
Experience Value Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"The most valuable thing in war is combat experience."
"Employers are looking for people with experience."
"If you haven't done what I've done, you can't tell me nothing."
"Experience would get you where talent won't."
"Education is not required, relevant experience is acceptable, and that's basically across the board in Tech."
"Does it really matter what the brain is doing? The real value... is how it transformed her."
"People always try to get whatever job they can get that gives them the most money. Whereas what they should be thinking about is what job gives me the most experience and the most relationships."
"There's nothing like when you've been there and you've done that."
"There are some things that I wish I didn't have to learn through experience, but I've learned a lot of things through experience, and you know, I wouldn't trade those lessons for anything."
"I've always gotten the most success following and listening to the people that have actually done it before."
"The true treasure of life experience brings us more wisdom than books."
"The experience is more important than the regret."
"I think you'll learn a lot more from your losses than you do from your wins."
"Yeah, it's so much better if you experience it rather than being spoiled."
"Look upon your life as a continuous process of education of learning from all your experiences."
"Life experience is more important than anything."
"You're never gonna learn unless you have these failures."
"He's going to be a lot better because of this experience."
"Remember, experience brings knowledge, and knowledge truly is power."
"There's no compression algorithm to experience."
"It's not money that will make you rich, it's your experience."
"When you have that layer of Separation combined with that level of experience should you know should be ground."
"There's such great veterans, they know exactly what they need to do."
"What do we take from this adventure? Spontaneous adventures."
"Biggest [ __ ] shared by pros in the space: we learn by [ __ ] up, not by getting it right."
"Dedication is experience, experience is success."
"Experience equals Excellence. You cannot buy experience."
"Success is on the other side of the right experience."
"I think like a lot of growth happened in the time we've been doing this."
"There's something different that comes with lived experience."
"Impressed to see how well she's playing with such little experience."
"It's the journey that kind of makes it interesting for me."
"Sometimes it seems bad in the moment and then once you actually do it, you might like it."
"A scoreboard figure can never account for real-world experience."
"Past experiences do help to know the present."
"When you've got that experience, you get yourself into the right place and you make things look simple."
"If you sat through this video without playing the game and got spoiled on anything, it doesn't matter. Still play it, it's still worth it."
"There's a lot of them but they're all not terrible because they're all learning experiences."
"Experience over education any day of the week."
"No regrets, every experience has shaped this current blissful state."
"Nothing is wasted, every experience teaches us something."
"You can't change what you did in the past, so the best thing you could do is get started today and start absorbing experiences."
"Every experience in life is a valuable lesson."
"There's no single side project you can do that looks good, but I think what does look good is explaining your experiences and how they benefit you as a PM."
"Don't let that inhibit you from wanting to travel... It's definitely worth it."
"There's pretty much no substitute for experience when it comes to this stuff."
"What do I think about someone becoming an IT business specialist with no BA but experience as a field engineer? Well, you got the experience, so you're pretty good there."
"It's not about the size of the TV in your living room, it's about the size of the experience it brings."
"This bag is not for every photographer hiker out there; I think it's made for a specific group of people who value simple things like experiences."
"Experience is an important thing, and sometimes it can be a very important thing."
"Just grab any opportunity that comes in your way. No job is small or big; it will just add to your experience."
"Experience trumps education any day of the week."
"A bad experience is also an experience."
"I'm rolling with the guys who've been there before."
"We don't care if we win the tournament so long as we have a good experience getting tested."
"Life works off experience, it doesn't work off of money, it doesn't work off of wealth."
"It's a good atmosphere, I will pay for this."