
Solstice Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"This is called actually the Sun gate, and on this day exactly, the Sun will come out and go directly through that door."
"This is the day that is our winter solstice here in the northern hemisphere, then also the summer solstice for the folks in the southern hemisphere."
"The gates were deliberately aligned with the rising and setting of the sun."
"We've calculated that the wooden post at the center of the henge and the standing stone in the entrance aligned perfectly with the Sun as it rose through the notch in the hills at the spring and autumn equinoxes..."
"The next solstice will bring an important shift for us."
"One fascinating detail is that there is a hole that is deliberately carved into one of the exterior stones that enables the room on the other side on the inside to be illuminated on the summer solstice."
"The green man is in full abundance during the solstice so I thought it only right to honor him."
"Christmas falls on winter solstice so once it passes and you turn the lights off each day is technically getting longer."
"Every winter solstice, the sun hits the small opening at just the right angle, allowing it to travel 59 feet into the tomb where it illuminates the main chamber."
"The shortest day of the year is the 21st of December, but because the night goes into the 22nd, it turns out to be the longest night of the year."
"I think we're all correct. The 21st and 22nd are correct. The shortest day of the year is the 21st, but the longest night is on the 22nd."
"During the winter solstice sunlight streams through the roof box above the entrance bathing the inner chamber in light for about 17 minutes."
"This is the time of year where we make another orbit around the Sun and we call it the solstice and then the Christians hijacked it and turned it into an orgy of hyper capitalism."
"Having something on you that represents the summer solstice can be a really wonderful thing to do."
"However you prefer to celebrate the winter solstice or the season of Yule, I wish you all good health for the coming year."
"As we can see, the legend of Santa Claus is complex and may owe its existence to many disparate pre-existing beliefs yet all of which are unified thematically in the spirit of the winter solstice."
"What is Solstice and Equinox? Equal amount of light and dark throughout pretty much all the world."
"The day and the night have the same amount of length on that particular day."
"The sun traces this awesome route from north to north, barely leaving the horizon."
"Before going to shelter inside the crater, I caught sight of the Midnight Sun at the lowest point in its life scores, sending its pale rays over the island asleep at my feet."
"There's something about the turning of the seasons and the winter solstice that's an invitation to vastness."
"It's actually really, really still. It's like 4:00 a.m., but the sunrises... today's the longest day of the year, it just rises so early at this time."
"It seems eerily fitting to me that this should happen on the darkest night of the year."
"That Full Moon can be experienced as the summer solstice, just like peak energy, peak light."
"December 25th is the day of the winter solstice when the days start to get longer again."
"The summer officially began just last week with the solstice on June 21st."
"It's the longest day of the year."
"The motivation behind the shift was to make Christ's birth into cosmic harmony with the solstice."
"We're going to be tapping into the solstice energy."
"The Spring Equinox is universally tied to the winter solstice due to both dates marking the rise of the sun over darkness."
"The inner chamber of the Tomb is brilliantly lit in a golden flash of light for about 15 minutes during the solstice."
"During the summer solstice, they gather up here and watch the sun set at midnight and then watch it rise an hour later."
"At the winter solstice, December the 21st, we celebrate the return of the Sun and the growing light."
"The Arctic Circle is defined as the southernmost point where the sun doesn't set on the summer solstice."
"We had only one day left until the summer solstice, one day to complete our quest."
"Its colossal stones, some as heavy as 25 tons, are arranged in a circular pattern that corresponds with the sun's movements."
"So glad you could join me for this class dedicated to celebrating and acknowledging the winter solstice."
"The word Solstice means Sun standing still."
"It is the transition that leads into light and awakening and the season of spring."
"The winter solstice is the shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere, and people all over have marked this date with rituals, festivals, and superstitions."
"For Alaskans, the summer solstice provides a benchmark for peak summer activity."
"The serpent is lined up to the sunset on the summer solstice."
"The December Solstice is when the Sun reaches its lowest declination in the sky."
"It's the longest night of the year."
"Witnessing the summer solstice there was a very memorable and special experience for us."
"The solstice represents the longest night and the shortest day of the year."
"The heel stone is significant because it marks the rising of the midsummer Sun."
"This morning at Stonehenge, the sun rose directly over the heelstone as it has done on every first day of summer for the past 4,000 years."
"The summer solstice... especially to the Egyptians... marked the annual recurrence of that phenomena peculiar to Egypt, the rising of the Nile."
"Probably one of the main things people think of when they think of Stonehenge is the Solstice, the Sun, and the stones aligning with the movements of the Sun."
"The midsummer sunrise and midwinter sunset, Stonehenge is celebrated, forming a line on the midsummer sunrise which attracts thousands of people on the longest day of the year."
"The tomb... is perfectly oriented toward the sunrise of the winter solstice, bathing the tomb with light."
"At noon on June 21st... the Sun is going to be essentially due south."
"The winter solstice doesn't represent the beginning of winter as our calendar states; to me, the winter solstice represents a renewal."
"Every single civilization of the ancient world had a unique way in which they celebrated the summer solstice."
"Newgrange allows light to penetrate through the burial tomb for around 19 minutes during the winter solstice."
"He loves his daughter, but she tended to take charge during solstice meetings."
"Need I remind you all this is the summer solstice? I expect you all to pay attention when a member of this council is speaking."
"On the 21st we have the solstice, the longest day of the year for those in the Northern Hemisphere, and the longest night of the year for those in the Southern Hemisphere."
"On the 21st we have the second and final solstice of the year, the longest night of the year for those in the Northern Hemisphere, and the longest day of the year for those in the Southern Hemisphere."
"So that means it is our longest night and our shortest day."
"The alignment of the Tomb to the winter solstice Sunrise is without a doubt one of the most amazing features of Newgrange."
"The orientation of the passage is very specific; it's aligned to receive light from the sun and illuminate the deepest parts of the chamber on the day of the solstice."
"To witness the winter solstice sunrise illuminate the tomb is breathtaking."
"It's the longest day of the year, the summer solstice June 21st."
"We officially enter summer in the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice."
"Morning world, welcome to Thursday, the 21st, shortest day of the year."
"It's a special day for me, winter solstice. I really feel like it's a day to celebrate."
"The Solstice is a time where you're either going to start going more inward or really fully expressing more of what you've been building towards."
"The Sun represents the masculine energy and the winter solstice has always been seen as the rebirth of the Sun."