
Crusades Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"What happened in the crusade? We were broken, the lines fell, the men faulted, and ultimately we had five thousand versus thirteen thousand."
"The great Crusade has oft been remembered as a halcyon age of the Imperium."
"Teetering on the edge of annihilation, we can only hope that to the west, Richard the Lionheart and the Crusaders embark on a third crusade to save the Kingdom of Heaven."
"Now the king of France and the Holy Roman Emperor had agreed to lead the Second Crusade."
"The call had come from the Crusader States of the Holy Land. The Crusades were an ongoing series of wars which European Christians had been engaged in since the late 11th century to reclaim the Holy Land."
"The Crusade was finally ready to depart by the summer of 1190."
"Richard was now the undisputed leader of the third crusade."
"Dawn breaks over a dispirited and weakened Crusader army, surrounded by Saladin's fresh troops, all eager for battle."
"With the recapture of Acre, the Third Crusade achieved a critical success."
"The crusades really aren't about religion at all."
"Richard's commitment to the Crusade: Plans underway to depart throughout the summer and autumn of 1189 and into the winter."
"It would be such a valuable thing if someone could produce a historically accurate version of the Crusades in something like a TV series or a movie."
"It's really hard to imagine the Crusades not happening."
"Far more than a simple war between Crescent and Cross... the conflicts that eventually became known as Crusades were more akin to a struggle between settled and nomadic peoples."
"The first crusade was one of the most spectacular victories of the Middle Ages."
"There are few greater ironies in history than the fact that the fate of Eastern Christendom should have been sealed by men who fought under the banner of the cross." - John Julius Norwich
"The idea of the Crusades continues to impact Christians, Muslims, and Jews up to the present era."
"Despite tensions, the Viking Age transitioned into a period of crusading, marking a new era for Scandinavia's involvement in wider geopolitics."
"Raynald soon distinguished himself in one of the most significant military encounters between the Christian Crusaders and the Muslim lords of the Levant and Egypt during the twelfth century, the Battle of Montgisard."
"The bloody legacy of the fanatical Teutonic crusaders lives on as a reminder of the slaughter that man can unleash in the name of God."
"Every time you talk about yourself in the negative you become what you talk about."
"The division was too great, that Christian Europe was willing to do anything and everything it could to take Jerusalem back including just absolute cruel depravities and the Crusades."
"With so many different interests scrambling for power and a slice of the Holy Land, would the crusaders take advantage of this moment, or would they turn on each other?"
"The First Crusade proved to be one of the most momentous events in history."
"The seven Crusade was a complete catastrophe and for that reason it is probably the best known of the Crusades after the 4th."
"Cyprus provided a valuable source of provisions and the perfect staging ground for future Crusades."
"The Crusaders continue on to Antioch."
"God wills it... there was a desire to reclaim the Holy Land... to defend the Christians who were being attacked in the Holy Land by the Muslims."
"These were not armies that were formed to attack a castle or get land from other peoples for the Christians; these were seen as penitential and spiritual enterprises."
"You cannot rule this land by force, you cannot occupy this land by oppression, tyranny, and destruction, and massacres and genocides. The Crusaders did it, they tried it, and as a result of these Crusades, hundreds of thousands of people died."
"The European Crusades to the Middle East killed and slaughtered Jews, killed and slaughtered the Muslims, and killed and slaughtered Europeans underway and raped them and everything else in between."
"The First Crusade was sparked by Pope Urban II's call for a holy war to reclaim Jerusalem from Muslim control."
"Responding to the plea for assistance from the Byzantine emperor Alexios I, armies from various European regions were mobilized to combat the Muslims, leading to the liberation of the Levant."
"The Crusades represented the highest good, how could they fail? If Crusaders fought for God, why did the victories go to his enemies?"
"The Fourth Crusade is where the Crusades go completely bat guano insane."
"The Black Templars continue to wage war and crusades throughout the stars into the 41st Millennium."
"Finally, while there is no doubting that Richard was over lionized by historians and chronicles for centuries after his death, it is also true to say that he was the most successful leader of the crusades in over 90 years."
"The popular understanding of the Crusades is dead wrong."
"He was one of the first kings to participate in one of the Crusades."
"The First Crusade was successful; it captured Jerusalem and also captured other areas like Antioch."
"Whether you agree or disagree with the logic of the first three Crusades, it's hard to argue against the fact that they basically did what they set out to do."
"The ultimate goal of all the Westerners who are crusade-minded is to reclaim Jerusalem."
"Modern Catholics should not be embarrassed by the medieval Crusades; in their age and at their best, they were errands of mercy to right terrible wrongs."
"The only crusade that was truly successful, meaning that it accomplished its aims, was the first one."
"Saladin is watching his troops as they do battle with the Crusader Knights beneath a pair of Peaks called the horns of Hattin."
"The Crusaders are outnumbered and surrounded but they are fighting fiercely."
"The Kingdom of Jerusalem raises the largest army in its history, composed of some 20,000 men, including 1200 fully armoured mounted Knights."
"During the Crusades, the city served as a place of rest for exhausted soldiers and also played a significant role in the war."
"It's going to be one of the important works for anybody trying to understand the Crusades."
"The Third Crusade involves the most famous of the leaders... Philip Augustus of France, Frederick Barbarossa of the Holy Roman Empire, and most famous of all, Richard the Lionheart of England."
"For the Byzantine, the success of the First Crusade was a mixed blessing."
"...the most influential man of the period was in fact at the head of the PR campaign to launch the Second Crusade..."
"Why does the heathen rage, a novel of the Crusades set during the reign of King Baldwin II of Jerusalem."
"The Third Crusade was led by Richard the First of England, AKA Richard the Lionheart."
"The Crusades also increased international trade and the exchange of ideas and technology around the world."
"...the Crusades followed centuries of Muslim aggressions that had taken invading Muslim armies almost to the Malhar and France..."
"Fernando III, King of Leon-Castile, led the most extensive crusading effort in history and was later canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church."
"Let's go and fight for Jerusalem, let's go and take back the holy places."
"The complex politics of the Levant during the early years of the Crusader States was marked by shifting alliances, strategic ambitions, and ongoing conflicts."
"These were not just knights; these were knights of God, they were knights of Christ in the Holy Land, they were the defenders of the Holy Land."
"Christians in the West take up arms to fight the Muslims really for two reasons: one is to defend the Christians of the East against Muslim attack, but more than that, it's because they want to reclaim the holy land for Christianity."
"The Templars and the Crusader States indeed never got the support they really needed from the West."
"Almost three years after leaving home, and almost four after the crusade had first been preached, Jerusalem had been taken."
"The hospital has sent their Prior Theodoric, a German by birth and a most clever knight, with a body of other knights and stupendous attendance and a large sum of money to the assistance of the Holy Land."
"During the Crusades in 1126, King Afonso I requested that the Knights Templar arrive in Portugal."
"The military genius of the first Crusade was Bohemond, a Norman with wide experience in Eastern warfare."
"The Third Crusade was a remarkably successful expedition although it didn't take Jerusalem."
"The Fourth Crusade... represents this enormous paradox."
"The results of it are such a distortion, if you will, of the ideal of what the Crusades were meant to be."