
Politicization Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"It's pretty incredible how political all of American life has become."
"I'm in a business school, so it's a sort of an island of pragmatism in a larger sea of politicization."
"Every aspect of American culture has become more and more political."
"Politicizing the Department of Justice and weaponizing it to go after your political opponents is an abuse of power."
"Recognize before it gets politicized, somebody lost their life."
"If there is one hard lesson we have learned over the last two and a half years of this pandemic, it is that here in the United States, public health has been politicized by the right."
"Many people have woken up... become politicized... don't quite see the world in the same way."
"Talking about basic human rights then I don't think it's something that should be debatable but unfortunately it is and unfortunately it has been politicized."
"Our country has never seen a weaponized 'Justice' department and FBI like they are witnessing right now."
"Is the intelligence community politicizing the very powerful authorities we give them to protect the country? That's a critical question." - Andy McCarthy
"Hydroxychloroquine has become politicized; that's unfortunate."
"We're on the defensive, not politicizing our rights."
"Including diversity in your story is not political... the people who get upset every time they see anything of diversity in a book, they're the ones politicizing it."
"I think the Supreme Court is fully politicized... they respond to political pressure."
"I never saw a case become so politicized before from the get-go."
"The Supreme Court has for some time now... become a fully political entity."
"The pandemic has been politicized, causing millions of deaths."
"We're going to make everything political in a fight."
"The politicization of interest rates is in itself the problem."
"The last thing we need is to turn the Supreme Court into just a political football."
"I think it's important since you need to remember why this is happening though and the why is that the Supreme Court has gotten more political by virtue of how it's been ruling."
"When you politicize suffering and you get into the habit of denying others' suffering, you re-victimize people and you create more future victims."
"The politicization of sports will damage the spirit of the Olympic charter."
"Not every aspect of society needs to be hopelessly politicized and ginned up to level 11."
"People don't seem to realize just how politicized the police have become."
"Everything has become so political, our running shoes political, our chicken sandwiches political, our sitcoms politic."
"They're gonna have to convince me that this is not politicized corruption."
"Everything is political and therefore we should reject that naturalization and say with mobility, with our food systems, with how we organize the corporation and work, we need to say actually let's go to the root of this."
"Every part of our culture is now being militarized on behalf of the woke left."
"The retirement Savings of Americans shouldn't be politicized."
"The wearing of masks has been politicized for one particular political position, it's just ridiculous."
"Politicizing tragedies like this is one of the sickest ills of our modern society and it is a direct cause of this problem."
"It's a real problem that this thing has become so politicized and sort of toxic."
"So, in the past couple of years or so, I sort of discovered how my sexuality is actually a really politicized thing."
"Everything's so political that nothing's safe anymore."
"Everything about you is political now... it's making things not fun anymore."
"One of the first signs of decline into tyranny is when the justice systems become politicized."
"There are still two systems of Justice, this is obviously politicized."
"I think communicating science is in crisis. We may soon enter a world where every single scientific issue is politicized."
"Making masks political... it should have never ever been allowed to become political."
"That would, in that instant, politicize the agency forevermore."
"There really are no words to describe it other than just pure shock. It is outrageous what went on in this. It is a system gone totally mad. It is a politicized, a weaponized system with no accountability or little accountability."
"Our law enforcement has been weaponized and politicized rather than remaining apolitical as it has been for the history of our country."
"Money is too important to be attached to any flag and that money should really be a market-based good not a good based on politicians."
"Canadians are hardly alone as common sense recently reported American public health agencies have also been politicized."
"We can't just take two minutes to mourn before this becomes political."
"Absolutely, that's how I see it. So much of news reporting about science is politicized and geared toward disaster."
"Once you start gaming these things and they become politicized... one person's Insurrection is another person's Rowdy protest."
"You can't say a word about a cybertruck for example or anything without it becoming politicized and everyone getting angry at you."
"If you're comedy is going to be politicized anyway you might as well make some money doing it I guess."
"We need to stop playing politics with people's lives."
"They politicize everything and politically get The Peasants involved in their revolutionary Insurgency."
"Everything has now been politicized, even the most private and intimate moment between human beings has become a pressing public issue."
"Their agenda became quite politicized all of a sudden as you said they went from being kind of doing good works and defending the small folk against all manner of predation by soldiers and I don't think they saw it as a political thing."
"If someone as eminently qualified as Judge Jackson... cannot receive bipartisan support, what does it say to the country about the politicization of the Supreme Court?"
"The roots traced back to its origins, very special circumstances in which politicization of the overseas Chinese was made very early."
"I'm really worried about the judiciary being politicized, not by these nominees, but by all of us."