
Therapy Advocacy Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"In any way possible, try to get that individual into therapy because there are therapeutic models that can help."
"I'm a big advocate for mental health now, and I truly believe in what therapy can offer."
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with seeking professional help if you think you need it talking to someone can be very therapeutic for you."
"I genuinely feel like I need to go get some form of therapy now, and I hope you do too because this has just been a complete mess."
"Therapy is a non-negotiable recommendation from me."
"These videos are not a replacement for therapy. If you need therapy, make sure you get it because you deserve it."
"Everybody should go to therapy whether you think you have a problem or you don't."
"Every couple should be in counseling, every person should be in therapy."
"Never use YouTube, particularly my videos, as a replacement for therapy. If you need therapy, get your own therapist. You deserve it."
"One of my goals in life is to de-stigmatize therapy."
"Go to therapy if you need it. Stop thinking you're better than everyone. And Dad, I'm not just talking to you, Mom, Dad, my brother, my other brother, my sister, my whole family."
"If I had one wish, I wish everybody went to therapy. If I had a million bucks, I'd go to therapy, and I wouldn't even tell you this."
"I think everyone should go to therapy. I think everyone should."
"If somebody who was considering therapy came to you and said I'm considering therapy, what would you say? Do it. Yes, I highly recommend."
"Therapy is like maintenance for your brain. We all need it."
"More than ever, I feel like everybody needs therapy."
"Therapy is amazing, I suggest it to everyone."
"I needed therapy. I didn't know I needed therapy but I did."
"I think therapy is the best thing in the entire world."
"Therapy is something that we all should be in."
"Therapy affordable and accessible for all because we all need extra support to feel our best."
"Here I am today, one year post mental health crisis, and I'm gonna keep doing therapy."
"I want to make sure I'm the best version that I can and therapy and self-development and self-help has been a huge proponent to help me where I am today."
"I would love to take away the taboo around therapy, I genuinely believe that everyone could benefit from it!"
"Depression and suicide...diagnosable disease...therapy does help."
"Therapy? What a godsend. Yes, please, everybody go to therapy."
"Just telling them that stuff's real and it's okay to pursue therapy for it."
"I support therapy. I think everyone should see a therapist."
"She needs to be in some kind of therapy or something if she's not already."
"Therapy is not shade, honey. It's healing, and everyone needs it, especially black folks."
"Therapy could really help, I believe in therapy."
"I love therapy. I'm a huge advocate for therapy."
"Therapy is the most wonderful thing and it's not just for crisis it's not just for when things are really horrible it's a way to process with the help a professional all the different sort of challenges that life has to offer."
"Getting advice of counseling or therapy is not something to shy away from or to be shunned."
"I think everyone should do therapy if they can afford it or have access to it."
"Some of you guys really need therapy. Therapy is for everyone."
"I started seeing a therapist... I think everybody should be in therapy honestly."
"Therapy should have no stigma. No relationship can do well without it."
"Never be ashamed or afraid to go to therapy and to work on yourself and to continue working on the skills that will make you a better human being and also a better partner."
"I think a way that people could just move away from that maybe you know because in the black community is like no therapy nobody preaches therapy or like getting help or like understanding traumas and underlying things like that."
"We need to normalize therapy, and if I can help one person go to therapy, I'm down for it."
"No shame in therapy or help or anything like that."
"We all need therapy, and it's only going to help better you."
"I absolutely love therapy and recommend it to everyone."
"Cheers, everyone should go to therapy at some point in their lives."
"I think everyone should go to therapy, especially men and especially James."
"Taking these drugs or going to a therapist is not for a crazy person; these things exist for a reason."
"As someone who has actively been in therapy for the last few years, I couldn't recommend talking to a professional more."
"I still see a therapist occasionally. I'm a huge advocate of therapy."
"Please seek therapy, everyone. Everyone deserves therapy."
"If you've never been to therapy, I would highly recommend it."
"I recommend therapy, I recommend therapy, I recommend therapy."
"I appreciate the discussion about mental health in this book and therapy."
"I just cannot promote and advocate for going to therapy enough."
"It's okay to go to therapy, it's okay to talk about it."