
Viewer Engagement Quotes

There are 3497 quotes

"The thing with SCH, I considered it to be a lot of it had to engage with entertainment because like look in terms of dopamine, one thing that I've realized is that you know on my smaller videos um I've got an extremely high viewer um retention."
"If you create a video where either it's so interesting or there's a lot to absorb or you hide the beginning and the end of the video, people will watch it."
"People watch two minutes, they watch 30 seconds, whatever our numbers on this thing, something like 75% of the people watch the full hour and a half."
"Thank you for making it to the end of this video, whether you watched it or skipped through. I still appreciate it."
"If it goes on to help you out, which I'm sure it will, take a second to drop a like on it. That'd be awesome."
"We are completely at Paul's mercy as viewers just as much as the family is. It's such a clever spin on the fourth wall break."
"Thanks to you all, my body language buddies... 20 million views in the last 28 days."
"If you go and look at like Mr BEAST's thumbnails...it's why he has videos with tens of millions of views."
"We had a whole lot of fun. I think that translates when you watch it."
"The most important factor is get people to click onto your video and get them to stay through the duration."
"In a landscape, you actually want a big depth of field because everything is interesting and you want the viewer's eye to be able to travel everywhere in the scene."
"You're supposed to be thinking now, before you take a photo, ask yourself: Where do you want the viewer's eye to go in this photo?"
"For movie shooting, setting the AF drive speed to slow creates more natural transitions between focus points, enhancing viewer engagement."
"Thank you so much as always for watching, it really helps me out a ton."
"Always make sure that your viewer is getting something out of watching your video."
"Consider adding end screens to your videos; they can lead to many more views."
"This was esports in 1972 and this is it now: from competing in arcades for magazine subscriptions to sold-out stadiums, grand prize pools pushing 20 million dollars, an event livestreamed to millions of concurrent viewers, esports has evolved into a billion-dollar industry serving an audience of upwards of 500 million people."
"Viewer satisfaction is actually more important than watch time and everything the algorithm does is viewer centric."
"Just know that you, the viewer, are responsible for this choice, and honestly, I'm glad you guys made it."
"The only streams that I was doing that would kind of get the same type of viewership as the sit on my ass and react streams were my cooking streams."
"They did it as a pay-per-view, so you had to pay to watch it, and a number of people did."
"All I ask viewers to do is to think for themselves."
"A visual anchor is a bright, bold shape or object that attracts the eye, reducing the chaos in a scene and creating a starting point for the viewer's journey through the composition."
"The Top Gear which existed from 2002 until 2015 has the ability to do something that very few TV shows are able to do... to fully immerse the viewer into the environment of the program."
"Do you both watch Dokka Ryan? He's live streaming now."
"You guys are always saying how much you love really long cleaning videos and that you like to put it up on your TV or on your phone and clean along with me."
"People will watch your video if it's jerky footage, they'll watch it if it's blurry here and there... but if the audio is bad, they won't watch because it's really annoying."
"Dang, 140,000 people watching my stream all at once. That's crazy."
"The longer you can get your viewers to stick around and complete the video or rewatch it, the better."
"This is the second time in a video he called us friends."
"Are you getting angry at a TV show that you've watched and enjoyed for years? Is Game of Thrones the show that made you realize you don't control the entertainment you watch?"
"We don't have sponsors to please; all the videos in this channel, including this one, are viewer suggested."
"As soon as people started watching and commenting, even if you don't have very many views right away, if people comment and talk to you, take the time to respond back. That's an actual person that took the time to watch your video, and you should feel very special and honored."
"Viewer engagement, people love that. They really do, and we hate it, but we're going to do it."
"Thanks, y'all, for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed that Texas Yum Yum."
"If you've made it to the end, you deserve a prize."
"Character depth is generally described as the element of a character that keeps a viewer hooked and invested."
"Focal point is the area or areas within the picture plane that command the viewer's attention."
"You always want a sense of momentum; you always want motion to move the viewer forward."
"In the meantime, thanks for watching. As always, I am Tim Cory."
"Viewers who stuck around found that Shield Hero handled its tough subject matter with finesse and maturity."
"With how long the WAN show has gotten lately, has there been any ideas to expand streaming content?"
"Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next video."
"If you guys want to help me compile a list of the errors i have made i'd actually love to hear from you it would help me a lot if you wanted to help me go through the videos um if any of you guys want to help me go through videos and find mistakes then i would love it if you emailed me with time stamps for example."
"I hope that even if you're a bit frustrated that I haven't given straight answers to these questions, you still found this video useful."
"The return to the Kanto region fills longtime viewers with a true sense of nostalgic joy."
"Thanks so much for watching and have a great day."
"If there's anything you want to see running on the Odin 2, just let me know in the comments below."
"Now I really need to know what happens, this is crazy."
"I do really appreciate all of you who are watching this series, thank you so much."
"I think it's more fun to have a longer build like this because I know when I'm watching videos I like longer things to have on in the background."
"For the first time in our almost three-year history of this channel, we have reached 1 million views on a video."
"Thanks so much for watching, thanks as always to my Patreon supporters."
"Half of you watching aren't subscribed, which just breaks my heart."
"If you want to see the extended content of this program all you have to do is log on to sidroth.org."
"If you did enjoy today's tutorial video please do smash that like barn that'd be greatly appreciated."
"Thanks for watching, I hope you find yourself having an awesome day."
"That does it for today's video. I hope they gave you guys some insight."
"Name another show where everyone is 12 out of 10 annoyed but still watches every season."
"The reason people watch YouTubers or streamers is that unlike Tom Cruise it does feel like I'm having more of a relationship with this person."
"Does anybody want to check out a tangent from a completely random TV show?"
"I'll be back with another battle round in the next video."
"Give me some feedback on what you want to see, what you didn't necessarily need to see, and so we can make these videos as useful and informative and, more importantly, help you make smart buying decisions."
"Thank you so much for watching. If you enjoyed this video, please consider liking and subscribing for more of the Paranormal Scholar."
"Shorts on YouTube are currently gaining over 3.5 billion views per day."
"Thanks for watching, let us know some of your pet peeves in the comments below."
"The third reason why content is often stagnant at zero views is because the content is duplicated across multiple profiles."
"If you guys enjoyed the video found it helpful and informative please support it with a like."
"Check it out and keep an eye out for my crisp thumbnails from now on."
"Hope you guys enjoyed the video, hope you got some information out of it."
"Thanks so much for watching, please like the video, leave a comment, and we’ll catch you next time. BYE!"
"Thank you so much for watching, if you like this video give it a like, subscribe to my channel, I upload like two to three times a week, three times usually because I'm just a monster, that's fine."
"So, I really hope you've enjoyed this video. I hope it's not too long."
"Drop a like, it's down below. It takes you three seconds."
"This is ridiculously awesome. If you love it, smash that like button below."
"Thank you guys so much for watching this video. I hope it gives you some inspiration."
"You'll have no other choice other than to smash that like button if you haven't already because it helps out the almighty YouTube algorithm."
"Don't be afraid to use negative space, it creates mystery for the viewer."
"Thank you for watching this video. If you liked it, please smack that subscribe button. Ring the bell too, you know what to do."
"We're literally six minutes away from seeing it happen, guys, I'm gonna be so excited if this happens."
"I'll see you guys on tomorrow's stream or later tonight."
"The support for my videos has been absolutely unreal."
"When it's obvious, it becomes fake. I quit watching it."
"But before we get started, I want you watching to know..."
"Thank you so much for watching today's video."
"It's honestly a joy for me to spend time with you guys in the comments and to see your interactions and to get your feedback."
"I'm not necessarily doing things just for the views but at some point you do need to get some views in order to support."
"Thank you so much for watching stay safe and I will catch you in a future video bye."
"Season 3 premiered with strong ratings, continuing the trend of being viewed by over 20 million Americans every week."
"Please make a point of seeing it and you will not be disappointed."
"It didn't really warrant anything longer than 30 minutes."
"Thank you guys if you have a minute watch another video and if not I will see you next week."
"Smash the like button guys, it helps out this video with the YouTube algorithm."
"Care of was nice enough to give my viewers a special discount."
"It's great because he's promoting the match and again, he makes me go 'Oh, I kinda wanna tune in next week to see if he gets battered'."
"If you enjoyed this video, go ahead and leave a like, subscribe for more Warframe content."
"It's trying to make the game more fun to watch because there will be more kills that happen."
"Better comeback possibilities, I think that's pretty legitimate honestly."
"Viewers beware, you're in for a scare." - Brittany
"I feel like if you watched all my videos closely enough you should have a sense of what I'm going to gravitate to and what I'm not."
"What ways can you make your videos more engaging?"
"It's important to hook your viewers in immediately."
"Make sure to sub to captainsparklez2 on YouTube, hit the bell."
"What's the minimum amount that I would probably need to hit in order for it to be like viral? Like 15 to 20,000 times."
"Thank you for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my YouTube channel."
"I cannot believe it's already collection video time again, but you guys know how these videos work."
"Thank you all for watching, hopefully I can see you guys sticking around in future videos on the channel by subscribing."
"Thanks for watching, and remember to like, comment, subscribe."
"It's a very entertaining film from start to end."
"But with that being said, if you made it this far in the video, you are the real MVP."
"Please consider supporting us on Patreon. You can find the link to that in the description below."
"Thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video."
"You guys are always a wonderful part of this whole series."
"This movie is a great example of the viewer also being able to question the intentions of everyone."
"All right y welcome back to TG F soulmates leave some comments in."
"I'll see you tomorrow for some more awesome content. Bye everyone!"
"The rest of this economic story is one you may already know after all if you were watching this video you probably lived through it."
"Every close call and every death and failure, and having to restart and do the grind again as a viewer made this entire challenge more exciting."
"I'm gonna try to give you more value than anything that you have watched on this topic on YouTube."
"Thank you very much for watching another GTN show please if you enjoyed it do give it a thumbs up as well and we'll see you next week."
"Thanks for clicking on this video. Be sure to subscribe and click the bell icon and turn on all notifications to keep up to date with the latest information and discussions."
"No show no piece of art, no celebrity-ridden series is exempt from criticism. Ever. Also, you can criticize something and still feel compelled to watch."
"Subscriber count is not really a fair indication of a channel's quality; it's more of an indication of how often the creator's videos get pushed to recommended feeds, which there's no rhyme or reason for to begin with."
"I hope to catch you in my next video and as always I hope that you have a great day or night wherever you are in the world. Bye."
"If you enjoyed this video, please remember to hit that like button."
"People need to know what they do... let's go live, what are you delivering for me here?"
"Thank you all much for watching, I do hope you enjoyed and you're looking forward to the series."
"Hope you found at least a show or two to love!"
"Relentless social media presence... providing something that's valuable to a viewer."
"Thank you so much for watching today. I really really hope you enjoyed this video."
"Thank you guys so much for watching. If you watched till the end, you're an absolute champ."
"Thank you very much for watching this video. If you found this helpful, consider sharing the video."
"Come to my channel at 6 o'clock, I am starting up the second stream."
"Thank you for watching our video and for stopping by tiny house expedition. I'm Alexis and I'm Christian. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe."
"That is going to be it for today's video. I hope you enjoyed it and if you did, be sure to subscribe for more videos like this coming out in the near future."
"It was really incredible waking up this morning... just everyone coming watching the video."
"This would be a fantastic game for a series, so if you'd like to see a full series let me know down below."
"That's more than 200,000 views a day on average."
"Near Death Wish explores Farnsworth's upbringing through his parents, keeping viewers engaged."
"I don't really know who I'm supposed to root for here."
"Thank you so much for tuning in to this chat."
"Thank you everybody out there. You've been watching Have a Seat with Chris Hansen and we will be back next Wednesday at the same time. I'll see you soon. Thanks again."
"Please let me know what videos I can make to help you out. That is why this channel exists to help you guys out."
"Thank you all so much for watching. If you liked the video hit the thumbs up button!"
"Make sure to hit that like button and subscribe if you're new around here, but that's been me and peace."
"I'm only presenting crazy videos like this because I have the support."
"A clickable thumbnail and title is essential."
"Thank you guys so much for watching. Hope you enjoyed."
"Thanks for watching, I hope that this video helped you."
"If you made it to the end of this video and you did not laugh, comment a W down below."
"Some of my most watched videos have been the ones I put the least effort in, and that's just how it happened."
"Thank you for watching, do not forget to wear sunscreen."
"You always amaze me and you amaze our viewers with what you keep coming up with."
"I stopped really giving a [ __ ] about the story whenever WAD happened."
"Let me know in the comment section below what other challenges you want to see on the channel."
"Thanks so much for hanging out let us know your feelings in the comments below."
"Watching my content is just as much support as donating because when you watch my content, you have to see ads, and those ads are how I get paid."
"That's literally the whole point of this channel."
"I think she gained sort of... a lot of followers that maybe stayed subscribed but like weren't watching her content all the time."
"If you know more about support and resistance than you did before watching this video, it would mean a lot to me if you go ahead smash that like button."
"The gravedigger, that's the most badass thing ever."
"If I had a channel where I read you guys bedtime stories, would you watch it?"
"The ending overall was fantastic, admittedly it's very confusing and definitely something I didn't understand but as time went on things started to click more and more."
"Thanks for watching, please subscribe and share."
"869 videos over half a billion views 3 million subscribers you know if you take the total number of video views you divide that by the total number of videos the average video doing over 600 000 views."
"If that's the type of coverage that you want, raw coverage of everything that is happening in politics, then make sure you subscribe and you click that notification bell."
"I think that we should all support one another, help each other out because in return they're gonna help you out when you need it."
"I can't super chat yet, thank you. It's fine if you're watching and sharing and engaging, I appreciate the super chat and I appreciate the support of the channel, but I always want you to feel welcome here whether you can or whether you can't."
"But the stream will continue on Rumble right now live so come on over again."
"Advertisers are paying for those eyeballs. With David's content all 20 million eyeballs are watching while the ad gets read."
"I hope all of you are still watching this and didn't completely get super cringed out. Hopefully, you enjoyed this."
"If you're craving more Elden ring content, go check out my Eldon rig Nuzlocke video."
"Hell yeah, if you enjoyed, just give a thumbs up and subscribe."
"The fact that people have loved the show and supported these characters and enjoyed the work and fallen in love with it the way that we did, it's unbelievable."
"Thanks for watching everybody, please give this video a thumbs up."
"Thank you all so much for watching this rather troubling video."
"I don't know how to convey to you how sorry I am... willing to do anything I can to cooperate."
"I feel like my audience is a cut above the typical YouTube audience."
"The best comments I get are from people who have never seen any of the videos before."
"Now if you guys enjoyed this video and found it informative please remember to help me out by simply rating and especially sharing this video."
"Please like, subscribe, click the notification Bell."
"If this video was helpful, please let me know by giving it a thumbs up, tweet it, share it."
"If gambling is part of the entertainment, when gambling becomes not entertaining for the viewer, that's when I'll stop gambling."
"These games are really good and certainly worth investigating especially if you've watched my channel for any length of time."
"It's still the best intro on YouTube by far."
"If you made it this far, if you could drop a like down below I'd really appreciate it."
"The premise of the video, the thumbnail and title would be enough to get the video to be recommended to tons of people even if this scheme itself didn't work."
"Thank you guys for watching. I hope you have a delicious evening full of waffles!!"
"Thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you all in the next video."
"Thanks for watching my video if you enjoyed yourself consider subscribing and if you really enjoyed yourself maybe consider hitting that notification bell."
"If you enjoyed this video please leave a like, leave a comment, and if you like more videos like this, subscribe."
"And what better way to end today's compilation than with eerie ghost footage? Enjoy."
"You like and subscribe, I return the favor by giving you a picture of a baby elephant... They're cute as hell."
"Venturian Tail had gone from gaining zero views in January 2013 to two million per day only six months later."
"If you watch the movie, you're like this is boring as [__]."
"I mean, it's great to watch, though, isn't it?"
"I'm cheering for apes to do it for 40 years."
"Your reviews are so honest and fun to watch, thanks for all that you do."
"Thank you so much guys for watching, and if you guys want to see more, make sure you subscribe, you have to subscribe, like, and then comment!"
"Guys, I think my YouTube is lagging. Oh, they're spawning mobs now. Oh, thank you for the 4.99. Thank you so much, I appreciate that."