
Microbiology Quotes

There are 425 quotes

"We have this vast life within us of bacteria, fungi, protozoa... communicating through the viral, through these genetic codes."
"The density of this community is astounding. I mean, it really is. If you get down to the scale of being able to see individual microbes... It's a super dense bacterial community, almost like a biofilm."
"If you get down to the scale of being able to see individual microbes, you start off with a zoomed-out view and you see something that looks like fecal material that's digest inside the gut, and you zoom in, and you start to get to the microscopic level and see the microbes. They are just packed side to side, end to end."
"Without the bacteria, you wouldn't be alive. You can't function."
"The bacteria... they're producing chemicals... they're producing tons of them... the bacteria made a lot of the metabolites that are actually in your gut."
"Microbiota are the living organisms on and inside of your body."
"We're leveraging microbes to combat microbes because that's what microbes do naturally in their ecosystems."
"You have 10 times more microorganisms in your body than you have actual cells that make up your body."
"Even though there's very little water or oxygen in its 'waters', Pitch Lake is actually teeming with life."
"One microbe that is life but not as we know it would suffice to make the case that the universe is indeed teeming with life and the laws fundamentally life-friendly."
"Life gets going quickly on suitable planets, therefore life will be common. Of course, we're talking about microbial life only."
"There are more bacterial cells than human cells in your body."
"There's all kinds of natural anti-quorum sensing strategies happening within the bacterial populations themselves."
"The L form is considered to be more infectious and more virulent."
"The terrain inside the body, the gut terrain, the skin microbiota biome, the health of the cells—everything matters."
"The more diverse complex of microorganisms you have, the more complex the Aromas and the flavors are going to come out."
"Gut bacteria play a role in sexual differentiation, literally determined by the bacteria in our guts."
"Blood Falls in Antarctica is a bright red waterfall flowing from the ice, hosting a community of microorganisms."
"So you are more bacteria than you are human."
"To me it's fascinating that our health is so dependent not only upon nourishing ourselves, but upon feeding other living microorganisms inside of us."
"Fermentation is a type of anaerobic respiration where microorganisms feed on organic compounds, often sugars, to get the energy they need."
"We need to see the beauty of the viral, the microbiome, the human breath."
"This ability to withstand phenomenal heat coupled with its unique appearance earned it the name pyrococcus, which is Greek for fireball."
"Firmicutes is associated with people that are overweight."
"Bacteroidetes is associated with being lean."
"You are never gonna survive on this planet if you're completely alien to viruses, funguses, and bacteria."
"Our bacteria can literally store memories, respond to, and create electrical signals."
"Your bacterial cells outnumber your human cells by ten to one, making you more microbe than human."
"Our microbes control us, and when they're broken, we're broken."
"Some Russian scientists have been working with a microscopic organism that seems to have been brought back to life after a deep freeze for over 24,000 years."
"Bacteria are responsible for the spoilage of food."
"More than a thousand-fold difference in the relative abundance of bacteria associated with a garden giant mushroom."
"Microbes in clouds may play a role in precipitation patterns around the globe."
"Our terrain, the soil in which disease develops, and we're really talking about our microbiome, our immune system, etc. that soil is really critical to outcome." - Dr. Robyn Chutkin
"The microbiome... hardly anybody knows anything about it... what you think coronavirus is the microbiome..."
"Your microbiome is to some degree the product of your grandmother's or grandfather's microbiome."
"If mom gives you a microbe, you're likely to have it for months to years or a lifetime."
"Bacteria isn't all bad. There are some good traits of bacteria."
"Our central nervous system is affected by these microbes too. Neurodegenerative disease, even moods and behavior in animal models can be influenced by changing the gut microbiota."
"Probiotics are those healthy gut bacteria that live in your intestinal tract that help you break down food, increase and empower your immune system."
"The answer is A, the bacterium lives inside mitochondria of infected cells."
"Well, the phages that naturally kill them or keep certain ones in check or don't they might also be living in you."
"The discovery of microbial life in such an inhospitable environment has profound implications for astrobiology and our understanding of the limits of life on Earth."
"There is a lot in the microbiological arena that we just don't understand... these hidden microbes... have tremendous long-term impacts on us."
"Barry Marshall and Robin Warren are the Australian scientists who discovered H. pylori in 1982."
"H. pylori produces the enzyme Urease, which allows it to survive in the acidic environment of the stomach."
"Pathogenic th17 cells are induced by selected microbial pathogens and participate in autoimmune diseases."
"It's really easy to do microbiology, reproduce microbiology, and apply microbiology to the soil and crops."
"Bacteria divide once every 30 minutes."
"Microbes cannot develop resistance to it."
"Enterococcus can acquire the van gene which is plasma encoded and subsequently can change the peptidoglycan cell wall structure from not dialedial but to d ala d-lac."
"Understand not only the microbe, but understand the host. Immunocompromised hosts get immunocompromised infections."
"I love it because there's actually a microorganism that we're smelling."
"And can we reconstruct anything about history using those microorganisms as a separate, a source of data, an independent source of data. And that is a very exciting area."
"There's no such thing as the 5-second rule for food dropped on the floor, as bacteria can transfer within seconds."
"Microorganisms: more than just germs, they play crucial roles in the body." - Antoine Béchamp's perspective.
"There's definitely ambient wild yeasts in the air and in the flour, I'm pretty certain that it's both."
"Biodiversity allows the microbes to switch on more and more genes."
"Endospores' longevity verges on immortality, so anywhere from 25 to 250 million years."
"The capsule is a structure that is used to protect against phagocytosis."
"The function of the cell wall is to prevent osmotic lysis, meaning to prevent the bacteria from lysing or breaking open."
"The outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria is also protective against digestive enzymes, detergents, etc."
"For gram-negative organisms, they have an outer membrane, they have thin peptidoglycan, and they don't use teichoic acids."
"Not only babies, even microbes also love the candies, sugar-loving microbes, and patients with diabetes, these sugar-loving microbes, glycophilic microbes, they are in paradise."
"If you ferment milk or if you ferment animal products, for instance with a sausage, the bacteria or the yeast actually eat the new five GC and it's gone."
"We know it actually brings its microbes with it. They're in the seed."
"A fertile soil is so alive that studies have shown that a mere teaspoon full contains at least a million active soil microorganisms."
"There's a linear correlation between diverse microbial diversity and complexity of flavor."
"94% of the particles in the ocean are viruses."
"Myth busted: food picks up bacteria the moment it hits the floor."
"Just like humans have families, communities, and extended families, microbes do too."
"The future of food is in microbiology."
"Capsules on bacteria can make them a little bit more nasty and cause some pretty nasty infections in certain populations."
"Outer membrane only present in gram-negative bacteria."
"Gram-positive bacteria have a thicker peptidoglycan layer."
"Only gram-positive bacteria have lipotechoic acid."
"The periplasm is the space between the outer membrane and the inner membrane."
"This is probably one of the most important videos in microbiology, particularly from a world health standpoint."
"Louis Pasteur's Experiment demonstrated that there were microbes suspended in air ready to infect any exposed surface"
"The more root exudates you have, the more free-living nitrogen-fixing microbes are going to be activated."
"...what we know about botulism is that it has spores those spores are everywhere they're in soil they're in air they're in mud puddles we probably have some tract in here on our floor right now."
"If we're making an infra-inguinal incision or we're in the gi tract then we have to start thinking about gram-negative species like klebsiella or and of course if we're in the genital tract or the colon or the pharynx then we have to think about anaerobes."
"What I want you guys to take away from this is what type of bacteria have the ability to produce this transformation process allowing for them to become competent, take up DNA, and then make nasty proteins as a response from that."
"So it's a really cool process by which this generalized transduction can occur."
"What this one does is... it takes and gets directly incorporated right into the bacterial DNA. Straight in it goes, baby."
"The influence of the microbes on this planet has been and is immense."
"We need to stop teaching our kids about dinosaurs and start teaching them about microbes because they impact everything we do."
"It's about a mixture. It's not a purified single bacterium. I think for inoculating soils, especially when new crops are being grown that haven't been grown before, it's much better to use the fecal transplant model."
"Microbes Supply about 6 to 10% of our daily energy Supply."
"Liquid culture doesn't require a laminar flow hood."
"So how do microbes actually perform all these amazing things that these extraordinary things? I'm going to show you a few examples of the sorts of things that microbes can do."
"A few feet along the length of your body can make as much difference to your microbial communities as hundreds or thousands of miles across the Earth's surface."
"Every bacteria is beautiful in its own way."
"It's oversimplification to think that CRISPR-Cas systems are just adaptive immunity systems in microbes; apparently, they can do much more."
"Many of the microbes are really good at eating dietary fiber, the complex carbohydrates in our diet. Some of those microbes have alternatively specialized or have the additional capability of utilizing mucous carbohydrates as a backup food source."
"Establishing a functioning microbial plant symbiotic relationship is the key to success."
"Have you ever heard of rhizobium? Like, we put a single species of bacteria on a clover seed or on a bean seed and we expect it to establish and establish nodules and create a successful population."
"It's the technology. Microbiology is an old field."
"Alright engineers, let's talk about staphylococcus."
"Microbiology is a specialized area of biology that deals with living things too small to be seen without magnification."
"Microorganisms are the main forces that drive the structure and the content of soil, water, and the atmosphere."
"Microbes play an important role in shaping our planet and have historical uses, such as producing bread, alcohol, and cheese."
"It's like mind-blowing. How is it that the bacteria in the lungs talk to the bacteria in the gut?"
"Viruses are exemplary in their ability to evolve and this is amazing because you can't even see them."
"Bacteria are the ones that invented those antibiotics in the first place."
"We need to manipulate microbes in ways that will be incredibly important for agriculture and other environmental applications."
"Germs have been misunderstood and that the term genocide deserves consideration."
"The Asgard archaea are the closest that we currently have to what we think a proto-eukaryote might have looked like."
"Phages are viruses actually that work on killing certain bacteria."
"If you've not taken microbio and you're stressing out about it, you'll be fine as long as you look up maybe just like intro to microbio or just looking up the difference between a virus and a bacteria."
"The staff in Merlin's hand is our symbol for staph aureus so staff for Staph aureus."
"Viruses are sneaky little things, protected by their protein coat, the capsid."
"But the very important structure for infection is the microcanidia."
"Identification of a pathogen of any nature and its susceptibility to antibiotics, antiviral, antifungal is important."
"Your belly button has over 2,300 bacterial species."
"All of it. All yes. And all of it. I want to know how these different practices are affecting the microorganisms in our soil."
"Plants absorb microbes whole and extract nutrients from their cells."
"If fat plant is producing a fair bit of sugar, up to and over half of it can be pushed out of the root tips. That's microbe food."
"When identifying soil microorganisms, note zero fungi, zero protozoa, or zero amoeba if not observed. Look for humic and fulvic acids, typically golden or brown in color, as indicators of soil health."
"Microbiomes bring good things to life."
"All of a sudden, the plants are now absorbing the majority of their nutrients in the form of microbial metabolites."
"I'm surprised more people haven't used that as a chat-up line, like 'excuse me love, I need some of your bacteria.'"
"Bacteria have a very rich social life, even today, and they form coalitions to defend themselves in situations of scarcity or threat."
"And most of them still have the idea that bacteria are floating along in planktonic swarms. And when they realize they don't do that-- they live in sludgy, slimy masses-- then they can rethink these things and benefit their patients."
"Josh, the microbes can also lie dormant in the soil for decades or even centuries."
"10 million virus particles per milliliter in sea water."
"Here's a story about a giant virus that infects green algae."
"The bacteria also regulate things like mood and obesity."
"There are huge numbers of organisms in the colon."
"As I start to get obsessed, they really are, you know, the center of everything. And we should be worshipping them, as our microbial gods."
"One of the teams that we're working with published a 2020 paper in Nature where they showed that when influenza virus infects the lung the bacterial organisms in the lung shift towards a more imbalanced state."
"Stick with it longer than you think, but know when to pivot. Sometimes, yeast suck. E. coli is fantastic."
"I never thought there was anything left to explore on earth but you know you start looking in these sediments and you have a microbiology interest, wow, you feel like a fourth-century explorer and it's really been exciting."
"The sourdough starter contains two primary microbes: yeast and lactic acid bacteria."
"These two microbes have been on the earth for 1.5 billion years. These are survivors and these are difficult to kill."
"The purpose of disinfection is to inactivate microorganisms in water, especially pathogenic, disease-causing organisms."
"Bacteria can reproduce outside of a host organism, while viruses cannot."
"Fermentation is another process where we enlist the services of bacteria and fungi to break down the food into smaller, easier molecules."
"Avoids opsonization, adherence, and phagocytosis; toxins and enzymes." - On the virulence factors of Streptococcus pyogenes
"One of the most hardy of these is called Deinococcus radiodurans."
"Billions and billions of bacteria that call our body home influence our health and immunity."
"Antibiotic resistance is when a microorganism like bacteria is no longer responding to antibiotics they were previously susceptible to."
"We will talk about how 16s amplicon sequencing is useful to study the microbial communities and their impact specifically on human health."
"Bacteria rules the world, it does everything."
"We have more bacteria in our intestine than human cells."
"Microbiota dictate the state of health and disease."
"Prebiotics is a food that you eat that promotes the growth of good bacteria."
"You give the good food for the bacteria and let them do the job."
"Microbes play a critical role in food and cooking; they are important in how food is grown, how food is prepared, and how food is processed."
"Microbes are the only organisms on the planet that are able to take this inert nitrogen that we are breathing and not doing anything with, and then they are able to fix it into nitrogen that can be utilized by all life-forms."
"Underlying all of these wonderful things that we'll hear about is the unending activity of microbes."
"This mix of gut microbes is unique and different for everyone, even identical twins."
"Probiotics are viable microorganisms thought to have a healthy effect on the host."
"All the microbes and everything that exist in here are going to help feed the crop."
"...what is the bacterium that is causing colon cancer? And I say, what are you talking about? There's dozens, most likely, and they're most likely working together to cause disease."
"...it could be the loss of organisms that is causing colon cancer."
"If you have a high level of Porphyromonas or a high level of Peptostreptococcus... then you're more likely to have colon cancer."
"It's not the presence of a bug, but it could also be the loss of an organism."
"We really do need capable, committed, and innovative microbiologists for the future."
"We want nutrient cycling, we want nutrients being digested and readily available to the plant by the microbes."
"I love the subject, it endlessly interests me, and I never get bored with dealing with infection and bugs."
"We are totally embedded in a microbial world, and we have a microbial world embedded within us."
"If it makes you sick, it's a pathogenic microorganism; all other microorganisms are perfectly fine, most of them are very good for us."
"You want to have these beneficial organisms that are going to fight for you."
"A biofilm is formed when microorganisms attach to and grow on a variety of biotic and abiotic surfaces."
"When you think of Gram-positive, think of thick, very thick cell walls. Gram-negative, think of very thin cell walls."
"Prokaryotic microorganisms exist in a variety of different cell shapes."
"Grape-like clusters of cells are staphylococci."
"Microorganisms can also act as antibiotics, as well as in the case of penicillin."
"The microscope and microscopy are the main tools of microbiology."
"Probably the most fun and interesting part of microbiology is the identification process."
"We're entering a new era in our generation of microbial understanding."
"Microbes aren't trying to hurt us or make us sick; they're just living their life."
"Exotoxins are proteins produced and secreted by bacteria."
"Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a gram-negative rod... it's non-fermentative but it is a gram-negative organism."
"This is our bacteria overview figure, and in this video, we'll be discussing Shigella."
"Shigella produces a toxin known as Shiga toxin which inhibits the 60s ribosomal subunit."
"Microbial antagonism is when the growth of good bacteria prevents the growth of any harmful bacteria."
"Microbes are in fact good for us and they help our immune system."
"Scientists are eager to study these oil-eating bacteria more to further understand their capabilities."
"Our microbes matter. They provide the traits that genetics have not provided us."
"The problem of the 21st century is the commensals, the good, the healthy bugs that populate our body."
"Microbiology literally means the study of small life."
"If you stain purple, you're gram-positive; if you're staining pink, you are gram-negative."
"When you're studying microbiology, the first order of business is this classification."
"Success all comes down to what that tiny microbe does in secret behind those wooden and stainless walls."
"Microbes contribute an extra 2 million genes to the 20,000 or so genes that our human genome encodes."
"The name of the game of life on Earth is microbial, and it has been from the get-go."
"...the size of these filters is about 2.2 microns... we use these to sterilize fluids; the viruses will go through them, and the bacteria are remained behind."
"Once fermentation starts, generally speaking, any undesirable things that might have tried to grow in there really can't."
"Our immune system co-evolved with worms and bacteria."
"You've spent your entire life researching microorganisms."
"There's more millions more unnamed microbes that we just don't understand than we do, but knowing enough to harness it, I think, is important."
"These biological effects of nutrient release only happen when microbes have the right environment."
"I specialize in agronomy and microbiology for medicinal plants."
"The basic idea is to grow and maintain good bacteria in your soil; you take care of the bacteria, bacteria will take care of your plants."
"The microbes have such a large factor in soil and how it all works together."
"Aerated compost tea not only adds microbes to the soil but it also feeds the existing microbes."
"Microbes decompose organic matter and convert it to plant usable nutrients."
"Both compost and worm castings are an excellent source of microbes for your tea."