
China-U.S. Relations Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The overwhelming majority of [countries] do not want to take sides, let alone being forced into confrontation with China."
"As long as the two countries act with a sense of responsibility to history and humanity... the giant vessel of China-U.S. relations will be able to stay on the right course."
"China's our greatest trading partner. The United States needs China just as much as China needs the US."
"Xi Jinping has said the U.S. is the biggest threat to China's development."
"I truly believe that a relationship with China is going to be the best future for the world."
"Our government works with China; they're not on opposite sides."
"China ramping up launching of warplanes... as the United States barrels with its own warships into the Taiwan Strait."
"The United States and China may well be on a path to war, and nuclear war is no longer unthinkable."
"Fair and reciprocal trade with China will boost long-term economic growth, not only in the United States but globally."
"The gap between China and the other nuclear superpowers continues to narrow."
"When it comes to Beijing's malign influence and interference in American politics and policy, we will continue to expose it."
"No administration has been tougher on China than this administration."
"China sees itself in a strategic competition with the United States both economic and military."
"China must cooperate with the US and improve sino-us relations before it can develop the semiconductor industry."
"We're at war with China, it's just fourth-generational warfare. Manipulation, media strategy, disruption, demoralization."
"This is an important opportunity for us to lay out in very frank terms the many concerns that we have with Beijing's actions and behavior."
"My administration has taken the toughest ever action to confront China's trade abuses."
"This is the first time that the United States has in earnest taken China to the mat on military issues, economic issues, has sanctioned China because of their abuses."
"The toughest-ever action against China's chronic trade abuses, including tariffs on $370 billion worth of Chinese-made goods."
"I just made a deal with China where they're going to put in 250 billion dollars of product, they're gonna be buying 250 to 50 billion in form."
"We can't just tell China to go to hell we got to figure out a way to make that relationship work for us."
"China being a unified state with two separate systems, whether it's with Taiwan for example, there's always been since the Nixon era the American attitude towards China."
"This is going to be a massive issue in 2020, this economic war that China's been running against us."
"The Pentagon seeks wartime procurement Powers... preparing for a war with China."
"Trade with China facilitates more jobs in the United States."
"We should be doing everything we can to extricate ourselves from any kind of mutual dependence on China."
"There's a high cost to alienating China completely by breaking the nuclear taboo."
"Major seismic changes will be happening over the next year... whether or not the Chinese Communist Party actually collapses well it has extremely real-world implications right here in America."
"The FBI says China steals up to 600 billion dollars worth of U.S intellectual property every year."
"It is in China's interests to have good relations with the U.S."
"I took on communist China like no Administration in history."
"So Trump talks tough about China but the real way to be tough on China would be to come up with an alliance with Europe and together have Europe and the United States say to China you guys are too big and powerful to be cheating as much as you are."
"China is controlling America's weapons industry and dictating the pace at which the American Military can and will progress."
"Nobody had the courage to stand up to the Chinese like President Donald Trump."
"China wants me to lose so badly, they all do."
"Trump is the only president who's actually been taking the proper adversarial view of China."
"We have a very good relationship. China would like to make a deal, and we'd like to make a deal."
"China just made a move that could literally provoke a war with the United States."
"We can compete with China in terms of technology."
"We are at war with China. We're not shooting bullets yet, but we are at war with China. You need to understand that."
"US officials have cited the possibility of a great power conflict with China."
"China is definitely the biggest dog out there and they're just waiting to see how the U.S responds... they are going to push things and see what they can get away with." - Unnamed source discussing geopolitical tensions
"It's a very real possibility that China would win a war against the United States in the future."
"The issue of intellectual property theft with China requires legal action and a complex understanding of international norms."
"I really hope that more American people can pay a visit to China and learn more about us."
"My ultimate fear is the pessimism that China will never agree to live the way we do."
"The Chinese are asking everyone to pick a side."
"Develop commercial partnerships, especially with China, to break dependence on the U.S."
"I believe that through my current visit to the United States, I will be able to contribute some of my part to the continued growth of the friendly relations and the cooperation between China and the United States."
"Together China and the United States could contribute more to world peace, stability, and development."
"Nixon visits China... leads to improvement in relations between China and the US."