
Tax Benefits Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"If you hold high-yield dividend stocks and ETFs in your TFSA, you will never pay taxes on these dividends, and this will allow you to maximize this exponential growth."
"If you start at age 25...you would have $1.8 million by the time you're 65, completely tax-free."
"IRA accounts you can open... It's really great because you don't get taxed on that money until you pull it out. So you don't have to pay taxes until you're like 65. Your money is able to grow and appreciate."
"Married filing jointly up to $500,000 of gain is tax-free on your primary residence. So, any money you make on this house is free and clear."
"Real estate has some other benefits as well, you also get tax breaks."
"Entrepreneurs and real estate investors typically get the best tax benefits because you are the cornerstone of the economy."
"Knowing when to switch to an S corporation becomes very valuable to you."
"All the profit you generates within that account becomes completely tax-free."
"Your money gets to grow completely tax-free."
"Depreciation is magic, okay? Because while you're going up in value, and you're increasing your rents, you're actually getting a deduction for more than what you paid."
"As your income continues to expand, prioritize taking advantage of that four percent opportunity of actually using the triple tax advantage and not letting lifestyle get away from you."
"Distributions for qualified medical expenses are completely tax free."
"Real estate provides some of the biggest and best tax benefits that a tax code has to offer."
"Speak with your estate planner because there are tax benefits too. You can grow your estate while letting your love for animals live well into the future."
"It's amazing how much money you make when you don't have to pay for schools or police."
"Utilize retirement plans like IRAs to lower current tax bills."
"You absolutely have to pay no taxes on that if you hold that money until the age of 59.5."
"An HSA has triple tax savings. It's not very often that the IRS legally allows you to skip out on paying taxes once, let alone three different times."
"The concept still stands that you're going to be better off with tax-free growth than capital gains growth."
"It's really the tax savings Why Real Estate is so good."
"Open up a Roth IRA this week because it can literally end up saving you a small fortune in taxes."
"I think ETFs are so wonderful as well in terms of their tax benefits."
"It really is the child tax credit alone is like, you know, a universal benefit for parents."
"Contribute some of that to a Roth IRA. Everything money makes you within a Roth IRA is going to be completely tax-free by the time you're 59 and a half."
"The opportunity zone law is the ultimate cheat code. It's the best piece of tax legislation that I've ever seen in my 20-year career in my life." - Expert in tax law
"When you let people keep more of what they earn, America comes roaring back."
"As long as you rent out the property for 15 days or more with an average customer in there for seven days or less, you can claim the property as a rental property."
"A Roth IRA circumvents the tax you would owe because you paid your taxes already upfront on the money you invested leaving you with the entire amount completely tax-free at the age of 59 and a half."
"Indexed universal life accumulates tax-free."
"Think about putting it into a Roth because, yes, you can only withdraw the earnings when you're 59 and a half tax-free."
"Your digital property is less taxed and generates a higher rental income."
"Max out your TFSA as soon as possible. It's all tax-free income."
"Understanding the tax play behind buying real estate."
"Life is beautiful here - no taxes, fresh air free of charge. What's not to love?"
"Index funds have smaller tax bills due to low turnover ratios."
"Index funds outperforming managed funds in terms of tax efficiency."
"Cash out refinance: unlocking profit without the taxman's grasp."
"I would do short-term long-term rentals and then the tax breaks that you get as far as like the depreciation factor."
"Real estate is a really great tax investment."
"Very, very common people get a complete write off for their investment or creating cash flow and sell it for the same price they bought it."
"And if you hold the property at least 10 years, you never pay capital gains again."
"We allowed people to keep more of their hard-earned dollars in their pockets, and that's what it should be about."
"Rental property is some of the best income from a tax perspective you'll ever earn."
"Business meals deduction: you get to fully deduct business meals for two years between December 31st, 2020, and January 1st, 2023."
"I'm gonna trade more in my IRA account next year - the gains are totally tax-free."
"The IRS can be like, 'Yeah, we're gonna come out with some stuff and maybe you could save $7,500 or maybe it's only $3,000.'"
"IRAs and retirement plans have highly powerful tax advantages and compounding interest in the absence of taxation."
"Any expense that is ordinary and necessary for you to obtain this property will be tax deductible to you as the homeowner or as the investor."
"Every black person should be an entrepreneur, even if you never considered owning a business, because the tax code allows for you to get a refund on this separate but unequal check that you're taxed on every single year."
"When you have an LLC or an S corp or C Corp, there are certain things that are tax deductible that under normal circumstances would not be tax deductible at all."
"Number two, it gives us access to cash tax free."
"College savings accounts like 529 plans offer tax advantages for your child's education."
"You want a lease Lambo because you can write off 100 of that right there."
"If you can afford to buy a home, lock in that equity. There's a lot of tax advantages around owning your own home."
"The beauty of investing let's say a Roth IRA or the 401K are the tax advantages that come with it."
"Those particular models you should be able to get a better deal on here in the next probably three to six months."
"Every time you buy a house and renovate it, the increase in value...that's your money to keep tax-free down the road."
"How much money have you saved living in Puerto Rico over this amount of time not paying taxes? That's free money."
"This is talking about you never paying taxes on $87. That's really powerful stuff."
"It's tax-free money, and that's why people really like real estate."
"Business has the most tax benefits, and all of the other tax benefits are there because you have a business."
"It's not just about cash flow, it's not just about getting that principal pay down, it's also about the tax benefits which comes in the form of depreciation."
"It comes out taxfree and you don't have to wait till you're 55 or older you can put the money in this week and pull it out next week it's like a Roth IRA on steroids grows taxfree comes out taxfree and you get a tax right off to put the money in there they're incredible."
"I spent $500,000 of it investing in two other people's syndication deals for the tax benefits."
"This is the benefit of the Roth, it's totally tax-free."
"Real estate investors and professionals live the tax dream—losses, what are those?"
"Real estate offers amazing tax advantages."
"If you have a space that you use regularly and exclusively for your business ... then you probably qualify for a home office deduction ... it doesn't have to be an entire room."
"Just holding a property and the tax benefits are with you, you know? All those gains are not taxed."
"Real estate offers the best tax advantages... deductions for mortgage interest property taxes rehab capex... it is endless including accelerated depreciation which is literally wiped out in many years my income tax bill to zero."
"You don't want to destroy an exchange a 1031 exchange for real estate investors it's a beautiful thing in the tax code it is unbelievable it's like going to heaven."
"I wouldn't just get married because of the tax benefits, that's weird."
"...having a registered business name means that you can now harness the full potential of tax write-offs which has saved me almost twenty thousand dollars since I started doing it."
"So once you turn 60, any money that you take out of super is tax-free which is a great thing to know."
"Real estate: you don't lose money, you get cash flow, you get appreciation, and most of it isn't taxed."
"If you provide housing, what does the government do? Tax incentives."
"You could collect up to fifty thousand dollars tax free per person."
"Nevada is a no state income tax state, which is one of the top reasons why so many people are choosing to relocate to Las Vegas."
"The biggest financial reason to retire is the tax benefit."
"It grows tax-deferred, and I can access it completely tax-free if I do everything properly."
"This is what gives you the benefit to pass on all of your life insurance free of any income tax or estate tax to your heirs."
"You gotta understand taxes. The reason you buy your house is to write off the interest."
"Tax credits are more important than tax deductions."
"All the growth is Tax-Free, and so they can access that money later in retirement."
"Tax-free growth on your investments for life, that's what a Roth IRA provides."
"The money you contribute can be used to reduce your taxable income just like an RSP, and your money is also growing tax-free just like in a TFSA."
"You can get between twenty to forty percent of your budget just from tax breaks."
"The key benefits are that you do not get taxed by investing in a stocks and shares ISA on any platform."
"Life insurance passes the liquidity, safety, rate of return test with flying colors and it's tax-free to boot."
"The child tax credit was a tax cut that put money in families' pockets."
"Florida is a fraction of the cost, has much warmer water, and there's no state income tax."
"We are asking for them for earned income tax credit, child tax credit, all these things that take people out of poverty."
"The beautiful thing about this is that the growth on that will be tax deferred."
"Open a tax-free savings account... it is completely tax-free."
"Dubai is our number one... it's easy to live in, meaning that you can easily get residency there, it has zero tax, very straightforward zero tax, and it's quite livable."
"Portugal... if you can take advantage of the non-habitual residency regime it's a ten year program."
"The whole point of a cash ISA is that no interest is taxed at all, anything you earn in it is tax-free."
"If you lived in a property for two out of the past five years, you get $250,000 off of your capital gains taxes when you sell."
"Once you get the money into a Roth, that's it for taxation; you get what's there, there is no more tax."
"A taxable account used in this way early in retirement can translate to thousands saved per month."
"Utah is one of the most tax-friendly and business-friendly states out there."
"In the RRSP, you are not subject to a 15% foreign withholding tax."
"Funds in your Roth IRA grow tax-free, and then when you take qualified distributions, you are not responsible for any additional taxes."
"One of the issues is that not enough people take up tax-free child care. We need to have more take-up of what is on offer."
"Investing into crypto in your IRA account is a great way to plan long term for your future as well as benefiting from the tax savings of an IRA account."
"It's not an either/or; it's a both/and, and you're still maximizing the current year tax benefit."
"Your pension now falls outside of your estate, so anyone can inherit it, and there's no inheritance tax to pay."
"With a Roth IRA, you can keep that $100,000 all to yourself, paying no taxes if you reach the certain age of fifty-nine and a half years old."
"If you don't have a tax liability, you can still get a $1,400 refund for each child."
"If you start investing your money, well now you can take advantage of some of these lower tax rates."
"Investing is something anybody can do regardless of how you earn your money, and it provides a tax break for everybody."
"The money is growing uninterrupted compound growth in a tax-free environment, and the government is completely out of your hair."
"I want my money in the future, the higher amount that it compounds to, to be tax-free."
"If you're looking for things from a tax play in real estate, opportunity zones are that."
"With Health Savings Accounts, you can put money in, get a deduction on the front end, invest those dollars, they can grow tax-deferred, and then if you use it for future medical expenses... all those distributions are completely tax-free."
"It grows and comes out totally tax-free."
"Contributions to this account are tax-deductible, money grows in this account tax-free, and as long as you use it for qualified medical expenses, the withdrawals are tax-free as well."
"If you qualify for Act 60, you pay four percent income tax and zero capital gains."
"One big advantage of being self-employed is that you get to write off expenses."
"Contributions to an HSA are tax-deductible, earnings such as interest and dividends in the health savings account are tax-exempt at the federal level."
"You end up with more money just from deferring taxation for 30 years."
"When you've got options for tax-free money, that is a beautiful thing."
"The main benefit of contributing to super is that when you invest within a super accumulation account, all investment earnings are taxed at a maximum of 15%."
"Cash value life insurance proceeds, both the dividends and when you take a loan against it, do not go on the tax return."
"With infrastructure bonds, they do not tax anything, so they are very attractive."
"Life insurance has the best tax treatment of any financial asset in the world."
"Charitable giving is a wonderful thing and at the end of the day, people aren't doing it just for the tax benefits."
"Infrastructure bonds are tax-free."
"Another pro to using your home address as your business address is the potential tax breaks that you may experience."
"The increase in the child tax credit would help working mothers."
"The tax system can work to your advantage and to benefit from them instead of being at the effect of it."
"People move to Texas because there's no state taxes."
"If you report income under certain levels, Uncle Sam is going to have mercy on you, let you keep all those profits, you pay zero capital gains tax."