
Spiritualism Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"Demon summoning is easy, and angel summoning is much harder."
"This day is one of the strongest days of the year for manifestation."
"Becoming Eenie has been the most horrible experience in the world. Spirit channeling, the occult, I hate it all."
"The devil is going to do a lot of deceiving through spiritualism."
"Through the agency of spiritualism, miracles will be wrought, the sick will be healed, and many undeniable wonders will be performed."
"In Hindu mythology, God is not something with a white beard that sits on a throne... God in Indian mythology is the self, 'Sat-Chit-Ananda': that which is existence, consciousness, bliss."
"Spiritualism is the acceptance of empirically elicited evidence that the human consciousness survives physical death and that those who survive can communicate with those who are physically on earth in a number of ways."
"The study of the occult is where science meets spiritualism."
"The experience of the world depends on awareness, which is Brahman."
"Know nothing and dance Sweet Soul for all will unveil itself to you in Perfect Harmony and timing your heart shall create the steps in response to the Music of the Spheres Happening Now alive and spontaneous and free."
"Spirit box is just such a positive part of this crazy ass year."
"To embrace the luciferian impulse is to accept the challenge of navigating the fine line between the pursuit of spiritual illumination and the allure of self-centered ambition."
"Steiner's teachings provide a framework for understanding the complexities of the human experience, offering insights into the interplay of spiritual forces that influence our lives."
"Love attracts love so know that you are protected at this time by showering yourself in this powerful light of cosmos."
"I respect people's belief, and likewise, I want to be respected for my belief in spiritualism."
"I really believe that we were connecting with these spirits that wanted my help that wanted help in crossing over that were trapped that were stuck that were suffering and they now had somebody to communicate with."
"Sasquatch is a spiritual being and a real flesh and blood creature."
"I cannot wait to deliver you a message from someone that you love in spirit."
"They clean out their house and get rid of it and then they go wandering in the world and they come back with new age spiritualism and seancing communicating with the Deads and all these other things that they filled their house up."
"Working with your ancestors is literally your cheat code."
"Having the two together is what's going to manifest."
"The fox family were no strangers to mediumship."
"Spiritualism freed people from the fear of death, giving them hope of something beyond."
"The Fox sisters and spiritualism symbolize freedom in their own way, giving hope that death wouldn't be the end."
"Harry Houdini was better known for his dogged pursuit of spiritualists and mediums."
"They are happy to be of service, they may be a star seed."
"The merging of human with machine dehumanizes and calcifies the etheric body, hindering spiritual evolution."
"Believers claim that reflections are an easy way for spirits and higher beings to access our reality."
"We've got to understand what the truth is about the spiritualism that pervades our culture."
"You are the entire universe and all the answers are within you."
"Star Wars is about the force, this power that binds us, connects us."
"These spirits are just, like, coming back to the scene, maybe even looking for their moms and their dads and wanting to live through your daughter."
"We made the call in automatic writing and started to hear from spirit."
"Here in the temple of one love, there is no flickering or smoke to our flame. We are natural in our purpose, simply to bring the warmth and light of love to life."
"The traditional view of ghosts is that they are the spirits of people who are stuck between this plane of existence and the next."
"It's all about a new light approaching us and us being able to watch the dancing lights and harness our energy towards that magic."
"The akashic records are the great library of the earth, the great newspaper of the earth, the great history of the earth."
"Tolkien's elves were meant to depict a literal oneness with nature and spiritualism."
"Alexander Graham Bell and his assistant Thomas Watson were avid spiritualists and believers in the paranormal."
"We are stardust, we are golden, and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden."
"...a new social counterculture Revolution emerged and with it a new age of spiritualism."
"The seance room, also known as the Blue Room, is where Sarah held nightly seances."
"If you really want to connect with spirit guides, take the time to quiet the mind and prepare yourself for that communication."
"That's where the spiritualism comes in, is with meditation and with going to our gods, we help enlighten our mind and our body."
"The first form of Deliverance, the toughest demon to cast out is your soul."
"These things are not listening to you. Okay? With that said, the responses that we get, they're not always the best responses. They're, you know, it's a word bank sometimes. Spirits can manipulate them, yes, but not always."
"Restoration is a Biblical system of advantage."
"...the spirit suggested to them through table tipping go to the Next Room fetch a basket from the mantle bring it back here attach a pencil to it place your hands on the basket and we will write for you."
"It's going from being mastered by spiritual powers that promise life and deliver death to being mastered by a spiritual power that promises life and delivers life."
"We're witnessing a serious spiritual warfare now and I want to wake people up to that."
"I'm just telling you to blessed life. It's a life. It's not money."
"Revelation is the secret of reckoning. We need revelation from God himself."
"If the guru comes to you, be sincere and follow."
"...on the other side, your loved ones in spirit tell me that they're living life with no fears, with no anxiety, with no worries."
"I do not covet this filthy bag of meat. I give it over to you that I may quickly acquire a body of more enduring strength. This donation will help benefit us both." Discourse on the Pure Land
"Science and spiritualism are both pointing at the same thing which is consciousness, which is your favorite thing by the way."
"It's like an overall experience, that's what Star Wars is. It's a belief system, it's spiritual, it's an experience."
"Someone was trying to attack your heart chakra, your sacral chakra, your crown chakra, your throat chakra."
"We have authority over the fallen angels... we can cast out demons."
"Spiritual gifts are like snowflakes or fingerprints, they're unique to you."
"It's a partnership with a demonic spirit."
"The appreciation is such a powerful, it's powerful in this world and it's powerful in the spiritual realm as well."
"Jesus wasn't the only healer, nor was he the only guy running around supposedly casting out demons."
"The spirits seem pleased with Orlando and his work."
"It's not just about renunciation of lust and greed, but also renunciation of sectarianism, bigotry, and narrowness."
"Life is spiritual, you don't need to go and sell yourself."
"Maybe he still hated people but he started doing what he could for the spirits who were still earthbound."
"No invisible being, no spiritual being, has the right to just jump on a human being and begin to facilitate its will without the authority of that human being."
"Saul died for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit to inquire of it."
"You will receive power from the Holy Spirit. You will be my Witnesses."
"A psychic reading is literally like spending five minutes with a loved one in spirit."
"You are not an individual sentient being, you are actually Brahman."
"When one attains dispassion for this world, that moment itself one should renounce."
"Finally, you are in the light, in the light of God. All the questions are answered."
"O Adam, as to what you said, 'Bring me into a land where there is rest,' it is not another land than this, but it is the kingdom of heaven where alone there is rest."
"But all right so you might be wondering how we got from this point in Spear's life to trying to build a machine that's powered by god's energy up on top of a rock right? Well it starts with Spear getting really into spiritualism."
"The spirits started to tell him about how a massive change to the human world was coming."
"It was ordained that they should gradually relinquish clairvoyant power in order to acquire qualities born of the existing purely physical conditions."
"Practice makes perfect," as we say in the spiritualist world.
"Think what it would mean if spiritual science were to disappear now and no one understood all that is being prepared in the spiritual world through their sacrificial death."
"I am here tonight as one of the founders of spiritualism to denounce it as an absolute falsehood from beginning to end."
"The history, the spiritualism, the definitions, all speak for themselves."
"Advanced spiritualism or the highest spiritualism founded on universal knowledge."
"My father turned towards spiritualism, purchased some books on the subject, and informed Madame that my mother was an amateur medium."
"Whatever the identities of the Mortimers, Madame Z, or the spirit child, now the existence of the family, the house, and the séance have been proven."
"Harry Price had been walking a fine line for many years between the spiritualist movement and the scientific community."
"The following book, Your Psychic Powers and How to Develop Them, was originally written for circulation privately among the members of a number of psychical and spiritualistic societies in New York and vicinity."
"The value of flowers: it is advisable to have flowers in the seance room whenever possible as their presence is said to attract spirits in a peculiar manner."
"In our Asian culture, people say that when thunder strikes somewhere, often it is to strike down a malevolent force or spirit."
"Sir Arthur Conan Doyle... was also one of the most famous spiritualists of all time."
"If a child was raised by a non-spiritualist, most of the kids become angry and don't understand their powers."
"He is not a monster, he is a spirit beast."
"Make the invisible visible, turn everything into nothing, gather spiritual power and defeat the monster."
"He really got into debunking spiritualists; he was really going after the psychics and mediums."
"It's very lovely, it's Progressive, the spiritualist movement gave women a voice at a time when they didn't."
"The planchette spelled out the word 'love'."
"We are going to learn about spiritualism and Venezuelan Santeria."
"They say that the dead only want one thing: to go into the light."
"Spiritualism introduced an alternative to Christian religion and to religions in general."
"Everything in this Taino paradise, as Columbus called it, was infused with spiritual energy."
"Spiritualism is essentially the belief that not only when we die does the soul go on to some kind of afterlife existence, but that it's possible for communication to take place between the living and the dead."
"Death was palpable in people's everyday lives, and as their faith in their traditional teachings of the church decayed, spiritualism offered to many both emotional comfort and answers to fundamental questions about the very nature of life and death."
"Natural immortality opens the door to spiritualism."
"For you to rank up spiritually, for some of you, you are some sort of spiritualist."