
Fan Interactions Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"I can't even believe it till this day like right now where like people want to take a picture with me."
"Every single fan I've met in real life has been so warmly positive, which makes me think, where are all these hateful people?"
"Every day we do a meet and greet, and we meet fans, and they tell us about a song that might have helped them... that's why I think it's really important what we do."
"The thing that's disappointed me the most out of all the arguments between fans is when I see people... hating and yelling and screaming at young kids for liking the sequels or the High Republic."
"I love meeting all of you guys in the other concerts. That was so cool."
"The largest cult in the world is led by Jared Leto. He's tattooing his followers' bodies."
"Do a paid meet and greet where it's 20 quid and every single fan before they touch you go, let me see that 20."
"He gave every single person a hundred percent of him, listened to every word they said, and had the conversations that the fans wanted to have with him."
"I don't get it, like why does it hurt them? Why, bro, why? You can hate my favorite character, I don't care."
"The answer was the next one, but that's fine. What's the biggest fish you've caught? A bull shark in Florida."
"Streamers' fan bases are so ravenous; it's fun going toe-to-toe with that."
"I put her on my story that was it and she just busted out in tears and her mom was filming I was like yo that's what I do it for bro I do made her day huh exactly man I do it for fans that's like that's the main reason."
"I just want to say first and foremost, I love meeting my fans, the best experience ever."
"I miss the old Markiplier and I'm like, 'What about it do you miss?'"
"But we do wanna acknowledge that the people who are telling us that, we're meeting fans in person, we're seeing tweets like Ear Biscuits, 'I really got into this, I'm a huge fan and this is what, I just love it.'"
"I have females that are fans that come up to me and just find it really entertaining and almost refreshing the honesty."
"Someone wrote, 'I assume you guys are literally soul mates and have the perfect life.' Also, I love you."
"If someone's coming up to you and crying and saying, 'Oh my god, I love your work,' like you're famous."
"I get a lot of comments sometimes where people say that they feel like I'm their friend and that just makes me so happy."
"This stuff really doesn't mean a lot to me. I read all the letters, I open all the packages, so guys, thank you so much for what you do and just watching me and sending me stuff. God, I'm so tired."
"Daydream Barrymore like so so down with AJ Barrymore oh man"
"Embrace it, be excited about it, and just know that you're making that person's day if they're excited to meet you. Downplaying it really is shutting them down, and that's not right."
"Do you know how many people would pay just to have Captain America just say hi and shake their hand?"
"There's always multiple variations where you can literally take Chevy Chase at a private signing, you can get him when he's walking into a restaurant, and then you can get him when he's sitting on an airplane."
"To all the supporters we say thank you, to all the haters especially the haters."
"Tom Brady then gave the fan who returned his 600th touchdown ball a Bitcoin."
"Some people on the last video I posted on this channel were like 'where did you go Drew, I missed you' which is very nice."
"Comicsgate is about fans holding pros accountable, and fans should hold each other accountable." - Ethan
"I'm sad that I lost that fan specifically but at the end of the day I probably gained two more after that, you know?"
"I kind of want to say something to Dom but I don't want to be like a weird fan and Dom came up to us and then was super nice too."
"It's always really awesome meeting people, putting faces to people that you sometimes see posting stuff like on reddit, on Twitter, and all that kind of stuff."
"Now it's we're right back to where we were with with the last Jedi where it's the media and so select celebrities and Lucasfilm staff attacking the fans."
"Meeting fans, meeting great people, that's what I love the most."
"Since I have all the fans and everybody's already irritated with me I appreciate it very very much."
"I love meeting you, it's my favorite thing. I love me and greets, I love giving you hugs, I love hugging, I love hearing your stories."
"This is from Carlin in Ohio, we have something small, a bracelet and an Eeveelutions poster."
"It really warms my heart that many of you do like me."
"The coolest part about my job is seeing you guys in person, seeing the impact that I've had on some of your lives."
"I've got a lot of more people knocking at my door asking for games now and autographs I'm sure."
"We got to see some awesome landmarks we did meet ups with fans live streamed a lot of the trip and it was incredible."
"Meet and greets are so fun I love meeting you guys"
"Have you ever had any insane fan moments? Yeah, when I was in the UK."
"I basically spent my entire weekend meeting you guys and that was amazing."
"It's complete chaos in there and I love seeing all the guys that I enjoyed as a child."
"I remember when we started on Vine and like the first people that would come up to us and recognize us from Vine."
"That would be awesome and I'm honestly down for that like I meet a lot of fans in public that say that so if we can run it up I'm down."
"I've had incidents where people have come to, like, literally my house before. They've cried in front of me, they open up to me about stuff, and I always take time out, you know, to talk to anybody that comes up to me."
"When I saw, I said, 'It's got to be a fan, something happened.'"
"When you can give them that moment, let them ask a couple questions and just connect with them, they take that forever, you know, and I just I value that most of the ones that that I've met or like actual celebrities..."
"I love that I get to spend my time in the comments and at comic cons and events talking to you about Pokémon."
"Selena Gomez says if you can't handle the hate then stop posting pictures of your girlfriend lol it should be special between you two only don't be mad at your fans they love you."
"Huge thank you to everyone, anyone that sent me anything in that fan mail box that has picked up."
"He really should have been asking for an autograph."
"I could deal with a bad movie, but blaming the fans for it pushed me to anger."
"They're just incredible, and honestly, I am very fortunate. I've had beautiful fan interactions. People are very respectful when I'm with my family. But yeah, it's great, you know, you walk down the street, somebody goes, 'Seven, Seven of Nine.' I'll get that one a lot."
"If nothing happens and there's no consequences to this type of action, is the precedent going to be set where fan Wars are going to happen in real life?"
"but in terms of meet and greets I'm super okay with hugs I'm super okay with pictures obviously because that's like the whole point because we get to meet you guys but I do love that you asked I think that's really sweet."
"Most people that come after me are really lovely and are only saying nice things. You can't get annoyed with someone saying nice things to you, even if it's the millionth time you've heard it."
"She really was so sweet and really cared a lot about the people that were coming up to see her."
"Every interaction is a good one. They make you feel welcome into the city, and they make you realize the city has your back."
"I love meeting fans because it's weird that like random people know who I am."
"I love when people come up to me; they're always super sweet and nice."