
Personal Discipline Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"Make your bed...it tends to set a tone for the day."
"Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee."
"You can't afford the luxury of screaming at yourself. It's a luxury, you can't afford that."
"It takes a lot of mental toughness to get your workout clothes on, set the time aside, and show up to give it your all."
"Discipline. Like really understanding the word of discipline and sticking to it."
"Don't criticize the world before setting your house in perfect order."
"It's easy to make one good decision, it's hard to make a good decision over many years."
"Your power is worth something more. Discipline will take you towards something with purpose."
"I focus my rage into non-violent resistance."
"Don't neglect your time with the Lord. If you neglect it, it's gonna be so hard to walk in the spirit."
"When you're disciplined enough to take care of your health, you reap all kinds of benefits: more energy, less fatigue, better focus."
"You have to cut the temptation at the roots."
"Building wealth has a hundred percent nothing to do with money. It has a hundred percent everything to do with you and your mindset towards money."
"Discipline over anything. This is what I have to do, and this is what I'm going to do."
"The most Chad thing you can do as a man is be desirable but also simultaneously be in full control of your impulses."
"It's discipline. Everybody wants motivation." - Dr. Laura
"Vanity, ambition, and cruelty are no match for honor, determination, and discipline."
"Submission is not about someone controlling what you do, it's someone disciplining what you do."
"Trading is very hard, it's doable but it's going to require a lot of effort, a lot of time, and a lot of discipline."
"The willpower to like have shitty days and not let it affect you or the willpower to like you know to do what you have to do not do what you want to do."
"Every one of us has to discipline ourselves like Job to make a covenant of purity with our eyes."
"Discipline is one of the most important things. You need to be a disciplined person."
"Discipline yourself. If you don't do it, go do it, period."
"Meticulously count every goddamn calorie that goes into your mouth."
"Consistency is key. If I take two days off in a row, everything's gone."
"Success is the sum of small actions repeated daily for extended periods of time the sooner you can begin taking the small steps that will bring you right to where you need to go disciplined people get things done no matter how they feel about it."
"Tracking what I eat is so helpful because it really keeps me on track and just make sure that I stay within a healthy limit each day."
"It's better to be married than burn with lust, but it's better to be single and be disciplined."
"She's looking for love, which means sacrifice and self-discipline."
"Let's be sure we're not being conformed to the image of this world, but rather making every thought obedient to Christ."
"The ability to delay pleasure for a greater good."
"I decree this year I hear a fasting, now listen fasting is not just cutting away food it's cutting away anything that would interfere with your relationship with God."
"He made her sit in the same chair and shaved her head too, and she never tried to do that again."
"A true Force user must find the discipline and balance to walk the fine line between the light side and the dark."
"It's a very hard life, you're going to need to get up, work hard, go to the gym."
"The thing that makes the biggest difference is who can settle into the boredom of doing the same kind of lifts every day, day after day."
"Consistency is the key. You don't need a thousand motivational videos, what you need is action and self-discipline."
"Discipline is probably the most important thing that you need to be successful."
"Discipline yourself and focus on your goals. The reward is worth it, having peace of mind is worth it."
"Please follow through, please stay disciplined, there will be consequences for not doing so."
"I do 200 push-ups a day and I do 200 sit-ups, take notes."
"Don't be a tool—commit to not touching your phone the first hour of the day."
"Your health starts from the discipline to take clean water."
"Sin will keep you from this book or this book will keep you from sin." - Dwight Moody
"Infidelity is a childish behavior running through different women is a childish behavior because it shows a lack of discipline."
"The only thing that matters: it's what habits you choose that most people refuse to choose."
"No killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no false speech, and also no intoxicants."
"During a fast, I very strongly advise that you take extra time for Bible reading and prayer."
"I want you to learn the discipline of how to enjoy one bite at a time."
"Bodybuilders love to push themselves, committing to extreme diets and exercise regimes to push their bodies as they sculpt their physique to perfection."
"Make a plan, get disciplined about something."
"Your heart shouldn't be how much could I get it, it's literally like Lord how much can I restrict, how much can I eliminate, that's where the heart of fasting comes in."
"You have to keep the people around you strict."
"Now is the time for hard control, to put what you've learned into action."
"I didn't eat that junk food again, I didn't put it back in my system."
"I never rely on my mood to dictate how well I show up okay meaning I have to get myself in a place to be of service."
"Reducing access is an example of being self-controlled."
"I always prefer to clean as I go as much as I can, even though I don't always feel like doing it. I always thank myself later when I do that."
"I treat everything as I only have one shot, and it's formed my lifestyle."
"Success is about discipline, so get yourself to do it even though you don't feel like it when you know that the actions are proactive towards your goals."
"I treated this like a real job where every hour it was my job to kind of be doing what I needed to be doing."
"Let's talk about how to de-influence yourself because I do think a lot of it comes with self-control."
"Discipline is freedom... it's the one thing that Jaco Willink got correct."
"Discipline is very, very important. Without a proper discipline schedule, you cannot really go anywhere in life."
"Success will come with hard work and dedication, so stay focused, stay disciplined, and stay motivated."
"Working out instills discipline and work ethic in you."
"Reward the activity you like and penalize the activity you don't like."
"Guard your lips against speaking ill. Keep your thoughts free from the filth of this world. Shield your eyes from all that is wicked."
"Profitability came to me simple because of discipline."
"A perfectly disciplined person lives in faith as if the wish is already fulfilled."
"Shoplifting: an act of desperation, not greed."
"Continue to read and study and deny yourself in that area."
"If you got to get up at 2 a.m., you get up at 2 a.m. Just do it."
"Do what you should do versus what you want to do."
"You submit yourself to God, you don't follow your lusts and desires."
"There's no atmosphere coming through the TV on the pitch."
"You have to take control and find a way to be disciplined."
"If you really want to do something, you're gonna discipline yourself and find a way to do it."
"There's no secret exercise... it's motivation, discipline, and the same tools that we have access to." - Harley Pasternak
"Create your plans, stick to your plan, stick to your script."
"I've been lifting for three years and for the whole three years, I've been trying to stay in a caloric surplus."
"Beloved, I beg you as soldiers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lust which war against the soul."
"Striving for balance and excellence in your life means a lot having discipline having control over your emotions is a big one."
"Sexual discipline is a man's superpower. So little men have that ability in their lives."
"I don't think a man's value is tied to how much money he makes. I don't think it's tied to how good he looks. I think it's tied to his morals and his discipline."
"Passion is rare today, discipline is rare, keeping your word is rare, being honorable is rare, doing what you say you're going to do is rare."
"The discipline of giving freedom: forgiving, forgetting, and flooding."
"Never let the public see you out of shape, never let him see you that, always be peak and give the respect that's why y'all wasn't shape always in shape."
"Don't make food your God. Whatever food is that great in your life, you can't put it down, you have ultimately made it somewhere in your life you have turned that into an idol."
"It's all about discipline and consistency, my goal is to weigh 190 to 200. Let's go let's go bro."
"Delayed gratification means resisting the temptation of immediate pleasure to enjoy it at a later time."
"A desire without discipline becomes a delusion."
"Every day, lay a brick by doing one thing that takes you closer to your goal."
"Discipline is doing things for current you that will be rewarding to Future you."
"Discipline is not masculine, it's just discipline. It's giving yourself expectations and rules and finding ways to trick yourself and to stick into it."
"Job made a covenant with his eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman."
"Discipline... it takes discipline to stick to those things that you have to do."
"Discipline is about deciding what you want most over what you want now."
"Discipline equals freedom, shout out to that guy who said that."
"Money management relates to self-control and self-discipline, it will elevate your mood."
"Fair play for keeping a routine in lockdown."
"It's time to apply that Faith, it's time to be disciplined about it and to actually, you put your money where your mouth is."
"The greatest test of personal discipline is persistence in the face of adversity."
"Monk mode is a lifestyle protocol that has been popularized by young successful entrepreneurs."
"Fasting is starving the flesh and feeding the spirit."
"If you're having a hard time being disciplined or something, you gotta ask yourself, how bad do you want it?"
"Self-regulation is any action I direct at myself to change my behavior from what I might have done automatically."
"I like to be prepared, I like to be ready, so I like to wake up like two hours before I need to be somewhere."
"I went probably 20 years and didn't miss a workout unless it was a scheduled off day."
"Discipline is definitely something that is... it takes, if you remain disciplined and just do the steps that you need to do, you'll eventually have some progress."
"Be right means follow your plan; be right means follow your system."
"Be consistent, and live like no one else today, so you can live like no one else tomorrow."
"It is what it is, you know. The man had discipline."
"Being organized is super, super important when you own your own business; it's just important in general."
"The plan of God will require a hardness on your flesh, on your mind, on your emotions, on your feelings, on your want to."
"I think working out is like that for me too. I hate working out, but then I feel it's the best thing for my depression."
"Training in general, and for me the martial arts, mirrors life in so many ways and carries principles that can be applied in so many other areas."
"Discipline is what separates the good from the great."
"Remember, the hardest part about working out is showing up."
"Guys, it is currently 9 something AM, I woke up at 6 AM, guys, I read my word, I give time to God."
"Trust yourself to follow the process."
"By and large, your fasting should be done in secrecy."
"It takes a lot of discipline to get here, to be held at high honor and the ethers, to be Noble, to be kind, to have humility."
"Working out... builds that armor on you, it gives you discipline, ambition, it gives you courage."