
Familial Support Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"Rudy tells Ritz how her brother always stayed by her side when she was in pain and cried for her, which made her happy."
"My mom took care of me, my sister, and my dad, and never showed any type of struggle."
"My focus was on making sure my dad was okay because he brought us from Russia to set us up for a good life here."
"Imagine if you grew up with parents that both knew who you were and supported what you wanted to become."
"Your ancestors are fighting so hard for you now because they don't want you to go through what they went through. They're not going to allow you to fail."
"A vote for my father Donald J. Trump is a vote to uphold our American ideals."
"No one is looking out for me more than my mom. No one wants what's best for me more than my mom and my husband."
"It's about showing Mr. Depp's children Lily-Rose and Jack that the truth is worth fighting for."
"My wish for this entire family and for you Mr. Stokes is for peace."
"There's never a good time for somebody to pass away but they're still with you because they changed who you are."
"The burden of having to support your 'failure to launch' wizard son well into his 70s."
"I believe his family is here his wife Mandy his daughter Leah and Michael and the other part of the family is Mackenzie and Jack."
"Maddie, your daddy did not disappear... we're all still here, we all still love you."
"Carly reassures her brother again insisting things will be okay."
"Words can't express how grateful I am for my best friend's family, they are literally my mother and my father."
"If you're just a kid in the middle of England or the middle of the US who doesn't have family who understands this..."
"We ain't going for no goddamn divide, we ride for our sisters."
"Enola is so lucky to have a brother who takes care of her."
"Grandma said, 'Put a ring on it,' she said she is excited. That was dope to hear."
"I've been given this incredible gift, you know, a mother who has walked through more crap."
"My sister is literally my guardian angel. I would not be alive today if not for my sister."
"No pain will ever stop me from taking care of you and my brothers and sisters."
"That's her job right whatever granny need whatever time of the night whatever it is hey you there you handle that and for that you'll never have to work a day in your life."
"She says, 'I comforted Damon. I told him to hold on. I told him to be strong.' And he said, 'Okay, Mommy.' They shake his head. That was the last word I ever heard him say."
"Life insurance, if you have people depending on you, whether it's a spouse, a partner, or children, this is a non-negotiable."
"We're the only family Rose has here so we have to help her through whatever she's going through."
"All they want is for you guys to just love each other and support each other and care about each other."
"Step up. What if it was your brother? What if it was your son? You would want somebody to step up."
"What if it was your brother? What if it was your son? You would want somebody to step up."
"We'll be your brothers, Dad. We'll be your brothers."
"Love you P Nash... we are very proud of you."
"William looked out for Harry he you know he supported his brother so you can't just turn around say oh yes because he's mum died that's why Harry is the way he is."
"He provides for those who are close to him, even sacrificing for them."
"She was like the tree that was still standing and then we all are patching on her."
"My daughter put her credit card in my wallet today so I could buy lunch on her today."
"Mum and dad made their peace with it and have none themselves to the slurs and always stood up for us. They are what's good about small-town America."
"My sister is such a great person, she is so kind, she's empathetic, she's very smart, and she doesn't deserve to feel bad and feel like she did something wrong when someone else took advantage of her."
"By the grace of God, my father shall make way for me."
"Freya ensures Kratos that the boy is not his past but his son and that he needs his father."
"My uncle was like a father figure to them guys."
"I'm not proud of you, I'm super proud of you."
"Papa, I need... and then he'll just give. But I can't be telling him what I'm spending money on because it's not gonna make sense to him."
"Hey, you're my sister. I'd do anything to protect you."
"He got to retire his mom, he gets to take care of the people he loves, he's living the life that he's always wanted at just 27 years old."
"God's grace is enough for you to stand strong. God's grace is enough for your family."
"Every American, no matter your background, is entitled to a government that puts your needs and your families first."
"Thank God for your brother... I know, right? Thank God that guy."
"Dad wasn't willing to go stand in the ring for you, you've got damn right here."
"Their father would be by his son's side every step of the way."
"My grandma believed in me, that's another reason why we were so close."
"You're going to see the best Tyson Fury, not just stopping in the camps. He's my son, this is my life."
"She wants the best for me and she'll be on my ass about being serious about taking care of myself."
"I appreciate that sister, big bomb, big bomb."
"Mom, it's okay. You're probably just tired." - Rosa's children reassured her, a poignant reminder of love's patience amidst hardship.
"Girl, come on, you better celebrate your baby."
"I can't wait to be there for my kid says Sebastian who works as a security guard at a distribution center."
"I said, 'Dad, I said I'm gonna win a bronze medal.' He said, 'Well done son, that's a fantastic achievement.'"
"We need to show our loved ones what courage looks like so they can have courage."
"How good would it feel to retire your mom? How good will it feel to make sure that your wife, your husband never takes a paycheck from anybody else again but your own business?"
"My dad respected me as a musician and he respected my work ethic."
"Dying surrounded by loved ones, achieving peace."
"We are brothers we will always be brothers we are certainly on different paths at the moment but I will always be there for him as I know he will always be there for me."
"I'm always gonna support you because I'm your sibling, that's how it should really be."
"Thank you for being the parents I need no matter my current age, for being my protector and my helper."
"It's okay to be afraid. You're not alone here. You've got your grandma and me, your mom and dad, and all the strength of our people behind you."
"I need you to win, brother. I want you to win."
"Well done, son. Use these to start your new life."
"I just want to let you know that your grandma's watching over you. You have nothing to stress about."
"Healing Birthright to be able to help ourselves in most cases help our family members and our loved ones."
"You're an artist, it's time for my boy to be an artist."
"Only my mom... you gotta respect the hustle."
"It's cool to return the favor in life and help your parents out."
"Let's just hope for the best family, let's just hope for the best please, Lord, please fam."
"Nothing will stop me from my plan of putting my son Donald Trump back in that white house."
"Put yourself through anything and really I think if it was a kidney, a child, they'd give him a kidney."
"It's going to help your father in a thousand other ways."
"My mom supported me through so much, I'm able to support her now."
"If you are ever in trouble, go seek out Mama."
"This is fire family, he gave you the game tonight."
"Oh my gosh mom are you serious that's incredible I am my darling boy this is it this is the beginning of change."
"Keep up the great work. Best wishes for you and your family."
"He's your son now, let him shoot at the end."
"Life is unfair. I just want to become a musician and have my family support."
"There is enough resource within the royal family and probably somewhere deep within Harry that will pull him back."
"Dad always stood up for me. Now I'm standing up for him."
"Karma is real too. If you're doing something good for the community, something good for your family, it's going to come back to you."
"Parents usually understand; they love you for who you are."
"They love you, they don't want to see you down, they don't like seeing you sad, they want to see you happy, they want to see you succeeding, they want to see you just getting things done."
"I feel sorry for those three little girls. The oldest child truly has a wonderful gift."
"It's cool that to see your brother like celebrating like for you just as hard as you are for winning."
"At the end of the day, at least we know Alana is taken care of."
"Perfectly fine that Dad wants to help a troubled son."
"I had somebody that kept me in check. Nobody keeps it real with you like your brother."
"During these years as your queen, the support of my family has across the generations been beyond measure"
"It's all or nothing. I don't need anything from you guys, all I want is your blessing."
"You're so smart, baby, I'm very proud of you."
"She's just good Joe give the kid credit I know she's good she's smart I know and guess what so is Kendall."
"She's very musical too, my daughter, so I want it to seem normal to her that people follow their creative ideas and make things out of them into adulthood."
"I called my mom, she was the first person I called. She talked to me and she called me every single day after that."
"Black women have been saving families for all of their lives, saving their children and the family's income."
"I've always had a family that have been so incredibly supportive and encouraging of me."
"Grateful for overcoming his fear Thiago thanks Uncle Grandpa for all his support."
"I appreciate a great dad. When my mom died, it was my dad being there to give me the warmest hug ever to save me from depression."
"If a child it has made friends with is bullied, grandpa will find the bully's house and burn it to the ground."
"Chris, you've grown up a lot. I'm proud of you."
"If you ain't gonna win right now, you're not my dad."
"What Jason has done to pave the way for me in college and the NFL is everything to me. I can't tell you how much I love this guy." - Travis Kelsey
"Wow, you're my brother and you helped me out so much when I was healing."
"Support means everything and even if one person in your family supports you there's nothing that can stop you."
"I think what Johnny said about his family and how they supported him really hit home with me."
"We're going to win easily... it's gonna be mom's."
"For now, let's simply get out of this place. You'll be alright now that I'm here with you. Your big brother's here to hold your hand."
"Ultimately they just want you to be happy and they'll feel it if you're happy in whatever you're trying."
"Don't worry, sweetie, Grandma's got your back. I'll see you soon, I love you."
"I was able to come this far thanks to you talking to my father. Like you said, my dream came true much faster than if I had to do everything from scratch by myself."
"Our entire environment is hostile. You stand up or you fall. Everything is on your back. And even your mama, in her best mind, in her best light, without limited information, she don't know to treat you that you might need soft from her."
"There's nothing I wouldn't do to help you and your mother."
"I'd like to think Dad helped me out with that one."
"You're doing the right thing for your father by being there with him. He needs as much support as possible now."
"Of course he'd be proud of you, Bumi."
"I'm always gonna be there for you, your mom, your sister. We're family, that's what family do."
"Her path to becoming a revered figure in K-pop is emblematic of how familial support, coupled with personal ambition, can pave the way for groundbreaking success."
"My mom's my biggest fan and I've been through some nonsense in my life, and my mom stood with me still regardless."
"I'm trying to get this money, make sure your brother good."
"I understand what you're going through with your father and all."
"I'll be seeing you soon, so hang on. Dad's doing his best."
"The love of our brothers and sisters enabled our family to endure this tragedy."
"This was my brother, my brother telling me I did well."
"He was a great guy, he gave anything to my father."
"Whatever it takes to save Terry Junior, Ron's son, that's what we're here to do."
"How proud I am of my little brother for being able to pull this off."
"Will you help me then, my daughter?" "Yes, father, of course I will."