
Human Influence Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Artificial intelligence isn't crazy on its own; it's literally only crazy because of the people writing it."
"These algorithms don't spring from the ether; they are essentially computer programs designed by humans."
"The earth is the intersection between heaven and hell, and how much it's like heaven is up to us."
"When you live in such a place, you just cannot ignore the enormous power of the human imagination, the enormous power of stories to move the world."
"Nuclear weapons, unlike climate change, which involves a lot of different forces that are influenced by humans, we created these weapons, and we control these weapons."
"Whether it's a marine creature in the deep blue or the mass of an elephant it matters little to the power of environmental change in human ambition."
"Human effects on this massive environment were becoming more and more evident over the years."
"Human freedom really resides in designing our environment."
"A life is like a piece of paper on which every passerby leaves a mark."
"Some people find it impossible to discount a sinister human element from being behind these disappearances."
"Human intention structures possibility in the world."
"The idea that human agency plays a role in history."
"Food as I said again is what sustains life right and we are very powerful in that sense because that gives us a lot of power."
"Literally everything you're eating today has been gene edited by human beings over the last few thousand years."
"Few people appreciate how important angelic influences are in human affairs."
"The church no longer reflects God, it reflects man. You want to know why the church is in disarray? Because you have people now looking up to men and not to God."
"We as humans not only have the power to affect our reality and our earth but we actually have the power to affect the heavens."
"This is why there is no sort of price floor there is no price ceiling it's just whatever people are willing to pay for it so humans decide and they always will."
"God is man-made and that was one of our biggest mistakes."
"Brings them the freedom, the escape, the light, and the darkness. That is one of the most powerfully seductive things you can ever be for a human being."
"Pumpkins would be likely extinct today if it wasn't for us humans."
"Humans produce so much of the training data that AI ends up mimicking us."
"It's never the dog; it's the human behind the dog."
"It's not about the breed; it's about the human."
"Think how far we've come. I do believe that it's people that in the end create the circumstances."
"Biodiversity is impacted by human activities."
"Weapons are only weapons when humans started using compute no one uses them they're nothing more than scrap metal."
"We are so transient, and yet our impact is not."
"Technology is a hammer it's who's holding it that ultimately makes the decision about how it's used."
"It's kind of sad once you think about it, like they survived for hundreds of millions of years and only now start to die thanks to humans."
"Even though the Mariana Trench is so deep, so limitless, and so mysterious, it has not been spared the horrors of humanity."
"Dogs don't born with problems...human gives the problem...not understanding how a dog functions."
"Never before has a single species had such power. What we do in the next few decades will shape the destiny of planet Earth and the biosphere for literally millions of years."
"Information has a more powerful effect on humans than weapons of war."
"Human activity is altering the course of geological history."
"The world we live in is really, in many ways, created by us."
"The ethics built into any kind of AI system will be the ethics of a person or group of people."
"In the grand scheme of geologic time, man's influence remains to be seen."
"Everything is good as it leaves the hands of the author of things, everything degenerates in the hands of man."
"Nature selects species for survival while humans select for beauty."
"This isn't a golden tablet falling from heaven; this is a book that has a traceable history of human origins."
"Any god, no matter how just or widely worshipped, is only as good and powerful as the human beings behind them."
"People move price, not mathematical equations."
"We get to have some influence as humans... but it's not our role to be the engineers or the micromanagers of the soil symphony, we have to trust them."
"The Anthropocene... the first era in which humans have had a decisive impact on geological processes that are shaping the planet."
"They are incredibly effective at spreading and they are clearly being assisted by humans in some of this spread."
"Humans did play a role in this area, and a very important one."
"Artificial selection is when humans selectively breed plants, animals, or whatever else in order to bring out desired traits."
"We have now given ourselves a sphere of our own, the Anthroposphere."
"Anthropocene is an actual new Epoch after all; it's not just a continuation of Holocene."
"Our dogs are a reflection of our understanding of how to train dogs."
"Whatever intelligence the AI has will always come from human selection."
"It's often, you know, human-created in many ways."
"Even if religions were created by men, what you cannot deny is that they are modified by him."
"Companies are run by people; brands are created by people."
"This was not a natural event; it definitely had been made by someone."
"We need to differentiate two types of power: the power over objective reality and the power over humans and their subjective feelings."
"Artificial selection works similarly as natural selection but instead of the environment, humans are the ones selecting the organisms based on their phenotypic traits."
"The pure representation of duty in the moral law, mixed with no alien addition from empirical stimuli, has an influence on the human heart so much more powerful than all other incentives."
"The impact of climate change caused by humans has led to mutant weather events."
"We naturally make methane in small amounts on Earth, but humans are influencing that by our industry and our activities."
"Human data perpetuates human biases."
"Once Grace is controlled by man it's no longer biblical Grace."
"I think the force is all good, and the bad comes from people creating negative energy on mankind."
"The raw nature has been now intervened, and that intervention may be positive."
"The natural world would be very different without us."
"You can only fix the dogs through their people."
"Whenever you see these types of geometric forms, you know that humans have been involved."
"The drying up of the Aral Sea is one of the foremost examples of modern human-induced environmental degradation."