
Family Structure Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"You look at our culture today, and the number one thing that's under attack is the nuclear family."
"The absolute nuclear family promotes rife capitalism."
"There is a correlation between economic success and living in a stable two-parent household."
"The most effective means of preventing gun violence is establishing better family structure, alleviating poverty, and ensuring growth in economic potential."
"The man in the household is the linchpin in order to deliver structure to that family, consistency within that family, as well as block out debauchery within that family."
"But the trees that mislead us might be, do they have the same level of education? Do they have the same family structure growing up? Are parents still together? What do they enjoy? Are they creative or scientific or whatever? Or creatively scientific. We could look at all of that, but I think then we're making a bunch of trees that mislead us."
"It's still the case that if you were trying to design public policy that was of benefit to children, you would design public policy that would reward people for long-term monogamous relationships."
"Children who come from two-parent households are 70% less likely to drop out of school."
"Adolescent girls raised in a two-parent home are significantly less likely to be sexually active than girls raised without fathers."
"Children who live absent from their biological father... are at least 2 to 3 times more likely to be poor, to use drugs, to experience educational, health, emotional, and behavioral problems."
"The best parenting method is a two-parent household in comparison to just broken homes in general."
"As of 1960, two-thirds of all black American children were living with both parents... only one-third were living with both parents in 1995."
"A one parent home is better than no parent home."
"Children fare best and people fare best in lifelong committed marriages."
"If you break up your home, then you leave your kids at a statistical disadvantage."
"I think that if you're raising children, traditional families or the nuclear family, meaning two parents raising the kid, I think that that is undisputed, that that's the best environment for the child."
"To raise a child, you need a parental coalition of a man and a woman."
"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and 'villages' that collectively care for one another."
"Every child needs that father and that mother."
"Children with intact two-parent families do far better."
"Recognition and promotion of natural structure, the family, a union between a man and a woman based on marriage."
"They're trying to take away everything, to fill our roles, trying to destroy nuclear families."
"I actually do have a very simple proposal that will maintain the Second Amendment rights and reduce these shootings: father is in the home."
"The welfare state combined with other factors leads to the explosion of fatherlessness."
"Families without fathers do worse, it just is what it is."
"Kids need both a conventional feminine model and a conventional masculine model."
"As King, the father is the authority in the home."
"Having an intact family structure is the ideal scenario for raising children who will go on to succeed."
"Stable, intact two-parent families are better for children."
"Destroy the family and there's no opportunity for disciplined raising of children."
"Virtually every day the destruction of the family is at the root of nearly every problem plaguing America."
"You do not have nuclear families if you don't have strong family ties."
"A child raised in a two-parent family household will have a far greater chance of success."
"Wolves mate for life, their packs are generally like nuclear families."
"We got a working age black population that largely has no wealth, no pension, and ain't dealing with the fact of how that affects the structure of what your family should look like."
"Marriage and the nuclear family are the bedrock of every civil society."
"The fact of the matter is, when you take kids that do not have a father present during their upbringing, the chance of them having difficulties increases dramatically."
"It cannot be fully explained why Nigerian Americans are making waves in American sports, but we believe that it has something to do with their family structure, intensity, intelligence, and genetics that makes them an awesome fit."
"Imagine what the country would be like if 76% of all black men grew up without a mother."
"The breakdown of the black family... is civilizational catastrophe."
"Fathers matter, and we can't do that anymore."
"The collapse of the family destabilizes society."
"The policies of big government of handouts have been destroying the black family."
"A polyamorous relationship is appropriate for raising a family."
"You won't be broke if you were team vanilla, that's all I'm saying."
"Fixing the broken family structure is going to do more wonders for society than any type of government program."
"There's no reason that you can't have multiple parents and everyone have their own role that they play."
"Generally being married gives your children the best start in life."
"The very best environment for a child to grow up in is a two-parent household."
"You probably have heard that the founder of black lives matter famously said one of our objective is to destroy the nuclear family."
"Equality in a post-civil rights era would be impossible for black Americans because of racism and the structure of black families."
"Children of same-sex couples ultimately are not as... they don't thrive the way children of heterosexual couples do. And this always makes people mad, right? Because they're like, how dare you question the same-sex community?"
"The attitude of denormalizing the nuclear family is now leading to potentially lower birth rates."
"If our kids grow up without both parents in the home, we know from the statistics it is devastating upon them and upon our society."
"Having a child when you're poor doesn't mean it's immoral; but two parents is a reasonable expectation."
"Almost every possible metric you can imagine is better for children to have married parents."
"Sequence assembly can make automation happen."
"Statistically the best thing that can happen for a kid is a mom and a dad at home."
"Two parent households spearheaded by a married couple, that is the family model which is most strongly associated with a range of positive youth outcomes."
"There's a correlation between economic success if this is the point economic success and living in a stable two-parent household and creating stable two-parent households for your children."
"Mother father or just father statistically both of those have a low chance of going to the penitentiary."
"It's pretty sad in the world of sportsmanship that you're already prejudging me from an application on if I have a single parent household or a two-parent household."
"But on a serious note though there is no logic in these households when they don't have a father to balance that structure out."
"Joseph and Mary had normal sexual relations after Jesus' birth."
"Why is it so obvious that when a father is not in the home, we have all these ramifications?"
"That's what another wife is for, that's what a concubine is for."
"The worst thing they could have done was destroy the black household."
"The outcomes where we were still married at a higher rate we still didn't have as high of a rate of homes with single uh families meaning single moms where 80 of the kids are born outside of wedlock."
"The conservative focus on changing cultural behaviors that have to do with family structure is critical in determining whether a young person ends up successful in society." - Denesa D'Souza
"She always really presented it to me in a way that we were a kind of unconventional family of sorts."
"You can't blame it on poverty you can’t blame it on racism. It is the breakdown of the nuclear intact family."
"So the answer to your question jeff is that it appears that american households are twice as likely to be multi-generational so what do we learn from that i don't know but it's an interesting fact it is interesting."
"Kids need a mother and a father in the home."
"Every family where there is not a father present, it's an issue. It should be a concern."
"They tend to keep live an extended family, so there tends to often be a grandparent who has accumulated wisdom and resiliency."
"They purposefully put like my mom had her own house, the first wife had her own house, the third wife had hers."
"...seeing young kids actually grow up in a household with two parents... there's a reason why there's so many problems with the kids these days."
"Results suggest that father absence is mostly a marker of life course cumulative socioeconomic advantage, not a cause of negative psychological or other effects."
"...we are purposely manufacturing fatherless and motherless children in the name of empathy."
"Black families don't have daddies."
"It's clear from the data that when you don't have a nuclear family, you have less educational attainment, more delinquency, more criminality."
"When you start finding juvenile animals that are living with a large number of adults, then you have to start thinking about family structure in these things."
"There's reasons why centuries of humanity has said that when you have a situation where you have a stable home with a mother and a father fulfilling different but equally important roles, it's the best basis for raising a family."
"You know what's crazy all my best friends we all grew up with our fathers and our mothers in the same household."
"Cuz all these [__] grew up in two parent house that's crazy I used can't say the same talk to people you had your mom and your daddy like damn I did."
"These rays had a family structure. Almost every single ray pod had two big adults and these little ones just following behind them."
"Children are at risk if their parents don't get and stay married."
"85% of teens with a behavioral disorder have no father."
"The society today of how families work is like the family of the spider."
"Kids from single-father homes are always doing better."
"I want my children to be taught that the normal thing in Britain in society across the world is a mother, a father, and a family."
"To me, that's all in the realm of Maori knowledge, it's important because other agencies and community providers have no knowledge, little knowledge of how our families are structured now."
"Starts in the home, you know. If the father's not in the home, the boy will find the father in the streets."
"Women hold the authority in the family, and inheritance is passed down through the female line."
"That's the best environment for a child, from a psychological standpoint it still is, statistical standpoint too, it still is mom and a dad."
"Having a dual parent household... is the single greatest socio-economic indicator of future wealth employment graduating college."
"Heaven is a monarchy, and the family is a monarchy."
"The entire iceberg melting beneath the education... is the education problem is two parent households."
"Having two parents is better much better than having one parent for a child."
"The average size of the nuclear family has decreased."
"Before 1960, two out of three black children were raised on a two-parent family. Today, more than 70% are not."
"The structure of the nuclear family has told women since the dawn of time that it's better for you to be at home."
"There still is a lot to be desired and needed by having a two-parent family."
"Can we agree that a two-parent household, mother and father, is far superior to a lonely mother household?"
"We have not yet asked ourselves a question as African people: what shape and form should the African family be to solve its problems?"
"The one benchmark that time and time again sets you at a disadvantage is coming from a single parent household."
"Family diversity offers alternatives other than the nuclear family where women, who are perhaps being subjected to patriarchy, can go for an alternative family arrangement."
"Extended family is the only family here that contains grandparents, and grandparents are the main agents of culture transfer."
"The breakdown of the family nucleus... is going to break down the security of a child, the confidence of a child for them moving forward."
"It all comes down to how the family was built in the first place or how it was put together."
"I've seen how this type of routine is so beneficial for your kids as they get older."
"A two-parent household is way better of a scenario to raise men and women."