
National Development Quotes

There are 340 quotes

"The education of the youth is a foundation of a country."
"Socialism has raised countries out of poverty."
"Building bold infrastructure has always been central to America's story."
"The Republic of Korea of 2023 appears to have successfully made that transition and now stands as one of the most prosperous countries in Asia."
"We have to rebuild our country... we're going to spend money now on our country, and it's going to be our jobs and it's going to be our equipment, it's going to be made much of it, hopefully, at some point, all of it's going to be made here."
"This country is a constant work in progress."
"We must rebuild this country for the future of our children."
"Believe it or not, Poland is on the way to become a major global power."
"The nation has surprisingly strong economic characteristics: a great export market, a thriving manufacturing industry, natural resources, a young and productive workforce, and even geography are on its side."
"Mexico is a nation with a lot of potential... it has the same opportunities to go through rapid growth like so many other nations have in Southeast Asia and abroad."
"Pioneering innovation, all of it driven by fearless men and women who dreamt big and shaped the country we live in today."
"I have no doubt that our younger generation will make Prime Minister's dream of Atmanirbhar Bharat a reality, if only we give them a platform to make it."
"Out of this war, you definitively saw England and France, possibly the most important countries in history, come out of the forge of this war as modern countries that would then embark upon changing the rest of the world."
"A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance."
"The day we are ready to change, the better Nigeria will become."
"We need to move the country from where we are today, which I say is consumptive, to production. We have to be productive."
"Good governance matters just that little bit more to Singapore, drawing its rise to fame."
"France seems to have the industry and facilities necessary to carry out its plans."
"If you teach people a skill and a trade and how they can function on our own, that's how you change a nation."
"For over 100 years, none of it could have been achieved without the nation's pioneers."
"Why do these countries need to build such expensive and inefficient projects?"
"This is a real opportunity to invest in the future of America and build on our nation's strengths."
"Let's face the challenges ahead. Let's keep building a better America."
"It went from a definitively third-world country to a definitively first-world country."
"Paul Kagame, its president, declared that mission to turn the country into 'the Singapore of Africa.'"
"Making those investments in America and all across the country."
"The people that can really affect the country and rebuild the country...are manufacturers."
"The most base of all long-term dreams in Football Manager is to change the fortunes of a whole country."
"She created a country in which people could create wealth."
"The American Jobs Plan: a once-in-a-generation investment in America itself."
"For India to maintain that dominant position, the country needs to step up further."
"Rwanda knew the most valuable resource it had was its people."
"That's what would fix things, increasing the opportunities and making Mexico a better place."
"Kim Jong-un clearly considers the reform and revitalization of the country's agricultural sector a core aspect of his policy."
"China is developing in ways which most benefit Chinese society."
"To bring about such success in nearly two and a half centuries of existence, this nation must certainly have had superior leaders capable of turning a ragtag confederation of backwater colonies into the mighty country it would later become."
"There has to be change, there has to be progress, and we as a country have to be deliberate."
"Our principles did not create these virtues but they laid the groundwork for them to grow and spread and forge America into the most just and glorious country in all of human history."
"America is stronger when everyone can contribute, participate, and join in our national revival."
"The Trinity of demography, democracy, and diversity has the potential to fulfill aspirations of every Indian."
"Every successful nation in the world got that way with free-market capitalism."
"This has been how Japan became a Modern Nation."
"India should be developing GPT4, GPT5, GPTN. We should be leapfrogging ahead of the West and China."
"We're a strong country. We're building a new step and new history of our country."
"Brazil's use of ethanol to power cars has fundamentally changed the economy and future prospects of that country."
"Let's build it together. Let's continue to give working families a fighting chance, face our challenges head-on, and let's keep building a better America because we can do it."
"The contemplation of establishing its currency is a clear manifestation of Niger's push for economic autonomy."
"All India really wants is to grow their economy in peace and lift their people out of poverty."
"Infrastructure is the backbone of our economy, and it's key to keeping our country competitive."
"China is also a human story. It's a story of the rise of a nation after a really tough modern history and the aspirations of Chinese people."
"Why are you building a new India if not for the young?"
"Dispatching the Iwakura Mission to America and Europe must be cited as the most important event that built the foundation of our state."
"Driven by fearless men and women who dreamt big and shaped the country we live in today."
"I'm on the mindset that if we came together with our resources, we could be a top 10 country."
"The government should invest in education and health for the future."
"You cannot have a country like Nigeria without having a functional health sector."
"Is it possible that Ukraine will be rich one day?"
"China is still in a process of transition from what it was as an empire into what it's becoming in an industrialized globalized world."
"It's building those Industries which is Somalia's best chance of Never regressing Back to the Lawless Anarchy it was just a decade ago."
"It's a force that developers would love to harness, particularly in Brazil where 80% of all the country's electricity is created by hydropower."
"The social democratic project of building a good nation state is universally enviable."
"Let's put people to work and let's once again re-establish America as the most advanced country in the world."
"The future of NASA so too does the future of this nation."
"The future will be won by those countries that unleash the full potential of their populations."
"We're going to build new airports, new highways, new dams... we will build new strength into our country."
"Every president has talked about the need to rebuild our infrastructure."
"In order to compete as a nation and to maintain our status globally, all minds must be engaged to their fullest potential."
"America moves forward only when we do so together."
"From an agrarian society to a technological powerhouse in just a couple of decades."
"El Salvador can be the Singapore of Latin America."
"Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: Africa's largest hydroelectric power plant, a symbol of national development."
"Modi is a really impressive human being, a transformational leader for India."
"America had come of age; it had passed through its fiery adolescence and found its place in the world as a united country with a strong central government."
"How do we progress? How do we move on from here? Science becomes a key ingredient in national success."
"China casted a vision to their nation: here's where China can be one day if we X Y Z."
"We have to have a Revival of education so every child in this country can look forward to getting a college education so they can contribute to make America grow intellectually."
"President Ibrahim Tror's leadership has ushered in a transformative era for Burkina Faso, marked by unprecedented development across various sectors."
"President Tror has demonstrated a dedication to renewable energy with the successful implementation of the Zagi solar power plant."
"Russia is interested in developing the Russian people, defending their interests, and being a stable and positive multipolar force on the world stage."
"We can make it happen for Nigeria but we must be patriotic enough... accountability, transparency, inclusiveness, and untampered growth."
"Personally, I hope they find justice for getting fired just for being pregnant because that's just not fair, and I'm pretty sure that's illegal."
"How did such a poor country become the second-largest software exporter?"
"Zimbabwe's economic journey highlights the crucial role of global strategies in shaping a nation's destiny."
"The wartime boom helped to diversify the country's industry."
"By the turn of the 21st century, Qatar had been revolutionised from a poverty stricken colonial backwater into a regional powerhouse."
"We must push through, we must not slow down, we must finish well, we must sing the real song of a new Nigeria."
"Kenya is at a point in the journey of a nation that requires decisive, firm, and visionary leadership."
"The foundation we built... Kenya is now ready for takeoff."
"We have a marvelous machine, and it has worked extraordinarily since 1776."
"Ethiopia has been growing at a 10% rate year after year."
"Israel did not just adapt to survive, they invented and thrived."
"The United States is going through a re-evolution."
"Our history built this country, but it's also going to shape this country's future."
"Here's what China has achieved in the last five years: alleviated extreme poverty, built a huge high-speed rail network, renewable energy in every home, and much more."
"We're rebuilding America's economy like nobody thought possible."
"If you want a good country, if you want people to live here, if you want people to be happy, the infrastructure of the country is important."
"It's not a question about whether or not China should develop. China has to develop in order to lift more people out of poverty."
"We need real solutions that will actually move our country forward."
"We are in the midst of the greatest economic transformation in the history of our country."
"We are not just dividing as a country, we're developing, we're moving backwards."
"It was a time of brilliant engineering, pioneering innovation, all of it driven by fearless men and women who dreamt big and shaped the country we live in today."
"Rhodes’ genius had an enormous impact on the development of South Africa."
"Education is not a cost; it's an investment in your country."
"Tax rich people to help build their country."
"The so called VISION 2030 is Bin Salman’s plan to bring Saudi Arabia into the 21st century… at least, when it comes to economics."
"Gambia deserved development. We deserved schools, hospitals, and better infrastructure."
"Putin stopped the collapse and he stabilized the situation and he began to rebuild the Russian state."
"Vietnam today: a prosperous and peaceful nation."
"We've got to create a UK that people want to invest in and we've got to increase the prosperity of our people."
"When we invest in our infrastructure, we invest in our economy."
"He was only the President never to start the war... the only politician I know of who fought to build his country as opposed to manage its decline."
"India has become much more self-confident, self-aware, and impactful on the world."
"The economy as a whole will grow. We can do this."
"We're going to take their money, we're going to take their factories, we're going to rebuild the industrial Bedrock of this country like it used to be."
"Donald Trump did not build this country, you did."
"Egypt has grown, we have taken over a load of territory."
"America is a project... still to be realized."
"From financial uncertainty to modernization, it's been quite the journey for Saudi Arabia."
"Bolivia went from being a stagnant economy in ruins to the fastest growing economy in Latin America."
"I hope Nigeria will find I think it's a great use for his talent."
"Communication can solve many things. Thailand is on its way now to be a better country with some transparency."
"We're seeing something that's truly gonna shape the future of this country."
"We need to focus on immigration and get more people coming to the country. We need the smartest people in the world to keep wanting to work here."
"Decisions which will cement the progress and the movement of the country for next thousand years."
"China is no longer a copier, it's innovating on its own right."
"The forcible seizure of native land none of this has anything to do with capital is the very opposite of capital you're saying is the United States of America was not a capitalist country until 1865 and that's the day it."
"A new Nigeria is possible... considering the rising unemployment, inflation, poverty, inequality, and other key socioeconomic variables."
"And just like that, ladies and gentlemen, we have become an empire."
"The change came from within the US, and sometimes change has to come from within."
"No power on Earth can stop India from becoming a $35 trillion economy."
"This is quite simply one of the best economic growth engines of America."
"Imagine what that does. Jobs making sure there's high-speed internet available everywhere in America."
"China's own national rejuvenation is the key step that can be taken today in the rejuvenation of the whole of humanity."
"Focus on building up your nation economically."
"South Korea's economic miracle: from Samsung to Hyundai, a story of rapid growth."
"I think in this country we had a lot of great progress, civil rights for instance."
"China's remarkable Economic Development, technological advancements, and diplomatic Outreach have positioned it as a significant player on the world stage."
"Australia could one day be a nation comparable to what the United States was becoming, an industrial powerhouse descended from the British Empire."
"It allowed the country to flourish technologically way earlier than the rest of the world."
"India is going to become a Powerhouse economically technologically and otherwise much more so than it is today."
"President Julius Maabo offered insights into Sierra Leone's post-Civil War progress and ongoing challenges."
"And India's is more than 5 and 1/2 times what it was."
"It's about building a better future for all Canadians."
"We need to build America from the bottom up, in the middle out, not from the top down."
"One of the realizations I hope most people draw from this is that our nations have developed and evolved in irresponsible and disordered ways."
"India will become the education Hub, not just an idea but the education Hub."
"Empowering women is not just a matter of social justice but also a catalyst for National development."
"By forming Russia, not only do you get that sort of government type and their insane national ideas, but you can also unlock the Siberian Frontier idea."
"We're going to make a big investment in charging and service infrastructure throughout the country."
"A destiny full of hatred can't build a nation."
"After years of building up other countries, we're finally building up our country."
"5G is the foundation for reindustrializing the nation."
"Education has to be excellent, broad-based for a country to really, really take off."
"Who built America? I mean, this is fascinating."
"Our country will create jobs, safety, prosperity, and security."
"All countries have got the right to develop in their own way."
"China was no longer that poor, miserable wasteland with no business activity at all."
"Immediately on his first day in office, he signed measures to 'rescue the role of State institutions, public Banks, and state-owned companies in the development of the country,' literally the opposite of neoliberalism."
"We have a stake here, we have helped to build this country."
"India's first concrete steps into knowledge in crypto may finally be here."
"Tariffs didn't build America; America rose in spite of the many ill effects of tariffs."
"Perhaps this will be Hassan's greatest legacy—a modern Morocco that was built by a king."
"El Salvador is already becoming the financial center of America."
"We're going to have to revive a common commitment to things like Merit and excellence in this country again or else we're all just in one giant spiral to the bottom fighting over a shrinking pie on how we divide it up."
"It's incredible what something as simple as a train can do for a person or even a whole country."
"We're a young country and we have to now figure out how to grow up."
"All hope is not lost. We're in a war to save our republic and our nation."
"President Tr's goal is to lead Burkina Faso toward prosperity, autonomy, and strength by maximizing its resources and reducing Western influence."
"America did not simply stumble into this clear path to follow; it was something which it bitterly fought to achieve against the wills of an opposing future, a fight which was in fact against itself."
"We are at that point again where we have the opportunity to seize a decade of national renewal in our country."
"The United States of America, Washington's True Legacy through its Growing Pains."
"Iran might be able to slowly open up to the world again and create a sphere of its own."
"Over the years and over the next four years, we will make America into the manufacturing superpower of the world."
"Meanwhile, Singapore is coming into the 21st century."
"Modi has introduced a number of policies which has set up India and Indians to succeed."
"Russia is coming back to rediscovering all those strengths and abilities."
"Infrastructure is a great thing for me. I think infrastructure for this country -- we have an old, broken infrastructure."
"I want more immigration in the country because we need to build things."
"When you pick one man as your messiah, you make him your oppressor. Your help as a nation, as a continent, can never come from a person."
"The building of the nation came from the desert."
"We're accelerating Pakistan's path towards prosperity."
"The 20s are going to be transformational for Pakistan, and KT is proud to play a critical role in training and investing in the future leaders of Pakistan's economic growth."
"Ukraine has shown that institution building is their way out of the post-Soviet mire."
"We're finally getting it done. We're turning infrastructure weak from a punch line into an infrastructure decade on our watch."
"I think it's a sign that democracy is flourishing in Ukraine."
"For almost 50 years, Malaysia has maintained one of the best economic growth records in Asia."
"Our movement is about lifting up all Americans."
"We are solving one of the most important programs for growth for the country."
"Conservatives are the ones that really, you know, were the ones that built this country."
"It hadn't worked because Wall Street didn't build this country, you great middle class built this country."
"We want to build a Ghana beyond Aid which is discarded a mindset of dependence, Aid, charity, and handouts."
"We are now ranked 85th in the world in infrastructure. I mean look, the future rests on whether or not we have the."
"Our country can only become what we stand up and make it become."
"After years of building up other countries, we are finally building our country."
"India's growth story: do not allow that one prime minister... is having this agenda of making Indians better than what they are today."
"Pan-Africanism has an ideology of unity, controlling our resources, and building up the African nation."
"Coffee has played a huge role in the country's political, economic, and cultural development."
"When their children are armed with knowledge, that's how a country becomes powerful."
"You have to pay for the development of the country."