
Online Interactions Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"The online world has created an entirely new sphere of social interactions with new rules and boundaries, and it seems like we aren't really sure how we should be navigating it yet."
"The golden rule should be that if you don't know the person in real life, you shouldn't be chatting with them or giving personal information to them on the internet."
"It is haunting, it really is, and it's just another illustration: You can never trust people you meet online."
"People that spend hours trying to trick me into saying stupid or unpleasant things to farm Karma... are wasting their time."
"People get pretty crazy online, it's a lot of fun, I'll tell you that much."
"Ignoring messages reduces the number of potential people that you could connect with."
"Everywhere in your everyday life, in your home, in the grocery store, and especially in the comment section down below, please do not show hate to anybody."
"Strike and he got 3,000 plus likes on this and that's even with people attacking him in the comments."
"It's a little bit weird because you've been really kind and reasonable over email but on Instagram you have been literally like engaging in some of the most heinous misrepresentation of my beliefs imaginable."
"While relatively small lies aren't the end of the world, it does remind us that we don't really know who people are when we only know them online."
"Unfortunately, there were some truly Sinister things occurring in the Plex Discord."
"They weaponize their follow and unfollow button as soon as you hold them accountable."
"You need to remember that there is a real person behind the text that you're getting and the text that you're sending"
"This conversation has got to start with the trolls."
"If it wasn't for you and your unconditional support, amazing feedback, your constructive and friendly criticism, the incredible almost complete absence of trolls on my channel, I wouldn't be doing this."
"You can't be trusting random online people you don't even like. It takes a while before you can build a relationship."
"Despite my best efforts to talk him down... the encounters I had with basil were the only times I'd ever been griefed."
"This exemption could give the government alarming control over online interactions with little transparency."
"Do comments online about your body make you insecure?"
"This is a community that really is going to take care of, we can have disagreements but there's no personal attacks and I really love that."
"The only thing you need to do to get back at an internet troll is just ignore them."
"Posting on the Internet is a mixed bag. It's just as easy to catch the ire of many as it is to strike it big."
"From here on out we're not doing that anymore, that's right, we're gonna put something way more toxic in Act's place and that's Twitch chat."
"Mike, you're crazy dude, thank you so much for the love and support my man. I really, really appreciate it."
"You don't know for the most part you don't really know who you follow unless you talk to them have a conversation with them."
"There is a mute button and a block button right."
"It's about the people and it's about the chat and it's about all of you."
"Every so often I'll get a comment that tries to argue with a specific opinion I have in a video or worse, they'll try to argue with a joke."
"And most important of all, Nova flirted, he told me he loved me very often, sent me emoji hearts, sent me winky cat faces, told me that myself or my mannerisms were cute a lot, gave me role play boobs and hugs."
"Screw it, if you're going to hate on me online, we'll have a match against the real life online hater."
"Twitter is not technically real life, but the things that happen on there are real."
"Literally, you could just Spam three stop times in a row all reducing sub count by three."
"Be kind to yourself, to each other, to me in the comments."
"The internet doesn't know how to differentiate between two people connecting and just two bodies smashing together."
"I'm kind of freaking out like guys I just spoke to Techno."
"Dating is hard enough without worrying if your chat partner will rob you."
"Hell, this is fun. It is awesome seeing people you know that you grow familiar with in chat."
"Support wrestle, be kind to each other in the comments."
"There's haters, but I only look at the supportive stuff and the good things."
"Every time I block one of you [ __ ] the [ __ ] send at least a dollar."
"Everyone's getting salty on Twitter everyone's looking to blame everyone else for their losses just be nice to each other."
"The internet's way of hanging up on somebody is 'I'm unfollowing you.' But they'll still be there commenting all day."
"At first, I responded to comments, but you can't respond to every dumbass on the internet."
"Understanding that everybody is freaking out, I think, will help us de-escalate tensions in the comment sections."
"That's like 2% of chat that just got memberships from him. Just super generous." - Highlighting generosity and community support.
"Whispers began to drift amongst the YouTube comment section."
"There's definitely a huge difference between constructive criticism and hate comments."
"I always click around, I'm like 'oh I hope this person didn't block me' and then they didn't."
"Please make sure to do your due diligence when meeting people off the internet."
"If somebody on the internet can get to you that deeply and it's not about you it's not about your family they're not threatening to kill you they said a word you didn't like."
"the single reason i wanted to make this video really was to talk about this weird relationship we now all suddenly have with this random twitchy moat"
"Everybody you meet or everybody you converse with online...they're fighting a battle you don't know about."
"We came to the conclusion that I think we he was trolling us he doesn't actually live at the address he gave us obviously."
"Don't ever apologize in the comment sections about your comments being too long, too personal, ranting. I want you to feel that you are not being judged here."
"Role-playing servers are one of the most fantastic aspects of this game."
"My issue with it is not the troll game like I respect his troll game he's he got me ratioed real hard like I got ratio to hell like it was crazy I have to give him props for that at least you know troll respects troll I guess."
"I think people like that villain crap on social media. I mean, it looks like it's not be everybody's friend."
"Don't try me, don't thank me just 'cause I'm online, if you could come and just say anything to me directly."
"Don't feel obliged to follow back or accept friendship requests."
"There's been a lot of Internet chatter... I don't trust any of these people."
"Before commenting down below, consider that some of these may help someone with a disability."
"When people are nasty on social media, like they take it so serious."
"Just be nice, okay everybody, be nice in the comments down below."
"Stop messaging us about it... he's literally the center of focus."
"I'm not ready to sacrifice my family over a nigga on YouTube who I have never met."
"I stopped reading stuff people wrote negative about me. I delete comments. I don't respond to trolls."
"I put my headset on just to talk to people and I was amazed because I talked to nice people and like I've met this one dude and we played like five or six games together had a nice conversation he never called me once ler it was incredible."
"The overwhelming positivity and supportiveness of people in the chats and in the comments on YouTube give me good insight."
"So just engaging them in a conversation with a troll is itself a victory for the troll so it's almost like the dog chasing a car."
"Over the course of a person's life, there are only a few people who will ever really leave a lasting impression. Wouldn't it be something if one of those people was a stranger you met on the internet?"
"I unfollow people that I don't talk to often or at all."
"The greatest lesson that I have learned on YouTube is that I am constantly, constantly surprised by the kindness and compassion of strangers."
"Some people choose to see the ugliness in the comments, but I choose to see the beauty."
"The comment section thankfully is a really positive comment section."
"Thank you, moderators, for taking care of the trolls. Trolls don't like this channel."
"Oh my God he actually sent me 50K bro we actually did it bro."
"I don't trust Twitch chat after what happened ten minutes ago."
"You can't unfriend, oh what a nightmare that would be."
"...judge people on an individual basis, vetting people is very difficult, especially if it's online."
"Those comments, I read all of them. Don't think they go unseen, don't think that I don't feel the things that you guys say."
"I love when strange men online try to tell me I shouldn't have opinions because I've done porn."
"What were they talking about in these chats? I mean, a lot of people pretending to be like, 'My cousin and I would go on and pretend we're like Britney Spears.' And, you know, people back there were like, 'No, you're not, prove it.'"
"Why would you want to scrape or interrogate or automate interactions with like onion addresses?"
"It didn't feel dangerous to simply text people and maybe trade photos, even if you'd never met them in person before."
"Men engage in pointless and NeverEnding arguments with complete strangers who are often Anonymous and questionably sincere as if they were brothers, friends, or Nextdoor neighbors."
"I actually had to block somebody on eBay who kept messaging me about it."
"It's sideways energy to read those comments and comment back. You never comment, just create."
"You can form soul ties online where you start looking for this person, this person begins to fulfill something in you."
"But just remember think before you comment that you're not the only user in the world and your data isn't the only data in the world and just think about the broader spectrum of users before you comment."
"Don't really read the comments, don't really take it personally if somebody else is like mean on there. It's a projection."
"Nothing will humble you more than strangers on the internet."
"You should always meet people from websites and apps in a safe public place first."
"Don't send money to people you've met online under any circumstances."
"Be careful the people you meet on the internet."
"It's hard enough to figure out people's motives in real life; how are you going to figure it out from the internet?"
"I learned a valuable lesson about trusting strangers, especially those who I meet online."
"I would hope not only for the larger swell of young women but for their own safety as well, that they would be open to taking more caution in the way they engage with men that they meet online."