
Personal Ownership Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Help them own other goals. But when I say own, I mean it has to be your goals; you have to formulate those goals."
"I thought about it and I was like, 'That's mine now.'"
"It's cool to say I own that it's cool to drive by and say are you cool to go to this restaurant is that that doorknob it's cool to say that but I mean like how much of that is really just vanity."
"I've always said I'm not a fan of cancel culture because they've tried to cancel me... Thank god I own myself, cancel cancel culture bro."
"Now I'm a very happy owner of a 1965 Fender Telecaster."
"It's time for you to take ownership. It's time for you to own the fact that you're the reason."
"Your data should belong to you and to no one else, and put this in law."
"Oh my goodness I own the Declaration of Independence."
"Ownership is they can't take that off of me. That's true ownership."
"The land in which you were born belongs to you and your body. It belongs to you, period."
"Take that audition and have ownership of it for you and your own process."
"Mike Pond Smith's response was brutal, precise, and to the fucking point: it's my game, so fuck off."
"It's all about individuals owning their own property rights."
"He's not worried about being politically correct. He owns whatever he does."
"You have to do something that only you can do and that you own or at least own a stake in."
"Fernando Sanchez if you don't hold it you don't own it good look getting your metals back all right."
"What's yours is yours, can't nobody take nothing from you."
"Either way, I think that yeah again if you buy something you should have the right to do basically whatever the [ __ ] you want with it."
"It duplicates what we have below, but the concept is that the owner can enjoy driving his own boat with his wife or significant other on the side."
"It's your station, it's your setup, it's your responsibility, no matter what."
"You don't have to prove anything not a damn thing you believe in your power you're gonna wear it you're gonna own it."
"Feels nice, just like I own this, I made enough money to afford this."
"It's a bit like the whole 'not your keys not your coin' argument."
"My own garden is my own garden," said the giant. "Anyone can understand that."
"You own your health, you own your land, you own your water that you drink."
"This is my newest truck that I own, because I sold my ranger. That being said, I need this thing to be reliable, and right now, it's kind of iffy."
"Bitcoin gives you the ability to own your own money. It's like digital cash. It's yours."
"This is by far the fanciest tool that I may have ever owned."
"I feel very fortunate that my channel just belongs to me, no one else."
"Why would it be kept secret? Because it belongs personally to Putin, not to the state."
"I've always been one, I've always owned everything. I've always said the real things, I've had the digital things, and I like having options of what to go to."
"She's probably one of the rarest animals I've ever owned."
"What's yours is yours, so don't worry about missing opportunities."
"The first Apple product I had that was truly mine."
"Anything that's on you is yours, possession is 9/10 of the law."
"This one's mine, okay, that's CHR, this is OHS, Roxy."
"The American dream is to own your own piece of property and have your own thing and do your own thing."
"I'm happy to own one myself just cuz it's crazy."
"You owned it because it felt nice, you owned that club you owned those troubles."
"They tried to steal something from you, why it was yours, the bigger picture, they weren't seeing it, they just wanted the appearance or the reward instead of you."
"This is different. This is something I want, something that's just mine."
"Even if it sucks, at least it's their own."
"That's what y'all need to learn from us, own your own [__], you know what I'm saying, and live well below your means, Toya."
"Ownership is the most important part for me."
"Memory... that's the only thing that we can claim as our own, that's how we get through life."
"Ownership is important in this day and age."
"I just love the fact that I own the bike, and that if I want to, I can go and ride it."
"You own the NAS yourself, and so I think that's really valuable."
"Not your keys, not your crypto. Take your crypto off exchanges, put them in a wallet, understand how they work."
"Every person is a private, exclusive owner of his own physical body."
"Time is the most important thing a person could own."
"I own Bitcoin because it's a utility, it's a technology, and I want to make sure that I have some of it because it's a tool that I can use to exchange value, plain and simple."
"We have to build inner strength; you have a soul that is yours."
"I have to live my life for me and love myself, and that means that I need to take ownership of who I am and start really living my life in a true authentic way."
"I felt like I'd stepped into myself and took ownership of where I was."
"Everything which is good is ours; that we take from the society."
"The world didn't give it to me, so they can't take it from me."
"I just want something that’s...mine…"