
Patents Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"I wrote my own patent. I went to Barnes and Noble and bought a book called Patents and Trademarks."
"Britain's Air Ministry had declined to keep Whittle's patents a secret. Freely available, they quickly made their way to Germany, just as the Nazis came to power."
"Just because a product doesn't have a patent does not necessarily mean its formula isn't top quality or highly effective."
"I don't know if patents work differently for vaccines or what but I don't think there's a huge profit to be made."
"Over 700 patents were issued to Tesla worldwide among these the Tesla induction motor is widely accepted as one of the 10 most important discoveries of all time."
"Imagine if id had patented the first-person shooter... an entire video game genre."
"Patents are like door locks they only keep the honest people out."
"Patents can exacerbate the negative effects of inelastic demand and they're likely the reason why at least some price controls are necessary."
"Without patents, business innovation can run smoothly."
"The inventor with the most ever patents in history is Shunpi Yamazaki."
"Our patents are real, we spent the money to research and develop those things."
"It's a smart and convenient solution to protect your phone from accidental drops. What's even more exciting is that the brilliant developer of this invention has already applied for a patent."
"Now the issue of patent protections in order to bake in profits for life-saving drugs is nothing new it is a regular occurrence in our capitalist system."
"But apple is definitely working on it based on the supply chain all of the different patents and more."
"Patents are what drive research and development."
"Elijah McCoy: The inventor who revolutionized the railroad with 57 patents, including an automatic lubrication system for locomotive steam engines."
"Tesla has filed for a patent to reduce or eliminate the visibility of a boundary between the displaying portions of the system and the non-displaying portions."
"Tesla has just patented a new battery cell construction that revolves around what's called a Tablas electrode."
"Monsanto is synonymous with very aggressive patenting and promotion of GMOs."
"Apple just filed for a brand new patent for their ARS light of your headset just last week so they're constantly improving under current prototypes."
"Crazy patent ideas are nothing new."
"Utility patents cover those things that we generally think of as inventions."
"128 patents and over 100 separate firearms place him in a class by himself."
"Don't fire the guy who holds the patents."
"An allowed patent application indicates meeting all of the laws and rules but it's not patented yet."
"A patent filed by Disney shows how they plan to improve flying theater attractions like Saurin with a greater range of motion."
"Drug companies are doing this strategy all the time. Between 2005 and 2015, almost 80% of new patents were for existing drugs."
"Patents are like property, you can use it to attract investors. It can be used as a marketing tool."
"The Lord, it's kind of interesting... especially with patents... to use my technical knowledge... so law school was the answer."
"It's worth noting Winchester's records include a proposed slide marking of their own which references the same patent dates in the same general layout."
"China's patenting activity now exceeds all of the rest major countries combined."
"Alfred Nobel held 355 patents, the most important being dynamite."
"I did not realize that on average 20 patents a day are sequestered."
"The first patent for a machine like this was granted in 1834 to Jacob Perkins."
"I guess that sort of confirms what I had suspected, and that is that there are brick hammers and there are masonry hammers and there are cross pine hammers, there's all kinds of hammers, but it turns out this is a patentable design."
"In the US, that's with the patent office. These patents are country by country."
"It gives you patent pending status for one year and it's extremely affordable."
"If you write your provisional patent application correctly... it's going to overcome three future arguments."
"The United States defined patents as property rights, not as government monopolies, setting a foundation for a thriving innovation economy."
"I favor a system in which valuable patents are bought out and put into the public domain so that everybody can use them."
"How is this unique? First of all, he's starting talking about a patent. So if there is a patent involved, a patent application already implies that's something new."
"What about pressure? We’ve filed a patent for this idea which makes use of the flex in the handles for each of the machines to read out a calibrated pressure."
"Lots of patents on here, that means something."
"Many car companies already have patents for very efficient cars."
"Prices are high because drug makers have monopolies over products. Patients can't just say, 'I'll take this alternative.' The patents block them from having affordable access. So that is a monopoly, not a market system."
"Now what? Publish paper, make a video, or commercialize it. It's a personal choice, but remember, patents are the water we swim in."
"Apple has applied for 248 car-related patents, making it their second-largest category after communication and navigation."
"I'm not anti-patent nor anti-profits. They're meant to encourage formation of capital pools to cure previously incurable illnesses."
"We open source our patents, provide access to our superchargers, and have invited them to license our self-driving AI systems."
"We just announced our 50,000th patent, which is an incredible milestone for any company."
"She became a talented businesswoman who patented inventions and won fashion awards for her clothing designs."
"We need to make sure that the product we're thinking of launching has no product patents."
"Over time, we are getting cool new products because of patents."
"Once you have ideas at the heart of the model, you start thinking about things like patents and intellectual property."
"Lastly, there can be no legal issues such as licensing requirements or patent issues."
"We are more like an engineering company with 10% of staff being engineers and 11 patents per day being produced."
"If you invent, say a new drug, and you patent it. You then have the exclusive right to sell that chemical compound for 17 years."
"The argument for patents is you want an incentive for innovation."
"The name of the game in patent law really is claims, and understanding claims is critical."
"Patent claims are the primary yardstick of patent rights."
"We want patent claims to be our locus of analysis."
"Patents are a fraud on the earth, on biodiversity, on future generations."
"Tesla has also open-sourced a lot of their patents."
"We have to have a patent system that doesn't prevent competition. We want a patent system that encourages innovation."
"If you feel like you have the funds to do that and you feel like your product is something that is completely unique and shouldn't be copied, by all means go ahead and patent your product."
"Merely having a patent is not harming anyone; it would be aggression to use it offensively against someone."
"Items that can be patented need to be something that is new, that changes the game essentially for any given area."
"It just goes to show how much ingenuity you can stimulate when you are desperately trying to get around your rival's patents."
"We have still not expanded our range of applications... we are doing a lot of R&D and then we are able to so far register 26 patents for our ingredients to be used in pharmaceutical applications."
"Venice enacted something called the patent statute, also known as the monopoly law, the first in the patent system in the world."
"We can use patents to try to get an understanding of the direction and rate of innovation."
"You need to describe your invention in your patent application with enough detail so that someone of your skill can make or do your invention without undue experimentation."
"A patent lawsuit is typically the most expensive form of litigation there is."
"Remember what a patent provides for you, which is the right to exclude others from making, using, or selling."
"A patent is the exclusive right to produce and sell goods with one or more unique features."
"Henry the Eighth invented patents in 1482 and he establishes a 20-year life and his system really is still in operation today."
"It's so amazing to have a look at these patents, those drawings."
"He is an intelligent man and holds over a dozen patents for various pieces of equipment he has designed and built over the years."
"Look for patents, patents on a box tell you that something innovative has been done there that nobody else can do."
"He was also an inventor who gained patents for a fireplace, porcelain false teeth, and a new kind of wooden bridge."
"Snowflake was founded in 2012 by industry veterans with over a hundred and twenty patents to their name."
"Intellectual property rights need to be respected; that's how we get the innovative medical countermeasures that help us with the next pandemic."
"I call the process which I patented and trademarked Scanimation."
"The United States has long been a world leader in promoting new innovation with its gold standard patent system."
"Patents are state-granted monopolies."
"It was such a good design that as soon as the patents ran out on this, everybody started making clones."
"The FX1 platform is growing month over month, our AI computer vision is a one of a kind and patents are coming in 2024."