
Societal Trust Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Our country simply cannot survive a perpetuation of that distrust. We got to fix it across the board."
"Everybody loves institutions and governments until they don't. Everybody loves corporations and trusts Google with 'don't be evil' and Facebook because it's the cool new thing until they don't."
"The fabric of society is at risk if people are going to AI and asking it for things and it's lying."
"Human trust is the key to civilization and to science."
"We don't have to underestimate the intelligence of the American people."
"If the government can give you something, they can easily just take it away."
"Trust in just about everything, whether it's the media, politics, social identity politics, partisan politics, left versus right, media, trust in so many things is palpably changing right now."
"You can only have interventions and trust if you have complete freedom of speech, expression, and the ability to debate things." - Sean Cochran
"Sometimes you have to forget politics, do the right thing, and trust the rest."
"America's deserve to have confidence in our justice system... so every American is seen by the lady of Justice with a blindfold on."
"We live in an exceptionally free country with a right to firearm... and we do not trust each other."
"The only thing holding up the law for law-abiding citizens is us thinking it's still being held up."
"We as a society have gifted that credibility to police officers just by virtue of placing a badge on them."
"In a moment of chaos and uncertainty when trust in the hero society must be at an all-time low, we all remember when Horikoshi was criticized for giving Endeavor a sort of redemption arc."
"The basic institutions of the country are being called into question; the legitimacy of those institutions is being called into serious question."
"When you have a society that has completely lost faith in the justice system, completely lost any faith that there is a system in place for enacting and exacting justice, well then you have the collapse of society."
"Once the public is betrayed, it's very hard to win that trust back."
"This is why everyone needs to chill out. We have a system in place that tries to do it to the best of its abilities to seek justice."
"People's freedom to make life choices and people's trust in the other people around them."
"We as a society are quick to believe her reasonings not because we are gullible, but because otherwise the message would be that no one is safe from such a random type of murder and monster, and that is more terrifying."
"When people begin to doubt that the rule of law actually applies equally... we reach somewhat of a tipping point."
"If a marriage bond means nothing, then you don't have trust as a society."
"I think it's pretty messed up to destroy statues of any group because that is history."
"Trust is precious and fragile. Collective trust in society is made ultimately of the trust of individuals... a civilized society must hold some things as sacred, never to be broken or dishonored."
"Trust is fundamental to the basic concept of getting back to the business of the day because it's actually what holds a society together."
"It's a similar pattern that we see government trying to control people through the institutions that they trust."
"When government authority loses credibility, society will give a negative evaluation to whatever it says or does."
"It's not that people don't care, it's that trust has been broken."
"Keeping promises is vital to any society because no civilization in which there is not trust can advance."
"When you have a culture that is cohesive and agrees on morals and ethics like you can leave your door open at night."
"Why have we eroded faith in our government and our systems and in our institutions because they never represent us."
"Transparency with the general public is important. We have to tell them, people are not stupid, we're not a bunch of sheep."
"We have to get back to a time in America where we trusted scientists again."
"It's the values that ultimately are going to make or break this technology."
"Falsehood will spread such that when a person is telling a lie they will be considered truthful."
"We must have faith that you've given them a good education, that people can make up their own minds."
"What are you supposed to do when the people that are supposed to keep us safe are also predators?"
"The best thing about Japan... everyone's honest."
"You cannot dismiss Witnesses this credible, Witnesses with unblemished records, Witnesses who must be taken seriously and taken at their word."
"There needs to be some level of trust in these institutions which help bind us together as a society, as a country."
"Where are all the flowery speeches about humanity and justice? Is there no justice, no trust anymore?"
"This is a case about an abuse of an incredible power, about the abuse of the incredible trust that we all put we have to put in law enforcement in a society."
"This country cannot endure without trust and apolitical spaces."
"When the system starts to break down, people lose faith in it."
"Trust in the hero society would collapse, and things would never be the same again."
"Humanity believed The Entity came from heaven and allowed it to make decisions on the Banning of nuclear weapons and warfare."
"We are taught to trust powerful, unaccountable people... to decide for us who is evil enough."
"Trust is the most important commodity in any society."
"It is not good for the country to have a large chunk of the country lose faith in major government institutions. When that happens the country falls; you don't have a country anymore."
"Public health officials out there, they aren't nefarious, they aren't out there trying to hurt people, they're humans."
"The ultimate safeguard is a citizenry. You have to trust them with guns."
"They have such a small amount of crime, it is that people are so honest and trustworthy."
"Trust in institutions isn't reserved solely for those that perfectly match the characteristics of the general population."
"Trust and communications are important for ensuring trust among the population for the political parties as well as for the different institutions in these countries."
"No country can survive without trust, without a contract between people, of understanding."
"The people is never corrupted but it is often deceived."
"We take for granted how much our society's stability is based on shared trust in truth-making institutions."
"Australia is a very high trust society."
"Public faith in heroes is vital to our system."
"Entertainment, stress relief, escapism, bonding through shared experiences... Society trusts that we're not just going to think that our lives should be just like Thor's life because we recognize movies as a pleasant fiction."
"This is the product of what is an extremely well-run and well-trusted democracy."