
Blockchain Technology Quotes

There are 563 quotes

"Blockchain may not be better than what they're doing, but blockchain might be the tool of a disruptor to get someplace that the incumbents are too invested in their current legacy system to get there."
"Cryptocurrencies, account balances, and transactions exist on a blockchain or similar technological foundation."
"Permissioned blockchains make a different trade-off on trust."
"Blockchain development is so hot right now that most companies need the skill."
"A personal blockchain is like a real blockchain network... but it runs on your computer; it's a closed network."
"The ownership is the disruptive feature. What blockchain fundamentally allows you to do is own digital stuff."
"Cardano tries to solve some of the problems of Ethereum, specifically high gas fees and speed issues."
"There's tons of proof-of-stake networks for years and they've all been less attacked and more secure than proof of work networks."
"EIP-1559 takes a super asset and makes it into a super duper asset!"
"Most importantly, will it survive? Ethereum is thriving and is the most popular smart contract platform on the planet."
"I think Salana becomes the number three chain in this cycle."
"Ethereum has a better use case than bitcoin."
"90 to 95 percent of cryptocurrency projects are a ripoff of the Bitcoin source code."
"Cardano's Ouroboros: among the most efficient consensus protocols, proven secure in a rigorous cryptographic way."
"Bitcoin is the most decentralized digital property, owned by everyone and no one."
"The star atlas DAO is essentially what is going to enable full decentralized governance."
"So when you're looking for NFTs, try and find NFTs that are on new networks or the first ones doing something different."
"Every blockchain is just what it says it's a chain of blocks."
"Our very first solidity contract is now deployed. Congratulations!"
"Anybody in the world can actually verify this. Okay, you just put in this transaction hash, hit search, and it will bring you to this exact transaction. Wow, wasn't that nice?"
"He who possesses the private key owns the bitcoin."
"Cardano is a perfect combination of an amazing proof-of-stake blockchain platform combined with an all-star team of engineers led by the inspirational founder, Charles Hoskinson."
"Ethereum will always be an essential network needed to supply the power and resources for many of these decentralized applications."
"Cardano seems to always be a little step above in terms of innovative solutions."
"This sector to me is one of the most important in blockchain as the supply chain is set to be completely disrupted by blockchain technology."
"With cryptocurrency, I can send it to you and it gets transferred on a blockchain with a bunch of computers all over the world."
"Solana becomes the new Ethereum much quicker than we actually imagine."
"We believe Ethereum Layer 2 is the real narrative."
"Zero knowledge is going to be an industry in its own right."
"We see that the blockchain is the new type of a bank and when you look at the blockchain as the bank then everything else looks like other tools or applications."
"Blockchain is a new network and it's going to help us decentralize trade, allowing us to do a lot of our transactions much more peer-to-peer directly and lower our use of intermediaries like companies or banks."
"Blockchain is part of a creative insurgency. It provides a distribution of intelligence and private rights that has been lost to some extent in the cloud."
"Ethereum testnet burns 88k in eth in preparation for EIP 1559."
"Caspa: Innovative block dag technology promoting scalability, speed, and decentralization."
"Smart contracts automate transactions, reducing human error."
"We're entering the world where everything is regulated by smart contracts, where we don't need intermediaries."
"Bitcoin removes the ability to gain an unfair advantage."
"NFTs have become the calling card of the L1 instead of just a sub-niche community."
"I think it's just the beginning... there will be much more to be integrated with blockchains in the future."
"A decentralized studio that's built the first interoperable blockchain universe."
"But if dot does work and we do get hundreds of parachains or 100 para chains all bridged together by this amazing bridge called polkadot, then it's an unbelievable unbelievable play."
"At the end of the day, the chain that has the fastest TPS and the lowest transaction fees wins."
"There's so many cool ideas to do with NFTs and blockchains."
"Bitcoin Lightning Network is still progressing."
"If you can't get kicked off the Lightning network, you can't get kicked off Sphinx chat."
"Bitcoin transactions are final and cannot be reversed."
"Blockchain gaming is a chance to fundamentally own your in-game assets."
"The fact that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and blockchain is starting to move in the direction in any direction towards helping the gaming ecosystem is massive."
"It's uh something that can easily make people feel much more comfortable building applications on ethereum."
"That's so important and the next layer above that is basically this rough consensus idea."
"So let's talk about Cardano: why it's so exciting, why everyone is talking about it, where the price is going."
"NFTs... the core definition... is just like a data file that has information in it and it's on a blockchain."
"X5 enables actual decentralization by allowing small and mid-cap tokens to finally have a seat at the table."
"Cardano NFTs and Cardano DeFi, I told you guys for a year Cardano DeFi is going to be huge."
"Just look at every other previous project, every other previous blockchain, and then have a realistic view of what you should expect."
"This is the time where alternative ETH killers, other layer one smart contracts chains, are set to absolutely fly."
"Be cautious and understand the true potential of what Cardano could do."
"If we go out six months towards the early next year... we'll probably have a few blockbuster crypto blockchain-based games." - Hauck Lee
"It feels really exciting to be involved in blockchain. It feels like we're at the forefront of something that has at least the potential to transform."
"Cardano will soon have smart contracts and IOHK designed the Marlow development suite to make the process easier than ever."
"I think this is going to be an industrywide Trend over the next year or two that the chains that have tooling and Technology to support it are going to see as big of inflows from Real World assets as they did from the launch of stable coins."
"Ethereum does not have a killer app; it has a killer ecosystem."
"The blockchain will revolutionize trust on a global scale."
"The Kora network will support national currencies as well as electronic currencies."
"When it comes to Ethereum, Polkadot, and now Cardano, they are there to push Ethereum. They're fierce competitors with each other as well."
"I'm actually curious to try this game simply because it's one of the few blockchain MMOs that have been in development for years."
"It's an internet powered by blockchains and it's an internet that wasn't really possible before."
"NFT should have some level of a use case attached to it."
"Crypto is not a casino; the main point was supposed to have decentralized applications."
"Chainlink is critical to the DeFi smart contract space."
"Solana has proven... a very strong community."
"That proof of history clock ticks every 400 milliseconds. I think that's genius."
"But I do think that they're doing all the right moves right now. I do think their ecosystem is growing with DeFi, with NFTs. They have some big players, they have their bridge and they have many other things going for them, such as coin burning."
"Ada Cardano discloses encouraging on-chain stats for September."
"Blockchain will be used on a massive scale, eliminating conspiracies and securing transactions."
"The most important aspect of crypto is the decentralization of it."
"This is the first blockchain to settle a trillion dollars in a year."
"I felt that blockchain tech offers that opportunity for us to do that."
"NFTs are an actual consumer use case for the blockchain."
"Blockchain and the UN's SDGs: the role of blockchain in the United Nations sustainable development goals."
"Fire chain strikes a perfect balance in solving the blockchain trilemma between security, scalability, and decentralization."
"Blockchain's ability to provide a verifiable and transparent record may make it well placed to be central to their innovation."
"The nature of the blockchain, the sort of open ledger."
"My focus is beyond bitcoin, my main focus is smart contract platforms. Think picks and shovels for the cryptoverse."
"Once you put it on the blockchain it ain't no censoring that."
"I think cryptocurrencies and smart Contracting protocols like crypto assets broadly are going to be net good for the world..."
"Algorand is important to the industry. It's going to be the winner in building the backbone for what institutions need."
"ZK technology is the final frontier for blockchain's ultimate scaling."
"Chainlink is a deca-trillion dollar opportunity. There is nothing like it in the space."
"Radix is focused on doing a radically different approach to distributed ledger technology or blockchains."
"If layer ones are a thing, Solana will do very well."
"Once there are applications with smart contracts, that's when crypto takes off."
"Miami was chosen because of its blockchain friendly outlook driven in part by pro-bitcoin mayor Francis Suarez with the support of al Goran circle and other top partners."
"The whole idea of the bitcoin system is to build something that they can't stop."
"Blockchain will give us the ability to not only track where food came from but how it was produced was it produced safely was it produced responsibly is it sustainably grown how many dates of shelf-life are left on that product."
"Parallelism in already lives on salana and has lived on salana for a long time."
"Everything is being driven by NFTs NFTs have showed the world what blockchain adoption can do and how quickly blockchain adoption can actually take place."
"Solana is better than uni swap as in ethereum because it's faster and because it's cheaper and because it's faster and cheaper."
"So let's read this um This Thread from D5 index is a thread on radium the top takes on Salina radium is a decent last exchange built on Solana radium's shared liquidity with serum which is a DEX on Solana allows it to have a centralized order book."
"If Solana stores everything on our weave as much as Solana grows are we full-grown because think about it like if every transaction on Solana is then stored on our weave then the more Solana grows the more we've grows."
"Blockchain disruption is a marathon and you cannot write off very different approaches in this industry."
"If you can issue a credential on a blockchain... that gives it credibility and lifelong immutability."
"Mithril is a long-term play for Cardano inclusive accountability."
"The whole point of blockchain is to enhance the real world and add value to the real world."
"If there's room for a blockchain that can facilitate this, then they can potentially take up quite a large market share."
"Cardano is on the verge of fully unleashing the gogan era with the alonso hard fork they'll bring smart contracts to the sixth largest blockchain"
"My goal right now is to identify the protocols that can genuinely 50x to 100x next cycle."
"Bitcoin is implicated in that, Bitcoin is sort of, you know, key collateral in the system."
"Solana has a very fast blockchain, a big and growing ecosystem, and heavy investment from Alameda Research."
"Blockchain allows transactions with certainty but without trust."
"I think all the drama has actually made ave look pretty good as a decentralized protocol."
"The Solana blockchain, along with Phantom wallet, has a growing number of DApps that let us trade, swap, invest, and hold NFTs."
"Tokens need to move across blockchains, be purchasable in different currencies, and remain updated with key data."
"Supply chain on blockchain: reinventing a $64 trillion industry."
"Blockchain: Making it hard or even impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system."
"The XRP Community Fund aims to boost the adoption and development of the XRP ecosystem."
"Gamification of crypto is the next hyperwave and blockchain games are the first real mega wave."
"Nothing has stopped even for a second my laser focus on what it means to push for the next steps for the Super Farm protocol."
"Solana allows for more innovative NFT projects."
"Proof of stake is 99 more energy efficient than proof-of-work..."
"Block chain is creating infrastructure around trust, and trust between all of us with each other, with nobody in between, not central banks."
"Proof of work is the best consensus algorithm we have."
"Hedera is leading the Enterprise blockchain Wars."
"Building multi-chain is a new necessity for DeFi products... The winning DeFi projects will be those that build experiences connecting as many blockchains as possible."
"Solana... it settles extremely quickly and extremely cheaply... there's a lot of DeFi applications already being built on there and NFTs on there are just blowing up."
"Algorand... it's got a good foundation, it's got good architecture, it's solved a lot of scaling issues... I definitely see Algorand taking foothold this year."
"We're on a mission to make international transactions instant, frictionless, and interoperable."
"That's what we're trying to do with that team, I do think scalability these blockchains is a huge unlock for the next 100 million slash billion people."
"Ethereum wouldn't be viable at this point because of the gas fees for micro transactions itself."
"Ethereum proof of stake is much more ESG friendly, it's 99% more energy efficient now, it's certainly very palatable to some of the pension plans and institutions out there."
"Polygon isn't just a gem; it's a necessary gem in the cryptoverse."
"Crypto and blockchain are making dreams and visions come into reality now."
"I just want what's best for the ecosystem. I want Cardano to be not only a success but a revolutionary product that changes the world."
"Bitcoin is the opposite to that. It's encoded in the blockchain that this is a solution to what central banks are offering which is a digital dollar."
"Once I figured out how powerful NFTs could be and there's actually a data-driven approach to investing or speculating in NFTs, I had to dive right in."
"When OpenSea and NFT marketplace had more transactional volume on-chain than Uniswap, that to me shows that NFTs are here to stay."
"NFTs are the way to attach value to a blockchain and transfer them and to have scarcity and proven ownership."
"Blockchain could be the biggest wealth transfer in a generation or many generations."
"Blockchain is here to stay, it's not going anywhere."
"Cardano is not being built quickly, it's being built correctly."
"Increasing demand and decreasing supply is the promise of erp 1559."
"The UTxO model is not something we invented, it came from Satoshi and Bitcoin."
"There's never been more progress and more ambition and more excitement behind an example project that we have in cardano."
"Steam: Social networking, blogging, DApps. Steam, the hub of decentralized social media."
"Ethereum: The foundation, the backbone of decentralized applications."
"Ethereum is about to become an extremely compelling investment option for traditional investors."
"The average web developer salary is over twice as much as blockchain developers."
"Smart contracts here have the ability to pay for themselves; that is next level."
"Charles Hoskinson believes we're going to live on an internet of blockchains."
"You're going to see blockchain in government systems, and you're going to see government systems running much smoother, faster, and much more inclusive."
"The Cardano blockchain now hosts over half a million unique wallet addresses, with the number growing every hour."
"Now you should start seeing your NFTs show up on OpenSea."
"NFTs are onboarding a massive amount of users, L2s and scaling Solutions are gaining traction."
"Blockchain gaming is revolutionary... with projects like The Sandbox leading the way."
"Chainlink could be massive after this is implemented."
"Ethereum fees soar, driving adoption of Layer 2 solutions."
"Web3 provides a cryptographic guarantee and allows you to create definitive truth."
"Inflation, even just inflation as a paper guarantee, basically reneging on its promises, presents a unique opportunity for the world to switch to a cryptographically guaranteed way of operating."
"The truth machine is actually what I feel most excited about."
"If I am a digital artist, I tie an NFT to my work through a contract. I say owning this NFT is the same as owning this art."
"For the month of January, I had 22,000 pre-staked across 11 nodes."
"We need gonzilla and shrapnel and games and non-custodial wallets."
"Proof-of-work is the first workable solution to the double spending problem at scale."
"Both AI and blockchain in principle should underlie essentially all software and software is increasingly underlying essentially all aspects of human pursuit."
"Chinese president calls for greater blockchain adoption."
"Bitcoin...there can only be 21 million...no more than 21 million ever."
"Switzerland proposes amendments to accommodate blockchain within existing financial laws."
"L1s are the backbone of crypto. Without ones you wouldn't have d5, you couldn't deploy smart contracts, you couldn't deploy dapps, you couldn't deploy games."
"Blockchain would provide these seamless permissioned exchange and visibility of sensitive documentation in a secure environment with the promise of immutability and provenance."
"Blockchain can be used to help people's circumstances."
"The fact that Grayscale is willing to put their money where their mouth is and invest in Chainlink is a big trust signal for the network."
"Blockchain allows us to get rid of the intermediaries, the middleman that we need in order to ensure trust between two transactions."
"Blockchain and crypto will democratize access to the global economy, enabling billions of people who don't have bank accounts to participate."
"Ethereum competitors are good for Ethereum; they take congestion away from the network, which in turn reduces gas fees."
"VeChain's vision is to lower the barrier and enable established businesses with blockchain technology to create value and solve real-world economic problems."
"Cardano's testnet is finally becoming smart contract compatible."
"Mina Protocol is now live on the world's largest exchange, Binance."
"Helium raises 111 million in token sale led by Andreessen Horowitz."
"You can go online and you can, as a matter of fact, go to MIT, Stanford, these blockchain courses and you can just start learning."
"So it's one sacrifice for three chains...if there's a delay in pulse chain launch, you're gonna get all of those three chains."
"The RMA will pilot retail cross-border and wholesale payments use cases for digital Ngultrum in phases using Ripple's sustainable blockchain technology."
"Every move Cardano makes is put through rigorous theoretical testing."
"Our blockchain deeply links into our ecosystem plans just like orbital Shield does and so the blockchain continually evolves as we research and develop our next Generation approaches."
"Bitcoin blockchain works almost like it's alive, it almost self-heals itself and then it's able to evolve."
"Blockchain trademarks are crucial for securing ownership in the evolving internet landscape."
"MoneyGram views its partnership with Stellar as a revolution in the settlement process."
"Cardano is the most decentralized protocol out of the top layer ones."
"Three key Chainlink price metrics signal LINK is gathering strength."
"NFTs booming so much and combining this with oracles is huge."
"The whole thing is built on trust, and it's something called bilateral relationships and contracts with banks around the world. Wow, there's a technology that can replace that trust and that's known as blockchain."
"Ethereum is a very bullish outlook over the next few months fueled by the growing number of Ethereum being locked away for Ethereum 2.0."
"Every single cryptocurrency and blockchain that's legitimate is here to do something."
"We're one industry, the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry."
"Blockchain technology is completely changing how we interact with the internet on a day-to-day basis."
"Ethereum can be a standard for decentralized login."
"We're just about to turn on a lot of the very sophisticated onchain governance components."
"Cardano's trying to solve some of the hardest problems all at once."
"There's other chains for sure, also Solana, check out Solana."
"Security concerns, mergers, and acquisitions in the crypto and blockchain space."
"Cardano ecosystem is actually incredibly strong and I think it's going to lead to huge multipliers."