
Systemic Bias Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"The system is broken by design; it is always skewed in the favor of government."
"There are groups that have been marginalized and excluded because of historic systems and structures that were intentionally designed to favor one group over another."
"If you've been made Untouchable by the system and you've just been rising through the ranks for years based on say your intersectional identity, you are going to think you much better and more competent at things than you actually are."
"By the time I left the ACLU, I had come to realize that I was just dead wrong about our criminal justice system. It's not just another institution in our society infected with some degree of bias but a different beast entirely."
"The game is rigged from the start; you cannot win because they have defined the terms of the debate."
"If you consistently have bad experiences with healthcare, you might be less inclined to seek help that you need in the future."
"The deck is stacked from the get-go with those rules."
"Black women are not being listened to, that the community is not being listened to, and that people prefer to listen to police departments and white news outlets."
"It doesn't matter if they're white, black, whatever. They are not here for us."
"I think we have to really see that reality that's impacting our communities every day before we push forward laws and legislation that adds more Authority and resources to a system that's biased against us already."
"Isn't it coincidental that they stole your spirituality, made your systems evil, and now you're scared to look at your systems?"
"The world system can never be fair; it's controlled by a small amount of wealthy families."
"Pretty privilege often allows us to evade our own and others' participation in upholding a system of anti-blackness."
"That was a fair trial in the system of white supremacy."
"The Global Financial system is fundamentally incentivized to support the wealthy minority over the lower income majority."
"A whole lot of people have real good reason to believe the system is rigged against them."
"White privilege is anything in our culture that benefits the whites who have actually engineered society to benefit them." - A concise explanation of the concept of white privilege.
"It's always what it comes down to. Everything is rooted in white supremacy at the end of the day sadly."
"We decided to put David's name because he's a white man and we have a greater chance of this grant being approved."
"Never can they say to black people again that we are crazy when we say the police conspired to kill us."
"Racism won't stop. Systemic bias won't stop. So I won't stop, and you won't stop either."
"If this had been you without the protections offered by a badge and a gun, do you think the courts would have been as lenient?"
"Racism won't stop, systemic bias won't stop. People still need healthcare."
"There's a bias against prevention. There's a bias against testing."
"Lower income communities, communities of color are absolutely getting decimated based on a rigged system."
"We all still looked at by the system the same way."
"It's like just one way and the judges and the Witnesses are being paid by the same people so this what we have those those the Hague and so on those are all Western created entities."
"The black-owned black criminal is an ally of white domination."
"White supremacy is baked into science and academia."
"You squash fascist movements by winning the violent clashes."
"If you use reason to argue back you're participating in a system that was created by white men in order to exclude women and racial minorities from being able to argue on their own terms."
"It's the same thing they always did going and policing poor black neighborhoods but now they just have data that tells them to do it."
"Lack of care and concern across racial lines is responsible for the crack versus powder cocaine disparity."
"The punitive impulse towards kids of color and urban schools stems from precisely the same kinds of attitudes."
"It's a rigged game, they already have the information."
"There's a perception it's specifically rigged against us... it's very subtle."
"Don't give white supremacist systems the benefit of the doubt."
"White wealthy men in this country skate like nobody's business."
"The legal system itself is embedded in the values and perspectives of the men who made law."
"The idea that in this day and age in America we still have school districts where there's an institutional bias for racism... is horrifying."
"Colorism doesn't just affect dark-skinned women's dating lives, it affects our ability to get a job, get a loan, get arrested..."
"When I tell you the game is rigged, the game is rigged."
"The mainstream media is not your friend... They are operating collegiately in unison to create a set of systems that are beneficial to them and disadvantaged you."
"You can't get mad when you don't win within a system that was never designed for you or your artwork."
"The reason the Supreme Court has been 97 percent white is because of discrimination. It's because leaders in both parties kept the court that way, guarding the nation's highest court as a kind of last bastion of an exclusive white membership."
"The white liberal feels the remorse of the endowed privilege they may not appreciate how inveterate the implicit biases of society are etched into every system."
"White supremacy always takes both sides of the argument by proxy."
"Our justice system isn't exactly known for its racial equality and lack of bias."
"It is unjust to put the burden on the marginalized to prove themselves a thousand times more than privileged individuals just because the system favors the elite."
"Fat phobia is not just simply having an individual disdain for people with larger bodies; fat phobia is something that impacts people with larger bodies systemically."
"The criminal justice system has targeted and disproportionately imprisoned the same groups of people that were literally slaves not that long ago."
"Sexism like racism is structural, systemic, institutional."
"Racism is not just people thrown around slurs, it's systems, it's institutions, it's biases, it's marketing."