
Entertainment Value Quotes

There are 2635 quotes

"The thing with SCH, I considered it to be a lot of it had to engage with entertainment because like look in terms of dopamine, one thing that I've realized is that you know on my smaller videos um I've got an extremely high viewer um retention."
"This is the rare type of series that has plots but also has plot."
"Horror is a home for outcasts, a place where anything is possible that unites fans under one glorious banner of shared truth: We love being scared."
"One thing that is regularly touted as a selling point for video games is their replayability."
"This game has moments, the highlights that cut above the rest."
"It's a game that gushes entertainment value, innately rewards player creativity, and offers a post-apocalyptic power fantasy that's easy to consume you for hours."
"Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose, and sometimes you break even. Overall, in the long run, you're probably going to lose, but if you're having fun and you're getting free dinners and stuff, hey, it's good times."
"It's a surprisingly good popcorn flick if you just turn off the logic centers of your brain and let it lull you into a drooling comatose state."
"If there is one thing Jeff Probst hates more than anything, it's terrible TV."
"Mewtwo... it's perfect design, concept, lore, and entertainment value gave it 98 points."
"I waited 83 minutes to ride Peter Pan's Flight, and as much as I like that attraction, I think it's adorable and quintessential Disney, it is not worth waiting over an hour for."
"Final Fantasy XIV's musical style is far more diverse and wild, and fun."
"It's such a stunning and fun game, if you're into racing, I think you need to grab this one."
"Audiobooks are actually one of the best forms of entertainment in the modern day, and if you're not enjoying them, you really are missing out."
"This looks much better, more fluid, more consistent, more fun."
"They Undertaker still means huge money; it's not a stupid business move."
"The totality of the Stakes experience was still wonderful! Full of things to ponder about and just so enjoyable."
"All the character rosters in all of the Lego games they are fantastic and it's one of the best things about Lego games."
"If you ask me whether you should watch it or not, I could go into this long speech about who might like and dislike the show but knowing me I'm far more likely just to scream yes watch it watch it now."
"I'm proud that we gave the fans their money's worth."
"It is to date still the best SNL movie and it's not even an SNL movie."
"It's everything you want a Star Wars thing to be."
"This train scene is probably the only fun scene in the movie."
"This show is super fun, and Catherine Hahn is a treasure."
"His videos are really really watchable, beautifully produced, really entertaining."
"It might not be that one anime that you've been searching for but it has this nonchalant attitude that isn't inherent in a lot of anime and that permeates its goofy humor, its aesthetic, and somehow all holds up."
"It's sad that people are missing out on Last Epoch. It doesn't have to be better than PoE, it just has to be fun."
"I've just always been obsessed with the creative. I want it to be the funniest video it can. I want it to be entertaining. I'm very much just want it to be the best piece of content it can."
"Thank you Oversimplified for great content that entertains but also educates in the process."
"There's nothing I hate more than boring loot. There's nothing I hate more than boring upgrades. Dead Cells avoids both of those things."
"Sure Allan's videos were funny he wasn't great at making a tutorial but you root for him the whole way you're scared with him you're sad with him you're hoping for the best for him."
"If it's a good show, makes you think, makes you laugh, gives you a new perspective, gives you some skills or some information that are helpful to you, do us a solid and don't be a hoe, share the show!"
"Why pay a theater ticket for something that will likely disappoint you when for the same price you can get a month of virtually any of the various streaming sites that will likely have hours of something you like immensely better?"
"If I put out a video as just myself they'll get less views because Uncle Roger is just more entertaining."
"It just gave me everything I wanted it to be."
"I think that's the right outcome, but I'm gonna miss the entertainment."
"Firefly is great because it was canceled. Serenity is great because it was a box office thud."
"While Silent Hill swayed towards the culturally sophisticated side of art, you could say games like Resident Evil, on the other hand, were just aiming to be a cheeky bit of fun."
"Entertainment is entertainment, they just want maximum entertainment per minute."
"Hogan versus warrior at Halloween Havoc 1998 was an incredibly bad match."
"If you watch a dating show I'm sorry your IQ is so low my mom is definitely smarter than you."
"People think I joke about it, but I really don't. Fast and Furious is always going to be like the most thrilling movie series in my opinion."
"Willy Wonka is my name, candy magic is my game."
"Moral of the story: Evangelion just wasn't that good of a show, guys, come on."
"I do believe this actually still running as well which is insane but yeah timmy turner's tree house very very cool very interesting house."
"He's an entertaining guy. That's what I'm saying."
"People get true value out of a single-player gaming experience."
"Cowboy Bebop is easily worth your time if you've never seen it before somehow, check it out, it's epic."
"The Star Wars IP was the most valuable IP in the world."
"Entertainment was important... sometimes it's all somebody has to keep them from going crazy." - Stan Lee
"Every other video you will watch on the internet in the future will pale in comparison to this video right here."
"Pokemon held my attention for 40 hours and that's enough to make it onto the best list."
"You paid for the whole seat but you're only going to use the edge." - DJ Egas
"It's funny, it's riveting, it's harrowing, it's beautiful."
"Please make a point of seeing it and you will not be disappointed."
"Being fun counts for something, and in this case, these games are fun."
"Mushoku Tensei is worth its deeply uncomfortable price of admission."
"Zom 100 is everything I look for in an anime."
"It's a fun wild ride that you can just put on and listen in the background."
"The amount of content is really unbelievable."
"The movie was highly praised by fans and general moviegoers."
"That was the most fun I've had in a movie theater all year."
"Horizon 4 is probably the most fun you can have in the act of open-world racing since, well, Horizon 3."
"It's great because he's promoting the match and again, he makes me go 'Oh, I kinda wanna tune in next week to see if he gets battered'."
"Do you think they're still as entertaining as they once were?"
"Intensity, air time, steep drops, great pacing, rapid-fire transitions."
"This movie [Saw 3] just rules, it's just so much fun."
"Elon's tweets of the week: 'The Constitution is greater than any president, end of story.'"
"If you watch it and enjoy it, that's all that matters."
"I rather save my money up and go see Beyonce or Drake or Taylor 'cause I'm going to get my money's worth."
"It's trying to make the game more fun to watch because there will be more kills that happen."
"I really liked all the surprises in this movie."
"Lower Decks is amazing, hands down best Star Trek we've had in a long time."
"I do genuinely think that, once you get into a pattern with these enemies, it's fun to fight them."
"I was actually very pleasantly surprised with the film overall."
"Every part of the story is necessary to tell that story to its fullest entertainment value."
"If you're looking for a musical with a moral message, then Chicago isn't for you."
"I don't push agendas, I just push fun, good vibes, and the content that people like watching from me."
"It's a very entertaining film from start to end."
"Creepypastas will continue to serve as the inspiration for several more projects in the future, some good, some bad. Either way, at least we've got entertainment."
"Super Smash Brothers this game introduced playing as Nintendo characters and being the crap out of each other it was insanely awesome."
"That's a dope poppin to me that it has that kind of replay value almost a year later."
"Just one point short of a perfect score but it's an absolute testament to why people love this show."
"It looks amazing, it's a platformer, it's silly, it's crazy, it looks awesome."
"So funny, clever, witty, all that fun stuff."
"We love this content because it's exciting and interesting, not like boring old water."
"My jaw was on the floor, my heart was pounding and the fans would revolt."
"This game is worthy of your time, this game is worth the investment, this game deserves to be counted among those other games because it honestly is that good."
"This movie is a hell of a way to prove those sons of bitches wrong."
"Is that really fun? You know, you're not really getting that much out of it, it's not like a real visible increase."
"Other M is at its best when it's embracing the only thing it does well: being a brainless, overly accessible but very flashy action game."
"Come for the finance and stay for the drama."
"Even if the world continues to crumble around us, the entertainment we'll have to distract ourselves is lit."
"Good style and sound elevates even the poopiest of poops."
"The chemistry of the trio combined with any guest they invite is electrifying as it is just a joy to listen to."
"Sunk like a stone. Nobody saw it, but it's very good." - Bruce Wayne's greatness.
"Having Sting and Matt Hardy involved with it was very cool."
"For the entertainment that you're getting for that $10 it's an absolute steal."
"You're not exactly missing out on anything if you decide to give this one a pass."
"These games are great, they're really fun, and you should definitely check them out."
"We've prided ourselves on being an entertainment platform... a show that you can turn on, forget about your problems, maybe learn something, but probably laugh a lot."
"Never once was I bored and that is a really big deal for an open-world game."
"Every single theme in this game is an absolute banger."
"Half-Life is a monumental tribute to the value of games as an entertainment medium unto themselves capable of relating wholly different experiences than books or filmed media."
"Thank you guys so much for watching today's video, I hope you found it entertaining."
"This is maybe the best Battle for Texas ever, I really feel that, CV, this is such an amazing series to watch, love to see players from every line of both teams right."
"The last 30 minutes of this movie are probably worth the price of admission alone."
"It left me breathless... so monumentally entertaining."
"Thank God, that's more content for later. This is [__] great, man."
"The more I think about it in my opinion this DLC is so bad that it's good the plot holes and inconsistencies and things were hilarious and it made for quite an enjoyable experience for all the wrong reasons."
"Despite stripping away said nuance in favor of the safe yet less thought-provoking simplicity of a good versus evil struggle, the film is leagues ahead in being genuinely entertaining."
"People are going to hold on to their entertainment while they're at home."
"I loved it, but man if like, you know, find it on sale or better at just rent it over the weekend."
"Possibly the most glowing praise, however, comes from Matt Zoller Seitz, who writes that: 'Godzilla vs. Kong just might be the best studio film so far this year. If it isn't, it's for damn sure the most fun.'"
"What a spectacle, absolutely worth watching."
"You've got ragdoll physics in this game which is just probably what makes it amazing."
"One of the most rewatchable films inside of the MCU."
"The games you guys mentioned are also some of my favorites and I think if anybody starts digging into one of those they'll find that it'll keep them busy for quite a while there's a lot a lot of good fun there to be had."
"I love Carousel of Progress. That is pretty freakin' cool."
"Every beat of the story, I was just like, 'Yeah, this is a lot of fun.'"
"Disliking a game doesn’t inherently make it bad."
"Did the movie entertain me? Absolutely. Did I enjoy the two hours I spent watching the movie? Absolutely."
"This is highly educational, entertaining, enlightening, well written."
"This movie is on a higher level... because of the clever writing."
"Just show me a giant monster stepping on shit over and over."
"There's a certain charm to the series that just keeps pulling me back."
"It is not a bomb artistically it is not a bomb in terms of just a good movie being out there for us to take in dissect and have fun with so I think that that's a win right."
"The sheer amount of units and characters packed into Stardust shooters is kind of nuts."
"If gambling is part of the entertainment, when gambling becomes not entertaining for the viewer, that's when I'll stop gambling."
"Have you watched 'Only Murders in the Building' yet? Absolute magic on the screen together."
"I find him more entertaining on that record than I have on any of his latest records... I just think it's so funny."
"I think it was a great choice to have him be so formidable, it was really fun to watch."
"Bayern Munich, it's like going to the theater. You sit back and you just watch them attack."
"There's never been a better time to be a fan of shonen battle anime and manga."
"Wow, Ludwig just showing that party, that Ludwig showing that platform brawler experience. So beautiful to watch."
"It's always action in some parts but it's not too cluttered."
"When you don't kill someone for about five minutes, you do end up looking a bit like a [ __ ] pig."
"It just devolves to be completely wacky and nonsensical but I think that actually ends up playing in its favor because the absurdity is what makes it funny."
"If it hadn't been so over-the-top and serious about itself while being over-the-top, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it as much."
"Everyone needs a movie pass, and I'm not even just saying that. This is not sponsored at all. I'm obsessed with movie pass now that I have it."
"It's like we got two extra movies for the finale."
"The show is still entertaining as hell even at its worst it's still better than most movies it's just not nearly as intense or intelligent as it used to be."
"I mean, it's great to watch, though, isn't it?"
"The more I see, the better this game looks. If nothing else, I'm hoping for a fun gameplay experience. I'm hoping to get even just a few weeks or a month out of the game and just to explore a new world enjoy some new systems."
"Fiction with the actual science and then the feel of the you know the graphics and everything kind of makes it a little bit more fun."
"Who gives a [__] it's not incredibly bad not incredibly good doesn't have almost any standout qualities."
"If he came in to be entertaining football, we know that it wouldn't be boring free at the back with Nagelsmann."
"I loved it... Star Wars is redeemed in my eyes."
"I love this idea simply based on the premise."
"It's a good time man it is a good time to be a pc gamer as far as I'm concerned."
"That was the best thing on that brand for months."
"Attack on Titan: This series has never been more worthy of the hype than it is right now."
"Even judged in terms of entertainment value never mind like you know enlightenment that seems like not a great debate to me."
"We're wrong, uh, that was really good fun, I've had a great time, thank you to everybody for playing."
"This is everything I wanted it to be and more."
"It's kind of not the same... it's not just bars, it's like guys performing their bars, moments is like amazing."
"X-Men Origins Wolverine, that's delicious garbage!"
"Blue Beetle is a film that fits neatly into the category of cheeseburger movie for me."
"It's got everything I want, it's stupid, it's got a nice hero's journey, character development, you know, bad villains, everything a good superhero needs."
"I realise that it’s probably too high of praise for most people and I can’t say that it's not without flaws, but since I personally found so much entertainment out of the series I wouldn't feel comfortable giving it any less."
"We're knocking it about, it's not boring anymore."
"It's so nice to see a dumb summer movie that not only is a thrill ride and a visceral thrill ride, but on an emotional level it makes you want to be a better person."
"It's loads of fun basically through all of that insanity and with some genuinely tense moments."
"We love this []. We paid 30, 40 dollars to go to movies and see people do this []."
"I seriously had a lot of fun with the series."
"This feels pretty good, you know. This is not nearly as annoying as so many other superhero movies that I've seen."
"We wanted this film to be one that if you, you know, if you put this film on five years from now you could still just have a blast watching it and it didn't need to be locked down specific and it didn't need to be zoom specific."
"When something's good it's great and I'm just having a lot of fun watching Godzilla. These movies have giant monsters in them and they fight, and really, that's rad."
"Every single time there's a Wolverine movie because that [ __ ] is awesome as [ __ ]!"
"But the clean animation and character filled voice acting makes it pleasant enough in the moment."
"Double or Nothing is gonna be one of the greatest pay-per-view shows of all time."
"You would get a lot of mileage out of watching happy interactions between these characters... love that you brought that up."
"If the thought ever crosses your mind, 'I don't know this player, I don't care if they're top 100, I don't think it's gonna be fun', just remember there's some entertaining players out there."
"Fast and Furious is fun, and I will die on that hill."
"It establishes one of the best opening title sequences ever."
"The twists and turns make this season highly addictive in every sense of the word."
"As developers, we should continue to make games that entertain and enrich our audience. Maybe that's a protest game, maybe it's a big chunk of escapism."
"It's a different energy, so it's not coming as a surprise to anybody what you saw but it's more like a relief that your fears were groundless, that maybe this is going to be like a really good show."
"This game sucks, but I'm having fun. You guys are the worst, and that's why I love playing games, my friend."
"One of the reasons I avoided is because it looked god-awful, but to be fair, I've heard from a bunch of people that it's actually much better than it looked."
"One of my favorite moments in the entire series."
"Not only is Danger Room really fun, but the rewards are really good too."
"There's worse ways to spend two and a half hours and considering the brain-dead state of modern cinema Blade Runner 2049 is definitely a cut above average."
"It's got no business being a good game but it is."
"It's bad funny, like it's so over the top and stupid it makes you laugh."
"I mean I'll only stop when I get bored of it or I don't find it entertaining. I think that's mainly the reason why I think anybody should stop or even do in the first place is because they enjoy it."
"Superior to the first John Wick in practically every way, Chapter Two is exactly what every action thriller sequel should be."
"Desperado never forgets to do the one thing so many movies seem to completely forget today, and that is to be thoroughly entertaining."
"Just watched 'Top Gun: Maverick,' amazing movie."
"Being humble is the way to go, that's how you're gonna really make it."
"Overall, it could be a breath of fresh air for a lot of the audience."
"I read these books so fast, and there's a super slow burn romance here, I'm talking like K-drama level slow burn which I just find to be delightfully entertaining."
"The Menagerie was a downright awesome activity."
"Having characters you enjoy spending time with can go a long way toward helping you push through the nightmare."
"When your ending sucks, your movie is a waste of my time."
"The sheer amount of content this one game now holds is incredible!"
"It's all about the story, it's all about the connection."
"Storytelling is by far the greatest form of entertainment for us as human beings."
"Series 3 is really when the Russell T Davies era of Doctor Who hit its stride and became an incredible piece of television that dominated Saturday nights."