powerful tool that you see them all the time..."
"You can design multiple forms based on the same table... giving access to a specific individual to just utilize that form."
"How do we avoid bugs like this happening all the time? The simplest way is if everyone every single human being has backups of their world."
"It's just way more important for us to find these edge cases where we might be out a little bit pun intended than for us to just start dumping data out into the world."
"That's how to read and write text to a file."
"This lets me segregate out my data from my design."
"Your relationship is different with these machines now, the consoles have just become data boxes from which we extract data."
"So for now, our main goal is to capture this information and save it to our own custom JSON file."
"Using the find and replace functionality or the trim, upper, lower, or proper formulas that we have in Excel makes your work a lot easier."
"Restarting your iPhone closes down all of your apps, it also removes any data caches that might have been created."
"We have now figured out a way to add data from this platform to our Google Sheet."
"We can now add data directly to our database here using the platform."
"We're now adding data, we are deleting data. This is looking awesome."
"She didn't delete anything, she just deleted the classified materials or wanted to and filtered it out, no malfeasance at all."
"Move them to your own personal storage. It's worth taking the time and dedication."
"The data hub is the feature I'm most excited about this year... it's so customizable and so flexible."
"An interesting thing has happened in recent years: we're starting to reimagine new ways to store and manage data."
"What difference might the police national database have made."
"We embrace the data, we don't try to hide it."
"Think medical records, not just financial records."
"Revolutionizing the way medical data is gathered, distributed, evaluated, and monetized."
"How to decide what data to collect, how to make sense of it, and also confidently ignore a lot of stuff that comes in as noise."
"We solve this problem by allowing transcript tagging."
"This is a really great way to work with the data."
"The cdp is at the center, creating flow and interoperability among applications."
"A database model will determine exactly how you want your data to look and interact with other data."
"Cities are looking for new ways to manage infrastructure, vehicle flow, and data."
"Plex will allow you to choose the folders that your data is in."
"Whenever there's a change in a job, I want that information to come back into Excel Dropbox."
"Imagine all of the data from the entire planet."
"One of the great things about having this commit history is you can always jump back to previous commits."
"With records, making copies with changes is simple."
"Always save your game. This dream has been saved."
"We need to cut through the noise of all these different numbers."
"Aura does all of that for you. They navigate through all of the challenging, confusing mind fields that are opt-out requests and data brok."
"This allows you to look up a value in a table and then return a corresponding value."
"This is just displaying the date right now and what I want to do is only get the entries that are created today."
"How you store your data how the data actually sits in your database makes a big difference... there's a lot of different things that go into Data modeling and creating a good data architecture."
"When you get into the real companies, they're going to have an insane amount of data."
"Ultimately, the OEMs are looking for us to actually manage those relationships and to provide this data ecosystem that democratizes data for all."
"Group data together, particularly if it's of the same type."
"The standard deck seems like the wonder container we should all be using."
"Here's how you can actually make use of it to store data and then repopulate it any time the application loads or whenever you need to access information."
"You can dumb the file down later if you need to save space but you can't dumb a file up if you start shooting small at 6 megapixels."
"By automating this process and allowing us to easily enrich data... we can get kind of the core picture of what an organization looks like on a technical level."
"Whenever you are creating a database design, it's very important to consider that the data in the database be just that data."
"Reformat your card every time you start a new photoshoot."
"Always set the time zone and date correctly for proper file information."
"It's only worry-free if you have a good backup solution."
"Remember, everything is updated automatically, saving you time in entering data if it's in a sequence."
"Data labeling and simulations aren't exactly super sexy but this is one of the most important and overlooked things."
"Adjust the column widths and rows to make your data look nice."
"A very commonly used function in Excel is known as the vertical lookup."
"So let's run this we do need to save this worksheet..."
"Power Query is an ETL tool - extract, transform, and load."
"Rename any of these steps with something more appropriate and more meaningful."
"By being specific and unpivoting the columns for Zurich, Vienna, Hamburg, and Rotterdam that may not work moving forward if my stores are renamed or added to or removed from."
"Our unpivoted column step was successful in being able to recognize this additional column and unpivot it just like the others because we were a little bit smarter with our approach thinking to the future."
"GraphQL allows you to mutate data on your server, so it allows you to create, update, and delete data just like you could do in a REST API."
"You really start to think of your data in graph form... we can slowly query down to more and more specific sections of our application."
"GraphQL makes creating endpoints really simple... you just create a single query field which you're going to query for that actual object."
"Transforming data in Excel with Power Query is just the beginning."
"I'm going to go ahead and delete this record because we already have all these values checked."
"Once you've installed the application, you're gonna go to the 'Get Data' button and you'll be able to pull in data depending on what you're using."
"PivotTables, the most amazing data analysis business intelligence tool in Excel."
"The solution is more data centers to soften the load. How do EA not know that?"
"I love building spreadsheets to help present this data to you."
"Now we don't have to go find different spreadsheets and different workbooks for the same information, it's all in one spot."
"Print summary of responses: Get a summary sheet of all responses."
"Harvard is becoming the curator and collector of India's data."
"Creating a design template that gets applied to all of your data."
"It's better to put those in a place where they can be calculated and they can be counted and they can be part of a record."
"Data is very important so you have to properly manage it."
"Pivot tables are super fast to build and automatically include any new data upon refresh."
"We have terabytes of data being collected every week."
"Dashlane essentially gives me a convenient and secure place to store and access my passwords, my form data, and even payment information."
"Streamlined game data sheets, more accessible."
"Data is a strategic resource in the 21st century."
"The single most important thing you need to do to avoid corruption is making backups. This entire guide could essentially be scrapped and just replaced with two words: make backups."
"Legacy contacts can access and download the data stored in your account after your death."
"Structured databases aren't necessarily bad; they're a great thing. In fact, non-structured data, you should consider it as an addition to your structured data."
"Consider it to be augmenting your development experience."
"The problem is, structuring data can sometimes be hard if we don't have a continual structure of what the data looks like."
"Backup your footage during your shoot, don't risk losing it."
"Can you load a different CSV that you found and do the same thing with?"
"In order for this to work, we have to create a view that's going to give us our data."
"Harris's failure to clear data from his devices raises questions about intent."
"Integrating slime-based components into our computers, laptops, and phones could satisfy our demand for data whilst using smaller devices and less power."
"Take a screenshot of your keybinding profile and save it somewhere safe."
"Pivot tables: where data manipulation meets simplicity."
"Pivot tables make complex tasks simple with just a few clicks."
"You're going to get huge performance benefits by data locality and storing information together."
"That's a great question, one of the cases where you're trying to decide between using a model as embedding the comments inside the book versus having the comments in an external collection."
"There's too much data; it's going to take too long. Wait, we passed a row of escape pods."
"The Open Source Cartridge Reader makes it extremely easy to dump and restore save files."
"Sort your data effortlessly in Microsoft Word - text, numbers, or dates, we've got you covered."
"Columns function: counting columns dynamically."
"It's really CDC's job to collect that data on a national level and make it available in one place."
"Success notification lets the viewer know their data has been saved."
"Files on demand feature which only downloads files that you've recently access to save your space on your machine."
"We really did create a project from start to finish. We got data files off of my local machine and into this reproducible, documented dataset that's now publicly shared with the world."
"Let's create a dynamic named range for the item ID."
"Now that we know how to get some basic data back using queries, how can you filter the data?"
"And with that 15 stops, 14 or 15 stops of dynamic range, there's a lot of data in that file. And that's what makes it fun to like, pull that slider and be like, well, there's a lot there."
"You have to touch your data, engineer it, be aware of it, and iterate on it..."
"It's often the training data and iterating on it and labeling and managing it that actually gives you success or failure."
"Convert a list into a table... You get a set of features that you did not have with the list to analyze that data for yourself."
"It's a great thing that Excel allows you to save the modifications you've made to a chart so that maybe one day you can apply it on another data set."
"What would Sonic do? He would save his files correctly."
"Privacy features include the option to delete what you just said and control over stored data."
"I think it's also important to think about whether you need all of that data because for a lot of models you may not need a month of data."
"Garmin Connect allows all of the data your 245 or indeed any other Garmin watch collects to be pushed automatically to the Nike Run Club app."
"Imagine you had a big data OS, it's like the OS of the future for building all the software your organization needs."
"It's really quite simple. Every disk that gets created in your world has a unique ID associated with it, and that ID is part of the file name in your world's folder."
"So that's how you load data from a file and you can change up this delimiter based on how your data is split."
"The interesting thing about XML and also JSON is the data is stored in a tree structure which actually will give us a great deal more flexibility and power in terms of organizing our data than simply a table would."
"From data preparation to platform building, there's a role for everyone in the analytics ecosystem."
"The overall idea and purpose of Redux is pretty simple... you get application level state as a one-way data flow."
"Data loss is 100 percent a matter of human error."
"It's a good idea to format it so that you don't run out of space."
"I prefer using brackets because there's a chance that one of your columns is named the same thing as one of the attributes or methods of a data frame."
"Data confidence is needed to manage data at scale, creating systems of trust in this data." - Steve Todd
"Prepare the data model, model the data, visualize the data."
"Databases are all over the place... involved in the storage and retrieval of different types of data."
"Integrity rules will be enforced by the DBMS whenever anything is updated."
"Backup your entire jailbreak setup with Batchomatic."
"Cleansing and formatting data is a huge step that needs to be done properly."
"The last like, majorly important thing to back up is your mods folder, if you use mods."
"Most of these things should just be left alone, but if you do delete something, it's not gonna like, ruin your whole game."
"That's how you can pass in a whole bunch of different types of data and use them in the templates and keep everything separated and neat."
"When in doubt, parameterize. Instead of passing data through global variables, make it an explicit parameter of the function."
"This is a really good example of how I can optimize the data model."
"Gripen's ability to handle data to and from on-board and network sources, processing and presenting it in a simplified pilot-friendly manner, gives the fighter tactical superiority."
"The first category is really going to be around making sure that high-quality data makes its way into the Chainlink network."
"Context is amazing because it allows us to store the cart data."
"Once you have thousands or tens of thousands or millions of objects in the array, that kind of time complexity starts to really really matter."
"Links don't disappear unless they're meant to disappear."
"The broker acts as a clearing house, collecting and distributing data to interested subscribers."
"The most important thing for us is being able to actually create and edit the data."
"Creating a CRUD application involves displaying, creating, reading, updating, and deleting data."
"Throughout this video, we've been talking about gathering information from the logs, so let's look at where these logs are stored in the different operating systems."
"Graph QL can make apps faster because the app controls the data that you get."
"Optimized storage: Easily save up to 25 gigabytes of space."
"We can keep the account data off and just the proof here, it scales much better."
"You can see now that it's imported all of our hosts."
"LS TMs use gates to add or remove information to the cell state, controlling the flow of information."
"You're able to utilize the same network and the trick that they use is they have a latent space."
"We're using a composite key which is both of these combined."
"Whatever you copy to your clipboard is going to show up on the Texthooker page."
"Whether it is revising labels for pictures or keywords in a definition or even for updating scores, you can use this technique of typing directly during the slideshow."
"That's a real fundamental shift, I think, in the way data is done."
"The new backup and restore option on the Phoenix 7 Pro and Epix Pro is a welcome addition for me, at least as a guy with multiple watches."
"You should always limit the key value size to 1 megabyte."
"Metadata overhead per application group could be up to 30 bytes."
"Conditional formatting is really an exciting tool."
"Inserting data into the table is straightforward."
"Azure SQL Data Warehouse brings together enterprise data warehousing and big data analytics, giving you the freedom to query data on your terms."
"At least consider buying some iCloud storage."
"This should just totally reformat your entire Drive."
"Before we show you how to manually transfer photos and videos to your computer so you don't have to pay for iCloud, it's important to know how much iCloud actually costs."
"Transferring ownership prevents data races by explicitly passing data between threads."