
Human Perspective Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"In this moment humans opened their eyes to a new appreciation of the scales and immensities of the cosmos."
"It was the most awe-inspiring moment of the flight when we looked up and there, coming over the lunar horizon, was the Earth. It was the only object in the universe that had any color to it. Basically blue with white clouds. Everything that we held dear was back there. It was a long way away."
"Human species bias is basically taking the human perspective of reality as though it were Universal and the only one."
"To be able to get it all done in such a short time frame with very little planning feels very good."
"The world is comprised of human perspectives."
"Viruses don't achieve their goals in a human-centric manner."
"This is an inflection point in human history... imagine what greatness can come from a generation seeing Earth from space." - Virgin Galactic Representative
"The sky is no longer the limit for us... we are changing the way humanity views space." - Virgin Galactic Representative
"Aliens existence would be more than a slice of humble pie for the fragile human ego especially if you like really love the Bible."
"Karma is fair, karma is almost indifferent. Karma has more of an all-around viewpoint than we as humans do."
"We humans, we would be ants or mosquitoes to them."
"We are in a position now where we... can really begin to understand the larger cosmic environment that we're a part of."
"As soon as you leave Earth, you realize we're all on the same team."
"Honestly, knowing that we are not the only ones is the biggest thing in the history of mankind."
"There’s been a lot of love and friendship, and I’m thankful for that because it made me see humanity from a totally different perspective and it has frankly given me hope."
"If this intelligence is so many light-years ahead of us, who are we?"
"Eyewitness accounts and testimonies offer a human perspective to the often clinical and technical data presented."
"Human beings have always looked to the skies and been aware of their place in something bigger than their own surroundings."
"Our human-centric view of the world has undoubtedly constrained our appreciation of the accomplishments of other species."
"It's a testament to how much the ocean is liquid hate but it is also fascinating. It's a fascinating insight into the mentality of you squishies."
"Has the moon had a major impact on our existence? I think absolutely."
"It'd be very closed-minded to think and very self-absorbed to think that we're the only intelligent things in this entire vast universe."
"You know the universe is so big that for us to think that there's not other people out there is insane."
"The human point of view is often the most interesting and telling point of view."
"To unveil the truth about the existence of extraterrestrial life would change human consciousness."
"These are staggeringly huge numbers 10 to the 21 stars a thousand times bigger than the number of grains of sand on an average beach itself a hundred times bigger than the number of words ever spoken or uttered by all humans who have ever lived."
"We have a very good chance of actually confirming this, that life I would not say we are not alone."
"When it comes to power, mother nature holds an extraordinary amount far more than us humans can even comprehend."
"But also during this entertaining ride of emotion, I came away with mental growth and new perspective on the human condition."
"God's repentance is about His consistent posture towards humanity."
"What a great way to take this movie, it's a human story."
"Only a fool will believe that we are the only beings in the universe."
"Job listen, you have the human perspective, but you don't have the God's perspective."
"No matter what his past, that's still somebody's son."
"It is not in your scope but in the scope of human beings like me, God has to be logical."
"Isn't it amazing that we're on the verge of what might be a time when you could say to your kids I lived on the planet when we thought humans were the only intelligence here."
"We are trying to find a way to describe how the universe works in a manner that us humans can understand."
"This is the first Halo game that makes us understand the perspective of what it means to be a human in this war."
"...where I start is from love. Whereas computers don't necessarily start there."
"We humans have stopped thinking of ourselves as part of the natural world, we're something separate."
"It's the human point of view of these superheroes. It's such a good concept."
"From a human perspective, I mean there are cases in the past where there have been raids thwarted by geese sounding the alarm."
"Sometimes personalities can get in the way and you have to address that from an understanding human perspective rather than an automated process perspective."
"Maybe think about it this way. You as a human, how you would solve this problem without the use of a computer?"
"There's always going to be room for the human perspective."
"We humans are also part of the universe we inhabit, so when we look out to study the stars and galaxies, are we really neutral observers of the universe?"
"We could be like a zoo, to aliens, where they are the zookeepers."
"I try to just zoom out of the athlete thing and like, even that, like learning and talking from these athletes, that's all great, but just like as a human being, the experience you're in the middle of is quite literally at a lot of people's pinnacle of like living your dream."
"Space, in other words, is immense. There is no means to reduce it to a human scale."
"That is the way of the forest, among your own people things change slowly and are mostly what they seem, but your human world is a tiny one."
"Look at this issue not through political ends but through a human lens."
"It feels like modern man and our interactions with space as we humans down on the ground have been able to experience it over the past handful of decades."
"The tree of life is not something that exists in nature; it's a way that humans classify nature."
"I'm writing as a human being who happens to do that for a living."
"These aliens don't get how fear works. Hal Jordan, because he's human, figures that out."
"Trees make a sound whether we are there or not; the world does not revolve around humans, despite what we think."
"We think of ourselves as the most powerful beings in the universe; it's unsettling to discover that we're wrong."
"We value and cherish life, robots would not, they wouldn't understand that."
"You give me an entirely new and sobering outlook on humans."
"If you bring a human perspective to the understanding of materials, you will be able to appreciate why or how you can easily understand material behavior."
"It's us giving meaning to our universe; those galaxies only became beautiful and meaningful about 400 years ago when Galileo first pointed a telescope to the sky."
"Prior to the modern era, man lived in blinkered thrall to his own majesty, confident of his place in a cosmos gifted him by divine right."
"Isn't that incredible how oblivious we actually are to what's happening around us as humans in the bush?"
"The universe as a whole really does make no sense, but that's because we're looking at it from the perspective of a human."
"God's thoughts are not our thoughts, and his ways are not our ways."
"They're saying they're immortal, which is closer to immortal than we are."