
Internet Freedom Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"Let's make sure that the internet stays a free and level playing field for everybody."
"Freedom of speech on the internet definitely has way more benefits than negatives."
"The internet did something, especially as we're entering web 3.0, bro. It created freedom in a way that we hadn't seen."
"The free internet as we know it is under threat because there are powerful people conspiring in its dark corners who want to divide it up and rule their chunk of it."
"Net neutrality is what we have right now: the freedom of the Internet, where ISPs aren't allowed to charge us to access certain websites."
"We need more people to fight for net neutrality."
"Net neutrality protects us from tyrannical ISPs... prevents them from determining which websites we can visit and how fast those websites can go."
"A free, open, and equal Internet is too important of a tool for democracy and the spreading of ideas for it to be controlled by Internet service providers."
"There is a risk to repealing net neutrality."
"Consumers are entitled to access the lawful Internet content of their choice."
"With all that's going around in the news, we can't allow ourselves to forget, this is the set that in a few weeks the FCC is looking to destroy net neutrality."
"Net neutrality or destroying net neutrality specifically is what would actually facilitate a free and open Internet."
"A little tip: if you're living in a country that actually restricts your internet access to the point where you need a VPN just to surf online, it might be a fascist one."
"Net neutrality was a big, bad, scary thing because it basically gave the ISPs freedom to lock down the Internet."
"By implementing Article 13, there is a very real chance the EU will kill the very concept of fair use on the Internet."
"Cutting off the internet is like a classic move of dictators outside the Imperial Core because they understand that the rest of the world's perception of them is very important."
"We need to organize, meet, protest, and especially, don't vote for the guys that are against Internet freedom."
"China ranked last in a new international ranking on internet freedom."
"Make it simple: a cold shower a day keeps the doctor away."
"It is possible to preserve the transformative power and promise of the open internet while at least mitigating the worst of its arms."
"There are no Gatekeepers that can stop you from making good content on the internet."
"It really feels like we're coming to a point where the free and open internet is being assaulted from all sides."
"So I've always had that freedom to publish directly to the internet without anyone intervening, which is why I've been able over the last four years to publish so much skepticism about Russiagate."
"We are writing the future of finance, the future of the internet, the future of freedoms in general."
"The Internet's and the disinhibited nature of the individuation and anonymity may give a voice to those with for example high social anxiety just as much as it does to members of marginalized or stigmatized groups."
"The Internet doesn't make us monsters the Internet makes us free."
"For the record, I am for a free and open Internet. I do not want Internet censorship of any kind. But this kind of behavior makes that opinion harder and harder to have."
"That's a move nobody can counter. Making online free again."
"The free and open Internet is being quickly handed over to corporate giants."
"You can't stop the internet, that's what it is. They're trying to, the establishment desperate and the elites, the billionaires, many of these ultra-wealthy individuals, they desperately want to be back in that world."
"The internet is a sprawl, a bubbling mess that the privileged few seek to utterly control."
"Don't let Big Brother control your internet traffic, don't let Big Brother tell you what you can and cannot access, and don't let Big Brother spy on you every day."
"This is the last best chance I think we have at a free and open internet to have free and open social media and to have the playing field leveled."
"Nowadays it seems like if you don't have that, that's just ignorant as [ __ ]. Because they can do whatever they want, right? It keeps people honest."
"If you want to have an opinion on the internet and not get shut down, you need to know about tor, you need to know about i2p, you need to know about ipfs and the bittorrent protocol."
"We have to get serious, we got to stop arguing with each other and fighting. Our family's dying, let's work together and get it done."
"Twitter's policy tweeted this executive order is a reactionary and politicized approach to a landmark law. Attempts to unilaterally erode it threaten the future of online speech and internet freedoms."
"We need to retool the internet which will allow us to walk away from those who have decided to think on our behalf."
"It's not Big Brother watching us. We, through the power of the web, and transparency, are now watching Big Brother."
"Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping has a plan to censor the internet on a global scale."
"We actually have a lot of power right now with the internet being relatively open."
"ExpressVPN allows you to reroute your connection to a server in a country of your choice, making geo restrictions a thing of the past."
"The fight is not over, there will be legal challenges and other ways to continue battling for a free and open Internet."
"These actions were a coordinated effort to completely remove free speech off the internet."
"Everybody deserves a free and open Internet."
"It's the fact that nation states and corporations are cracking down on the free and open internet that has made VPN so popular."
"It's not Google's job to protect me from what I want to see or watch or learn."
"SurfsharkVPN turns you into an anonymous and hard-to-track user, giving you more freedom on the internet."
"Net neutrality makes a free and open Internet."
"The only way to avoid a bigger confrontation is to allow free speech on the internet."
"Crypto is part of it. We can't really have a free internet and not have crypto."
"It's brutal - would crush forums and everyone's creativity."
"Make sure your internet is as deregulated as possible because let me tell you, it's the last bastion for freedom."
"If we allow overt censorship of the main mode of human communication, which is the internet, then we probably fall into another Dark Ages."
"There's a massive war going on for individual liberties and the Internet is the tool they're foaming at the mouth to regulate."
"There should be freedom of expression, there should be the freedom to actually be able to distribute content on the internet because that's the whole point of the internet."
"It is so wonderful to see this spread throughout the internet and also spread to people who have been previously deplatformed and censored for telling the truth."
"The internet was free and open to anybody... it was the new way to be who you wanted to be and say what you wanted to say."
"The internet is the last Bastion of true freedom."
"I'm an online commentator, legal edutainer, talking on the internet as I am free to do."
"Tesla's really changing the game... the Internet's free. If it's a good product, the word will get out there."
"A site being allowed to exist should not be requisite on contributing something according to some subjective feature."
"Once you've banned everyone for everything, I'm really not so sure that's going to enhance anyone's internet experience."
"What if we told you there was a safe way to do so, in addition to an opportunity to access the web from any location in the world, no strings attached?"
"Surf the web in any country in any time zone."
"Thank you for making it possible to make this type of content on the internet regardless of the algorithm."
"If a narrative doesn't fit, it's shadow banned, it's suppressed, it's throttled, it's argued against by a swarm of repetitive responses."
"If you want to have fun with your friends on the internet, then you should vote for people that will put in not Ajit Pai in positions of power."
"It's never going to get better from here. I hope you guys enjoyed the Golden Era of like free thought on the internet because it's over."
"Twitter users in China face detention and threats in a new Beijing crackdown."
"The Internet community needs to band together and demand that the Internet is truly free when it comes to using copyrighted material because fair use exists but it doesn't exist because you can't legitimately argue that with any of these websites."
"Being silenced on the Internet is far more dangerous in many ways than it ever was before."
"You're not hearing the campaign about oh my God these people try to ban websites."
"The internet is a global thing. It works everywhere and it's something that is probably the only place we'll have left to have any form of freedom on."
"It is illegal to use a VPN in China, yeah, that is against the law."
"Ultimately, the more free and open the internet is, the better we will all have it."
"Kiwi Farms is not the dark web, and like any platform for discussion, has every right to exist."
"An open internet where anyone can build an app or start a business."
"No censorship in decentralization." - Highlighting the freedom and autonomy offered by decentralized platforms.
"We did it! Victory! Thank you guys so much for standing up to the power, you know, fighting back against the oppressors. We just won the free and open Internet! We did it!"
"Surfshark gives you the freedom to serve your worldwide web the way you want."
"We should all agree to protect the internet because the establishment is coming for it."
"A terrible day for the internet a terrible day for America the internet as we know it is not going to exist anymore."
"If we win the debate but lose the internet, ours will be the last generation of American greatness." - Matt Gaetz
"We need internet freedom so based legal mindset can grow from baby in cell medium channel to intergalactic interdimensional empire."
"Our most important weapon in this battle in the age of big tech speech the ability to say what we want on the Internet is our most important weapon."
"Prevent unfair censorship, push Internet Bill of Rights." - Q, Post 605
"We may see the end of censorship on the internet."
"It's about doing to the internet and big Tech censoring and silencing dissenters from the neoliberal order."
"I think we need to extend free speech rights to the internet, no more no less."
"Censorship on the internet is rampant in the real news covered up by fake news."
"The internet itself is at risk and the great free flow of information is also at stake."
"It's blatant internet censorship now so now we're not even talking about ok protecting intellectual property and stopping piracy now we're talking about internet censorship."
"There was a point on the internet where we let people discuss whatever and it resulted in threats to families of dead children."
"The internet, despite censorship, is still there as alternative voices giving their opinions."
"At this point, it's become a fundamental tool if you want to be able to access the internet with the freedoms that you've already been used to."
"Obfuscated servers are for those who are fighting censorship."
"Fortunately, the US couldn't eliminate wikileaks.com."
"Aaron Swartz had become an activist for the cause of Internet Freedom, helping to fight internet censorship and campaigning for a free and open internet."
"They call themselves the final laws of the internet. If you are going to violate the freedoms of the Internet, you certainly better watch the [ __ ] out."
"No more bandwidth throttling, no more geo-restrictions on shopping or which videos and games you can play based on location."
"The internet is best served at its most free, free from advertisers following you, free from regional restrictions."
"Net neutrality protections are supposed to ensure that we, not our ISPs, decide what we do online."
"Personally, I'm left with one wish, and that's that the internet remains as free as possible."
"It's about sovereignty on the internet; it's about owning the whole stack."
"Are you invincible when it comes to your internet freedom?"
"For the fans around the world who value your privacy, your digital security, your freedom to roam the internet."
"I'm a big supporter of open internet use, I'm a big supporter of non-censorship."
"It's shameful for the government to censor internet use on social apps and stop people getting news."
"I am a firm believer that the internet should be a place for sharing and for piracy and for porn."
"You will never again be blocked from content online just because it's restricted in your country."
"There is a freedom that comes with the internet now that wasn't available to people before."
"Our mission is to actively demonstrate that censorship of the Internet is impractical, unethical, and wrong."
"Because the internet is not controlled by one person, company, or nation, it's very hard to censor ideas and material."
"Access to the free and open internet is an essential human right in modern society."
"President Obama promised specifically on the campaign trail that he would protect net neutrality."
"Net neutrality was the principle that companies had to give equal access to everybody to be on the internet."
"For less than seven dollars a month, you can browse the internet freely with the protection from ExpressVPN."
"Unlimited uninhibited free access to the internet all day every day."
"Reddit does not have to share IP addresses of piracy commenters, court rules."
"Section 230 has been very important for freedom of expression on the Internet."
"Anonymous is tired of corporate interests controlling the internet and silencing the people's right to spread information."
"The internet should not be censored, far from it."
"Right now the Internet is open and it's free and it belongs to nobody and they're trying to change that."
"This allows you to use the internet absolutely anywhere you like, on any wifi connection, without worrying about people tracking or storing your data, or stealing any of your information."
"No one owns the web... anyone can come and disrupt that and it will be disrupted."
"What if we just let the internet be totally free?"
"Using a VPN isn't just about like a local hacker. It could make the difference in accessing a free internet altogether."
"Without Section 230, the internet as we know it is gone."
"The wide openness of the internet has been a great thing in many ways."
"The rules they're going to put in place will protect and promote an open and accessible internet, free from corporate discrimination."
"A free and open internet is the most important Bastion of free speech today."
"On television you can say, but on the internet you can do it."
"The administration supports the FCC's efforts. And at the same time, the White House certainly has, and always will, support a free and fair Internet."