
Land Quotes

There are 581 quotes

"Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever." (Genesis 13:14-15)
"What happens when I heal the land, does the land now contain the ability to heal myself and heal others?"
"The frontier spirit says the wild land is yours to tame."
"Rural land is the only safe investment right now. Gold and silver will fall, buy land."
"The Catholic Church owns 177 million acres of land."
"As long as we do not own land, we're not going to be a productive people."
"We are destroying ancestral lands owned by indigenous people. Ancient cultures have been there for thousands of years."
"Finding a piece of habitable land is no easy task at the end of the world."
"The Queen of England owns 6.6 billion acres of land."
"Exactly like Somaliland, they had a historical claim to their land."
"It would be a real testament to his memory to get the left back together."
"You qualified... because you can't put the land in the truck and drive the land to Tampa."
"One of the best features of this four-acre island is that at least sixty percent of its surface is fertile land."
"If you can get a water source of any kind that your own, this is the reason why everybody actually looks for land that has water on it."
"There's no such thing as like no one really owns land ever."
"Zapata's vision of society was one where armed peasants could protect their land."
"The life of the land shall be remained in its existence as long as we continue to live in the right way."
"We know that they are intrinsically linked to this land because they have lingered here longer than any man."
"Home ownership and land builds generational wealth."
"This property did not have a house and used to be designated as farmland."
"Our land protects its own. An outsider will find in the Neck an endless morass of suckholes, quicksands, and green grass that looks solid to the unwary eye but turns to water the instant you tread on it."
"The land was often described as lush and fertile, filled with abundant resources."
"Our heart is that this land will leave a legacy for our children's children."
"Even in these modern times, the woods still claim almost 1/3 of the land."
"They don't make any more of land; this is it, you know."
"Stepping our feet on this land where many tragedies and victories took place is rewarding."
"The land was inherited as wealth through the motherland."
"Fascia hated the people but loved the land."
"Peasants and returning soldiers had not only lost their land but also the possibility of finding decently paid work."
"If you don't own the land, I'm not doing the business there."
"Land was cheap, like I paid 1600 bucks an acre."
"We have our own 1,000 hectares in the good news City there amen we're not telling you what we're not doing but it's based on Prophecy amen."
"It was the promised land, a land flowing with milk and honey."
"To know the Hawaiian Soul, one must first know the land, the ʻāina, the deep connections between place, king, and history."
"Imagine buying land for less than a $100 bill every month."
"That's the land that was promised and as you see it has been divided up."
"We're here at the behest of your daughter who requested our help to defend her family's land."
"It actually was really interesting in reading your book, I had not realized that there's a verse in, I think it's Genesis 2, where it said that in the land where gold is very good."
"A land holds no memory, only its people can do that."
"Strived to leave the land better than he found it."
"This is still a blessed, blessed land and I'm so thankful."
"Around 100 acres and my home is situated within this land."
"My land came alive as soon as I started planting all of these plants."
"Well, it's just a reasonable amount of land."
"Land is becoming a major commodity in Ghana. The only way you can maximize the use of space is architecturally."
"You know, aldo has a quote and, uh, I hope I don't butcher this, but he said, 'we abuse land because we consider it a commodity, something that belongs to us. When we regard land as community, only then can we begin to use it with love and respect.'"
"We have a strong connection with the land because of how we were molded and shaped."
"What makes Pueblo culture so unique is its special relationship to the land. The mountains, the deserts and the rivers are not resources to be exploited, but our sacred landscape. We don't own the land. We belong to it."
"A real covenant is just a promise concerning the use of land."
"The estate sits on a sprawling 8,000 acres of land complete with lush gardens and a winery."
"Farming with the goal of reinvigorating the land rather than exploiting it."
"Land is something you can't make more of."
"You cannot take a man's land and cover it with prayer,"
"This massive land stretched from pole to pole with vast deserts in the center."
"Land is king. A lot of people think cash is king. Land is the throne. Land is lord."
"People want radical economic transformation. Some want land back."
"My dad always said to buy land because they're not making any more of it."
"It's very much that focusing on those structures that exist on the ground in the land."
"It's going to deteriorate your land and it's going to deteriorate your harvest, which ultimately deteriorates your resiliency."
"That's less than a quarter of an acre you need, probably between an eighth and a quarter of an acre."
"The best investment I can personally make is in land right now."
"My father wrote that when we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect."
"It's like their souls are very connected to this land."
"Once we start to see the world as gifts from more than human relatives, then it brings us to gratitude for the gifts of the land."
"You cannot do destiny without land."
"Now all the people of the land came to a forest, and there was honey on the ground."
"The Waiʻanae Coast, a proud land."
"Our lands may be rugged but they hold untapped potential."
"Land gives food, food is something everybody needs to survive."
"If you look at the entire land surface area that humans actually comprise, it's less than 3%."
"There's nothing more dangerous to a ship than land."
"This land is your land and this land is my land."
"And when Mayans found fertile land they protected it!"
"There's just one dirt road that gets to this land. That's just it. It's not field. It's not... I don't think it's easily developable. But it's been in this guy's family for like three generations."
"The battle is going to be over land. The battle is going to be over what you can grow."
"Over 99% of Earth's unclaimed land is located right here in Antarctica."
"...you can understand why both of them wanted to choose Halaib. It's about 10 times more land than Bir Tawil."
"We are tied to family through this piece of land."
"We're so lucky to be able to have this land to make our own."
"Every section is always equal to 640 acres."
"That connection to the land is important for many."
"The Sabbath rest even for the land."
"Nearly 60% of Pennsylvania, seventeen million acres, is forest land."
"This movie is as much about the land as it is about the people. They were devoted to the land, even if the land wasn't always devoted to them."
"We respect this land that we live in."
"When you don't have land tenure, it can create these disamenity zones."
"Our land is a big part of our Legacy and we want to do it for those future Generations."
"The land is unbelievable, very difficult to find this."
"Land is so incredibly important. The biggest boon I've ever found in my life, period, outside of wisdom obviously and understanding, is land."
"This is the land which you shall divide by lot unto the tribes of Israel for inheritance."
"The land may get lost but not the culture."
"The land with its age-old secrets had claimed us, we were a part of its mysteries now forever bound to its ancient rhythms."
"The land with its hidden depths and ancient guardians had awoken, and it was hungry."
"This land was made for you, for her, and for somebody from Texas to bring that crown home."
"But he took us out into that field and said, this field can't be worked."
"Land was associated with freedom."
"Owning a huge plot of land isn't as impossible of a task as it can be in most other states."
"...the land is very important to people that have dirt under their fingernail... once you've got the land in the blood, you can take the man from the land but not the land from the man."
"God imbued the land of Israel with holiness."
"Sure is on our land, the north pasture."
"In gratitude, I bow to this land and all of the ancestors who made it available. I see that I am whole, protected, and nourished by this land and all of the living beings that have been here and made life worthwhile and possible for me through all their efforts."
"I invite all of us to contemplate how to better support indigenous communities and to learn how to honor and take care of the land that each of us inhabits."
"It ain't got a damn thing to do with religion. It has to do with their birthright and the occupation of our land and the rules of law to restore it."
"...and the Very presence of the most high will be there you feel his presence in the land and there'll be no more devil reain or devil power it'll be over this is what you're working for most people don't want to get there."
"What an idea if you've got the land and you've got the building let's utilize it and bring some going."
"Okay, it's one president to acquire the most land in U.S history."
"We acknowledge that indigenous peoples have had and continue to have a presence and deep connection with the lands."
"The land is Holy Land, the land is where our ancestors are buried, that's where they shed their blood that we might have an inheritance."
"Land is truly creative; a house isn't creative."
"We just need to get people to see the value of going back to the land."
"Aldo is a tortoise which means he likes to walk around on the land."
"Creating new systems that get people onto the land in places where they've been depopulated is really important."
"We need to talk about land. We need to talk about how we're going to build a future for our people."
"God is not in the real estate business and Israel is just another spit of land in the Middle East."
"Africa has the land, has the fruits, has life."
"Land is finite, you can grow vertically as much as you want, but you can't grow land."
"Reconnecting with the land, reconnecting with my family and reconnecting with my roots, the place my parents came from."
"Any land you fly over you may someday have to walk over."
"Our story concerns the Haney family for over 200 years. A Haney had worked this same land. Now it belonged to John and Emma Haney."
"The fundamental fact is that one people had the land, and another, more advanced and powerful people, wanted that land."
"The land doesn't really belong to us. It belongs to Peli. We get to live on it while we can, and if she wants it back, she'll take it."
"We'll give some land, but we don't want the Irish. No, not the Irish. Everybody."
"Independence: he created a land where any could call home."
"If you're going to buy land, make sure you have a plan in place to make money off of it."
"It was a relief to be in the safety of land."
"This land, holds a complete chapter of the history of our planet."
"That big jump up from the acre and a quarter I think is going to meet a lot of people's needs."
"Us as black people, what do we own? Brah's? Ha! We don't own no land."
"Why do we have all this land and why do we have to import common eggs?"
"God blessed the land when our Savior came to earth."
"You must stop your ears whenever you're asked to sign a treaty to sell your home."
"This treaty meant giving up more than two million acres of Georgia land."
"God said, 'I will give you a land.'"
"Kashi was the dear land of bhagan Vishnu and he gave it to bhagan shiv because he liked it."
"Before we go much further, I'd like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land."
"I like the land we live on and the history behind it."
"The land shall have a Sabbath rest."
"Ereskos is a land of striking natural beauty."
"It's about 140 acres give or take in total."
"This land used to belong to our ancestors, but people have come in, they've changed the names, they've colonized the land."
"This land has never been conquered."
"You are creating Paradise with this much land."
"It's always going to be there and value of land because every day more and more people are buying up land."
"The theory is it has to be something involving this land or this motel."
"Scripture, in fact God himself, ties the Promised Land to God's rest."
"So, this idea of a cosmic covenant indicates that the land is not simply given by the Creator, but the land plays a role in the Covenant if the Hebrews live in the right way."
"There's still a whole lot of land in Oregon yet to be claimed and developed for wine growing."
"The Shade Fields, where a fierce clash between orcs and the show anti marked the land."
"If all the spirits have died out, then maybe that light, like their essence, is still there, scattered throughout the land."
"The centuries-old castle sits on more than 300 acres of land. Archaeological evidence shows that one part of the castle was constructed almost 600 years ago around 1450."
"This channel is all about what's it like to live, eat, sleep, drink the land and ranch lifestyle."
"It's not just a romantic idea of it; it's a 'wow, this place really has a lot of land and with that view, with a lot of the difference in terrain, we could do a lot with it."
"A nation will not exist without the language and without a land."
"The land is more than just dirt; if you look after it, it will feed you forever."
"The bridge between the land and the sea."
"Land is power; land always has been power. The control of land has given you power."
"I'm a farmer who had lived on my farmland for decades, the land had been passed down through my family for generations."
"This land of milk and honey, the promised land, when you read those words, you always have this expectation of it being a welcoming and inviting land."
"God will bring the people of Israel into the land; the land is a symbol of a blessing of God."
"You will know the country when you walk it; you know it by your feet."
"The land is going to flourish again."
"This is Idaho Sagebrush country, very ordinary to the eye, yet a land of exotic names."
"The land really is our life and that it's not something that we have as a resource, it's not territory, it's a relationship that we need in order to be indigenous."
"With every single bite and sip of that soup, you taste the land."
"I want the real life thing, like I said, I want a plot of land in Eastern Europe."
"Land's always going to be a safe bet, in my opinion."
"It was land that we actually were stewards of and had a very close relationship with."
"Our whole life is going to begin on that piece of land down there."
"An estate's true wealth is in the land, not what is in the bank."
"It's not about the land, it's about the love that you put into it."
"I never thought that I would live full-time on land ever again."
"After many years of working the land, these farmers grew deeply attached to their home."
"This rule gives the public, regardless of where you live, you own part of this public land."
"The land should belong to the people who farm it."
"This is our land, so we take care of it."
"Being part of this has been such just like a hopeful streak for me in all of this because no matter what I do, no matter what gets taken from me, I still have this land."
"When you feel the land, you can become connected to it."
"There's something powerful with land; something about your spirit, your soul, your energy is attracted to or connected to some sort of spiritual piece of land or ancient piece of land."
"We need to redevelop connections with the land, the place around us, nearby, that we interact with our senses and not just through a screen."
"The land is the heart of what makes the Pequot people who they are."
"It's something really special about being able to sit on your own land and appreciate the hard work that's gone into the land."
"It's our land, and we should defend it."
"I believe the land speaks; it's why I came to Cornwall."
"These are the statutes and rules that you shall be careful to do in the land that the Lord, the God of your fathers, has given you to possess, all the days that you live on the earth."
"The connection that we have to the land, to the place, to the people."
"We wish to acknowledge this land on which the University of Toronto operates."
"What you get is you get privacy, you get five acres, you get history."
"Revolution is based on land. Land is the basis of freedom, justice, and equality."
"This France accounts for almost 20% of all of France's land and a whopping 97% of its ocean territory."
"They've learned to love their land by tending to it, to see in something fragile and vulnerable the most precious of treasures."
"I will give unto thee and to thy seed after thee the land."
"I love land and I think that more people are starting to want to do those things like farms and everything."
"Don't sell it. I don't care if it's on Calabash Bay behind Bamboo Boo, you keep that land."
"The land is the foundation of the family."
"There can never really be justice on stolen land."
"Canada is such a wonderful country filled with great people with incredible resources and so much land."
"When I walk out of my house onto my own land, it gives me a good feeling."
"Buying land is one of the best investments you can make."
"Nobody shoves me off of my land, Mr. Williams. Nobody. This land is mine, it's free and clear, every inch of it."
"I swear by everything decent, nobody will ever take this land away from me."