
Societal Investment Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Having a child gives you a much bigger buy-in to society because now all of a sudden you care about a lot of things that you might not have before."
"We have literally all the money in the world that can be spent and directed towards making us the society we pretend to be."
"We as a society agree that it's worth making the investment and giving everyone access to something."
"This country needs to start prioritizing our educators. Period."
"Being invested in people's safety creates better communities."
"Education is the most important investment we can make in our people."
"Our children are dying... invest in our kids and their wellness."
"It's easier to build strong children than to repair broken men..."
"Every child... should have access to a college or trade school education."
"Our children are our future and they're our most precious resource."
"There is no greater return to an economy or to a society than an educational system second to none."
"I want a massively alignment of investment in the United States in the direction of our children because if you set a child up to succeed before the age of ten so much is handled."
"We need to invest in our children in jobs and education, not more jails and more incarceration."
"Having strong families is the greatest return on investment that any society can make."
"If we don't educate our children, all of them, then this is still going to be our country."
"It's about putting it out in court and showing the evidence, and then dragging them out in the light with Discovery."
"Educating our kids is not only the right thing to do, it's the most important work in America."
"Education is what levels the playing field for people and we've underinvested in it for decades."
"It's actually very important for a functioning economy and for a functioning democracy that people have a stake in the system."
"Children are our collective product, our collective future."
"We invest in our people from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down. We see economic growth and benefits for all Americans."
"Build Back Better delivers transformational investments in child care, climate action, housing, healthcare, and more."
"Hope is about what you can achieve in your life... I want us to, as a society, recognize we've got to invest in all our people." - Jeremy Corbyn
"There is no greater resource than our children."
"Both physical infrastructure and human infrastructure are equally important."
"Free college is an investment in the younger generation. It more than pays us back in the long run."
"We need to divest from military and policing and invest in our families and communities."
"If we could use that money instead to build a productive society, oh my god, the wealth possibilities."
"Education by far the most important single investment that any society makes."
"It's a small price to safeguard our democracy."
"Investing in children actually impacts Americans of all ages in addition to our entire economy."
"Talent is everywhere, man. We have to start looking at our kids like our princes and our princesses, our queens and our kings."
"White women's investment in white supremacy is older than the US itself."
"Tax is good. Tax is an investment in our society."
"We need to reinvest in our society to make people happy to live and be alive."
"Many people in many countries have argued that it would be much more productive to put these resources into preventing crime in the first place."
"There is nothing more important than the education of our youth."
"For these are our children, and we will pay for or benefit from whatever they become."
"The returns to society at large on investment in humanoid robots are nothing short of staggering."
"Universal education is a unique issue because... if we had a universal education program that was free at the point of service and everyone just paid into it throughout their sort of working lives, we would have to wrestle with how colleges orient themselves."
"If people don't feel like they're invested in a system, why would they care about its existence?"
"We got enough money to send everybody to college for free."
"If you make education totally free, it's got to be worth something."
"Any society with even a modicum of common sense would do so because children are literally our future."
"It's actually every bit as important to invest in our people as it is in our tanks and missiles."